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Micaiah's growths


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I only play easy mode anyway. I tried normal mode but couldn't even get past the first chapter. xP


I'm just not as experienced as some FE players, and plus, RD is like the hardest game in the series that's been released outside of Japan.

Shadow Dragon Merciless mode likes to have a word with you

And yeah, something happening on easy mode might not happen on normal, let alone hard mode.

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The Chapters 2 and 3 bosses would like to have a word with you.

That's mostly due to stupid design choices though. Having shitty hitrates with the only character that can do reasonable damage to the chapter 2 boss and the other one having too much spd for being an earlygame boss. Aside from those, there's really nothing that hard about H5.

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I'd say a lot of the difficulty of H5 is dependent on unit choices and play speed.

If you use Shiida/Barst/Ogma/Wolf/Sedgar and don't try to take on too much at once, H5 is unforgiving but not particularly challenging.

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she did specify english ones

And SD has been released here. xP

The DS remake? I admit to not having played much of it, so I guess I could've been wrong about RD being harder.

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Shadow Dragon H5 is stupidly easy. FE12 H3 is harder

If you look at it from the point of view of someone who doesn't know the game in and out, H5 is pretty damn hard. I don't actually know how well you know the game, but don't confuse your own ability with actual difficulty. Calling H5 "stupidly easy" is an insult to less-skilled players.

I know RD well enough that even playing it on HM is somewhat easy, but I know that RD's HM is really difficult for those not used to playing FE games on the harder difficulties.

And no, unless there's weird coding for growths we haven't yet discovered, Micaiah's growths do not change no matter what you do with her.

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Well, that explains that then. I'm far from used to playing on harder difficulties. PoR normal mode is the only non-easy mode I've ever gotten far in while playing an FE game. But even then I struggled because I had an underleveled Ike by the time the fight with the BK rolled around. I noticed that you get less exp in normal mode, but I couldn't figure out how to work with this.

The only reason I tried to beat the game on normal mode though, is so I could do a data transfer to RD.

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Depending on which version your RD disc is, you don't really *need* to beat normal mode, or kill the Black Knight.

Try to feed Ike BEXP, and don't have the number of units you'll use exceed 14 or 15-ish, and you should be ok.

Unfortunately, mine is the version where easy mode save data won't work.

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ok feel free to be a smart-ass

It was a serious question. I don't doubt your skill, but what I do doubt is that Ogma would be strong enough to last more than 3 rounds, unless there was major clock abuse and Ogma killed every enemy. But whatever, construe it as you will.

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Even so, you can always escape. The only down side is you get Ena instead of Nasir. Really, nothing too bad.

But I want Nasir, plus, I like having Ike kick some BK ass. It's one reason I think he's so epic. He's got the skills to obliterate these powerful foes (the BK, the other Daein riders, Ashnard, etc.) when he's practically still a teenager!

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But I want Nasir, plus, I like having Ike kick some BK ass. It's one reason I think he's so epic. He's got the skills to obliterate these powerful foes when he's practically still a teenager!

No doubt about that. He can also take down a goddess at no older than 25 years old.

Alright, I can help with your strategy. If Ike has Aether, range the Black Knight for the first two rounds, then melee range him. If he doesn't have Aether, give him Wrath and Adept, that should help lower the Black Knight's HP. If it's because Ike's level is low, then just let him kill as many enemies he can during the main part. Don't forget to give Mist a mend staff and a decent sword. However, it all comes down to whether or not the Black Knight's or Ike's skills activate first.

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No doubt about that. He can also take down a goddess at no older than 25 years old.

More like 21, but yeah, quite true. I love everything about Ike though. <3

Alright, I can help with your strategy. If Ike has Aether, range the Black Knight for the first two rounds, then melee range him. If he doesn't have Aether, give him Wrath and Adept, that should help lower the Black Knight's HP. If it's because Ike's level is low, then just let him kill as many enemies he can during the main part. Don't forget to give Mist a mend staff and a decent sword. However, it all comes down to whether or not the Black Knight's or Ike's skills activate first.

I give Ike Aether. He's just not Ike without it, imo. It's his signature move and he should have it. No one else can use it anyway, so yeah. But what you say here sounds good to me. I just gotta hope, like you say, that Aether triggers first, and that Ike doesn't get stat screwed. In one of my recent playthroughs, Ike was horribly strength screwed and could hardly do damage to Shinon. There was no way he'd be able to combat the Black Knight if it took me like a bloody hour just to recruit Shinon again. xP

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If Ike has enough Def and HP, he should be able to shrug off a Luna (on my previous playthrough, my Ike got hit by luna, but survived with - I think- 5 HP, then Aether! Black Knight downed). Just keep Ike's HP high enough, and hope his Def is near it's cap by the time the Black Knight fight comes.

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