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The second batch of DLC

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Here's the list of character talks from the 2ch wiki. MU seems to only have conversations with the Top 4 kids. I think Lucina's yukata conversation is up somewhere too. It seems that the children dye their hair before their CG pops up, from what Anna says. (It's why this Anna had blue hair.) So I'm guessing each child has only one CG for the one hair colour.

Sairi, Anna, Basilio and Flavia seem to be included with the Spotpass group. AnnaxFlavia, BasilioxValhart, and TikixInverse sort of stand out as interesting choices.

Wait, so does MU have different conversation types with those characters? As in one for being the parent of the child, another for being opposite gender to them and not a parent (Non-lover status), one for being the same gender but not a parent and another one for if you're the opposite gender to them, not a parent and S supported them (Lover status)?

It'd be great if IS accounted for that many variations.

Edited by Onestep
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I'll suppose I'll have to content myself with this until the Spotpass character conversations become available :/

[spoiler=Lucina Yukata CG Dialogue]Lucina: This was the place they just told us about...I think. Is there anyone here...?

Salesperson/Anna: Ah, welcome! Please come over here! Congratulations to the top finishers in the child generation popularity poll! Of all those women, weren't you first place?

Lucina: Ehh!? Me, rating like that...It, it feels kind of like I'm being pompous. But, for that...Thank you.

Anna: Ufufu, really, congratulations. I'll ask you to wear a yukata, since that's your prize. Also, I ask one more thing of you! You seem especially fresh(innocent?), don't you think?

Lucina: ...?

Anna: Well anyway, just go in! I'll be in to help you get dressed in a moment!

Lucina: Oh, alright. Thanks in advance.

Anna: A special yukata, huh. I'd do anything for one of my own...Huh? Over there's...

Anna: Alright, Let's get you dressed! What would look good on you... ...?? Lucina, what are you doing with that?

Lucina: I like...this yukata.

Anna: That...Er, you couldn't mean, Krom's Naga mark-patterned one!? Bu-but that design's a little...

Lucina: No it isn't! It's pretty...! I've decided on this one!

Anna: Is, is that so...? If you say so. Do you want a women's yukata with the same pattern?

Lucina: Yes please!

Anna: Got it, stand here, then.

Lucina: Alright...! ............ ............ Waa...! I knew it would be beautiful! Thank you so much!

Anna: It, it was my pleasure to be able to assist you...Finally, let's dye your hair!

Lucina: Do what...to my hair?

Anna: Yeah. As I thought, when you're wearing it, it'd be best for your hair to be the same color as the sparkling night sky!! I used to have the same red color as my other sisters, but the magic drug made me stand out, especially in a yukata. So, let's make your hair the same as mine.

Lucina: I see...I suppose there's no harm in trying it once. Besides, I do think your hair color is lovely.

Anna: Oh, why thank you. Please let me give you this drug.

Lucina: !! It's a little cold...It's make me feel all tingly, or something...

Anna: You'll look better, so endure it a little longer, okay? Please wait while it changes your hair color. ...There, all done!

Lucina: A-amazing...! This is me...!?

Anna: You're very lovely, Lucina. Let's go out, then!

Lucina: Ho-how is it...? The same yukata as Father...does it suit me?

Anna: Yeah, I think you give off a really great feeling! The way I see it, the pattern makes you look utterly adorable. I knew you'd look good in a yukata.

Lucina: Ufufu, you saying that makes me happy. Sorry about demanding to wear this yukata. ...But, I already need to change back into my clothes, if that's alright.

Anna: Ehh, you already have change back? Since I went to so much trouble to make you look becoming, let's enjoy it a little longer.

Lucina: No, I can't, because everyone else is fighting. Because of that...I have to hurry and help restore peace. My apologies to you...

Anna: To me? Why...?

Lucina: Because...Those monsters showed up because we came. So, I'm going to bring the fight to them...!

Anna: ............ ...Fufu.

Lucina: Is, is something funny?

Anna: It's just that you're such a good girl. I'm happy you all came here, even if those monsters wouldn't have shown up. By chance, are you eager to go out? You don't have to apologize if you are. Having a strong sense of responsibility is good, but can't you take a breather once in a while? Like, right now?

Lucina: ...! Certainly, I could..You let me try this wonderful yukata and hair color, and it was really fun. Really...thank you very much.

Anna: No problem, I had fun too. Alright, let's get you changed.

Lucina: Yes...!

Anna: Thanks for coming, Lucina. Even your hair is back to its original color.

Lucina: Eh? Ah...It really is...! It returned almost instantly, huh?

Anna: Yep. 'Cause the one I used on you can be removed quickly. But if you wish, I can always redye it...

Lucina: No, this one means a lot to me...

Anna: Alright, if that's what you think. It pains me to say it, but you really do look best with that color. You and your father's lovely blue hair. (So why didn't you put that color in her CG?)

Lucina: ...Thank you very much. Well then, I'm going to join the fight. Umm...When we're finished, could I come see the yukatas again...?

Anna: Of course. I'd love it if you came again. Whenever you feel inclined, I'll be waiting with this unique pattern.

Edited by Miscellany
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It's time for the one-sided conversation character Emelina! Both Krom and Liz's conversations have been posted. No Gangrel yet.









(and something about Wood)

And about that Onnamono thing, I believe it's literally supposed to be women's clothing. I think the yukata Lucina chose was supposed to be Krom's. My Japanese isn't too good, so I can't tell whether Anna's asking if she would rather have a different yukata made for women, or whether she's asking about getting Krom's design for a women's yukata.

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Anna: Alright, if that's what you think. It pains me to say it, but you really do look best with that color. You and your father's lovely blue hair. (So why didn't you put that color in her CG?)

I assume she forces the other kids to use the dye in a similar way, right? They probably wanted to keep Anna consistently annoying.

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It's time for the one-sided conversation character Emelina! Both Krom and Liz's conversations have been posted. No Gangrel yet.









(and something about Wood)

And about that Onnamono thing, I believe it's literally supposed to be women's clothing. I think the yukata Lucina chose was supposed to be Krom's. My Japanese isn't too good, so I can't tell whether Anna's asking if she would rather have a different yukata made for women, or whether she's asking about getting Krom's design for a women's yukata.

I'll fix it when I have a stable internet connection.

I love how you already know that I want to read Gangrel's.

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Cool, did not expect.

Could this be the DLC we've all been looking for?

The new series translates as "Path of a Grandmaster" (or "path to be" would be more accurate), some short summaries with plenty of info missing:

4 "Ultimate Training" maps, placing your team in new and pressing scenarios. I see some enemies with stats reaching the 70s with the halving damage Skill amongst other nasty tools.

3 "Otherworld Resort" maps, featuring over 200 new conversations and includes new music

"Future of Despair" is in development and seems to follow the children characters in the future timeline. I'm not really sure on the details since they don't say much that I understand ^^;;;

Well its good nintendo are getting all the dlc for the overseas release if they translate the book the money made from that will make nintendo's bank account sky rocket

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UT4 is out!

There's a new character, featured on the icon, but I'm not sure who she is. She's got purple hair; that's all I can see from here. But we'll just have to find out who she really is the hard way, won't we?

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Looking at NM, all the enemies have capped stats already. Round 1 only has seven enemies: five Generals and two Battle Clerics. The six generics are like the Battle Cleric we saw: their modifiers go up to +10, and they have Vengeance, Evil Dragon scale, a Lunatic+ skill, and some fourth class skill. One of the Generals is the first boss, with somewhat higher stats:













Lance A, Axe A

Silver Lance++

Movement +1, Defense Cry, Vengeance, Evil Dragon Scale, Great Shield

I'll post progress as I begin and move through the map. I should also point out that the map allows for fielding 20 units, like LvD F.

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There's a reward character for beating it right? Right? >_>

There's a character who appears on the map's icon, just as every other UT map and every single Talisman map did with the redesigned character who joined. So yes, it's a safe bet that there is. I just don't yet know who she is.

Although it appears that I must now vanish for the time being. I'll bring news when I get back home, tonight or tomorrow.

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Looking at NM, all the enemies have capped stats already. Round 1 only has seven enemies: five Generals and two Battle Clerics. The six generics are like the Battle Cleric we saw: their modifiers go up to +10, and they have Vengeance, Evil Dragon scale, a Lunatic+ skill, and some fourth class skill. One of the Generals is the first boss, with somewhat higher stats:













Lance A, Axe A

Silver Lance++

Movement +1, Defense Cry, Vengeance, Evil Dragon Scale, Great Shield

I'll post progress as I begin and move through the map. I should also point out that the map allows for fielding 20 units, like LvD F.

THAT is NM stats? Just looking at those numbers makes me shudder. Idk if I'm even going to buy this map, if it comes stateside. Honestly, those look more like Lunatic Mode stats. I guess that's what MAX difficulty refers to, scary.blink.gif

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