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Which 3ds do you own shadowofchaos? just wondering

Awakening special 3DS is a regular 3DS only and the Ice White 3DS I have has a capture card, and that's only compatible with regular 3DSs.

I don't see a point in getting a Japanese 3DS XL. At least, anyone who I know here who got a Japanese console for Awakening has a Japanese 3DS XL.


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...Have you actually played the earlier Akaneia games? Manakete's aren't true, full-on shapeshifters. Those human forms? That's pretty much the default form for them now, far more so than the draconic one. Nono couldn't decide to oneday change to looking like an old lady for kicks. They sealed their draconic powers more than three thousand years before the time of Awakening, to prevent themselves from all going insane. Well, except for the Earth Dragons, who now are genuinely insane.

Nono even states that using a Dragonstone excessively is bad for a Manakete's body. Take away a manakete's Dragonstone, and you've got a human who ages slowly. That's it. If you want proof, then the fact that they can produce fertile offspring is proof enough.

And that's not neccesarillyl true. Sophia is around a hundred years old and is painfully well-mannered and mature. Chalk it up to personal differences.

No, their default forms are the dragon forms. Just because they sealed their true form and powers doesn't change that the human form they've taken up is just an illusion and isn't a real representation of who they really are.

They can only produce offspring because WoG says so. Doesn't change that they shouldn't be able to since they're really dragons first and humans aren't even their real forms.

We aren't eve given an accurate age for either though if Nono is older than acts like that and prefers being a Loli than I fear for all of the dragon race. at least the females since for some reason, Japanese logic long aged race almost always have cool looking adult men and young/immature women when in their false/human form.

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No, their default forms are the dragon forms. Just because they sealed their true form and powers doesn't change that the human form they've taken up is just an illusion and isn't a real representation of who they really are.

Their "original" forms were the dragon ones, but that's pretty much in the past now. Ever since the creation of the dragon stones, they can't maintain those forms by themselves and even with Dragon Stones keeping those forms seems to be tiring and not something they can do all the time. Also, don't forget that the younger Manaketes, like Nono, have been born after all that, so, since their birth, their "main" form has been the human one. They've never lived through the times where they could actually live as dragons.

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No, their default forms are the dragon forms. Just because they sealed their true form and powers doesn't change that the human form they've taken up is just an illusion and isn't a real representation of who they really are.

They can only produce offspring because WoG says so. Doesn't change that they shouldn't be able to since they're really dragons first and humans aren't even their real forms.

We aren't eve given an accurate age for either though if Nono is older than acts like that and prefers being a Loli than I fear for all of the dragon race. at least the females since for some reason, Japanese logic long aged race almost always have cool looking adult men and young/immature women when in their false/human form.

Except that's wrong. Your whole argument is: 'Word of God and everything I've seen is wrong and my opinion based on nothing whatsoever is right.' Virtually every form of manakete across all the games has produced children with humans. You've got Ninian, Nils, Sophia, Nn, Mark and if you count laguz, Soren. These are all fairly plot important characters. The only setting with no half-manaketes at all is Magvel, as Jugdral, Gaiden and Akaneia are confirmed to take place on the same world. It's not just some arbitrary fanservice on IS's behalf. It's a biological fact that manaketes are close enough to humans to produce fertile offspring with them. And genetically, that means that they are very close.

Maybe they weren't in the past, when they were actual dragons, but that's just that. The past. The human form is the default form now, for every manakete tribe except the Earth Dragons. Who, it must be stated again, are now all either insane, evil or both.

And Nono is around thousand years old, I believe. And even with that incredible lifespan she was born in human form. The idea of having the dragon form as her base form is ludicrous to her. It wouldn't even be possible, judging by her comments, Tiki's comments and a basic knowledge of the lore. And I still don't think you get this. Nono doesn't prefer looking like a child, just like Tiki didn't. That's just what they look like. She can't change that apperance, except by aging naturally.

As for their age... Most of the dragon girls we've seen are no more than a thousand years old. With the slow aging process of manaketes, that makes them appear to physically be around ages 8-12. In comparison, the relatively few male manakete's we've seen are quite old. Myrrh's father fought against the Demon King almost a thousand years ago and was implied to have been guiding the Hero's in their quest, which suggests that he wasn;t young even then. Bantu was assigned to guard and protect Tiki, Naga's daughter, which again suggests that he was a mature and respected member of the Dragon people.

Tiki's an example of the fact that they do age naturally beyond their youthful forms, given enough time.

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No it isn't wrong. The dragons are dragons, their human forms aren't their real forms. They have very little in common with humans other than that they can turn into a human form if they're intelligent enough with the baser Dragons lacking that ability entirely. Their mating is because it's following game/anime logic despite the fact that it shouldn't work since they're entirely two different species and when they do mate the Dragons aren't even mating with humans in their real form. That and Dragon young come out far differently than human young which further complicates thing. That and the whole reptile thing vs mammal thing.

Just because they can mate with humans doesn't change that their human form isn't their real form. Especially when only the most intelligent(Nono lucked out since intelligence she very severely lacks) of Dragons can even go human form to mate with humans anyway.

They didn't evolve into humans, they're still dragons. Human form is still a false form but they've gotten used to it hence why they prefer that form over their true form which can't so easily blend in with the dominant society which is the human one. Doesn't make them any less Dragon or any more human. Besides, the intelligent ones that prefer their true dragon form in the past could still mate with humans while their less intelligent relatives and kin lacked that ability because it isn't natural for their kind.

That still doesn't excuse n_n who ages much more slowly due to being Half-Dragon meaning that though she has been alive for such and such years she's actually much younger than that due to the slow aging that comes with being a Dragon. She literally doesn't have the thousand + years excuse that Nono has to justify her loliness not being pedobait.

That was uncalled for E. If you have nothing better to say than I suggest you close your mouth and go twiddle your thumbs in a corner like a good little child.

Yeah, I especially like how hes said WoG isn't cannon. Best thing I've heard all day XD

I mean, seriously, if the game itself/creator of the series said they could, and then you say it isn't canon, what is?

Yet another that refuses to read before posting I see. I never said WoG wasn't canon(It's canon, not cannon. There, the more you know. You're welcome), I said they can only mate with human because WoG says so despite the fact that they're just overgrown animals/beasts that have nothing in common with humans other than the most intelligent dragons getting a human form.

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Yet another that refuses to read before posting I see. I never said WoG wasn't canon(It's canon, not cannon. There, the more you know. You're welcome), I said they can only mate with human because WoG says so despite the fact that they're just overgrown animals/beasts that have nothing in common with humans other than the most intelligent dragons getting a human form.

Well, now you're just stating the obvious.They can have kids! That doesn't make sense. But yet they can!I mean, it's not like there are other things in this series that don't make sense, or anything. This series has always been perfectly scientific fact.

What is your point? You are disagreeing(Well, disliking) with canon, and it's already been proven true. So there is literally no reason to be talking about this.

Wait. What does this have to do with DLC, again? We get the next preview this Wednesday, right the last bonds map, the hotsprings?

Are they going to announce more DLC? isn't the hotsprings the last one? Or do we still have a grandmaster map left?

So if we are getting more DLC I wonder what it'll be?

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I wouldn't have to state the obvious if you got the message the first time around.Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

Again with you putting words in my mouth. I never disagreed with canon since what I'm explaining is literally what the canon is. Their human form was never their true form and for most Dragons it isn't even a form they can access because it's unnatural and is only open to the most intelligent and/or powerful of dragons. Which means only a minority can even mate with humans anyway. Which is also why Half-Dragons are extremely rare as well even when there were tons of dragons everywhere at one point.

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They can only produce offspring because WoG says so. Doesn't change that they shouldn't be able to since they're really dragons first and humans aren't even their real forms.

Okay. Doesn't them reproducing disprove your whole 'dragons are still their original form despite being in this state since forever' anyway?

Come on guys,DLC ;-;

Hotsprings. So, Wood and Lucina, right? Wonder if they'll make more swimsuit classes instead of just sorcerer >.>

Ride a horse/dragon/peg/gryphon in a bathing suit lD

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Their human form was never their true form and for most Dragons it isn't even a form they can access because it's unnatural and is only open to the most intelligent and/or powerful of dragons. Which means only a minority can even mate with humans anyway.



excluding the generic ass fire dragon from FE7, every named "dragon" in the series has been able to take on human form. In fact the only "dragons" that are really in the series are in FE9 and 10, and dheginsea, kurthnaga, gareth, nasir, and ena can all change to a human form. Every other dragon is a manakete, who need dragonstones to even become dragons.

Yet another that refuses to read before posting I see.

Yeah? So do you. A good number of people have told you how wrong you are but you blindly continue to think you're right without even providing sources for what you claim. You're either an idiot or a troll. You show me where in FE the game says that every manakete -- Chiki, Bantu, Nagi, Fa, Ninian, Nils, Myrrh -- was originally a dragon and the human form is just some fake thing they choose to stick in. Go ahead, I'll wait.

Come on guys,DLC ;-;


I knooooooooow ; ~ ;

but morons get under my skin so easilyyyyy

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Not true, most dragons you've met had no human form and were overly hostile/feral/dumb. Only the intelligent ones have been shown with a human form and when they do gather together they barely made up one secret village in the desert in comparison to the times of the Dragon where they were numerous and didn't have the human form ability.

Oh, you want to go strawman, huh? Well why don't you go and provide info that says their dragon form was never their real/natural form and that they're really just humans and never were dragons all along. I'll wait.wink.gif

False, I do read what I reply to.cool.gif

Another uncalled for comment. Not surprised, you have a habit of spewing out insults when you're wrong.gee_wiz_emoticon.gif It's okay, I understand that it's a defensive mechanism of yours to cope.

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False, I do read what I reply to.cool.gif

Another uncalled for comment. Not surprised, you have a habit of spewing out insults when you're wrong.gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

Then where's my source? If you read everything you'd have noticed I asked you for one. Your word isn't worth shit.

And what comment? It's just the truth, as I see it. If you're allowed to blindly think you're right, why not me?

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That's a good question, where 'is' your source?

The difference between you and me is that unlike you I'm an adult and can control myself thus I don't need to spout out insults or throw fits like you.cool.gif

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That's a good question, where 'is' your source?

The difference between you and me is that unlike you I'm an adult and can control myself thus I don't need to spout out insults or throw fits like you.cool.gif

Okay, kid, whatever you want to tell yourself to feel better. If you were an adult, you'd realize that you're also spouting insults. But I guess the troll mentality is just too strong to avoid, huh?

Oh, you want to go strawman, huh? Well why don't you go and provide info that says their dragon form was never their real/natural form and that they're really just humans and never were dragons all along. I'll wait.

How is it a strawman? I asked you to back up your argument. If you won't, then I have no reason to believe you. Likewise, you have no reason to believe me, but unlike you, I don't care if people don't believe me.

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If it weren't for the fact that he was a troll, this could be an interesting conversation on the series. :C

I mean, the idea of cross-breeding wasn't actually introduced until FE6, after Kaga left. Was that his intention with the manakete? Or did he think they were exclusive species?

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If it weren't for the fact that he was a troll, this could be an interesting conversation on the series. :C

I mean, the idea of cross-breeding wasn't actually introduced until FE6, after kaga left. Was that his intention with the manakete? Or did he think they were exclusive species?

I know :C

And who knows? Maybe they were supposed to be some mutually exclusive groups until the designers went "hey we can probably get more people to play this if we let them fuck people who can become dragons."

always a selling point, I'm sure ;D

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So you say when you're the one that comes in out of nowhere and calls me a moron because you don't agree with what I'm saying. Hypocrite much?NewYearsEmoticon.gif

Well, well. You're offly greedy. It's only proper that you, who isn't even a part of the conversation, at least back up your own points before asking anything of others.cool.gif

Since you don't care for anything why should I care enough to prove anything to such a rude individual as yourself? If you don't even care enough to back your own opinion than I see no need to even take you seriously or respond to such requests that are only meant to divert attention away from the fact that you have nothing that proves contrary to or even supports what I or Onestep has said.

Seriously, there's no point in discussing anything with someone that doesn't believe what they're saying. Educate yourself, expand your vocabulary, and grow a backbone first than you may start talking like you can walk the walk even if you can't.

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And who knows? Maybe they were supposed to be some mutually exclusive groups until the designers went "hey we can probably get more people to play this if we let them fuck people who can become dragons."

always a selling point, I'm sure ;D

Dying. lolololololol.gif

Freaking. Dying.

Remember guys, her name is "Nono" for a reason. She's obviously a member of the FBI.

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I know :C

And who knows? Maybe they were supposed to be some mutually exclusive groups until the designers went "hey we can probably get more people to play this if we let them fuck people who can become dragons."

always a selling point, I'm sure ;D

It's Dragons that can become people not the other way around. They're Dragons first, humans are just an additional form only the most intelligent dragons can become.

Oh what's that? You're about to spout "You're wrong!"? Well, you're more than free to try and prove me wrong than if you disagree.laugh.gif

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Dying. lolololololol.gif

Freaking. Dying.

Remember guys, her name is "Nono" for a reason. She's obviously a member of the FBI.


XD that is very true. But yeah.

Well, even if it wasn't intended originally, the first games didn't exactly say it was impossible. And Tiki did like Marth... :P

Did she actually like him like that, or was that just Chainy trolling him?

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XD that is very true. But yeah.

Well, even if it wasn't intended originally, the first games didn't exactly say it was impossible. And Tiki did like Marth... :P

No she didn't., she considered Marth her older brother. There was never any more to it than that. Dragon lovin didn't start in FE initially, it was added later because it was discovered that long lived races means that they can use it as an excuse for Loli's and pedobait without raising any flags.gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

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