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NFL 2012-2013 Season


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@Raven: You act surprised. Ravens are good, and the Raiders are complete shit. Flacco finally had a good game too. I really wish they'd use Rice more he's fun to watch and a top 5 RB.

Means I should probably watch more games these days instead of doing other stuff on sunday T_T

i dunno man though, getting killed by the texans really didnt do much for my confidence for them

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Hahaha! I totally called that Giants game! How can is Coughlin supposed to play the 'nobody believes in us' card if they don't lose some games and need to come from behind and peak in the playoffs like they always do? I really wasn't surprised.

And I wish the Steelers backs would fucking get healthy already. I've had Mendenhall sitting on my bench since his single game when he first returned. I'm expecting good things when he finally returns. I'm tired of hanging onto both Dwyer AND Redman as handcuffs. The O-line basically guarantees a productive night from their RBs.

That Lions loss today was tough to watch. Once again, there were two or three key plays that if we'd completed, we'd have one easily. I feel like the season is lost already. I blame Megatron for going on the cover and invoking the Madden curse. Goddammit.

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OMFG, I'm laughing my ass off right now!

The Steeler game is about to start, but they replayed a play from one of the other games on TV and the dude that recovered this fumble got his pants pulled down by accident and you could see his BUTT CRACK. LOL! XD

Did anyone else see that? That is just OMFG lol!

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10-10 right now.

...Really? I mean, I'm glad the Steelers aren't LOSING, but I thought they'd be mopping the floor with the Chiefs. I can see that it's hard to keep the ball because it's wet and rainy, but still.

Even so, the team is pulling itself together. Wallace made such an UNBELIEVABLE catch in the endzone! I'm like "shoot, that's gonna be imcomp--WAIT HE CAUGHT THAT SHIT?! HOLY CRAP!" lol

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That Wallace catch was pretty dope. Chiefs really want this win obviously, but the Steelers are just a better team right now. It shouldn't be this close once the third quarter gets underway.

EDIT: Okay...Big Ben's gone so this might be a lot closer than I thought

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Steelers escaped with a win tonight, but the Chiefs really fucked them over with the loss of Ben. Hopefully he won't be out more than a few weeks. Not much I hate more than a worthless team with no shot at anything, putting up that much fight and getting a contender injured. I mean, I could see if it was someone in their division at least, but seriously, fuck the chiefs, I hope Cassel gets another concussion.

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Few weeks? They play the RAVENS next week, Ben's gotta come back then! If not, the team stands no chance, even if Polamalu comes back. The defense plays really well, but it won't mean much if the offense can't get the points to get them ahead.

Also, I've noticed that the Chiefs are dickheads. Taunting with the ball? Big group celebration in the endzone that causes them to get penalized? (I can see why you're not allowed to celebrate too much) Yeah, they deserved to lose.

EDIT: Another thing, this must've been a cursed week for quarterbacks, because four starters are hurt now. Michael Vick, Jay Cutler, Alex Smith, and most recently, Big Ben. Funny thing is, all but Ben have concussions. Ben's injury is his shoulder. lol

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Well unless it was his non throwing shoulder, I doubt he'll be back by next week, especially with the shorter week. Hopefully Mendenhall is back next week and can pick up some of the slack on offense. The Ravens defense hasn't exactly been good with the loss of Ray Lewis and Webb.

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Damn it, it WAS his throwing shoulder that got hurt. He's a righty, isn't he? And it was his right one that he quit moving after that play.

If Ben can't come back next week, I'm still going to be rather worried, no matter who's injured on the Ravens' side (unless Flacco was hurt as well, of course, which he obviously isn't).

Still, I agree, fuck the Chiefs. First the Titans knock out some of our key offensive players for awhile, now the Chiefs take Ben out of the picture. How long is this going to go on?! ;_;

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Cassel did make a pretty dope comeback during the last minutes of the game, only to screw up during OT and throw the pick to Timmons. I loled pretty hard because he totally ruined the moment. Steelers are gonna have to rely a lot more on the run game and defense without their star QB though, which means low scoring games. If their running game doesn't succeed and causes a lot of 3 and outs, they're gonna get blown out. Especially against a Ravens team coming off a 55 point week.

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The only thing to hope for is that Flacco tries to throw a bunch of deep balls again, after so much success against Oakland and gives up at least one pick-6. Somehow I doubt the Ravens won't take their hated rivals seriously though. Well at least you've got Cam Cameron doing his best to fuck over the offense, so there's always that

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Well, the Steelers DID beat the Giants without some key players. Now they have to prove that they can do well without Ben. In fact, they have before, in the season where Ben was suspended for four weeks. They won just about every game when Dixon, and later Batch, stepped in. But they better make Batch dress in case Leftwich gets hurt too.

I'd prefer to keep Leftwich though. Batch is good at avoiding tackles and extending plays (though not quite as well as Ben, obviously), but Leftwich has one hell of a throwing arm and that o-line seems to be doing decently enough to give him the time he needs to make a play. Plus, Batch can't throw for crap. And we need good, deep throws if we're to use Wallace the right way.

We need Brown back too. And Mendenhall. I hope they can both return for the game against the Ravens.

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The Bills are so frustrating. They should be 5-4 or 6-3 and leading the division, but no. They are 3-6 and they need to go 6-1 to even have a chance to make the playoffs.

I think they CAN win out their remaining schedule, but I know they wont. C.J. Spiller is averaging 2 yards more per rush than the next highest RB in the NFL but for some reason Chan Gailey wont feed him the ball more...

With that being said, Im glad Fred Jackson is out for Thursday nights game. Spiller should have a big game.

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I have been frustrated with Stafford this entire game. Even that touchdown was because the Packers muffed (another) interception. This reminds me of Thanksgiving last year. The defense did their job in the first half, but Stafford forgot there was a game. So after holding the high scoring offense of the Packers down, the offense does not do anything, the defense got frustrated and started doing stupid things, like stomping on legs.

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Oh, Ben is likely only going to be out for three games, and Mendenhall is coming back for the game against the Ravens today! They say the Steelers will probably still be dangerous against them too, even without Ben. Still no Brown, Polamalu, or DeCastro though. Blarg.

But, at least we don't have as many injured players as earlier in the season, I suppose. I believe the Steelers can win this though. They defeated the Giants despite being battered, having two crap calls against them, and Suisham's fake field goal fail. They can knock out those purple birds too.

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Yeah, that's the most likely scenario. But anything can happen. Nobody expected Steelers vs Chiefs to be as close as it was, for example. This mainly happened due to those damn Chiefs knocking Ben out of the game. Flacco could get hurt, Rice could get hurt, or the Steelers could lose more players to injuries as well. I'd rather neither team have to lose players to injuries, though, so it can be a good game to see between evenly matched teams.

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