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Prax's Artwork! (Devianart stuff + lol)


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Haha. but I am not a fan of Ike + Elincia! Elincia + Geoffrey foreverrr~~~! (I was actually very happy that Ike, the main male lead didn't fall for the "obvious" princess choice for once! It felt like a good twist to me!)

Heehee you just made huge enemies with Ana XD

I don't really prefer one pairing over the other that much, but if I consider that I think Geoffrey looks prettier and also seems to be super sweet to her about it... Well Ike is sweet too but idk there's something about Geoffrey... And yeah I don't mind twists if I don't care much about the pairing to begin with XD In this case I don't really think too much on FE pairings.

As for your older artwork, I think they look quite nice~ But maybe it's just because I don't look at those types of drawings that often XD But I really really like the "Namdasir" one~ (also purple pen! yaaayyyy~)

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I personally think Ike is way hotter than Geoffrey (especially in RD), but that's not why I prefer IkexElincia lol, of course.

Anyway, I can get along with someone who prefers Geoffrey and Elincia. I would just refuse to discuss topics related to either pairing with them so we don't start fighting or something. xP

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I personally think Ike is way hotter than Geoffrey (especially in RD), but that's not why I prefer IkexElincia lol, of course.

Anyway, I can get along with someone who prefers Geoffrey and Elincia. I would just refuse to discuss topics related to either pairing with them so we don't start fighting or something. xP

Your reaction to her when she said that looked pretty angry to me XD

But still, as I said, I really don't care much about who goes with who...

And just my own personal opinion, I never really found Ike attractive, but that makes one less person to fight over him with for you doesn't it? =3

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I don't think that's what Freohr meant. Also, there's nothing at all that says Ike is gay. In fact, he is quite possibly straight seeing as he has a descendant.

Him having a descendant doesn't automatically mean he's straight either!

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LOL Shipping wars in my art thread?

No way! Those aren't as bad as you say~ I think they look very cohesive. They just lack a focus point--every part of each one of those images seems to be within the same value range. Like the Namdasir one is really awesome (so Castlevania esque <3) but the sort of scratchy technique you used for the background is also used in his outfit and makes it really hard to tell where his body is and the background is really hard to understand because everything in the image is so dark.

If you're bad at something, you should practice it so you get really good :3 That's just my opinion though. I used to really hate doing backgrounds/environments.

Yeah, my uhm.. planning and composition skills aren't the best. I just kind of start wherever and continue from there until I'm "done".

The Namdasir one was totally inspired by Castlevania art! I even titled it Crescendo of the Moon (mirroring Symphony of the Night lol).

I intend to practice more on backgrounds and scenery at some future point! I am just a huuuuuuuuuge procrastinator that gets distracted by other things! LOL



My thoughts on each pairing:

Ike + Elincia:

Although they technically would make a cute pair, I think they just respect one another a lot. Elincia might have had a girl crush on Ike, and fancied herself being saved by some rugged mercenary hero, but the evidence to me seems like Ike was too oblivious or not-interested to care. He was just doing his job and being a good friend, man! Thankfully, it didn't blossom into romance in the games! XD The "main lord falls for main female lead" cliche is not something I really like, so I'm glad! Plus...

Ike + Soren:

Ike seems dense in this area when it comes to men or women from what I gather. However, Soren is obviously in some kind of love with Ike but confuses it with undying loyalty. LOL My own thoughts are that Ike actually has a soft romantic spot for Soren, but he's also the type that doesn't think about it much or deeply. It may be that they play off being loyal best buds for decades until Ike is really old. On his death bed, Ike would chuckle at the realization that they've been in love with one another for a long, long time. Ike probably jokes about having one last (and first) kiss and Soren gets confused and flustered, and a "nevermind" happens and Ike passes away peacefully... and then it's too late! Soren swallows his despair and lives the rest of his natural branded life for centuries with the small warmth in his heart left by Ike's confession. //lolfanfic (I am not actually a diehard fan of this pairing either, but it seems canon enough to me!)

Elincia + Lucia:

lol they are sisters to me, not lovers, but their loyalty to one another is really sweet. I do not see the passion of romance around them. They are just deeply loyal and war to one another. My opinion on the pairing is pretty neutral. XD

Geoffrey + Elincia:

Yeah~! Courtly romance between knight and princess! I am SO INTO THAT CLICHE! lol Plus I enjoy the burden of the politics involved that tried to keep them apart. It made it all the more delicious when they get together finally in the end of Radiant Dawn. It seemed like at first, they both were aware of their own feelings for one another, but due to rank and status, and not knowing how the other person felt, they weren't able to declare it to one another out of fear for the other person's reputation or safety. Their hands got forced, however, but in the end after realizing that their love for one another would not endanger each other's safety or the safety of the country, and having the support of their country behind them, they were able to wed. THEY ARE BOTH RESPONSIBLE PEOPLE AND SWEET ON EACH OTHER SO IT WORKS!

Haha.. Castor! He's just worried about mommy. Someone mentioned him and he's one of my lackeys from FE11, so here's a doodle of him.

Also, I dunno if I have the power to declare this, but..

I am totally fine with shipping wars in my own thread if you can respond with a picture YOU YOURSELF DREW and relevant text.

No photomanips or sprite edits. XD

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I must confess, that is a cute artwork, even if I dislike yaoi, yuri, and GeoffreyxElincia. :)

In regards to shipping wars, I really prefer to stay out of them unless they remain civil, people are polite, and no one disrespects or bashes other people's opinions and theories.

But if you don't mind, here's an IkexElincia fanart I did awhile back for my FE fanfiction. :P: (yes, Elincia is pregnant, yes, she and Ike are married here. I would explain why Elincia is dressed as a commoner, but that's a completely different topic)

I honestly believe Ike and Elincia fell head over heels for each other, and that they had so many cute moments and conversations, a majority of which were obviously in PoR. Shinon, while drunk for god's sake, picks up on Ike's crush on her (sure, drunk people can spout nonsense, but sometimes they know what they're talking about too). Ranulf seems to think they have feelings for one another as well lol. I've developed theories around their possible romance and why it became a lot more vague in RD. But that's really another topic, so I won't go into it. Oh, I also didn't like how IS didn't keep to the nice tradition of having each lord character get married or the option to get married. With Paris's existence, Ike probably married a woman anyway, but still. I would've liked it better if he had been able to marry a Tellius girl or two.

Geoffrey and Elincia, I just saw them as brother and sister figures to one another. They were raised that way, after all, and I just think it weird to imagine them together as a couple. It feels like pairing me with one of my two stepbrothers who are close in age to me (which is just no, lol). I do think Geoffrey had some short-lived feelings for Elincia, but imo, Elincia just never seemed to return them. She seems to care for Geoffrey more as a big brother and trusted retainer. Because of this, I was very surprised to see that they had a paired ending. I didn't think it made any sense (and I still don't), at least romantically. But that's just how I see it. Plus, I'm usually not into knightxprincess pairings. I've always liked heroxprincess pairings way more. The only exception to this so far has been SethxEirika for FE8. And I'm not really sure why. But other than them, I've always gone for heroxprincess (unless the hero is also a knight, of course).

Now, IkexSoren and ElinciaxLucia, I won't go there, because I just don't like yaoi or yuri. xP

This is just how I feel. Pay it no mind, if you wish. lol

Edited by Anacybele
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(ALSO, how do you put text into the brackets of the spoiler tag for a spoiler description???)

[spoiler=witty description]ohoho, top form my good man, top form! *monocle*[/spoiler]
[spoiler="elementary dear watson"]Someone stole our tent![/spoiler]

will yield:

[spoiler=witty description]ohoho, top form my good man, top form! *monocle*

[spoiler=elementary dear watson]Someone stole our tent!

Also, I dunno if I have the power to declare this, but I am totally fine with shipping wars in my own thread if you can respond with a picture YOU YOURSELF DREW and relevant text. No photomanips or sprite edits. XD

Hmm, I'm actually kind of tempted to see what comes out of this. A battle of pictures would be far more satisfying than seeing the same old rehashed text wars again and again. I may have to collaborate with my fellows, but I do rather like the idea...

Edited by Balcerzak
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Hey, I'm only following Prax's rules...lol.


(moderators still deciding on my ship wars declaration--but arm yeselves ladies and gentlemen!)

--Oh, and I realized now that you linked to your drawing. Haha.. can I ask you insert it into a spoiler box instead? I am lazy and don't want to click links!

I would also prefer NEW images made for this. That way, everyone has to work hard if they want to muddy my art thread with shipping drama. XD

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Prax, I did link a drawing, lol.

By the way, those quotes you gave Geoffrey and Elincia, I don't recall seeing them anywhere in either PoR or RD. It must be in their supports in RD (if you didn't make them up yourself), but I thought RD reduced support convos to generic boring crap. :/

That's what SF seems to imply in RD's support section on the site, anyway...

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Possibly, but I recognize some of the quotes in the drawing from the games. xP

Just thought I'd point it out. But if the others are made up, then lol oops on my part. XD

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Dang, y'all are making me want to draw something now lol. I was going to do another character concept art for my fic next, but I did decide that the next IkexElincia piece I do would be from their wedding. ;3

I've yet to do a KieranxMarcia art or a SainxFiora piece though. I should do those sometime too!

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Oh yeah, I totally made them up! But that's the sentiment from the overall game's script, storywise.

Except for Elincia's "Oh my Lord Ike".. I think she actually SAYS THAT A LOT! LOL She like.. idolizes or hero-worships Ike because he's saving her country. XD



Ike is idol material! xD

Except for Micaiah. LOL His actions did a number on her country unintentionally. Plus the fact that he eventually stole the spotlight during the second half of the game anyway leaves a bitter taste in her mouth. XD

And thanks again for the compliments and stuff, guys! I am not good at accepting them because I am weird, so that's really all I can say! XD

Dang, y'all are making me want to draw something now lol. I was going to do another character concept art for my fic next, but I did decide that the next IkexElincia piece I do would be from their wedding. ;3

I've yet to do a KieranxMarcia art or a SainxFiora piece though. I should do those sometime too!

That's right! I am good at influencing people by leading by example! XD

I am gonna join this shipping wars now!

Gatrie x tree or bust!

...man I haven't drawn on the tablet in a while dammit college

Gatrie: Gatrie.. GATREEE~! Get it?? XD WE'RE MEANT TO BE, SHINON! Q____Q

Shinon: >:l You're f***ing drunk again, aren't you? Who stood you up THIS time?

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