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To be honest, I'm not really sure what type of answers are expected when posting a new screen where literally nothing is changed but the face sprite. Talking about the writing is fine, and was actually done a few pages before, but it's not like Arch is going to release a script dump here, or random pieces of dialogue.

Actually, never mind. Small gifs of random pieces of dialogue would be pretty cool.

Also, something I always forget to ask: Will Creative Liberties be taken in the next update, or is it for later? I don't remember Arch mentionning those in awhile.

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The portrait doesn't show her eyes, she doesn't have enough lipstick, and most importantly, she's only 16 colors. What were you thinking?!

And if it's Vaida, does that mean they've made advancement in skin care (for the scar)?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is there a guide on how to unlock the tales i didnt get to play Raths and the Generals(i think thats pents gaiden tale, right?)

or aren't they playable in this patch? :O

I don't think there are any actual guides... Most of the information can be gotten by browsing the threads and asking other users.

In your case:

I'm pretty sure that Rath's tale is unlocked by having Prasad talk to Lyn in her Tale, and having him attack the boss at some point.

As for Douglas's tale, make sure to bring Renault in front of the altar in the western part of the map before ending the chapter.

Edited by Miacis
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Okay thanks man i had everyone talk to everyone in Lyns tale but Prasad couldnt attack the boss because Rath instacritted him with his Longbow >.>

I read something about Renault and an altar (and it being wierd or something) but didn't understand it... So thanks again :)

Thank you Kitty I didn't know how to do that.

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Gotta keep up with them localizations.

In other news, I'm working on the fuckin' game again. Life, busy, blah blah, probably won't make my release goal, blah blah, see you in a month (so we can play the same song & dance all over again). Yes I've descended into self-parody get on my level. Game will likely be released at the end of March, until I inevitably, after not getting anything done, delay the release until April. I'm sorry guys. The home stretch is always the roughest, but I'll see if I can't finally wrap things up soon. I still haven't seen anybody car-bombing to remind me to work on this game. I am disappoint.

Edited by Archiblad
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Don't forget about Sigurd and Quan too. I'm fine with another delay, as Awakening is keeping me rather busy. I have to restart the current patch anyway due to computer explosion a month ago. Just take your time.

I can't believe my car bomb failed to go off.

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Gotta keep up with them localizations.

Localizations have a lot of hits and misses. Luckily Legion is a hit IMO.

Quan is unnecessary, since Cuan actually is a real name. Ced, Larcei, and Lewyn are horrid. And Alvis would have been better localized as Albus(hell, I'd take Elvis over Arvis).

However I'm immensely happy for Sigurd, Julia, Julius, Leif, and Ares.

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What's wrong with Brady Quinn?

Also I agree with most of the localizations... sometimes I think they just troll the people who actually know the characters since well, most people haven't actually played FE1-5, and plenty of people haven't played 6, so yeah... >_>;

EDIT: my point being that they don't really gaf about how they localize it and just do what they feel like QQ

Edited by Burning Gravity
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The only localization I have an issue with is Ced, because the tome itself is named Forseti. His name doesn't even make sense now. On the other hand, Ulster is 500x better than Skasahashker.

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Please, please don't start bickering or discussing localization names here. Go make a thread in the proper forum or have a nice group chat, but don't do it here.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Small UI update for y'all. There have been a lot of questions about the gaiden requirements, so I've gone and added a system for finding those in-game.


Surprised I didn't think of this like...a year ago. It's pretty simple. The gaiden character icons appear after you've completed the main tale (Merlinus shows up after you beat Tale 1, regardless of whether you unlocked 1x). If you unlocked the tale, good for you, go play. If not, you'll be able to get the definitive requirements from the grayed-out unit on the Tale Select screen.

That's...all I've got for now :P:.

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