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Who's buying a 3DS because of Awakening?


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would the term being impaitent and wanting to play it to troll my friends that want to play it count ? if so then yes

i already have a 3ds xl zelda triforce 3ds and my fire emblem 3ds

Edited by Hirokaski
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would the term being impaitent and wanting to play it to troll my friends that want to play it count ? if so then yes

i already have a 3ds xl zelda triforce 3ds and my fire emblem 3ds

I was so tempted by that Zelda 3DS... I'm glad I have an FE one, tho, I like it more than the Zelda one (although the Zelda one IS gorgeous!)

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i got the triforce one and love it to bits its what got my my poularity in gamestation in birmingham before it was shut down and turned into yet another discount clothes shop

pretty soon gamers wil have nowhere to buy games if the discount fashion nerds get their way

i got a fire emblem 3ds aswell love both my triforce on and my fire emblem one

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I'm getting a 3DS solely to play Awakening. Actually, I already got one just to play the Japanese version, and I'm going to get a US 3DS so I can play the US version too. Since I was getting a Japanese 3DS anyway, I got the special edition Awakening one. It's pretty awesome.

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While I have been SOOOO tempted to import a Japanese 3DS and copy, I managed to hold back when they announced the US release, but I'm finding it hard to wait much longer. It also doesn't help that because I wanted to wait and see if the limited edition would be sold (which looks unlikely now), I haven't got a 3DS yet, and I'm going to have so little spending money after the holidays.... :(

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And for the sake of supporting localizations...

I GUESS I should buy an American 3DS for it.

-Hi fives-

I was thinking about ordering a 3DS with a capture card from that link in your YouTube video description. Your Lets play inspired me :3

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I wanted to buy that limited edition Ocarina of Time one that came out 1 yr ago, but I was too lazy xD Hopefully I can find a good deal on a 3DS. I really like the FE 3DS Japan got, but I think it might not come here :(

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^That's what I'm doing, too. I'll likely get a 3DS at the same time as Awakening. xD But I want that special one! We can still hope! Even if it's very likely that it won't happen...

My logic: The official site from Nintendo says "preorder coming soon", so they might announce the special 3DS when they put the preorder section up.

...Not saying my logic is realistic, of course.

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Get the 3DS XL. Always. I don't care how pretty that special edition 3DS is, if it's not XL, don't bother. The screen's bigger, battery life is better, the 3D effect is easier to maintain with casual effort, and the clamshell optionally snaps into a half-open position which is better for controlling some games.

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I've actually heard it said that the XL can stretch the screen noticeably in some games, so I'm a bit hesistant to buy one for Awakening instead of a normal 3DS.

I don't suppose anyone can confirm or deny at all?

Edited by Onestep
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I mostly notice the XL's screen stretching when playing DS games, and even then, I usually get accustomed to it fairly fast, and often compensate by holding the screen out slightly further if it's on a game where it bugs me. (It usually doesn't for, say, Pokemon - but it bugs the heck out of me for Dr. Mario for the first few minutes until I acclimate; however, I still get screen stretching on the original 3DS for DS games, so it's kind of a wash there). It's a completely reasonable tradeoff because the angle at which you can view things in 3D properly as well as the screen's brightness is just so much superior on the XL. Let me put it this way: the original 3DS is smaller, but I never took it away from home. It required too many conditions to use effectively. Even in suspend mode, the battery died too quick if you tried to keep it on for streetpass; by comparison, the 3DSXL lasts MUCH longer in streetpass mode, and slightly longer in active playtime, making it a viable all-day companion. You can turn off the 3D for both the 3DS and the XL to increase active playtime on battery, but the XL (again) benefits more from this.

Also, if it was too bright out, or I was in a non-stationary position, or it was a game that required me to react quickly (thus often meaning my reactions would shake the screen) it'd be a pain and a half to be able to consistently see what was going on, frequently requiring me to turn off the 3D, with the original 3DS. None of these are really problems for the 3DSXL, and I often take it with me on long walks.

The difference is so vast that I viewed the original 3DS as Nintendo's worst move since the Virtual Boy, while I now occasionally shill for the 3DS since I got the XL.

Edited by CinderSkye
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