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[From hack to indie] Path of the Midnight Sun

Alfred Kamon

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By the way, Kamon, you planning on adressing the fact a lot of different character's stats are quite susceptible to RNG blessing or skewing? Other than Cattleya, rebalancing the stat growths for different characters to have the stats you want them to have, it would make them much more consistent.

Hmm.... I assure you that the growths are pretty balanced. But this is FE, getting RNG blessed/screwed is just normal.

To deny the RNG, I should give 80-90% growths and you know better than me that it's a terrible idea.

Ew forced promotion

can I suggest tweaking shoiri down a few levels like lvl 15-18 so that way people will use her more?

also you never answered my question about faratrass :(

What question?

About Shiori:

[spoiler=demo end]She gets back to lv.10 after chapter 8. I need her to stay at lv.20 before then, though.

I downloaded it but idk how to patch it :(

There's a "How to patch.txt" file that explains what you have to do.

Also, I won't be available for a few days. ;o

Have a nice weekend, everybody!

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Hmm.... I assure you that the growths are pretty balanced. But this is FE, getting RNG blessed/screwed is just normal.

To deny the RNG, I should give 80-90% growths and you know better than me that it's a terrible idea.

What question?

About Shiori:

[spoiler=demo end]She gets back to lv.10 after chapter 8. I need her to stay at lv.20 before then, though.

There's a "How to patch.txt" file that explains what you have to do.

Also, I won't be available for a few days. ;o

Have a nice weekend, everybody!

I know but I still don't understand for like what files to patch cause I keep getting errors

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oh whoops Kamon sorry if I sounded like an asshole! I'm facetious a lot but I seem to come off as a jerk and I really hope I didn't that time but I probably did. thanks for the answers! I know you're working really hard on this and I appreciate that

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Oh cool thing about shoiri

You said Faratrass will be able to use warp swords soon, that means she gains swords. But will she learn Anima Magic? (Dark Knight class was Sword and Anima)

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I've finished the hack and I must say I really like it. I have some problem though: I didn't get agile hasta and agile axe. Did I miss something. And 1 more thing: Cattleya sucks so bad.

Hasta is in the chapter 2. Use your head, sure sounds like it's in the sky.

The axe is in chapter 5. It is quite an object to rescue with eh?

...I can't believe I threw out useless yet full of hint information

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Just finished this and wanted to share my thoughts:

She gets the job done, though I really wish she would get some Speed.


This little dude is endgame material for sure. He's got enough Res to laugh off magic attacks and enough Speed to dodge the physical ones.


She's a Myrmidon alright. She could use some more strength but that's Myrm.txt.


Really like this chick. She won't be doing much more than healing but it's nice that she can pack a punch when she needs to.


I really wanna use this dude but... he is so bad. I'm really jealous of everyone else and their fantastic Cristophs.


He's a slightly worse version of Ross, which is still good.


This dude makes it pretty clear that Djambo is a chip off the old block. I'll probably keep using him because Brigands are rad.


He sure is a Thief. Hard to take somebody called Letruffe seriously though.


This guy is fucking dire. The only reason I haven't benched him yet is because...


My other flier isn't much better. It's really just a matter of who turns out the least awful at this point.


This guy is actually kind of creepy and I'm glad Ceapana came along so I can sit his ass on the bench.


These stats make her a great mage killer and magic bows make her a great everything else killer too.


She's not that good, but I hear she turns into a Soldier so I'm willing to give her a shot. That's a really dumb name though.


Destructive power

Chapter 8 was fantastic and probably the best chapter I've played in any romhack, though you are just really good at level design in general.

I'd also recommend looking into getting someone to help write the dialogue because... it's not your strong suit.

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So i started playing this hack. Like a lot of people said already, this is an awesome FE hack.

I got to Chapter 5 and it was an interesting chapter to play, to say the least. I was impressed with how you executed that chapter.

It was so satisfying to beat this chapter and get all the houses. Managed to do this within 24 turns.

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What I am learning is that I am the only one who thinks Rya is utterly useless. Quite possibly because mine had 6 STR at level 8.

Most GBAFE archers don't impress me. Really only Igrene and Ranger!Neimi.

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What I am learning is that I am the only one who thinks Rya is utterly useless. Quite possibly because mine had 6 STR at level 8.

Most GBAFE archers don't impress me. Really only Igrene and Ranger!Neimi.

[spoiler=You're not alone (might have minor spoilers up to chapter 4)]Uo90CVP.png

I just didn't bother commenting on it since I didn't finish the game yet :p

I'm only still using her because I missed Memmus (and Cattelya as a consequence of that) and Garion I think?

I currently just finished Chapter 5 except i'll have to do it again after a little problem with my save, oops

I also agree on the GBAFE archers, the only one I ever bothered using was Ranger!Neimi

she is probably still better than the vanilla archer if she gets stats due to being able to also target resistance

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What I am learning is that I am the only one who thinks Rya is utterly useless. Quite possibly because mine had 6 STR at level 8.

Most GBAFE archers don't impress me. Really only Igrene and Ranger!Neimi.

check your privledges cis scum, my rya has 6 strength at level 12!

(note that the above is a parody and not meant to be taken seriously at all)

but yeah my rya never gained a point in strength i think, what is her strength growth?

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I just completed Difficult mode on this, so i suppose I'll share my thoughts and throw in a few stat screens.


No statboosters were used, so what you see is what I got.

Faratrass was as useful as always, especially in Ch6 with Olumbra still destroying Knights in one shot. Missed a 2HKO here and there but a switch to Olumbra usually solved that.

Rya's stats thankfully kept up, although she had a few damage woes early on with ordinary bows. The Strength let her OHKO a couple Big Eyes with iron as opposed to steel.

Of the three runs I've done so far this Christoph is easily the best, he was a godsend early on with his high Speed and made great use of the Bonecrusher in Ch7/8. That durability is worrying though.

Puledra is probably getting benched around the start of the next patch, but his Speed and durability held up throughout the patch. His healing was important as ever and the Light chip on monsters meant he could sit on the front lines.

Andre was decidedly mediocre: I think he's defensively blessed, but offensively screwed? Still, Anima magic was as valuable as ever and he still doubles some weighed down Skeletons.

Menmus' low Speed was much more apparent this time around; he was getting doubled by Skeletons in Ch7/8. I'll probably drop him for a later flier but it's still up in the air. At least he did reliable damage to Zombies and walls.

Enough's been said about Cattleya. I tried to use her over Hellios in Ch3, but the enemy waves were too strong without him and she was contributing the least. She knocked out Zombies Rya and Andre weakened in Ch4 and that's it.

There's only room for two on-foot axemen, and Christoph was on a roll. He chipped monsters in Ch4 and then was dropped in favor of Djambo.

Djambo is slowly turning into Rambo. It was tough to raise him in Ch6, he capped in Ch7 and Ch8 demanded my best players, but I think he'll catch up over the route split. Looks like he'll be better than Andre at Level 10.

Schwarz needs a Luck booster and maybe the Skill (it's him or Chris) but otherwise is golden. He made fine use of the Agile Estoc and in Ch8 the Solaris, and got some fantastic levels early on.

The White Death isn't as tanky as my others but made up for it in Speed. He was more clutch than in Normal mode, the top team needed him in Ch8 to survive the initial onslaught.

Ceapana saw more combat than normal in Ch5x due to more durable, even claiming one of the bosskills! Aside from that she more or less performed the same.

I wasn't planning on using Sae'reh because of how late she joins, but I had one last slot to fill in Ch8 and out of her, Cattleya and Garion I thought she'd be the most helpful. She was mostly clean-up crew for the initial wave; her stat gains were good so I might keep her.

Letruffe did his normal thief work and saw little combat. His Speed was worrying but it was high enough to steal the Wishbone in Ch8.

I took these after the Interlude so no Hellios, but just know that he was as godly as ever. Missed some kills early on with iron but this was helpful for the scrubs. Shiori on the other hand was having trouble with the increased enemy durability and Speed. She didn't double a lot of Cavs in 5x and Skeletons later and only three-rounded the Big Eyes in Ch7 with Candle. Oh, and Saai OHKOs her in the cutscene now. :P

Overall it's definitely a step above FE8's Difficult Mode, enemies can kill you quickly and don't die to a feather. That said, when you get around to balancing it I'd recommend preventing the enemy from gaining Defense and Resistance. Shiori especially has a hard time with boosted defenses: she failed to one-round a Mage in Ch3, many 5x Cavs were a 4HKO, and the aforementioned Big Eyes (a big deal considering they're a game over if they stop on the altar and the spaces that would prevent that are in the boss's range). I had to play by the RNG in a few places to get crucial hits or crits, and in one case burn a few RNs.

Aside from Cattleya I can name a few other characters that could use a buff:

+1 Speed for Garion

+1 Magic for Shiori

+1 Con to Sae'reh or the Soldier class

Unaltered Difficult Mode was fun, if frustrating in a few places. I dread to see promoted generics in the next patch though...

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im having major trouble getting past Chapter 4, i cannot seem to find a way past the centaurs, cuz htey all 1-hit KO me, and make it to Vassal in time, plz help :'<


Stay. The. Fuck. Out. Of. Their. Two. Tiles. Perimeter.

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[spoiler=chapter 4]im having major trouble getting past Chapter 4, i cannot seem to find a way past the centaurs, cuz htey all 1-hit KO me, and make it to Vassal in time, plz help :'<

might still want to spoiler that


go around them until you reach the bottom, the one with the boss label is beatable and the ones near him don't have 2 range, so you can fight him from 1 range, then move someone to the tile above where he was and you got it

just try not to get anyone killed by the other enemies, of course :p

might want to try sending Hellios since he can take down the boss with ease and canto himself to the chapter ending tile

oh wait, maybe Menmus could get there faster being a flier, but I didn't recruit him so I wouldn't know :awesome:

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go around them until you reach the bottom, the one with the boss label is beatable and the ones near him don't have 2 range, so you can fight him from 1 range, then move someone to the tile above where he was and you got it

just try not to get anyone killed by the other enemies, of course :p

might want to try sending Hellios since he can take down the boss with ease and canto himself to the chapter ending tile

oh wait, maybe Menmus could get there faster being a flier, but I didn't recruit him so I wouldn't know :awesome:

Unless you've got a Speed-blessed Menmus, it ain't going to work. What he can do is maybe capture the tile right after the boss has been dealt with.

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Sunpath of Midnight wasn't coming out like I was expecting, and the hack was overall quite rushed and didn't meet my expectations, so I decided to scrap it and remake it from the beginning. I've put a lot of thought in the story and the map/gameplay design this time, and with the support of the spriter and friend Arcfalchion, things this time went more smoothly.

Let's see... I last updated this topic on 25th December 2012... wow, that's almost a year.

So, I'm glad to present you Fire Emblem: Midnight Sun.

*What is this hack about?

First of all, this is an FE: Sacred Stones hack, and not an FE7 hack. I've really worked a lot to create some functioning and complicated events for the FE8 engine, and I also had to figure out how most things worked, like the world map or some particular story events. plus a billion minor things

The story takes place in a Magvel from a parallel world, after the War of the Stones. This means that I took FE8's folklore and legends (in particular the one of the Demon King) but not the nations and the characters, which are completely new. I just needed the legend of the Demon King for my story, and nothing else, so don't expect this game to be a sequel/crossover of sorts: it's a completely new project.

*How does the story begin?

After the War of the Stones, only one of the five Sacred Stones remained, and it contained the soul of the Demon King. However, the tremendous power of the monster in time started to overcome the sealing powers of a single stone, and so scholars searched an alternative way to contain the King's pressuring strength. Eventually, they found out that it was possible to seal the Demon in a human body with particular magic powers, through a ceremony that was later called Vassalage.

Lady Faratrass is the Princess of the Kingdom of Hoikade, and she's the third Vassal of the Demon King. She was taught on arcane magic arts in order to control the Demon King better, and she's loved by her people who see her like the maiden who keeps all the evil under control, allowing them to live peacefully.

One day, however... Faratrass will be forced to fight her own people. And under those circumstances, will the people of Hoikade see her as their beloved Princess, or as the fearsome Demon King of the legends?



Thanks to Arcfalchion, my splices have finally been replaced with some cool full-custom mugs.

By the way, why don't you visit her deviantart page and leave a comment if you appreciated her sprites? ;) That would be much appreciated.


Some of you might have already noticed this since it was in my signature. Yeah, new statsheet, and I personally did it.

omg I'm quite proud of my work for once


New weapon icons thanks to GabrielKnight.

We still need some time to have some full-custom graphics, though. As of now, I still need all the bosses mugs and some characters' mugs.

Also, I have to thank Primefusion for giving me some advice on my maps.


I've redone the whole OST. 95% of the songs you'll hear in this hack won't be Fire Emblem-ish. It took me a while (I have a folder with more than 900 midis I searched and downloaded for this project), especially with the ELF Method, but it was worth it. Master Sound Technician Agro gave me some good advice too, so hopefully this hack will at least *sound* good.

*Two words about Gameplay

Since I'm a Fire Emblem fan myself, I wanted to create something "new" and different, possibly never seen and fresh. You'll find plenty of chapters with unusual goals, and some chapters have alternate endings based on how you played them. Also, recruiting new units might be a little tricky in this hack, because: a) Faratrass' position is complicated and it's obvious that most people won't join her side. b) I like to play with events and reward the player with some extra units instead of giving them at the beginning of each chapter.

However, don't worry, I marked in red some words in the dialogues to give you hints on how you should behave in the chapters in order to unlock the achievements.

*What is the state of the project?

The first patch contains 10 chapters up to Chapter 8, including the Prologue and Chapter 5x. The Tower of Trials and skirmishes will be implemented soon.

I'm slowly working on the new chapters in this period (my priority is to study for my exams right now).

Version 2.0 will contain the new chapters: 9A/9B, 10A/10B, 11A/11B, 12A/12B, 13A/13B, 14A/14B, 15 and 16.

That's a lot of them and I need some time to finish them all.

At least one year.

So I suppose that v.2.0 will be released in Spring 2015.

*Can I help?

No, unless you make battle sprites.

And trust me, I will need A LOT of custom animations.

*Special Thanks:

- To Regina. She gave me hope when I was lost in darkness, and thanks to her this project started to shine. She believed in this project, and I didn't want to disappoint her, nor anybody else who has followed this from the beginning.

- To Blazer. He wrote that epic Ultimate Tutorial which helped me getting started. And he's a good friend.

- To my irl friend Stefano who has cheered me up when I wanted to abandon the project, and has helped me in many situations, though he didn't work directly on this project. Same goes for my friend Andrea who betatested some chapters.

- To Agro for his good advice on music hacking.

- To those harsh but lovely fellas that killed me psychologically offered their critiques back in 2012 when this project was first announced.

- To whoever has been supporting me with their compliments, hints and/or friendship. You guys are awesome.

- To those who are yelling "Hey! You forgot to quote ME!!"

*Important Updates (from lv.1= less important, to lv.3= more important)*

- lv.1 monsters info

- lv.2 skirmishes update


(...And remember to patch it to FE8, not to FE7!)

v.1.1 fixes:

- Garion will now appear correctly in chapter 4 even if you restarted the chapter

- You *should* be able to visit the houses correctly in chapter 6

- Fixed a minor and rare glitch that made Cattleya appear twice in chapter 2

Things that will be fixed soon in v.1.2 (not released yet):

- ch.5 minor bug that doesn't allow you to restart the chapter if you get a Game Over (just reset the emulator in that case for now)

Note that this also happens in ch5x if you get a Game Over by letting the army go away at the beginning.

- The whole suspend/restart issue that resets event IDs (I talk about this more in detail in the "Known Issues.txt" file that comes with the patch)

Two words on the term "Vassal".

No, that isn't a mistake on my part. ;)

[spoiler=Vassal]About the word "Vassal": That's intentional, I know what a Vassal is, I've done my research. That's just one of the docs I checked, but quoting from there...

"vassal, in feudal society, one invested with a fief in return for services to an overlord."

Please take note that all of this is kinda metaphorical, and that the term "Vassal" in Magvel has quite a different meaning from the one we may intend.

In this particular case, the Vassal dedicates her life to (keep in check) the Demon King, and she receives prestige in return (her people love her... at least for the first five minutes of the hack lol). A Vassalage ceremony also is in the game.

"In a fully developed vassalage, the lord and the vassal would undertake a commendation ceremony composed of two parts, thehomage and the fealty, including the use of Christian sacraments to show its importance."

Similarly, in the game some gifted people can become Vassals of the Demon King through the Vassalage ceremony, composed of two parts, the "seal" and the "magic", including the use of sacred devices (the Soul Mirror) or people with sacred powers (Shiori).

It's all explained in the next chapters, you'll see.

And I like the term Vassal, so I won't change it.


I won't abandon this project, it's important to me. It has a special meaning. So, I'll bring it to an end, even if it'll take me months, years!

^(written on October 3rd 2012... and still going on!)

Wow!!!!!!!!! This is good xD

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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omfg i just watched the trailer and was hooked when i saw those cool animations.... but then i saw it was a fe8 hack and almost pooped myself!! gona play this so hard !!!! thanks so very much

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Hey Alfred was it this exact track remix: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNrip39JufE&index=12&list=PL4C98680B386B4234 you used when

fighting Faratrass. Also I think I see what you did there, having it being similar to the Shanoa versus Albus situation. Specifically how Faratrass was being possessed kind of like Albus but turned out to not be the real villain in the end.

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