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Fire Emblem 4 No Repairs Run


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PERHAPS....a bit late.

Sorry in advance if this update is confusing, what with the turn skips and the stalling and the incompetence and the rampant item use when I should be conserving, I haven't done this in a while.


Oh...right, recruiting Lachesis. Well, quite a bit late, but better late than never.


Also I decided that Fin would make a better husband for Lachesis, and therefore am sticking her next to him instead of Beowulf.


And I net her the Bargain Ring for my ingenious plan which might actually be more predictable than I'd like to think.


Jamka's fallen in love with Aideen faster than I thought.


Dew fulfills his true purpose by tossing Lachesis some money to fund her staffing habbits.


First Fin sells that Elite Ring (sorry bro, but I think Lachesis needs it more)...


And then Lachesis buys it (surprise, surprise), along with the Return Staff and that Light Sword.


Oh right, Thief Sword, can't forget that.


And I have Sylvia get some villages so she can afford uh...Knight Ring?


Finally I decide to stop stalling and seize Anphony.


You can tell I wasted a bunch of turns getting all of my units this ready for battle. First, I do something completely different by waiting for the enemy to come at me.


I was hoping for at least one of the enemy dudes to attack Diadora.


But then after seeing this guy, who's kind of like base Cuan and then some, I hoped against it.


Thankfully, the enemy just decided to dogpile on Beowulf for some reason.


The purpose behind this incredibly competent formation is to draw in the enemies so that the Nodion Idiots don't go too far ahead and get themselves killed.


Of course, nothing ventured, nothing gained, so I send in my cavalry to absorb the first wave of attacks (well, not counting the ones from Augusty) and hopefully weaken the enemies enough so that they may be easily killed on the resulting player phase.


Drats, I forgot about them. Since Sylvia is like, MIA, I will unfortunately have to kill off the Fury squad. sad.gif


I don't remember Beowulf being this good (STR wise, even though it doesn't really make a difference here).


Lex is already in a precarious enough position as is, and I don't want this sword dude making things worse, so I have Sigurd ORKO the punk.


Seeing as the main force has already been whittled down, I don't mind the intervention of the Nodion Idiots.


Incredibly stupid but I did it, and she didn't get hit thankfully.


Fare thee well, Iron Lance, you've served me well.


I should probably be recruiting her.


My last statement was not a lie.


Ain't this a familiar sight?


Come at me bro.



I'll need to get some crowd control going fast.


WHY JAMKA- OK, you got a good level, so all is forgiven.


Javelin bros rule!


Also I bought some stuff for Fury so she could take on the arena.


Unfortunately, the Steel Lance did break.


Levin did the same with Azel's stuff, because yeah, dropping Azel, don't know if I've said it before.


Diadora is the clutchiest.


Oh right, I completely forgot about that. Saved me a Javelin use!




A few turns later and all of the bad dudes are cleared out.


Hahahaha, they can't even kill Diadora properly.


I have Fury pick off the last remaining villages that Sylvia doesn't really need.


And Lachesis finishes some staff spamming, breaking Return in the process.

Afterwards, arenaing is done, blablabla, some people like Sigurd and Cuan finish, some people have been dropped like Azel, and the rest partially finished. Woot woot.

Name     Class          Level HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES Items
Sigurd   Lord Knight    21.90 53 24  00  16  15  13  18  08* Silver Sword (23), Iron Lance (6), Javelin (32), Barrier Ring
Noish    Social Knight  15.97 42 14  00  10  12  05  13  00  Steel Sword (22), Knight Killer (37), Iron Lance (6)
Alec     Social Knight  03.96 32 10  00  10  10  04  08  00  NONE
Arden    Sword Armour   03.43 36 13  00  05  04  03  13  00  NONE
Azel     Mage           05.82 33 11  00  09  12  02  03  06  NONE
Lex      Great Knight   20.02 46 21  00  14  15  13  20  03  Hero Axe (26), Silver Axe (50), Steel Axe (28), Iron Axe (19), Hand Axe (48)
Cuan     Duke Knight    16.16 48 22  00  12  16  07  16  03  Silver Lance (16), Javelin (32)
Fin      Duke Knight    21.47 46 22  01  19  21* 19  20* 05  Silver Lance (50), Steel Lance (12), Speed Ring, Shield Ring, Return Ring
Ethlin   Troubadour     13.35 36 10  08  16  15  09  04  06  Slim Sword (32), Relive (30), Live (2)
Midir    Bow Knight     03.25 32 09  00  08  10  03  07  00  NONE
Aideen   Priestess      07.60 31 00  13  10  10  15  02  10  Live (17), Libro (10), Warp (9)
Dew      Thief          03.55 28 03  01  06  16  13  02  00  Iron Sword (36)
Ayra     Swordfighter   14.38 36 13  00  22  21  04  10  02  Steel Blade (19), Slim Sword (29)
Jamka    Bowfighter     15.81 45 18  00  17  19  08  15  02  Killer Bow (31), Silver Bow (50), Steel Bow (31)
Diadora  Shaman         11.14 31 02  17  12  13  06  05  22  Aura (24), Circlet
Holyn    Swordfighter   14.57 42 14  00  19  18  01  13  01  Silver Sword (50), Iron Blade (28)
Levin    Bard           13.76 41 02  14  19* 22  07  06  09  Elwind (23), Thunder (25), Fire (17), Skill Ring
Sylvia   Dancer         04.20 29 03  03  04  12  08  01  06  NONE
Beowulf  Free Knight    14.32 40 18  00  13  13  06  12  00  Steel Sword (23), Slim Sword (50)
Lachesis Princess       18.40 36 13  08  12  16  12  09  10  Prayer Sword (34), Light Sword (47), Elite Ring, Bargain Ring, Knight Ring, Pursuit Ring
Fury     Pegasus Knight 10.66 35 13  01  12  19  08  10  09  Hero Lance (41), Slim Lance (34), Cutter (39), Thief Sword (48), Iron Sword (25), Iron Sword (4)

Items Broken: Iron Blade, Steel Sword, Steel Lance, Iron Lance, Iron Bow, Return

Edited by Refa
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I'd actually recommend Levin Fury and Lex Tiltyu, as then you can just Wrath Bomb stuff though I guess you could do that normally. Maybe Azel Tiltyu for more magic then.

Pairing Azel is the only way to make use of Volcanon: not that there's anything wrong with having Azel!Sety use Volcanon and giving Holsety to Arthur.

Might be worth keeping Sylvia unpaired just to get the Berserk staff. After all, Restore/Sleep/Silence are also in limited supply.

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Pairing Azel is the only way to make use of Volcanon: not that there's anything wrong with having Azel!Sety use Volcanon and giving Holsety to Arthur.

Might be worth keeping Sylvia unpaired just to get the Berserk staff. After all, Restore/Sleep/Silence are also in limited supply.

Leaf says hi

That is all

Yeah, Leaf can use Tornado and Volcanon regardless of pairing Azel and Sety, and at least you can always use Thoron since both Tiltyu's kids and subs have Tordo blood.

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Pairing Azel is the only way to make use of Volcanon: not that there's anything wrong with having Azel!Sety use Volcanon and giving Holsety to Arthur.

That's what I thought too, but then I remembered; Master Knight. So I'll probably have Leaf use Volcannon. To be fair, he is probably a lot worse at using it than any of Azel's progeny, but them's the breaks.

Should've had Diadora make her Aura tome empty to conserve uses on everything else.

I should have.

Another update? So soon? Madness!


First thing's first, let's get that Hero Sword. I'm going to be using it sparingly for Gen. 1 because well, I'll need it to get Celice up to speed early on in Gen. 2.


The plan is to send Lachesis, her soon-to-be loverboy Fin, Levin, And Jamka to the right in preparation for the Cross Knights, and everyone else up north (minus the people that I've benched, naturally).


First I drawn in the axe armors...


Then I slaughter them all and send Sigurd towards a more interesting target.


Lex fortunately tanked the "FISH IN A BARREL" dudes like a champ.


Beowulf, you are not supposed to be this good.


Noish can also ORKO (OHKO even) these guys with the powers of the instant critical Horseslayer.


The castle guard is troublesome, troublesome enough that I'll have to delay seizing for a turn, at any rate.


Close, but no cigar.


A recurring theme in this chapter will be Fury robbing the pirates of their precious cargo and then running through them with a lance on the next turn.


This boss doubles Sigurd, what a pain in the ass. Thankfully, he also 5HKOes Sigurd.


Oh dear, I'm going to have to hurry this up.


So reliable!


And Beowulf snags the kill, surprisingly enough.


And they lie in wait, watching for their prey...




Good thing Aideen's got that there Heal Far stick.


...I totally forgot about Cuan. Endless shame and all that.


Hopefully the Cross Knights block the way, or Levin is totally fucked!


I'm clearing a way for Lachesis to talk to Eltoshan, in case you're wondering.


But I can't say no to some easy EXP before that...


Is there anyone else?



I tried to send Lex over to save it, but it was already too late...


Lachesis and Noish make an effective combo. It's almost like they should get married or something.

But not really because she wants Fin. Just like everyone else, but the feelings more mutual in this case.


Oh yeah, these guys are doing something here, I dunno.




Cuan is still awesome.


Well, the Dracoknights are here, let's pretend that I care about saving weapon uses and capture the castle before I have to engage them! First is Cuan...


Then Fin holyshithealmostkilledshaggy...

And Sigurd seized sometime I dunno, there's no picture of it.


Noone else was nearby, and it's just +1 DEF.





(I got this trick from Bal's video actually)


This is where I start warping people to Madino...but not too many, I'm going to need that for Chapter 4, seeing as how Return was used solely to buffer Lachesis' EXP.



It only took three turns. In FE4, there is such a thing as being too good, just ask Sigurd when he's procced a bit too much DEF and/or SPD in Chapter 1 or HolSety when he's procced too much...EVERYTHING.


Sadly all good things must come to an end, I don't want Briggid dying on me, after all.


The power of Gae Bolg is finally mine! Bwahahahahahaha!


Might as well test it out, eh?



Master Knight is just such a cool class, and I'm sure being able to use...practically anything will be great boon to run.


Oh yeah, I finally decide that perhaps Briggid, Tiltyu, and Claudia could use a little bit of help, and send Fury out there to do just that.


So yeah, I've been doing a lot of item swapping, and Cuan gives Ethlin the means to finance getting more cool stuff for Leaf. Master Knights are just that bro, after all.




Darn it Ethlin, I can't have you leave....unpromoted! I'll get you to promotion no matter what, even if it costs me most of that Relive stick and your Slim Sword.



Ichieval isn't quite as evil sounding as Gae Bolg, so no evil laugh this time, sorry guys.


Boss is a real pansy.


Wind Sword is going straight to Ethlin which is being mailed straight to Leaf in a process that can take upwards of 4-6 weeks.


Such good promo gains. Now all I need to do is wait for Fin and Lachesis too hook up and I'm golden!




wait what why hrnghhhhhhhhhhh

I guess I'll just have to wait till Gen 2 to see if they had children or if I'm stuck with Bench-Me #1 and There-Are-No-Hero-Swords-For-Me-Sadface Tristan.

Name     Class          Level HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES Items
Sigurd   Lord Knight    24.19 56 29* 06* 19  17  14  19  08* Hero Sword (47), Silver Sword (8), Javelin (12), Power Ring, Magic Ring, Barrier Ring, Leg Ring
Noish    Paladin        21.38 47 17  05  15  15  05  17  05  Hero Lance (32), Knight Killer (34), Steel Lance (12), Steel Sword (17), Thief Sword (43)
Alec     Social Knight  03.96 32 10  00  10  10  04  08  00  NONE
Arden    Sword Armour   03.43 36 13  00  05  04  03  13  00  NONE
Azel     Mage           05.82 33 11  00  09  12  02  03  06  NONE
Lex      Great Knight   24.22 49 23  00  15  17  13  22  03  Hero Axe (19), Steel Axe (28), Iron Axe (3), Hand Axe (44)
Cuan     Duke Knight    17.11 49 33* 00  22* 17  08  26* 03  Gae Bolg (49)
Fin      Duke Knight    21.99 46 22  01  19  21* 19  20* 05  Speed Ring, Shield Ring, Return Ring
Ethlin   Paladin        20.14 40 18  10  21  21  11  11  10  Silver Blade (50), Cutter (39), Wind Sword (50), Pursuit Ring
Midir    Bow Knight     03.25 32 09  00  08  10  03  07  00  NONE
Aideen   Priestess      11.55 34 02  13  10  11  18  03  10  Relive (4), Live (9), Libro (9), Warp (5)
Dew      Thief          03.95 28 03  01  06  16  13  02  00  Iron Sword (18), Light Sword (38)
Ayra     Swordfighter   19.74 37 15  00  24  21  06  12  02  Prayer Sword (28), Slim Sword (18)
Jamka    Bowfighter     23.07 50 27  00  20  23  14  18  05  Killer Bow (25), Silver Bow (32)
Diadora  Shaman         11.14 31 02  17  12  13  06  05  22  Circlet
Holyn    Hero           20.63 48 20  04  26  20  02  16  04  Silver Sword (32), Iron Blade (2)
Levin    Bard           18.38 46 02  15  21* 25  07  08  10  Elwind (12), Thunder (20), Skill Ring
Sylvia   Dancer         07.40 31 03  04  04  13  09  02  08  NONE
Beowulf  Free Knight    18.77 44 22  00  14  14  06  13  00  Thunder Sword (50), Clipper (41), Slim Sword (25)
Lachesis Master Knight  24.46 42 24  09  20  21  15  19  10  Silver Lance (42), Silver Axe (43), Earth Sword (10), Elfire (50), Silence (2), Sleep (1), Return Ring, Bargain Ring
Fury     Pegasus Knight 19.18 38 17  03  12  23  08  13  10  Slim Lance (19), Javelin (28), Steel Sword (15)
Briggid  Sniper         16.92 44 31* 00  22  31* 09  15  09  Ichieval (50), Steel Bow (11), Steel Bow (11)
Tiltyu   Thunder Mage   10.10 32 00  13  19  13  11  01  09  Thoron (33), Thunder (39)
Claude   Hi Priest      22.58 35 00  22  14  15  09  06  20  Wind (39), Recover (50), Reserve (8), Valkyrie (1)

Items Broken: Steel Blade, Iron Blade, Steel Sword, Slim Sword, Iron Sword, Iron Sword, Silver Lance, Steel Lance, Iron Lance, Iron Lance, Iron Lance, Iron Bow, Fire, Live, Return

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How dare you insult the great JANNE. If you get her it would be a gift! ((Also you likely won't as pairings are done from mothers not fathers))

Does Gae Bolg repair over generations?

Edited by Macho Barbarian Darros
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It's because Fin x Briggid/Tiltyu are 180+10, while Fin x Lachesis are only 50+2. So even if Fin and Lachesis stand next to each other, their love growth is only 7 a turn, while Fin and Briggid have 10 a turn. So if Fin and Lachesis had less than around 275 points before Briggid appeared, it's easily possible. As for why it was Briggid and not Tiltyu... perhaps there's just some precondition that sets Briggid over Tiltyu if both get to 500 at the same time?

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Huh. Did not realize Finn's love growth was nearly that high with anyone.

It's to make Fin x Tiltyu/Briggid even possible, because love growth stops growing after the 50th turn, and let's face it, you're not getting Fin to either of them (especially Tiltyu) for at least a couple turns after they appear, which will be like around Turn 10 at the earliest if you go fast.

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perhaps there's just some precondition that sets Briggid over Tiltyu if both get to 500 at the same time?

the routine just runs through the mothers in order

if the father is paired then the loop stops

so the game first incremented fin's love points with briggid, paired him with briggid, then when it went to go check tiltyu it went "welp"

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