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[FE4] Everybody hates Gen 1


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I'll take Leaf

Nevermind, it's not going to change anything. Lana and Aless are fine.

I'm taking Sety.

...and here I chose Laylea. :facepalm:

Now I have to think on how to make up in a completely different way.

Gimme Fee and Fin.

Edit: well I think 12 move rescue with access to all hero weapons sounds very powerful, but he doesn't have a dancer so I guess it's not almighty McBroken.

Edit 2: with your rationale, would it be ok to have Leg Ring!unpromoted Celice at C7, or would we have to try to promote him at C6?

Edited by Xinnidy
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I also actually checked the unit list against the theoretically-possible setups. It's always going to be relatively unbalanced unless I suggest that Lynn and Laylea can each be drafted twice, and then there's Claude Aideen, and so forth. I do not see why Leaf should be free, either, or Fin. Care to explain?

i SWEAR i had laylea/leen free with leaf

also leg ring leaf isn't so gamebreaking because rescue only has 10 range


okay they were in my first draft of the rules but didn't make it into the final project because that's boring


this way actually works better since now you're guaranteed one of leaf/leen/laylea/claude!lana

Edited by CT075
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Yes, you can have Celice unpromoted in C7 with the Leg ring, that's still legit because he doesn't have over 9 movement. Of course, this means you don't have an 8 move Rescue Lana, but as you don't have that anyway I see no reason you can't leave Celice unpromoted. (And oh I just noticed that Thief Fighter has 7 base move. Huh.)

Also, I hate you now, as I really wanted Fee. Like seriously, Fee is awesome. Decisions, decisions...

I'll take Shanan.

Oh yeah, and I would have taken Lynn over Laylea anyway. Charisma's nice, but I can make riskier plays with Lynn in the Scrub Squad.

Edited by Kiriane
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That gives me, uh, Linda! Because I, uh, actually good point I'll take Tinny instead.

As if one round of keeping Amid Arthur out of combat while recruiting Linda Tinny wasn't enough, and I don't even have Beautiful Invincible Resire Julia to do this with.

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Looking back at my posts yesterday, I wonder why was I so brain dead. Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

That gives me, uh, Linda! Because I, uh, actually good point I'll take Tinny instead.

Curses, you got the one I wanted the most right now.

Uhhh Daisy and Sharlow then.

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I think it will come down to whether I can build enough of a lead in 6-8 to withstand the charge from the rescue-dancers in 10 and F.

Arthur is actually pretty good. If he can get Claude as a father, you'll have another statusproof horse.

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Why would I want to do that? I need Tinny promoted by C10 C9. It's stupid annoying to do that when she doesn't have Elite and I'm doing a speed run. I picked for Rescue Sety, who should save me the turn in C9 that his recruitment costs, and having Elite on Tinny. Wrath+Ambush Arthur is just a bonus. Come to think of it, though, I should probably revoke the Holsety rule.

Actually, maybe I don't need her promoted by C9 if Sety is used for both warp and rescue. I do know I need a warper and a rescuer by end of C10 on separate characters, or it'll cost me a turn on Chalphy. You...may actually have a point there. Thinking of civilians.

Edited by Kiriane
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Well, you could put Bargain on Claude!Tinny and have her buy the Elite Ring in the C7 base. But you'd still lose a turn because of Sety and he doesn't have any other good fathers anyway since you banned Levin!Sety so I guess it wouldn't work as well.

Why am I telling you what to do?

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Because you love me and secretly want me to win this

I had Rescue Sety planned since the start of the run. Besides, since I need to warp a rescuer up to assorted castles, that rescuer also usually needs to be highly combat capable. Sety fits a lot better than Tinny. And finally, even with Elite, Tinny isn't likely to promote before C9 when I'd already have Sety, and she doesn't inherit Rescue.

I just really wanted to do Lex Sylvia. It makes for one heck of an OP Dancer.

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Yes, first drafts are generally a whole lot of fun and a great learning experience. Also, the more detailed you get in your logs, the more likely people are to comment on how you could have done that better, if that's your thing. So instead of this:

Prologue 10/10

wow it's nice to have units

you can do this

Prologue 11/11

Sigurd heads for Jungby. Judicious use of the Steel lance lets him get a turn 5 capture. Meanwhile, Lex and Azel save the villages. Silver sword get! Midir picked up the Speed ring, and Sigurd soloes the entire Evans army for a capture on turn 11.

Anyway, I think Rescue Sety saves 0 net turns? I get him too late in C8 to save anything (unless he clears a path for Celice, which is less likely), C9 he saves the turn he cost me but it's too linear to do anything else with, C10 everyone has rescue anyway.

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Scratch that. On the way to class today I realised exactly WHY Rescue Leaf + Dancer is so broken. My odds just got a WHOLE LOT BETTER.

You know what, SP, I'm going to be nice and not edit my first post until it's my turn again. Do you really want to do this?

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