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Sales of Awakening's DLC revealed


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Link to the place where I saw the information: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=492256

3DS Country-wide connection rate = 75%

Paid DLC download number = 1,200,000

Paid DLC sales = Roughly 380,000,000 yen

380m yen converted, via Google:




If there was any doubt, it seems like the DLC is doing pretty well...

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IS seem to be raking in some pretty serious money with Awakening. They're at what? 350,000 sales of the game proper now in Japan alone? More? Once you factor in the DLC, that's a lot.

I really hope they can at least match that in the West.

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I know for one I'm buying every single freaking thing that has anything to do with the game! They better release ALL the DLC in West, I'll be seriously sad if they didn't bring it all here. I'm pretty sure with as well as it is doing that they'll definitely bring some of it over to the West, question is will they do it all... That's what I'm worried about.

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I heard that FE13 itself sold more than 500,000 copies. Multiply that with 4800 yen per copy and you get 2.4 billion. Meaning the sales of FE13 with its DLC being at least 2.78 billion yen.

EDIT - Oh right, it's from the same page.

『ファイアーエムブレム 覚醒』の販売は50万本ほどだと思う

And in other words, this means it has outsold FE4 and became the second best-selling FE.


Edited by nocturnal YL
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Wow. That's fucking insane. This makes me wonder how well it compares to a Sony or Microsoft game though. I was always under the impression DLC was a way to get a bit more money for their efforts, not... this.

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Excellent, as it deserves. I don't think it's much of a stretch to hope that Nintendo will catch on to the value of this fantastic business model as a standard for the future.

Edited by Othin
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Here's another statistic that's been posted a lot on /vg/:

"from nintendo- 75% of 3ds have connected to the network in japan, fire-emblem had 15% dlc incremental revenues higher than company av. 6% "

I'm not an economist, so I'd be indebted to anyone who could correct me, but I think he's saying that FE13's DLC is doing very well even compared to nintendo's other DLCs. Food for thought :o

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Ho-ho, good to hear. :Kappa:

Now, as to the question of how it'll do in America...hmm. I doubt it'll do as well, since SRPGs are generally not as popular in the West as they are in the East. There are exceptions, though. Specifically, FE 9 and 10--VGchartz says American sales of those games blew the Japanese ones out of the water.

If FE13 shares that pattern, or even has its American sales *approaching* that of its Japanese ones, it will be the most successful Fire Emblem game ever released, hands-down. I'd say it has a good shot at doing so. Again, I may be wrong about this, so someone more well-versed than I in vidya economic history should feel free to correct me, but going off of what I know, 'flagship' entries for a given system released early in that system's life cycle tend to be the best-performing. Too look at VGchartz another time (http://www.vgchartz.com/gamedb/?name=fire+emblem) Fire Emblem 3 sold the most out of all the FEs released for the SNES, and it was released earlier on the system's lifespan than 4 and 5 (the latter was released at the waning days of the SNES and did relatively poorly). FE7 did slightly worse than FE8 in Japan, but in America, it did a little better and indeed remains the best-selling Western-released FE we have so far. Since FE13 is also being released early--it's only been a bit over a year since the 3DS was released in the US, IIRC--I think it stands a good chance of piggybacking on the "minty-fresh new system smell" the 3DS still has in the West. Though, of course, the longer Nintendo takes to localize it, the less effective the phenomena will be. :Kappa: :Kappa:

However, Fire Emblem 13 was also heavily advertised in Japan. In America, on the other hand, it didn't even get mentioned during Nintendo's (utterly execrable) big industry presentation; Reggie only acknowledged it after the presentation was over. Without advertisement, it might be difficult for FE13 to get even respectable sales numbers, not to mention sales anywhere near where it got in Japan.

Overall, judging from its strong sales in Japan and the 3DS' position in the market right now, I think FE13 has a decent shot of being successful in the US. However, given the drawbacks of the Western market--lack of advertising (so far) and the general apathy of Westerners to SRPGs, at least compared to Easterners--I would not expect it to be more than moderately or relatively successful, and could see it flopping. Only time will tell, I suppose.

:Kappa: :Kappa: :Kappa: :Kappa:

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"from nintendo- 75% of 3ds have connected to the network in japan, fire-emblem had 15% dlc incremental revenues higher than company av. 6% "

I'm not an economist, so I'd be indebted to anyone who could correct me, but I think he's saying that FE13's DLC is doing very well even compared to nintendo's other DLCs. Food for thought :o

I'm not sure what is this actually comparing to. What other of Nintendo's games offer paid DLC?

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I'm not sure what is this actually comparing to. What other of Nintendo's games offer paid DLC?

There's New Super Mario Bros. 2 and Theatrythm: Final Fantasy. So it's actually extremely impressive for Fire Emblems DLC to have done better than those two games.

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Mario hasn't had any DLC released yet, so there is no comparison there. They did release a photo taking app for the 3DS, and it did have paid-DLC, so it is possible that is what they are referring to.

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Just as a correction. The 15% figure quoted earlier is actually stating that DLC has added 15% more revenue for the game. Retail revenue is $30.6 million US, and DLC adds another $4.59 million dollars in revenue. Remember that this does not take expenses into account, so profitability is going to be lower than these figures.

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