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Elibean Nights


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it just goes you show that you can't please everyone

It's a shame that the unsatisfied voices always scream the loudest. Makes it difficult to see past the hypercritical atmosphere sometimes.

Sorry for getting pissy, guys. This shit's just getting old at this point.

Edited by Arch
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What FE game ROM will I need to work this?

I'm thinking of starting up playing Elibian Nights on my phone at school (during lunch/when I finish my work)


Sorry for getting pissy, guys. This shit's just getting old at this point.

Who can blame you? Godspeed in getting this across the line - you and your team have done fantastic work.

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Why does Canas have Nergal's animation? :B

Also, this is a FE7 hack, so you need FE7.

Umm, Canas has the Druid animations, not the Dark Druid animations

Pent appears to have the Necromancer animations

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Umm, Canas has the Druid animations, not the Dark Druid animations

Pent appears to have the Necromancer animations

Play the tale and find out ;):.


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I'll get around to it when I charge my phone

And... it's a .RAR file. DANGIT!

Are you doing all this on your phone? It shouldn't be hard to find a .rar unzipper and a ROM patcher on the Play Store.
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If you know your suggestions are bad, then why do you insist on making them? I appreciate the good intentions, I really do, but just stop already. Obviously your presence in this topic hasn't been helpful in the slightest, and I don't need the assist.

You wanna go on about real life criticism and accomplishments? It's the lamest card in the deck to play, but fine, we'll play it. I've worked for congressmen, bud. Get off your high horse there. Pride is fine, but 100x the tolerance? Pfffft. Try spending a summer developing education reform proposals, that's a real minefield of criticism with actual implications for the world in which we live. Weren't you just saying something about assumptions? They just make an ass out of you and me; mostly you, I'm just along for the ride at this point.

Whenever someone calls you out on your behavior, you just deflect it and carry on acting exactly the same way. I honestly am quite hard pressed to believe, based on your behavior on these forums, that there's any actual substance to what you're saying. It sounds like someone's talking out of their ass, and it smells like farts in here. I'd show more respect if you'd shown yourself to be respectable, but that simply is not the case. You don't get to just show up in my topic, derail it with these stupid suggestions, and then get angry for the lack of respect shown to you. True respect is earned, not given. I try to be courteous, but my patience is obviously worn thin by the cacophony of nonsense you've wrought.

lol yeah I was just trying to calm you down so you wouldn't keep making in idiot out of yourself by losing your shit at absolutely nothing like a god damn child. You're somehow running a project for God's sake, you should be over complaining about other people suggesting and criticizing what you do. If you can't handle it then I don't know why you are publicizing it. Sorry but unless you provide substantial proof for working for congress I can not possibly fathom how someone of your character and qualities (someone who bitches about having to work on something to the people he's making it for no less) could possibly be hired to work for congressman, it's genuinely laughable. I wasn't assuming anything about you before, only that the amount of criticism you receive on here is petty and near non existent to real life, I said nothing about what you do in real life I was only referencing this forum compared to reality.

Oh and it's cute that you're using the rhyme my mom used to tell me when I was like 7, "assuming makes an ass of you and an ass of me" you're so original. Oh my behavior? What behavior? You mean standing up for myself in a forum completely rampant with ass holes who throw a fit about new people who aren't experienced in this particular hobby, because yes that's what this is, it's a fucking hobby. Whenever someone calls YOU out on your attitude you try and hide behind your possy of ass kissers and your trivial internet "fame" that is about as obscure as your obscure knock off of this obscure game. I don't give a single fuck what you've done on this forum or in real life, the only thing I see and care about is your shitty attitude about everything and your lack of decency, appreciation towards fans, and your laughable "I'm better than you because I happened to have made a hack" try going up to someone in real life and tell them that. You won't get respect you dumb ass you'll get laughed at because that's reality. I'm sorry I compromised your little din here where you feel like you're accepted and have the power to shun all negative attitudes toward your opinions but life isn't like that.

This place most closely reminds me of the laughable "cool kids" in high school and it's hilarious and pathetic that you think you're better than me or anyone else for that matter for hacking a fucking ROM when 99.99999999999% of America has never heard the word "ROM" in their entire life XD, but oh if real life is the topic of choice now then I'm sorry you weren't accepted as a child in school by others and you need this "fame" now to compensate for your loss and I'm sorry to burst your bubble bitch but you aren't even remotely popular on the internet as a whole. I will gladly respect you when you've done something to truly show you're a stand up guy with proper manners because the respect you show your fans should be infinitely more important than the respect they show for you. I was polite about every suggestion I made yet you were acting like I had abducted your family and was threatening to kill them unless you complied.

Hahaha courteous? You have been everything but courteous you lying sack of wasted life. And yes the Raven portrait you're using looks like shit and your childish hatred of Nayr caused you to miss out on a much better portrait that would've improved a much needed aspect of your game. I don't need the respect of some random douche bags on a forum to feel good about myself Arch and that's the difference between us. You need your cute little possy of nerds and dicks on here and I'm just here for a quick stay to laugh at people at you.

Oh I almost forgot...what was it that you said in your bright stroke of maturity? Oh yeah, "get rekt kid" hahaha I almost cried when I read that.

Edited by RennacIsUnderrated
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I don't have to "prove" anything to you, because you're honestly just some scrub wasting my time. Yup, it's a hobby. One that I enjoy when people aren't wasting my time with "holier than thou" nonsense and spamming my thread telling me how to conduct myself, writing essays about how much of a dick I am. All the effort it took you to write that barrage of petty unsubstantiated bullshit? Coulda been better spent actually learning how to hack or doing something productive.

Whenever someone calls YOU out on your attitude you try and hide behind your possy of ass kissers and your trivial internet "fame" that is about as obscure as your obscure knock off of this obscure game. I don't give a single fuck what you've done on this forum or in real life, the only thing I see and care about is your shitty attitude about everything and your lack of decency, appreciation towards fans, and your laughable "I'm better than you because I happened to have made a hack" try going up to someone in real life and tell them that.

Ya know, the people talking about how worthless others are usually are the ones with self-worth issues. I could give two shits about eFame, and I could honestly give two shits about you. Just because you roll up in here and offer your two cents doesn't mean I have to appreciate it. The few pennies you've got are worthless to me.

I'd like to think that making a hack makes me more qualified to discuss the process behind making a hack, yes. Does that apply in real life? Not really. But this ain't real life, bud. This is the internet. Who the fuck cares? I've been "blowing up" all day in the hope that you'll just fucking go away already. But no, just keep making a total joke out of yourself instead. I'm looking forward to "the 50 theses on why Arch is a dickwad."

Hahaha courteous? You have been everything but courteous you lying sack of wasted life. And yes the Raven portrait you're using looks like shit and your childish hatred of Nayr caused you to miss out on a much better portrait that would've improved a much needed aspect of your game. I don't need the respect of some random douche bags on a forum to feel good about myself Arch and that's the difference between us. You need your cute little possy of nerds and dicks on here and I'm just here for a quick stay to laugh at people at you.

It's hilarious how you go from "they both look great" to "Nayr's is obviously better and you're awful for not taking it" at the drop of a hat. Please, get the fuck out of my thread and stop wasting my time. Edited by Arch
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[whining about Arch]

Okay, now you're just threatening him. All of your suggestions didn't seem "polite" to me, but more like mocking his very authority. You were practically begging him to put you in the hack's credits whether he liked it or not.

I could call in a mod to take you away, if that's what you're asking for.

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@portraits: Nayr would not allow Arch to use his portraits regardless. Wouldn't you know it, this project was originally a collaboration between Arch and Nayr before a fallout led Nayr to ragequit and take his sprites with him; "childish hatred", as you call it, has nothing to do with it (or, rather, it isn't arch who's indulging his hatred here)

@romhacking irl:

im actually obama irl

fite me

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Sorry modteam, I didn't see eclipse post before I hit reply otherwise I wouldn't have.

He PM'd me, and I'm done entertaining this crap.

EDIT: Took down the PM screen because yeah, it was a dick move. But seriously? It's like he just don't know when to quit.

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Gotcha, Arch.


1. That post has ALREADY been brought to my attention, you guys can lay off of the Report link.

2. You're free to report things in PM, too (this goes for everyone). Standard rules and the like apply.

3. This is the Elibian Nights topic, not the drama pad. In other words, back to responding to the topic, not the guy derailing it!

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Speaking of sprites, was there ever a full list of credits for those involved? Their work is excellent.

As well as anyone else who has generally contributed such high quality work on this, of course.

Edited by Tryhard
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Speaking of sprites, was there ever a full list of credits for those involved? Their work is excellent.

As well as anyone else who has generally contributed such high quality work on this, of course.

The credits sequence rolls in the prologue (unskippable, even). I've been making sure it's all accurate ahead of the release, and the artists attributed to each portrait can be found on the master sheet.

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The credits sequence rolls in the prologue (unskippable, even). I've been making sure it's all accurate ahead of the release, and the artists attributed to each portrait can be found on the master sheet.

Ah, my memory might be shot since it has been a while since I've played. Waiting in anticipation for this release.

Those sheets are always well done.

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