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Elibean Nights


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Technically speaking I ninja'd Iridium but k

Isn't a Paladin, Hero, Bishop, Magic Seal, Druid, Dark Druid, or Sage. Swordmaster, Halberdier, Summoner, Valkyrie, MK, and GK were just guessed, so it's rather futile to guess them, so I guess even though I think it's one of thoseI'll guess Nomadic Trooper.

Arch I see what you did there, you're a funny guy

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i'm going to skip all the guessing bullshit and blackmail arch into giving me an advance copy because i have asm that i've neglected to give him

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SInce the 7 are confirmed, I'm gonne guess with Tactician. It isn't a gender-locked class and there was supposed to be a tale with the Tactician. I think this is the one.

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I wanted to guess Wall, but that's not a class, unfortunately. (I wonder if you could do playable Walls that can only move on walls? Like the Piperunners in Advance Wars Dual Strike.)

Magic Seal was a character-unique class for Kishuna, so I'll go and guess the class Bramimond, only renamed for that OC. :P:

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With the revelation of a new gaiden (Kent's Tale, in case you haven't noticed), I figured now might be a nice time to dust off the ol' "ideas" folder and share some abandoned gaiden concepts. At the height of development, plans were drafted to give every tale a gaiden (sans the two-part tales and the finale, of course). The article summarizes plans for follow-ups to Hector's, Karel's and Zealot's tales.

I hope you enjoy the read!

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I'll just say this: someone was right. You'll find out when I reveal the character as the chapter's development advances.


Until then, enjoy this screenshot of an NPC Ranger. This is really all the progress I've made on 2xb today. Yes, I totally imported the class for this one NPC.

I'd also like to confirm that the answer to the class question is not Ranger.

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With the revelation of a new gaiden (Kent's Tale, in case you haven't noticed), I figured now might be a nice time to dust off the ol' "ideas" folder and share some abandoned gaiden concepts. At the height of development, plans were drafted to give every tale a gaiden (sans the two-part tales and the finale, of course). The article summarizes plans for follow-ups to Hector's, Karel's and Zealot's tales.

I hope you enjoy the read!

Those are actually some pretty nice ideas.

Though with Guy's tale, giving the player alternating control between characters seems a little weird. Probably would have been better to let the player choose a side at the beginning of the fight(sorta like the Xenologue from FE Awakening where you recruit Yarne and choose which mercenary's to support during their scuffle)

Anything with a young Astohl would be awesome. My sprite of him is definitely one of my favorites.

As for Sykes, I never got around to playing Zealot's tale. So I can't really comment on him. Though my opinion of Illia's lifestyle can be described by an old story idea I mentioned to you before. Illia is right next to Sacae, a beautiful non-tundra with a lot of free space and tribals who get a lot of flak from bandits. Rather than till their own frozen ground for crops that'll probably never grow, they should just loan their mercenaries out to the tribes in exchange for importing crops, or be allowed to use some of Sacae's grounds for farming of their own.

I will say you should reconsider your abandonment of these tales. Since you're set on making EN as awesome as possible and have vastly expanded from the original idea I pitched to you, you might as well include every good story you can think of.

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I will say you should reconsider your abandonment of these tales. Since you're set on making EN as awesome as possible and have vastly expanded from the original idea I pitched to you, you might as well include every good story you can think of.

There comes a point where I just have to stop. As a product, I feel it's close to complete. Anything I'd be adding would just bloat the game with more chapters. The longer the project goes on the less inspired I'll be to work on it, and slowly the quality of the work will likely go down (if I didn't begin trying to outsource it completely).

Basically, I feel like I've reached a good cut-off point. I've still got quite a few ideas, but I'll just be sharing those on the blog for whoever's interested in seeing such things.

Hell, maybe someday someone will do an "expanded volume" of Elibian Nights that draws upon those ideas. Who knows? All I know is that it's time for me to finish this project.

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Goddamn. I've been working on this all day. I'd peg it at about 40% complete right now (when I started this morning, it was like 5%). Of note we have our map, which is of Caelin (there's some Ch15 in there, as well as a bit of Ch10). We've also got our villain, Hervor. More on her later, I suppose.

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Goddamn. I've been working on this all day. I'd peg it at about 40% complete right now (when I started this morning, it was like 5%). Of note we have our map, which is of Caelin (there's some Ch15 in there, as well as a bit of Ch10). We've also got our villain, Hervor. More on her later, I suppose.

Wild Guess: She's Lundgren's long lost daughter/granddaughter who desires to take Caelin from Lyn and Kent and avenge him?

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