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FE13 Skills Tier List


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I'm also rather curious how Rightful King stacks up against Aether (mostly from a M!Morgan vs F!Morgan point of view).

Personally, Aether > Rightful King.

There's too many great constant effect skills to generally be putting more than 1 slot aside for a % based effect that may not trigger. And if you have to do so, then Aether and Luna/Astra make for a better combo than just Astra and Rightful King.

I've made my opinion of Lethality known elsewhere. I don't like it, sir.

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Inverse's Darkness is so vanishingly rare I haven't even seen one after over 100 hours of play (though I didn't go out of my way to sit at sparkling tiles or use everyone's room as often as possible).

Well, seeing as how this thread just started up again, I thought I'd take the time to tell you that I found Aversa's Night/Inverse's Darkness on my fifth playthrough of the English Demo. xD

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I like this topic but with NA release it seems a bit confusing with new skills names...

And what about despoil ? Especially when you don't want to buy the DLC "gold & silver", good tier ?

Keep in mind that this started a couple of months ago and I haven't re updated it yet.

To all of the other comments, I'll try to update it soon.

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Just gonna say this. Gamble should be above worthless. It should be medium. If we take inigo as an example we can very realistically get

Gamble: crit+10


Wrath: crit+20 when under half health.

Astra: 5 attacks just wrecks enemies. ( can be replaced with weapon saver so that the sol Kati never runs out)

Limit breaker: crit+5 ( and a bunch of other good stats) ( can be replaced with vantage for ultimate half health unit)

Sol Kati crit + 50

Before adding skill and support boosts we have a unit with 85 crit and will always attack first with a good chance for Astra or a 90 crit unit. With luck canceling out probably 20-30 of the potential 45 support/stat crit you have over a hundred.

I don't know the gamble skill looks like it helps quite a bit especially if you can't get a sol Kati. Just saying mid tier seems a bit better.

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I didn't say it was easy I said it was realalistic. Meaning it is possible to do in the post game. The major point being that gamble is a bit under rated on the tier.

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I didn't say it was easy I said it was realalistic. Meaning it is possible to do in the post game. The major point being that gamble is a bit under rated on the tier.

Postgame? You don't waste a skill slot on 5-10% crit in postgame, ever. If postgame alone was even enough to bump a skill that high, anyway.

You want a good Sol Katti build? Throw out that Gamble/Zeal/Wrath shit and equip Armsthrift. 25 uses don't last long. Neither does being at half HP if you have any idea what you're doing.

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Please read the original post I did say that Astra could be replaced with weapon saver. Think about wether you would want to face a unit with 80+ crit or a unit with 50 crit. Assuming luck cancels out your support bonuses and your skill stat. And come up with an actual skill woud be better than that for the sol Katti.

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Please read the original post I did say that Astra could be replaced with weapon saver. Think about wether you would want to face a unit with 80+ crit or a unit with 50 crit. Assuming luck cancels out your support bonuses and your skill stat. And come up with an actual skill woud be better than that for the sol Katti.





Quick Strike

All Stats +2




Resistance +10

Rally Spectrum

Rally Speed

Rally Love

These are just a few of the skills that are better than an extra +10 crit, no matter how much crit you already have.

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I think the point is that Gamble isn't Useless Tier as much as Res+2, Crit+5 or Skill+2 is. It isn't great but you just listed off all the best skills in the game that more or less come from gender-locked or character-locked classes to begin with. Arguably I would rather have Gamble over many of the +2 stat skills or even Hit+20 or Tantivy or Slow Burn. But this tier list is mostly incomplete and is still using Japanese names anyway. There hasn't been any discussion of where to place any of the more unremarkable skills that aren't bad but also aren't outstanding.

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That's why I said mid tier is appropriate. It's not the best it is I agree with every one of the skills you listed being better. But if we think about its not one of the worst skills it's just forgettable.

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Dual attacks can crit. This makes Gamble(and Zeal) one of the few skills useful for an offensive support partner.

You can turn Henry!Gerome into a 55 strength Berserker with Gamble, Anathema, Axefaire, and whatever 4th and 5th skill you want. Forge him a 15 MT, 45 crit Killer Axe and give whoever he's supporting a quadruple hit weapon.

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I'm going to make a rudimentary tier list. I don't exactly have the time/patience to reason every skill but I will have broad definitions of what sort of criteria I'm using for each section. This is mostly a tier list for an average playthrough on Hard mode without absurd combinations of skills. This list will NOT include DLC/Spotpass skills. Feel free to argue away, especially the order. Also feel free to tier the DLC/Spotpass content.

God Tier - Amazing no matter how you slice it that break the game:

Rally Spectrum



Top Tier - Pretty OP skills







Lucky Seven


High Tier - Noticeably Beneficial skills



Rightful King

Rally Speed




Rally Strength/Magic/Movement





Mid Tier - Situationally Good, or Decent all the time

Mov +1

Dual Strike+

Dual Guard+




Rally Defence/Resistance








Speed +2

Quick Burn

Avoid +10




Despoil (without Golden Gaffe DLC)

Special Dance


Strength/Magic +2



Low Tier - Highly Situational, Filler


Rally Luck

Defence/Res + 2



HP + 5



Odd Rhythm/Even Rhythm



Outdoor Fighter

Indoor Fighter

Despoil (with Golden Gaffe DLC)

Bad Tier - You get a lot more mileage out of everything else...

Hit + 20

Rally Skill


Slow Burn

Luck + 4

Dual Support+

Skill + 2

Feel free to disagree. This is obviously centered around my own experience and playstyle.

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Alright. I also moved up Avoid+10 because it didn't make sense where I initially put it compared to Patience but that whole of middle tier is a bit of a mess because certain characters make better use of some skills than others.

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I would say you over rated despoil. The game gives you a good amount of money anyways. There's also DLC specifically designed to give you money. So I think it should be low tier.

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HP +5 at the bottom doesn't make much sense. It actually does something, unlike the others in that tier, and unlike Rally Skill for that matter.

Also, I'd push Rally Speed up to Top. Potentially granting double attacks for several team members at once is pretty ridiculous, although I guess it isn't nearly as prominent on Hard as on the higher difficulty levels.

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Rally Speed is less useful on Hard than in Lunatic or Lunatic+, but it's definitely the best Rally skill. I moved it up but it's still in High Tier. HP +5 is moved up closer to Def/Res +2. Tantivy was added because I forgot it. Rally Skill was moved down. Considering Unique Utility tier for Healtouch, Locktouch, and Special Dance but Healtouch is sort of doing similar things as Tomefaire so it might just sit in Mid tier regardless. Considering Tomefaire > all other Faire skills, and also Bowbreaker > other breaker skills.

Availability is sort of regarded. I'm judging each skill for its individual merit and not necessarily how it stacks with other skills.

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I think sol should be above Astra. It has a better activation rate and give enemy phase healing. In the same thought should probably move up life taker above Astra because you get 50% hp and you don't have nerfed attacks no matter how many.

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