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Now that everyone should know that Varon died, here comes the replacement character.

Name: Matthias Kyre

Sex: Male

Nationality: Bernician

RPer: Blasied

Age: 22

Appearance: Tall and of average build. Short grey hair. Noticeably Dracian facial structure and dark blue eyes from his father. Bernician luck charm pierced into his right ear.

Personality: Casually violent, doesn't hesitate to throw a punch at anyone that pisses him off. He is sociable, if a bit grim, towards anyone that isn't in his shit list.

Backstory: Son of two mercenaries (a Dracian archer and a Bernician warrior) he leaned how to fight from a young age. Whenever one parent was off on a contract, the other would teach him how to use their weapon of choice. Eventually, Matthias came to favour archery. When he was competent enough he started to do jobs with his parents. Since then, all three have been wandering the borders in search of conflicts to be hired into. He got separated from his parents during a recent contract and has given up on finding them. Now he's just doing what he knows, looking for fights to join and get some money.

Class: Archer

Level: 1

Attributes: Str 7 Sta 4 Dex 9 Agi 5

Skills: Power Shot and Suppressive Fire.

Equipment: Greatbow, broadaxe and ringmail.

Now taking bets about how long this guy will last.

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Name: People just call him Ratter

Sex: dufe

Nationality: Bernician

RPer: guess

Age: thirty-late, something like eight and thirty, probably.

Appearance: Shaggy unkept mat of greying dark hair, a dirty stubble. Walks with a slight limp. Old cloak and tunic. Just a little on the short side of height. His facial expression might be described as stern or maybe angry. Brown, aware eyes. Quick and deft despite looks.

Personality: I will start a "fuck" count. You'll see.

Backstory: Son of a whore and a sellsword passing by. Whore died when he was old enough to steal, and he doesn't remember her anyway. He got his name from the street: bakers and shop people just called him little rat and more commonly little shit but that one didn't sit well with him. He doesn't remember his real name, mighta been Brian or Brine or Breine, he doesn't know his letters anyway. Wound up with some sellswords eventually, and became one himself. That's all there is to him really.

Class: Mercenary

Level: 1

Attributes: 8/9/1/7

Skills: Offensive

Equipment: Battleaxe, a splintmail, 1h crushing is secondary, buckler. He has an enormous codpiece which he wasted a month's worth on. It gives him +1 str, as it intimidates enemies. CIARAN IS A GAY

Edited by Stolypin Necktie
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Name: Diana

Sex: Female

Nationality: She's probably from somewhere

RPer: Hikarasuman

Age: 17

Appearance: Blonde around the size of an FE archer (Edit: Spike asked me to describe her bust, waist, and hips in excruciating detail so) DD cup (which is where here eight stamina comes from), miniskirt that hardly conceals anything, waist hardly any thicker than her head, her hips are very hips. Probably wears extremely long socks and gloves for some reason.

Personality: Acts like an actual human

Backstory: Prostitute who was captured by whoever for whatever reason

Class: Dancer

Level: 3

Attributes: Str: 0 Sta: 8 Dex: 9 Agi: 10

Skills: Dance

Equipment: Probably a shitty crossbow, no armour

Edited by Hikarasuman
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Name: Irene

Sex: Female

Nationality: Dracian

RPer: scorri

Age: 22

Appearance: black hair that she keeps in a bun, bright green eyes, extremely pale skin, slim, quick, decently tall, loose pants and long sleeved shirt, long cloak that is mottled black/grey on one side, mottled forest green on the other

Personality: Manipulative, snarky, clever, likes messing with people for her gain

Backstory: secret~ (aka you'll actually need to talk to her to figure this out. deal with it.)

Class: Rogue

Level: 1

Attributes: 5/6/7/7

Skills: Backstab, Iocane Immunity

Equipment: light armor, dual wielding dirks, lockpicks and a set of daggers for use in more... subtle situations. One of the daggers and the lockpick set are strapped to her right outer thigh accessible through a slit in her right pocket, the other dagger is stored in the back of her waistband.

Edited by scorri
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People Who Need to Level Up

Warriors and Mercenaries (and technically Archers) have their level 2 abilities done; everyone else just has to pick a stat to increase by 1 for now until I make all the skills, unless they want to go for the ones already in the OP.

Scouts: Skirmish now acts as the Shank of old. Shank now does less damage but gives an evade boost.

Caps for level 2 onwards are 12 for the primary stat, 11 for the secondary, 10 for the rest.















Also a general note: As Slave's left, I'm taking over Angeline as a hireling.

Edited by Furetchen
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Finished Rogue and Apothecary skills. Also, a few skills have been fucked around with in general, so be sure to check on them.

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Name: Vancimer

Sex: Male

Nationality: Dracian

RPer: Kay

Age: 26

Appearance: Lanky, with a goatee and black hair pulled into a ponytail.

Personality: Morose and cynical. Somewhat of a suckup. Usually selfish and dishonest, but will stand by the few people he does care about.

Backstory: Was once a Dracian noble, but was disowned by his father after being accused by a servant of raping and killing his sister. He was told he would be killed if he was ever seen near Dracia again, and some time later joined a group of mercenaries. An "accident" happened to befall them, possibly related to an unfair division of booty and Vancimer ending up in debt to a local armourer. Since then, he's been wandering on his own, trying to avoid his past catching up to him in any form.

Class: Warrior

Level: 1

Attributes: Str 8/Sta 7/Dex 2/Agi 8

Skills: Shield Bash

Equipment: Broadaxe, chainmail, tower shield, javelins

Edited by Kay
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I know this sucks, I've been awake for over a day, I'm tired, and there's an edit button. Tell me what you want changed and I'll change it.

Name: Grace

Speaking of, is she coming back at any point?

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