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FE4 Hard Mode

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Some might know of my hard mode patch that increases the difficulty and balances some things out (Fire and axes are not complete garbage for example). I am revisiting it and would like any input from anyone who played it (Not a lot, but some have). If you haven't played it, tell me some things you think would make the game harder. Currently the patch is basically...

Classes a a little more balanced.

Weapons are a little more balanced.

Holy blood bonuses are halved.

Holy weapon stat bonuses are halved.

Enemies generally have higher levels and promoted ones are more common.

Holy bosses (Ishtar, Langobalt, Alvis, etc.) are more powerful.

Player skills and classes have been changed a little to match the heritage system (This applies to enemies as well).

Every weapon has pursuit for double attacking, but critical is still a skill (Due to luck not lowering it).

More I am forgetting.

Changes I am making next version...

Charisma won't be as abundant.

1st generation growths increased slightly because I hate the level ups where nothing increases.

To offset the above, enemy relative growth has increased from 30% to 40%.

To help with the above, certain "super hard" enemies will have their level lowered so the stats balance out.

Weapon stats are being changed *slightly*.

Probably some more I am forgetting.

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I'm on the last chapter and there are many things I enjoy. I thought the special guest star in chapter 9 was a great addition. The Alvis battle is what I imagined the Alvis battle to originally be. I like the changes to Hannibal and the axe brothers too. Of course other things too.

As it seems you are aware I think too many people have charisma. I'm not sure if you planned this but the hero weapons still have 50 uses. Also not sure if this is for balance issues but the elite ring is 30000 in this and in the original its 40000. I guess my question is why the change in prices?

If I think of more I'll add them.

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I want to try it out, but I have no idea where it is.

Either way, I hope you didn't make Blume any stronger. He was already a pain. >:

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The hero weapons were still 50 because their uses get eaten up like no tomorrow, but in my next edit the price of them is 20,000G sound fair? Glad you liked the Hannibal change as well, always wished there was a playable character like that (A surprise hopefully). As for the axe brothers, I felt they should have both been "knight" classes, someone of royal heritage (Bridget doesn't count as she didn't know) being a bandit class was kind of meh (If curious, Johan is a Axe Knight while Johalva is an Axe Armor).

My only issue is I have no idea how to change characters hair color, I can change the palette, but for example, I couldn't make Sigurd have red hair unless I changed the "blue" palette which would effect everyone with blue hair. So Johalva's sprite is a little F'ed up palette wise.

The elite ring was lowered since people who need it suck in the arena meaning they well likely have less gold, unless a lover or thief gives it to them obviously. 30,000G is still pricy, so I figured it was alright.

And Blume is stronger, but not unbeatable. I personally had more of an issue with the mage sisters prior to him. Thor's Hammer normally looks like...

Damage: 30

Hit: 90

Weight: 10

Bonus: Skill +20 Speed +10

Mine is...

Damage: 32

Hit: 70

Weight: 5 (*Most* weapons have reduced rate in general)

Bonus: Skill +10 Speed +5

Also each holy weapon has a special effect, Thor's Hammer has critical added to it.

Tyrfing: Prayer

Mistoltin: Critical

Balmunk: x2 Attack

Gaibolg: Life/Renewal

Gungnir: HP Steal (Changing to x2 attack next patch)

Swanchika: Uncounterable

Ichival: Life/Renewal

Fala Flame: Uncounterable

Thor's Hammer: Critical

Holsety: x2 Attack

Narga: Negate Loptous Effect

Loptous: Half Damage

A few other changes.

The Loptous Bloodline (Alvis, Diadora, Celice, Julius, Julia) is going to have continue instead of ambush. I figured this because Julia wouldn't have the OP ambush/wrath, and it's doubtful you would bother attacking Alvis and Julius without someone with awareness anyway (Save a select few who shall remain nameless currently).

Only priests and high priests have charisma as a class skill now (And some enemy-only ones), only Lachesis and her children have it for a personal skill, still undecided if Laylea will have it. Which means you would have 3 for generation one (Eden, Claude, Lachesis) and potentially 4/5 for generation two (Nanna, Delmud, Corpule/Sharlow, Rana/Mana, and if I add it, Laylea if you kill off Sylvia in part 1).

Also Celice's blood is hard-coded so I can't give him weak Loptous from his mother I'll add a cheat with patch notes to give him his Baldo*, Narga, Loptous and the player can choose to use it or not (Lopt blood gives I think +15% magic defense in my patch). Otherwise, many other characters have "correct" blood, so Julia has Loptous, Ishtar has Fala, Julius has Narga, etc.

Edited by Camus The Dark Knight
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Pretty sure the fact that Celice doesn't have a drop of Loptos blood in him is intentional, not a mistake.

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Did you just make Holsety even more OP'd?

All the hero effect is, is a 100% continue rate. All of the Holsety users have continue, so basically now it's a 100% double instead of the 65% or so normally. Plus it's a little weaker, gives only half bonuses, has far fewer uses, and is pitted against stronger enemies. I don't think it's more OP.

Giving Critical to enemy weapons does not make the game harder, just more luck based.

The only enemy exclusive weapon with critical is Thor's Hammer, all of the other ones are no different from your weapons. And that makes you think carefully on how to approach enemies with it.

~For all the holy blood questions...

I believe the game devs wanted it to appear that way (2 bloods max), but if you screw around with the game to give the parents extra blood then they will pass it down as you might expect. If I gave Cuan and Ethlin...

Ethlin: Baldo*, Dain, Holsety, Tordo, and Fala*

Cuan: Noba*, Narga, Tordo, Hezul*, and Loptous

Althenna would look like: Baldo, Dain, Noba*, Holsety, Tordo*, Fala, Hezul*, Narga, and Loptous

Leaf would look like: Baldo*, Dain, Noba, Holsety, Tordo*, Fala*, Hezul, Narga, and Loptous

That's how the blood works, the reason Celice is hard-coded is because of that, they didn't want him having 3 types (And seriously, would you choose Narga or Loptous blood to give the main hero?). My patch shows blood as if it were their heritage not the "bred-out" system in the normal game.

~Any further questions are welcome.

Edited by Camus The Dark Knight
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Another thing, it's not normally possible for a normal parent to have 2 types of holy blood. So even if the game adds all the holy blood together for the children, it may not be intentional.

The fact that Celice, who has a parent with 2 holy blood, gets exceptional treatment suggests the normal blood inheritance isn't supposed to apply for these cases.

But anyway, it's all down to interpretation of the game system and story really and this hack *is* your own interpretation, so you can always do what you want : P

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Well, yeah, they inherit it as normal, but story-wise I think it really is 2 max.

I recall reading somewhere that there were no rules really to inheritance.

I had a little try at this. It's more cruel than difficult. Those warriors can blitz most of your units and Wrath on so many enemies really is pretty annoying. There's a fine line between difficulty and cruelty.

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Although I haven't played FE4, I kind of view the "holy blood" being passed down in a biological way. Assuming that in the case of parents who have both Major and Minor Blood (like Diadora), I'd assume that the "Major" blood has more priority of being passed down.

So Sigurd, who only has Major Baldo, would pass down that Baldo blood no matter what. Diadora only passes down one of her bloods, and because Narga is the Major blood, it gets passed down before Lopt.

As for why Diadora only passes down one blood type ... well, let's look at human blood typo - the ABO system. Let's say your mother has type A and your father has type AB. Let's say that your mother's blood genotype is AO (AB is always AB). Your mother and your father only pass down one of A or O, or A or B ... right? They don't pass down both at once.

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I recall reading somewhere that there were no rules really to inheritance.

I had a little try at this. It's more cruel than difficult. Those warriors can blitz most of your units and Wrath on so many enemies really is pretty annoying. There's a fine line between difficulty and cruelty.

I just did the prologue (Doing another play through to check out my edits and adjust accordingly) and I didn't have that much trouble with it >.< although there is a few ways to handle it, you can always have Sigurd weaken them, Alec weaken them more (He has awareness so Wrath is negated) and then they should be low enough for most anyone to finish off. You will have to play around certain characters skills to succeed, skills are not just an "added bonus" like on the normal game.

I didn't use save states, so it's definitely possible to do it. I'm at chapter 1 now and have started working on it again.

Regardless, most of the holy blood edits are for enemies, I think Celice and Julia are the only one effected by my system, and because Celice* is hard-coded, it's normal meaning the cheat is optional. If enough people have an issue I can change it, but it would only effect Julius and Julia, one of which isn't playable... The following changes are...

Ishtar has Tordo* + Fala (Fala from Hilda)

Ishtor has Tordo + Fala (Fala from Hilda)

Julius has Loptous* + Fala + Narga (Fala from Alvis, Narga from Diadora)

Scorpio has Ulir (This was an error in the normal game)

Hilda (Final Chapter) has Fala instead of Dain* (This was an error in the normal game)

Celice has Baldo* + Narga + Loptous (Optional)

Julia has Narga* + Fala (From Alvis) + Loptous (From Diadora)

Currently my "system" is rather basic...

Parent passes on their major blood to the dominant child, any other blood will be passed down, so...

~Alvis has a child with Aida. Cyas gets his major Fala blood and minor Loptous. Note Cyas isn't in my hack, just using him for the example.

~Alvis has twins with Diadora. Like most of the pairings, Julia gets the blood from his mother and Julius gets it from his father. Julia gets her major Narga blood from her mother and gets weak Fala blood from her father. She also gets weak Loptous blood because she already has a dominant blood type.

~Julius is not capable of receiving the major Fala blood because Cyas already stole it, and he only can get minor Narga from his mother because Alvis is the dominant parent from him, so he gets the Loptous blood from both causing him to create major Loptous.

I think you get the idea : /

Everything else is the same as normal.

Actually here are some changes recently...

The warriors (Including the bosses) all got a nerf in the prologue, although they will still be a formidable enemy and are not to be taken lightly. Kinbois and Gandolf got considerable nerfs, but even then they can still be rage inducing.

I'm thinking of swapping ambush and awareness with Alec and Arden so Arden is a viable tank and a serious consideration for a father (As nobody ever picks him over Lex), thoughts on this?

The difficulty I won't lie is probably a little easier now, seeing as I got some nice feedback, but fear not, it's still considerably harder then the normal game.

I am reevaluating a few parts difficulty as I would rather this be more fun then save state abuse, but I also feel it should be frustrating on some parts.

When I am done, I will create a quick second patch with some quick changes to make the game sadistic for the select few who enjoy that kind of cruelty.

Edited by Camus The Dark Knight
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It bugged the crap out of me Hilda had Dain blood in the last chapter.

Is it hard to patch? Because there are small details I would love to fix without drastically changing the game.

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It bugged the crap out of me Hilda had Dain blood in the last chapter.

Is it hard to patch? Because there are small details I would love to fix without drastically changing the game.

Patching is easy, or did you mean editing? Editing is also easy depending on just what you want to edit. Changing something like holy blood would take roughly 5 seconds (Excluding the program start-up time).

What exactly do you wish to "fix"?

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Pretty much changing holy blood to the right holy blood like you did with Hilda. Making the axe brothers and Hannibal like you had them. Finally making some of the boss fights a little harder(for example what you did with Alvis). Maybe other stuff I can't think of. I'm fine with the game as it is other than that.

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Pretty much changing holy blood to the right holy blood like you did with Hilda. Making the axe brothers and Hannibal like you had them. Finally making some of the boss fights a little harder(for example what you did with Alvis). Maybe other stuff I can't think of. I'm fine with the game as it is other than that.

All that can be done with the Nightmare Modules made by various people. There is likely a link in the hacking section, but I am too lazy to check. If for some reason nobody posted them, or a link to them, there then I'll send them to you myself. They are really easy to use, so you won't have to worry about screwing things up really.

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Interesting, I'll try it out.

An update for anyone who even remotely cares, got some free time so I have reached around mid-chapter two. Nerfed a few arena enemies and the bosses up until Macbeth (Haven't passed there yet).

EDIT: I just started it and all it seems to be so far is the normal game in Vietnamese (I think that's it from what I can tell anyway), I'm doing the prologue at the moment.

EDIT 2: Nevermind, starting to see differences now.

EDIT 3: Now I'm about half done with chapter 2 (Cheating my way through just to see changes), Shagal has minor Hezul (As he should) I am guessing they made him a holy non-generic character, but due to the structure, they must of put his (And others) data at the end, I can't see them moving the entire character data to add a few extra holy ones. by any chance do you know the method they used? Also I enjoy not having to class swap to seize castles.

EDIT 4: Alright on chapter 5 and when I seized the castle prior to fighting Leptor (Forget the name, has the mage fighter boss) the game went black and froze.

EDIT 5: Chapter 2 done (Again) fixed it up to accompany the core changes.

Edited by Camus The Dark Knight
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Tyrfing: Prayer

Mistoltin: Critical

Balmunk: x2 Attack

Gaibolg: Life/Renewal

Gungnir: HP Steal (Changing to x2 attack next patch)

Swanchika: Uncounterable

Ichival: Life/Renewal

Fala Flame: Uncounterable

Thor's Hammer: Critical

Holsety: x2 Attack

Narga: Negate Loptous Effect

Loptous: Half Damage

A few other changes.

Only priests and high priests have charisma as a class skill now (And some enemy-only ones), only Lachesis and her children have it for a personal skill, still undecided if Laylea will have it. Which means you would have 3 for generation one (Eden, Claude, Lachesis) and potentially 4/5 for generation two (Nanna, Delmud, Corpule/Sharlow, Rana/Mana, and if I add it, Laylea if you kill off Sylvia in part 1).

I think Holy Weapons should have difference skills instead of copy from other Holy Weapon, for example:

- Awareness and Big Shield to Swanchika, a real wall

- or Return to Thor's Hammer/Holsety, Ishtar can warp herself from Manster to Conote and Holsety is the Wind God

- Continue/Ambush, etc...

Charisma should be limited to royal class only like Emperor or Queen, while priests and high priests should have Prayer because they pray all the time.

EDIT 3: Now I'm about half done with chapter 2 (Cheating my way through just to see changes), Shagal has minor Hezul (As he should) I am guessing they made him a holy non-generic character, but due to the structure, they must of put his (And others) data at the end, I can't see them moving the entire character data to add a few extra holy ones. by any chance do you know the method they used? Also I enjoy not having to class swap to seize castles.

It's the very same method with translating method. You replace old data with new data, if it require more room space, move it to new place and then repointer.

EDIT 4: Alright on chapter 5 and when I seized the castle prior to fighting Leptor (Forget the name, has the mage fighter boss) the game went black and froze.

Can you give me the save file, i tried seize Phinora but didn't get this error?

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I think Holy Weapons should have difference skills instead of copy from other Holy Weapon, for example:

- Awareness and Big Shield to Swanchika, a real wall

- or Return to Thor's Hammer/Holsety, Ishtar can warp herself from Manster to Conote and Holsety is the Wind God

- Continue/Ambush, etc...

I actually wanted this, but the skills you can assign to weapons is actually limited unlike Fire Emblem 5, if you know of a way to get all the skills together then please inform me, it was really bugging me. Weapon/Item skills are limited to...










Canto/Repeated Movement/Remove/etc.

And a bunch of other empty spaces (I believe room for 6 more)

Charisma should be limited to royal class only like Emperor or Queen, while priests and high priests should have Prayer because they pray all the time.

In my next release only Emperor, Queen, and Dark Prince have it. I gave it to priests because I was not able to give them prayer due to the same reason as assigning weapon skills (If I was capable I would of done Prayer without hesitation) Class skills are limited to...





Great Shield


Canto/Repeated movement/Remove/Whatever



Dismount (Celice)

And a bunch of other empty spaces (Again, 6 of them)

It's the very same method with translating method. You replace old data with new data, if it require more room space, move it to new place and then repointer.

That is beyond me sadly. well technically I *could* do it, but it would take a lot of time and work I'm too lazy to do just to give a few bosses proper holy blood and a few skills.

Can you give me the save file, i tried seize Phinora but didn't get this error?

Yeah the site won't let me upload it, send me your e-mail in a PM or something.

Edited by Camus The Dark Knight
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