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I wonder.........

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There's not much reason to play it again outside of drafts and efficient runs once you've gotten every support in the game, and beaten this on both Eirika's story and Ephraim's story. Creature Campaign characters, and Super Trainees attempt to add to the replay value, but if you ask me, it's a failed attempt.

Maybe I.S. intended this FE to be a sort of introduction to new FE players. Much like FE7 was, but to more than just Westerners. I don't think that they had high hopes for anyone wanting to replay it though.

Edited by Little Al
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I personally think FE9 was easier. Both games are fairly trivial to bullrush through on any mode, but FE8 has status staves and the actually-somewhat-challenging Lagdou Ruins. That said, I haven't been to Lagdou since I got halfway good at FE, so I can't judge its difficulty accurately.

Edited by Terrador
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FE8 IMO is a gateway game for the series, easy to get new players into the series. FE9's Hard Mode I found a little difficult at least, FE8's is a bit easy regardless I will admit fe9 is also pretty easy but hey the stories of both games are excellent at least.

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FE8 IMO is a gateway game for the series, easy to get new players into the series. FE9's Hard Mode I found a little difficult at least, FE8's is a bit easy regardless I will admit fe9 is also pretty easy but hey the stories of both games are excellent at least.

I can't say the fe8 story is "excellent", myself. All the wars and demonic entities existing were because of a wimpy whiny good guy who was possessed by a demon during SCIENCE. There are essentially no substories or subplots working within the main plot.

I find FE7!Darin's subplot-within-the-plot more invigorating than most of the fe8 plot, sans Orson.

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Personally I think they rushed FE8, because they were trying to get FE9 out at the same time and subsequently rushed that game as well.

But, honestly, I'm guessing it's because of the game structure and because they wanted to have the two paths, so they ended up making the campaign so short and, when trying to balance it, too easy. Still, I don't get why they made the promoted enemies in this game so weak on Normal mode.

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I found FE9 easier.

I personally think FE9 was easier. Both games are fairly trivial to bullrush through on any mode, but FE8 has status staves and the actually-somewhat-challenging Lagdou Ruins. That said, I haven't been to Lagdou since I got halfway good at FE, so I can't judge its difficulty accurately.

I also found FE9 easier than FE8. I had no trouble with the HM in FE9, but a few chapters in FE8 HM can be a bit annoying, such as Phantom Ship. Out of the ones I played, both are the easiest, but still very enjoyable.

Edited by ZM456
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I can't say the fe8 story is "excellent", myself. All the wars and demonic entities existing were because of a wimpy whiny good guy who was possessed by a demon during SCIENCE. There are essentially no substories or subplots working within the main plot.

I find FE7!Darin's subplot-within-the-plot more invigorating than most of the fe8 plot, sans Orson.

Not to mention there's needless inconsistencies and easily missable details. Lyon, for starters, is either deluded by Fomortiis into doing his whims or a clear cut case of (trying to resist) Demonic Possession, depending on which route you take. (Personally, Eirika's route!Lyon makes more sense.) While the revelation that Joshua = Prince Jehanna looks like it's coming out of nowhere on Ephraim's route. Glen's death isn't even mentioned on the same route. Both details are eventually known at one point on Eirika's route however. Edited by Little Al
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Did IS purposely make fe8 this easy, or is it replay value>overall quality.

No, it just happened due to the negative influence of the baka gaijin, Xbox 360 games, and Sega Sanshiro; that's why in Japan it's called Fire Emblem USA Sacred Stones A Mystical Adventure.

Edited by Refa
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Did IS purposely make fe8 this easy, or is it replay value>overall quality.

Replay value = overall quality. If the game isn't good, why are you replaying it?

Also, keep in mind that the original Japanese version is probably easier than the English version. Normally, they make it easier in localisation, but maybe NoA were like "geez this game is already hells easy already no need to nerf it more".

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The english version of Sacred Stones also changed growths. Some growths were altered to lower some growths, such as L'arachel, Ewan, Amelia, and Moulder, while some characters like Marisa, Ross and Lyon were given better growths. Overall the character changes for everyone but Lyon weren't really significant. I don't think there are many changes to the enemies except Riev doesn't level up between the two chapters where he is a boss.

Personally I think FE9 is even easier than 8, but FE9 had a better story, morr diverse chapter objectives, and the English game script took some liberties to make the characters a lot more memorable. Both games seemed designed to be friendlier to new players, as they came out after SSBM.

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