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Please help the new kid on the block out..


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So I decided to take the dive into FE hacking a few days ago. I got one portrait finished without a hitch and put into the game with the Nightmare Module and FEditor. After the first test for the portrait, I immediately ran to my problem:


In short, I would like to know how to edit the character's name, and description. Editing the growth rates, affinity, etc. shouldn't be that difficult, but after hours of looking, I haven't found a definitive tutorial or post on how to edit the names and descriptions. Any help would be appreciated.

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first of all they're not offsets

second of all you should just fucking try it

[8:18:08 PM] Cam: experiment!

[8:18:10 PM] Cam: like jeez

[8:18:24 PM] Cam: you people are all so afraid of fucking up

[8:18:30 PM] Cam: just try things until something works

[8:18:33 PM] Cam: this is what backups are for

Edited by CT075
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If it wasn't clear enough:


and this forms the basis for essentially all text editing. If you open stuff in nightmare and see "text pointer" or anything similar, use FEditor's text editor and go to that index, then edit the text there.

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Alright, so if you look at my image here, the big cyan coloured boxes is just a huge grid separated into 8x8 boxes. The eyes in their current placement, as far as I know, are too big for you to select the 32x16 in a 8x8 range. I'd have someone more seasoned tell you what to do next :x I was able to fit them in if I moved it up and to the right a bit, but that would cut her outta the hackbox.


Edited by Sai
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