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Help me turn my girlfriend into a gamer.


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Nancy Drew PC ones okayshutup some of them are good.,

If you're gonna tell me some of a group of things is good, you should at least have the courtesy to tell me which things! That way I can try them!

I don't know why you would want someone to like Devil Summoner, and I'm not sure that Fire Emblem is a great place to "start" someone. Phoenix Wright seems like it might be likable for someone who isn't that into games though.

I also think that people who don't game much tend to like Portal a lot.

Christ, we're not experimenting with bondage, or anything (à la 50 Shades of ohgodwhyamibringingthisup). They're just games. @_@

tbh though Gilbert Gottfried reading 50 Shades of Grey is basically more accessible than most video games. If not all video games. And probably even less offensive.

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Have fun with the beatings afterwards.


Just give her a game and ask her to play it. The worst she could do is say she doesn't like it...

Then you try a different game ;D

Like sex

I also think that people who don't game much tend to like Portal a lot.

Personally, I find Portal a bit overrated, but eh. It's lying around in my Steam account. I'll give it a go.

tbh though Gilbert Gottfried reading 50 Shades of Grey is basically more accessible than most video games. If not all video games. And probably even less offensive.


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Here's the plan... Look deeply into her eyes and say "I am the master, and you will obey me!" (Just like my avatar and quote I have on the side there) At this point she should be hypnotized and you can tell her she's a gamer. Problem solved.

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Silly Roxas.

Real Advice (or not?): I actually kind of got my not!gamer cousin girl who attends some top reputation school to try some games. She's still pretty much a casual gamer who only plays cute things, but still. Also, for most girls I know, they like games with female protagonists. *shrug*

It slightly depends what she likes, if she likes Anime at all (I doubt it, considering if she did, she'd probably like most of the games you like [DeSu<3]), then you can lure her to games with Anime graphics, if not, cute games still work, I'm sure. Then you can gradually wean her in on games you like. When I say cute games, I guess I mean something like... the Atelier series, in this case, probably Atelier Annie, since it's on the DS, coughcough. Or hell, even Harvest Moon -- girl's side, of course (qq so casual Rune Factory's way better). Even like Recettear on Steam would appeal.

Best of luck, Roxas.

edit: i can't english fixed spelling mistakes lol

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^ I choose a male if (1) the male is clearly cooler than the female, (2) if I choose the female they force me to be the staff chick/mage and not a cool warrior, (3) character designs lol.

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uh in my meager experience getting girls to game

my little sis enjoyed P3P's FeMC mode a lot. First real JRPG she ever played and it's a good gateway drug game that leads to dat hardcore shit many other genres.

But there is no real key to getting a -girl- to game. It's just a matter of figuring out her tastes and accommodating them just like you would if you were trying to get someone into an equally varied hobby. For all you know she'll beat Thracia in a night, call it casual and start playing competitive starcraft or something

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^ I choose a male if (1) the male is clearly cooler than the female, (2) if I choose the female they force me to be the staff chick/mage and not a cool warrior, (3) character designs lol.

Heehee yes the male most definitely has to look cool enough x3

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What Konnor said. Devilishly smart you say? She'll probably like them logic stuff then= FIRE EMBLEM! Then again its pretty much you doing your homework and findign out the right stuff.

I know this girl who really likes horror games and killing. Oh dear. o.O

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Also, for most girls I know, they like games with female protagonists. *shrug*

It's funny, but in games with mute protagonists, I tend to like the female protags more than the male, just because the male designs will tend to be bland, IMO, even if the female designs are sometimes rather wonky. Well, I dunno if this is actually true outside of emerald.

Both Male!Shep and Female!Shep are wonderful in their own ways despite having more or less identical dialogue.

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Silly Roxas.

Real Advice (or not?): I actually kind of got my not!gamer cousin girl who attends some top reputation school to try some games. She's still pretty much a casual gamer who only plays cute things, but still. Also, for most girls I know, they like games with female protagonists. *shrug*

It slightly depends what she likes, if she likes Anime at all (I doubt it, considering if she did, she'd probably like most of the games you like [DeSu<3]), then you can lure her to games with Anime graphics, if not, cute games still work, I'm sure. Then you can gradually wean her in on games you like. When I say cute games, I guess I mean something like... the Atelier series, in this case, probably Atelier Annie, since it's on the DS, coughcough. Or hell, even Harvest Moon -- girl's side, of course (qq so casual Rune Factory's way better). Even like Recettear on Steam would appeal.

Best of luck, Roxas.

edit: i can't english fixed spelling mistakes lol

Likes playing girls ---> give her Fe10. By the time she realizes Micaiah is making lots of wrong moves she'll be captivated by Ike.

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(no doubt late on many of these points)


Try to get her something relatively current, forcing somebody into an older game with no nostalgia factor at all is more of a crapshoot, unless you're really sure you have something that'll fit their tastes or it's really accessible. I recommend the most recent

it's really pretty/has a fairly strong narrative/is very forgiving/not too difficult. Persona's a pretty strong candidate too, or Civilization, or even fe, and if you think it'd grab her then go on ahead and show it to her, but try to put yourself in her shoes, whatever you do- think "if I never held a controller before, would this be overwhelming?"

If you can find something related to her interests, something she knows about more than you do, you can make it a learning experience for both of you. Play the field etc

Be careful with co-op, she may inevitably compare her performance with yours. This can in some cases be a motivator, but it can also push home how much of a gap there is in your abilities (obviously an unfair one given your different levels of experience, but it can be hard to rationalize for the person feeling like they're coming up short). Of course if she doesn't give a fuck and just wants to play something with you, right on.

And of course being encouraging helps. No matter what you do, make sure she's having fun, which will make it way easier on both of you. Don't be afraid to stop or take a break if it's ever like pulling teeth. Avoid ever taking control from her as much as you can help it, especially if she doesn't ask for it- we all needed to sort ourselves out at some point playing games, and it's actually kind of a shitty thing to do to deny somebody the chance (as my brother and sister did to my mom :B)


Have fun, as is ever our prime directive.

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Kiiinda, it can be really complicated for a first-timer if you want to GET ALL THE THINGS, beat the hardest levels and actually understand how fusion works and shit, but the basics of the battle system reward you for doing relatively simple things- use enemy's weakness, knock them down, get paid, and the game takes pains to make sure you know how (and it kinda reminds you a lot, too). It's just that if you don't care about weaknesses and auto-attack everything like one might in a really simple RPG, on normal or above you're going to get reamed soon enough, so you need either enough persona to cover your elemental bases or to fuse one that's strong enough to keep yourself in the demon arms race and handle status effects, or preferably both.

Social links at their core are really pretty simple too, and you're not especially penalized for not exploiting them to their fullest potential, you just get stronger by talking to the people you want to be friends with. Its really strong presentation is half the reason I'd suggest it, though maybe not as the very first choice, and probably on easy.

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