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hold up one second

who speculated about scumcop first

I have to brb, so I can't do it right now

I probably did, so these discussions are sort of bugging me. Not to sound self-centred, but it strikes me as echoing.

I mean, the other thing that may have happened, would be BBM picking a perceived 'easy' mislynch target and just then cc'd everything. Which is a pretty weaksauce strategy.

Anyways, Kay's not looking obvscum so far, so no vote switch. Still keeping an eye on her.

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scum cop is the only viable explanation i can think of that would explain how he managed to cc scorri's exact role

(well that or absolute blind luck)

Or scorri is scum and pulled a fast one with bbm for town cred.

Actually, I think someone might have said that already.

Actually actually, BBM and scorri doing that is more stupid chancy than anything else (not saying they couldn't have, just saying that in the long run, it's a bad early game move). Not discrediting it yet

Kirsche avoiding Aere entirely is pretty suspicious. I was too distracted by my blowout and Aere's lateD1 play to really notice that.

Any other games with Mass-anything? I can't look it up efficiently from my phone.

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[2]Rapier: Snike, Marth

[2]Marth: Manix, Cam

[1]Sage: scorri

[1]Kevin: scorri, Prims

[0]Aere: Cam, scorri, Sage

[10]Not Voting: Kevin, Elieson, Iris, Sage, Aere, Anouleth, Shinori, Psych, Kay, Rapier

This should be right

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What blatant lies? It's like you guys have received a 100% accurate cop report that Scorri is confirmed town and are automatically considering me scum because of it. Also why am I the only one getting heat for suboptimal drafting when SB supposedly picked a JoaT with a 1-shot Doc when he could have picked a proper doctor?

Cop report? Nah, you're exaggerating. I dislike your appeal and how you are trying to fake your role. If no one vig shots you until I'm back from school, I'll vote.

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Cop report? Nah, you're exaggerating. I dislike your appeal and how you are trying to fake your role. If no one vig shots you until I'm back from school, I'll vote.

I know this was a reading fail, but still, why not vote anyway?

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...gg me

i completely forgot about marth with elie's scumdar-blinding ridiculousness D1 (what does ED stand for anyway)

my suspicion of marth brewed from these two posts, which gave me the impression that he knew more than he was letting on

i'm also kind of miffed about this where he completely misreps me by saying that i didn't read my post when he clearly paid me the same courtesy

also on reread he seemed to push really hard at elie and then backed off really really quickly which gives me bad feelings about both people

also i have a niggling in the back of my mind regarding scorri that's probably super dumb

First of, regarding the redirect speculation- if there's a redirect then whether or not Prims was scum was of no use with regards to Eli's theory. I was arguing that. How is that me knowing too much? Second, yes Scum PGO IS A GOOD ROLE, even Kay says that, I don't see you nagging her, do I?

I didn't misrep you- you literally focused ont he part of my post which said "Cam isn't doing aything" without reading the part where I spoke about you focusing on Elieson. You really didn't do anything else.

Finally yes I pushed on Eli and ofc its stupid of me to keep pushing on Eli if he claimed cop. I'm not assuming auto-town, so why are you so suspicious of that? Also i don't need to be on a wagon to push on someone.

I think Rapier is scum for reasons I've stated way earlier, and that post D2 doesn't look great at all. I don't see why Prims thinks he's more town but w/e.

Finally I get it, I'm scummy for defending Aere. W/e, he still hasn't flipped yet(although its likely he'll flip scum at this point, especially if kirsche is scum)

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That transcends two Manix.


Much better.

Anyways, kinda suspicious of Sage for just unvoting and not voting Rapier considering he said that the weapon was obvscum. Not enough to warrant a vote switch, but another person to put on my watch list.

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Looking back at BBM's day 1 posts, it's interesting to see how he avoided making a meaningful commitment on voting Aere, but jumped around voting for Iris (in response to her voting for Kirsche), Prims and Elieson. With everything else, it's enough to make me:

##Vote: Kirsche

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Did Marth just 180 again

I think Marth just 180'd again.

can someone confirm this?

Actually I'm surprised I didn't notice before, but he 180'ed during N1 with regards to Aere (optional reading for the time being: posts #552, #559, #562. Then read #572. I'll explain exactly what I mean in a bit)

there might be more, stay tuned

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Looking back at BBM's day 1 posts, it's interesting to see how he avoided making a meaningful commitment on voting Aere, but jumped around voting for Iris (in response to her voting for Kirsche), Prims and Elieson. With everything else, it's enough to make me:

##Vote: Kirsche

Wonderful justification.

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okay I'm fairly certain on Marth being completely inconsistent in his logic at times

#552, #559, and #562 are all attacks on Aere for his role choice. Now ten posts later, it's a complete 180. Sorry bro, but that's too much to pass up.

Anyway, that's the first point. Now look at this (again because I've mentioned this before)

Guys, why are you all voting Elieson? Do you realize that NOW WE'RE ACTUALLY HEADED FOR A LYNCH? What, are you going to deprive town of discussion time? Do some actual scumhunting(SB,Aere,Cam, Psych) instead of whining about Elieson. If he looks real scummy at the end of the day we can lynch him, STOP THINKING SO LINEAR.

Here's the problem; we're still likely to have required a lynch. This tells me that Marth probably knows something about what Elie will flip, whether that be town or scum. Which either or, you would only know that if you were scum yourself.

I suspect that Marth probably wanted to claim town cred on statements like this if Elie was lynched (the implications are there), which makes me think that Elie might possibly be town from this. Not guaranteed though.

ehh and your other post has an unvote and stuff about thinking things thru.God I'm confused.

this was at me, for reference

Just because I do something like that, doesn't mean that I'm suddenly a little better looking. I feel like this was used as a possible way to be able to transition from a suspicion to a non-suspicion, but then there's thing from earlier today:

Manix: D1 play not solid and BBM vs Manix ED1 looks like distancing earlier on. Plus BBM 'scanning Manix' isn't all that great an excuse with that flip now. Also played the follow-the-votes game without really doing anything.

so uh, that feels like another possible 180, but it's a little stretched out here.

On the topic of Marth's Rapier suspicion: Possible hardbus, which is completely in the realm of possibility.

Rapier is also pretty bad, would also lynch at this point

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I took like a 4-5 hour nap and come back to dead scum. Yay.

Aere couldn't have been lynched docced, I know someone else stated this, but I feel it should be stated again since people don't seem to noticed this was a day 1 start. Which means Aere was most likely telling the truth about his role.

Gonna reread the few posts Iris, sage, and Anouleth all have.

Scum reads on Kirsche, Marth, and rapier.

My rapier read though is kinda wierd. I really didn't like his post #734 which he then followed up in post 736 in response to Paper, saying he didn't cause it. I don't know if he's actually the person with a day vig or if just skimmed the thread scummily then stated something stupid when paper said something happened. Not to mention what Snike already said in post #739. None of this looks good for Rapier imo. Also most recent Rapier post is massively screaming skimming scum.

Thinking Kirsche is scum at the moment based off of hinting at lynch doc + DP being in game, if he's scum then Aere is pretty much confirmed as so. Also just seems to be sliding by like it's nothing. His few posts aren't good at all.

Marth seems to be changing opinions a lot, not fully but it seems like he's trying to change opinions on people while trying to do it safely enough so that he can swap at need be.

Aere is not helping anything at all, his post towards anouleth's vote on Kirche annoys me. I'm pretty much positive there is at least 2 scum in these three players because of all the WIFOM and waffling.

Preview edit: Just saw Manix's post/case on Marth, I feel the second point involving the argument on elieson is grasping though. Maybe I just read it wrong. SF doesn't generally have a supposed scum player that would hardcore defend a supposed town player like that. I know I did it in anony draft 2 but pretty sure other than that I can't remember the last time it really happened. I like the other points though.

For now:

##Vote: Rapier

Please stop skimming and give us an actual post. At the moment I'm fine with a lynch on any of the above 3 players, but Rapier looks by far the worst to me.

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I'm also getting vigged tonight because you are all convinced I am scum.

That doesn't excuse you from contributing, though.

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That doesn't excuse you from contributing, though.

My well is incredibly poisoned. If I make claims about player X, you guys may or may not believe me because of prior activities, and I feel less confident in my reads because of that.

I'm going to bed. I'll try to have a clear-headed post before I go to school tomorrow.

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okay I'm fairly certain on Marth being completely inconsistent in his logic at times

#552, #559, and #562 are all attacks on Aere for his role choice. Now ten posts later, it's a complete 180. Sorry bro, but that's too much to pass up.

Anyway, that's the first point. Now look at this (again because I've mentioned this before)

Here's the problem; we're still likely to have required a lynch. This tells me that Marth probably knows something about what Elie will flip, whether that be town or scum. Which either or, you would only know that if you were scum yourself.

I suspect that Marth probably wanted to claim town cred on statements like this if Elie was lynched (the implications are there), which makes me think that Elie might possibly be town from this. Not guaranteed though.

this was at me, for reference

Just because I do something like that, doesn't mean that I'm suddenly a little better looking. I feel like this was used as a possible way to be able to transition from a suspicion to a non-suspicion, but then there's thing from earlier today:

so uh, that feels like another possible 180, but it's a little stretched out here.

On the topic of Marth's Rapier suspicion: Possible hardbus, which is completely in the realm of possibility.

Rapier is also pretty bad, would also lynch at this point

1) That's sounds WIFOM if you ask me. ///doing town stuff to get town cred is a bad argument. Also I never said don't focus on Elieson, I said Elieson shouldn't be the only target for people. Which means looking for other possible suspects. Yes I gave Eli shit too, it doesn't mean I didn't adress others.

2) You're reading too much into it- what makes you think I'll assume you're less suspicious for unvoting?

3) Opinions can change, especially after I ISO'd you and saw BBM's flip.

And how is me going after Rapier a hardbuss? Why would I do that, especially when Aere is already getting attention(assuming he's scum)?

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