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So of the "Mane" Six...


Favourite Pony?  

13 members have voted

  1. 1. Which is your favourite?

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I don't see the point of a poll because Fluttershy is everyone's favorite.

Second is Applejack, because she's adorable.

I always thought that Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash were on the same level as Fluttershy. Especially with all the Pinkie Pie avatars and animated GIFs I see on forums and Rainbow Dash being praised for being the "manly" one of the mane six.

Applejack is my 3rd favourite. Gotta love the hat and the ponytail at the end of her mane.

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The lack of Twilight Sparkle in this thread is dissappointing. At least one person here other than me agrees, Integribro.

Meanwhile, there are no votes on Rainbow Dash, Applejack, or Rarity XD

My second would've been Rarity though, I like her almost as much as Pinkie~

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Meanwhile, there are no votes on Rainbow Dash, Applejack, or Rarity XD

My second would've been Rarity though, I like her almost as much as Pinkie~

Specta's gonna be voting for Rarity if she finds this thread, rest assured.

Applejack woulda been my second vote but unfortunately there can be only one.

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The good kind of fans don't need to talk about it all the time in all contexts.

EDIT: We did have something of a phase though, about maybe a year-ish back.

Edited by Mr. Sparkles
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I was kinda surprised about the lack of pony related threads in this forum. I thought every decently sized community has one of these, these days.

Btw, one vote for Rainbow Dash coming up.

As far as I've seen, talking about it just does nothing but start up a bunchies of rage from the people that hate the show x3

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