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Things you love, things you hate?


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I don't think I seen a topic about this, so here goes. I'd like to hear what you like about this game, particularly new mechanics, and things that weren't in other games. And also what you don't like about the game.

Personally, I like that they brought back individual weapon art. Shadow Dragon/New Mystery have the same weapon art for everything, I hated that.

And I love that the Tactician is now a playable character.

The support... overhaul? Is a very nice addition. Also skirmishes... Enough said.

Honestly I can't think of anything I don't like at the moment. Please remember to use spoiler tags when necessary!

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Let's see...

Things I love:

- 50 battle maps!

- The sheer quantity of support conversations

- Legendary weapons from FE11 and FE4 (and some of FE7 and FE9/10) are back

- Past characters! They may not have everyone I want, but I'm glad they included those

- Battle animations in general

- Voice - they may not sound perfect (Sallya giggling sounds weird, for example), but we now get to know what characters sound like

Things I don't like:

- The support distribution is too skewed (Note 1)

- The lack of light magic

- The lack of common ranged swords (wind edge, tempest blade, etc)

- Maximum stat caps not even (max raw Str is 50 but raw Spd is 46, etc) - and I prefer the old "all classes cap at 20~30" (Note 2)

- The story feels kinda weird (Note 3)

- Support contents (Note 4)


[spoiler=Explanation to the above points](Note 1) Supports for those who can't marry is really limited, especially since the game shows that the characters are closer to each other than the supports show. And a lot of related characters can't even support! What's happened to Basilio with his people (Ronkuu, Grego, Olivie) and Emelina with those having special Everyone's Room conversation (Chrom, Liz, Gangrel)? Or even Paris and Chrom, who he recognised as someone strong enough for him to follow? And perhaps cross-generation talks? Womanizer Azur and Viaur who asks everyone he sees to get married? Come on, IS...

(Note 2) IS games are better off with small numbers because their calculations ar precise, without "may deal an extra 1~8 damage depending on the RNG" random factors. And small numbers are easy to calculate for both players and IS themselves.

(Note 3) Without any SpotPass contents, it all looks like a perfectly fine FE story. Add SpotPass in and you'll wonder why are the major opponents still alive. Talk about unusal coincidence.

(Note 4) Consistency! Why are the children so emotional in some of the supports? Is Nn supposed to be a mature kid or childlike lass? Why is Tiki so serious when facing Anna but not Sayri?

...Pretty much it, yeah.

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[spoiler=The biggest thing I like about this game, at the moment.]

You don't have to kill most of your army to visit the side chapters.

I like the double feature, the fact that there are so many interesting characters in this game, with a lot of interesting supports, and I also like how there are no characters that you have to pick one of, losing the other forever, like in some past games. I also like how so many characters have awesome sounding names, such as Sol, Gaia, Serge... you get the idea.

[spoiler=You probably already know all this, but, what the hell.]

I also like that Tiki is playable in this game, as an actual character, instead of only as Spotpass/DLC, and how it seems as if My Unit is the Tactician from Blazing Sword.

As for the things I don't like, I would say, the fact that there isn't light magic, although I can understand why it's like this from both a story and gameplay standpoint, so it doesn't bother me too much.

Out of what I've read/seen so far, that's about it. Everything seems like either the best of what came before, or something even better. Maybe once I actually get a chance to play the game, I'll come up with more items for both lists.


I also like the fact that you can

[spoiler=Something else you all know already.]

Recruit Anna!

Edited by Strunk
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FE11 is the only game to ask you to kill your own people.

I don't know why is there no light magic both story-wise and gameplay-wise. The game provided no explanation whatsoever to the lack of light magic... maybe the world has gone too dark that light magic no longer works unless they're so powerful like Holy Tome Naga? And it makes no gameplay sense either if IS bothered to bring back the trinity of magic.

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FE11 is the only game to ask you to kill your own people.

I don't know why is there no light magic both story-wise and gameplay-wise. The game provided no explanation whatsoever to the lack of light magic... maybe the world has gone too dark that light magic no longer works unless they're so powerful like Holy Tome Naga? And it makes no gameplay sense either if IS bothered to bring back the trinity of magic.

Well, I was referring to FE11 when I said that. As for the light magic, what I meant by story, is that the two games that this is a direct sequel to also didn't have light magic. As for gameplay, I was referring to this games gameplay, not past games. For instance, there's no magic triangle in this game, therefore, with the many kinds of magic we already have, and with none of them actually doing any extra damage against other kinds of magic, I could see why they would leave something out, and they just happened to pick light magic.

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I see. So it's basically like leaving out dark magic in FE9. It does make past characters look strange, though.

I pretty much forgot about FE1/3/11/12 having no light magic (well, there's Aura...). Magic and mages in general didn't give me much impression in FE12 other than being glass cannons with low defense.

But yeah, I see your point.

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The only major complaints I have about this game are the lack of a difficulty between hard and lunatic, and the lack of a super-efficient grinding DLC (between the mummy DLC, spirit talisman 3, and king vs king 3 you can doa pretty good job, but it still takes a few hours to take a character from base stats to limit broken caps).

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I'd say the double feature and the way supports work now are the best features of the game with supports and their effects being the best implemented so far, since they pretty much give every class and character a reason to be used which is pretty good given in Fire Emblem that almost never happens.

My only dislike is the way the DLC, the stronger Spotpass units and Nosferatu can mess with the challenge of Lunatic and Lunatic+ modes after chapter 3, you can avoid them but I think there probably should have been some restrictions put on Lunatic and Lunatic+ up until the final chapter on those features.

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Things I like:

Double System, support benefits, sidequests, DLC, traversable map, more balanced training, Streetpass and Spotpass.

Things I dislike: Lack of Light Magic, lack of DLC variety and overabundance of Spotpass characters*, and the fact that my favorite class (Swordmaster) is now obsolete. ;___;

I also dislike how Emerina and other people that should've died are alive for sometimes stupid reasons that just lack sense.

* I would much rather have few DLC and Spotpass characters with at least a little support options, and I would appreciate harder work in a lot of the Spotpass characters designs. Also needs more Joshua.

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Things I like: new gameplay additions. Individual weapon models. Flavia.

Things I don't like: 90% of the female characters' outfits and a good portion of the dudes' too. Certain DLC designs.

Edited by Zhuge Liang
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I haven't played the game yet, so I'll just say stuff I do like on first glance.

Likes: new FE, Krom seems interesting, more flexible pairing options, classes, double system

Dislikes: how fanservice-y this game is, trying to tie in every single continent together, and above all THE TACTICIAN!!!!!!!!! -_-

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I haven't played the game yet, so I'll just say stuff I do like on first glance.

Likes: new FE, Krom seems interesting, more flexible pairing options, classes, double system

Dislikes: how fanservice-y this game is, trying to tie in every single continent together, and above all THE TACTICIAN!!!!!!!!! -_-


Are you referring to MU or Mark?

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I like most things, particularly the Double system and the extreme enemy strength to make it matter, as well as the class/skill system. Also the huge amount of bonus content in sidequests, expanded by SpotPass and DLC. Overall it manages to have enormous continued play value per file and replay value to result in a ridiculously long-lasting game as a result.

As for dislikes, the first one that stands out is having only three files. With how long each file lasts combined with how much else there is to do on new files, three slots just isn't enough. Also some art issues with absurd fanservice; Serge is the worst offender, although I like the character designs as a whole. Similarly, while I like the battle models otherwise, the TINY FEET really screw them up. The characters don't appear to have the substance to match up with their numbers of supports, except for the ones that don't have enough supports at all, which is frustrating. And as arvilino said, while the game makes some effort, it really doesn't do as much as it should have to protect the integrity of the highest difficulty levels throughout the main story, even if it only did more for Lunatic+.

But most of this is just a matter of already things I already like not being quite as great as they could have been. Compared with the other FE games, I have virtually no complaints about FE13, and I'd call it my overall favorite game right now.

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Othin's post pretty much sums up my entire opinion. Glad to see this thread is doing pretty well, what I don't like is the painfully obvious lack of laguz. I mean, Velvet is sort of a Laguz but you know.. Just not.

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Skills are back, high difficulties, and DLC are all things that seemed pretty good. Some character designs are kinda dumb but nobody's going to like everything, I guess. Seems like it'll be the best in the series so far. I'm pretty pumped.

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* Olivia - No explanation needed. Waifu Emblem. Get at me.

* Dual Attack/Defend and Doubling - The doubling and dual attack system gives it sort of an "easy to get into it" feeling for people that just want to sit down and play the dang game. While at the same time, gives another layer of strategy to veterans of the series who want a challenge in Lunatic and Lunatic+ mode.

* Long Game - It's a pretty long and enjoyable game, with DLC to extend the playability even more.

* Graphical Presentation - The 3D effects on the map itself had the "WHOA!?" effect when I first saw them. Extremely impressive. It made me swing in front of the screen when a leaf flew by on the map... I thought it was a fly in front of my 3DS. XD

The overall art style, while off-putting when we first saw the first trailer way back when, is very likeable compared to FE11 and FE12's. The generic portraits were also a VERY nice touch. The cut-ins, man... reminded me of Super Robot Wars series, but definitely approved by me.

As for the battle animation models, they're very nice and the animations themselves are very smooth.

* Voice acting - They definitely fit... despite some unexpected ones, but they give much more depth to the characters. Tomokazu Sugita shouting right off the bat in the opening movie made it all worth it as a buy when I first turned on the game. It's kinda weird having a possibility for my male MU (boku) AND their daughter being voiced by Miyuki Sawashiro, but it's too funny to bash. XD

Frederick as Daisuke Ono... I was like *bows to the ground* I AM NOT WORTHY.

Takehito Koyasu voicing Ronku just... lol... his role as Jade Curtiss kept popping up in my head... and Ronku's "scared of women" behavior just made me think back to Guy Cecil in the same game. XD

Although I've never even heard of most of the voice actors/actresses, Rei Matsuzaki's Olivia made me just "ZOMG IT'S SO MOE".

Ikue Ohtani's Chiki Chikichu also made the voice actress fanboy inside me jump for joy.

* Individualized Supports - Thank goodness they threw out FE10's supports. Well I mean, the generics are still there for "Everyone's Room" and the "Event Tiles"... but I mean the whole character development of each character is in the supports like the other games... despite some of the marriage supports are "Generic declaration of marriage."

* "The Tactician" from FE7 refined into a true member of the team - YOU are in the game. Or at least whatever character you want is in the game. Not in the "lame" fashion that FE7 presented it. The idea was refined from FE7 into FE12, and now it's a very finely polished concept. Your MU is involved in the story... and it goes well with the next point.

* Beautiful Soundtrack - I won't lie... I freaking cried. Chapter 10 music. The events of the story... your MU in the middle of it all. The sheer atmosphere of the map in Chapter 10. The battle map effect of the rain... combined with the glorious musical soundtrack. It tugged at your heart. It speaks to your soul. I freaking cried.

* "Options" - I won't really call this THAT much of a positive point... but since this is FE: The Dating Sim... and MU can marry any character of the opposite gender... they really went for it and had a character at least of every possible... "likeable" personality. The "archetypes" if you will of characters. Like how Olivia is always "HAZUKASHII DESU" shy. And the confession scene graphics... SOMEONE will appeal to your... tastes.

* Returning Characters from past FEs - Spotpass let you have your favorite characters from this glorious series on your Awakening Team. I'd imagine it's quite the nostalgia trip for veteran fans of the series.

* Gaidens are all accessible without sucking at the game - THANK GOODNESS they threw out FE11's stupid idea with the "get characters killed, unlock gaiden" system. I don't want to absolutely suck at the game to play all of it.


* Story comprehension - The freaking story after crap goes down is weird and requires some "what the hell did they just explain?" thought. Kind of expected when you start meeting your children from the future.

* Light Magic and Lack of Magic Triangle - Not really complaining at all about this through. They would have been nice additions, but not really a "dislike" per say.

* Multiplayer limited to "Double Tag" locally - As in, I'm not complaining about the lack of a "true" multiplayer option like FE11's online system. I'm saying I don't like how multiplayer is limited locally-- especially Streetpass teams. I mean I don't mind only being able to take on my friend's Streetpass team with the AI controlling it... but she lives hundreds of miles away. I can't even SEE her team.

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Things I like: new gameplay additions. Individual weapon models. Flavia.

Things I don't like: 90% of the female characters' outfits and a good portion of the dudes' too. Certain DLC designs.



what about lucina

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Things I like: Skills are back (Did they ever leave? It's been remakes since 10) Pretty graphics, most of the character/clothing designs (Though some are weird. Looking at you, Serge), tons of supports, the ability to create MU and the waifus.

Things I'm not too sure about: Lack of any kind of magic triangle, no light magic, the spotpass characters arguably making the real characters less useful, some of ther art designs (Again, Serge and her backless dress) and... nope. That's pretty much it really. And I don't really care all that much about that stuff either. I'm just so hyped that it's hard to hold onto any negative opinions.

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I'm just so hyped that it's hard to hold onto any negative opinions.

You, sir. Have grasped the concept entirely! I love so many of the features in this game it is very very hard to proclaim dislikes. Quick question

Is Ashnard one of the recruitable characters?

I love the fact that on higher difficulties, the sheer numbers of the enemy are challenging. I love that I can use some of my favorite characters dating back to even the earliest games, being a long time fan of this series that's pretty exciting. DLC maps? Like yes of course! Though, whatever happened to trial maps like from PoR?

And truthfully, I actually kind of like female clothes, but that's just me.

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