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Hearts Mafia (Experimental)


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What the merde? West was devastated last round and decided to get revenge. They spread the rumor that Shinori was....bourgeois. He just had to go. East was charged 8 points for this awful revelation and took back his green handkerchief with a C embroidered on it.

Meanwhile, Serious Bananas and BBM go out for a quick smoke, before realizing someone had poisoned their tobacco. They don't come back. It seems Serious Bananas had a green handkerchief with a P embroidered on it, and BBM's was blue with a C on it as well. North and East receive 6 points each.

West decides to open the hand with the 9 of Spades.


South has until 12 PM EST 9/15 to play a card. East will have until 8 AM EST 9/16 to play a card after South. North will have until 2 AM EST 9/17 to play a card after East.

With 10 alive it takes 5 to deadline lynch and 7 to power lynch/start grace.

Current Scores:

West: 18

South: 8

East: 14

North: 6

also expect a deadline extension

Edited by Psych
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##Vote Marth

Obvious lynch target is obvious



##Vote Helios



##lynch helios

i don't trust you to enough to not know who the killers are targeting

explain what this means please

##Vote: Helios

This should have been done a while ago.

why. i'm the least useless person with a role in this game

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