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[FE7] HHM Lockstep


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So someone pointed out that if Marcus isn't free all hit rates are going to be an issue for a couple of early game bosses (I think just the Ch 12 dude because nobody has good hit on him if he's on a forest except Eliwood, except he does 5 damage on a forest). Since avoiding RNG abuse is one of the goals of this, I'm thinking Marcus could potentially be allowed to fight the boss for Chapter 12 to make it less of a bad time for everyone. What are everyone else's opinions on that?

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okay sure, no marcus

also they don't HAVE to be the same video but I'd definitely prefer it for no between-chapter shenanigans

I'm telling you right now that I am never going to be able to beat two chapters in one take.

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I dunno what's assumed about tactician for drafts, but someone asked so I'm allowing tactician of your choice if you so please. I guess it is just an overall boost for the most part and also it allows you all to fuck around with Afa's Drops because seeing how people use resources is funny.

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Yeah I tried for like hours to do Chapter 12. I have Chapter 11 finished, I will get you Chapter 12 tonight.

Sucks though, I got an 8 turn before my video crapped out on me. I also forgot to highlight the status too... I think Marcus should be free for the chapter because its a really luck based chapter as a whole.

Edited by Lord Raven
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