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Ema Skye

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Final 21/111

I swear I reloaded more on this map than on the others combined. Turn 3 Edda, turn 5 Dozel (could maybe possibly have made 4 turns if I'd been smart about using Rescue, but I'm really not inclined to go and redo the chapter.) Turn 10 Freege after Patty fails at the Arena several times, so that Celice has a clear shot at the boss instead of being walled in by nutcases. In order of warping to Freege: turn 11, Lynn; turn 12, Corple; turn 13, Nanna; turn 14, Delmud. Turn 15 is Johalva who promptly gets himself slept and killed...what, he was useless anyway! And I wanted to break the monotony a little. Seriously. I think I used 50-odd reloads figuring out what worked and what didn't, this chapter. And a few more for carelessness.

Anyway, uh...the pegasus bunch chased Celice all the way up to Velthomer, where Celice 1-rounded Manfroy, then recruited Julia next turn. (The pegasus bunch targets Celice over Julia, thankfully.) She clears the Arena. Narga's pretty good for that. Also bought the random Magic ring I had in shop. Meanwhile Corple, Delmud and Nanna have been cleaning up the Dark Warlords. Mostly Corple. He still gets up in time to rescue Julia and save me a few turns of walking. Celice baits Julius so he'll hit him instead of targeting Lynn with Meteor. AI too good, he comes nowhere near killing Celice and Celice does really good chip damage on both PP and EP.

Possible turn savers: 1 turn at Dozel maybe; unknown number of turns by killing Julius with Celice instead of going through the whole Julia thing.

That makes it a 222 turn clear. That's actually really rather good, you can thank Horace for that. Character analyses up next time.

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Only mildly difficult >.<

The perfectionist in me wants to take all this new information and redo Gen 2 for absolute minimum turncount. The engineer in me points out that that's a patently ridiculous idea and I really wouldn't want to do it anyway.

I also checked in the DTE thread, stats thread and hall of fame. It is no surprise to me that Horace has the #1 and #2 spots (208 and 209) far blowing everyone else out of the water. #3 (217) is apparently yours, though a tag-team involving Horace has matched that, and it looks like we did tie Shin. You need to update your hall of fame, by the way, that or let it die a graceful death.

[spoiler=the relevant records in question]Draft ZQW #29864

*General Horace: (Sylvia, Leen, Corple), (Fury, Fee, Sety), Levin, Noish, Dew, Femina, Tristan, Claude, Radney, Amid = 221 turns clear

More Geneology #31915

General Horace: (Aideen, Lester, Lana), (Fury, Sety, Fee), Laylea, Fin, Claude, Azel, Linda, Sharlow, Roddleban, Asaello = 208 turns clear

It feels like we're starting to hit the floor on LTC runs. Though the whole Leg Ring on lords thing is probably going to throw a wrench into that.

Yeah, I promised character analyses, sorry, they'll come out soon.

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I also checked in the DTE thread, stats thread and hall of fame. It is no surprise to me that Horace has the #1 and #2 spots (208 and 209) far blowing everyone else out of the water. #3 (217) is apparently yours, though a tag-team involving Horace has matched that, and it looks like we did tie Shin. You need to update your hall of fame, by the way, that or let it die a graceful death.

i'm not updating it anymore because of a little snafu and me suddenly noticing that some rulesets have free gaidens and some are optional and some are forced and i don't have the patience to check it all

as fro the FE4 records right now I think it's

Horace - 208

Horace - 209

Me & horace/integ - 217

Horace - 221

You & Shin - 222

i want to say that shin's not on there any more but i think i'm just gonna let it die

also i don't think we're ever breaking 200 turns

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General Horace: Lachesis, Levin, Claude, Ardan, Sylvia, Midir, Alec, = 111 turns clear

feat: Kiriane: Nanna, Delmud, Leen, Corple, Linda, Daisy, Johalva = 111 turns clear


Yes, but dancer warp hardly explains how he got 9 turn Yied on C7...all the routes I had Celice try were 10 turns and anyway there are what, two routes total? He beat me by FIVE TURNS on that chapter. I'm thinking one at Yied, quite possibly one each for Melgen and Alster troops thanks to Resire Julia, and two for having warp to cut the post-Darna time? Which is okay except I really have no clue how he did Yied.

Resire doesn't actually save turns, but it makes ch 7 requirements (Oifaye to Melgen, Lana + Aless to Darna) much more reliable, and make it easy to promote Julia.

Leg Ring not on Lords is actually a really good idea and it might be in the GRs.

It isn't. Get to it, you lazy bugger.

although i think you'd need rescue lana + leaf + laylea which i don't think has ever happened so...


(Ethlin, Leaf, Altenna), (Aideen, Lana, Lester), Lex, Cuan, Dew, Levin, Claude, Laylea, Aless, Hawk

One of these days I'll get three scrubs together to help make it happen.

Edited by Baldrick
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Resire doesn't actually save turns, but it makes ch 7 requirements (Oifaye to Melgen, Lana + Aless to Darna) much more reliable, and make it easy to promote Julia.

Which was my point anyway. Celice had to help with the Melgen and Alster clean-ups, might have cost me a turn each or something. I dunno really.

EDIT: how sure are you that that's the actual best team, does a flier save you a turn in C10 by luring Palmark, doesn't Hawk cost a turn to recruit? (Though there might not be a way around that, if you need a restore staffer for Freege.)

Edited by Kiriane
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hawk costs a turn that i'm not 100% sure he makes up but warp might end up doing something

i'd probably dump lex for femina though

she saves a few turns by luring palmark a bit closer yeah

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That depends how much you value his Gen 2 performance, doesn't it? Sure makes C7 easier.

As for Warp: all you actually need is one to warp and one to get warped so he can use Rescue...right? Between Leaf and Lana you already have that. Lana would even probably have enough res to avoid sleep.

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sometimes having two warpers is nice

the return staff/ring is really cool as well

but you're right hawk is probably obsolete with rana

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hawk costs a turn that i'm not 100% sure he makes up but warp might end up doing something

i'd probably dump lex for femina though

she saves a few turns by luring palmark a bit closer yeah

Altenna can do that. But on second thought, her res is crap, so maybe Femina in for Hawk.

also fin is way better than lex

edit: im of the thought that he's better than cuan as well but im reletively alone in that regard

I'm inclined to agree with you actually, since I forgot Hero Axe costs turns.

Cuan can move with Sigurd in ch. 1, protects the paladins better in ch. 2, and can be sacrificed to Eltoshan in ch. 3.

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There was that one guy, can't remember which one, who recruited Altenna without losing turns. If we can reliably reproduce that, remember that Femina's res is not actually that much better than Altenna's, and Altenna has a ton more HP. It's Fee who has the decent res.

[spoiler=We interrupt this programme to bring you the character analyses]

In order of kills:

Celice, making my life difficult since C6 - 175 kills

This one seemed to have it in for me. But it's not like Celice can actually be all that bad, right? Props to Sigurd for setting him up with the Hero sword, though. Inventory: Tyrfing, (Hero sword in storage), Leg, Barrier, Power, Skill, Speed, Shield rings. A bit of bias might have been involved there, yeah.

Delmud, mounted member of the scrub squad - 54 kills

One kill per Player Phase when he had a Hero sword. Otherwise, a Charisma-bot. Works for me. I think he killed Altenna too.

Oifaye, wielder of the hero lance - 46 kills

Also one kill per Player Phase, often even before he got the Hero lance. Took out a few on EP too. Tanked for C6 and C7 back when Delmud wasn't dodging anything at all. Useful stuff, effectiveness fell off when staffers got into the picture.

Nanna, six different kinds of awesome - 37 kills

How much do I love you? Let me count the ways. Return staff. Relive staff. Charisma. Sigurd sword/Hero sword. Horse. Sibling criticals. Oh, and Horace for giving her the Return ring.

Corple has a weapon too, you know - 31 kills

Killed the Buriansquad, Ishtar and two of the three pegasi in Final, besides 10 of the Dark Warlords (the other two were in Celice's way). And Rescue. Glorious Rescue.

Johalva, quite sad really - 15 kills

Chip damage for the Scrub Squad. Got good after he got bows, right before he got obsolete thanks to Warp+Rescue, and was instrumental in luring up Hannibal without killing the poor guy.

Linda, warper extraordinaire - 12 kills

Had Warp. Warp is good.

Yuria, general waste of space - 2 kills

The only useful thing she ever did was heal for that one Scrub Squad fight in C8. An argument could be made that that wasn't actually useful either, because I could've just returned Nanna and done exactly the same except with a properly combat-capable unit. Killing Yurius doesn't count because Celice could've done that just fine and much easier too.

Lynn, the dancer - 0 kills

Saved turns!

Daisy, not completely useless - 0 kills

She did, hmm, two things. Get Lynn enough money for the Knight ring, and lose repeatedly in the Arena until certain things happened in certain ways.

And yes, Return is awesome.

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How does one not spawn Altenna? She comes out on what, turn 2. I'm aware that they don't attack base Shanan, but that would have made recruiting Hannibal a tad difficult. Killing her, though, is ludicrously easy.

Edited by Kiriane
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I don't pay attention to the dragonsquads. Meh. Let me go look it up.

EDIT: nope, that was Horace and he did a 15 turn C9 clear. Not happening. Femina it is then. On a side note, how does one reach Freege in 3 turns from Dozel? With dancer warp leg ring Celice I got there in 5 and that was after RNG abusing so the barons would let him through.

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