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Shattered Honour Chapter Two (Randel route)


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"Well, if you all think we can take Chisford and whoever he has around him, then let's just do it. I was just suggesting meeting with the other group in case we need the extra manpower, but I'm not against just going straight to him. You two talk it out, just know that I'm alright either way."

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Marsali wanders over to the small meeting, seeing a potential chance to solve her own predicament.

"Pardon me for interrupting, but it sounds like you rabble have something to do with some remnant of the Tascaran army?" she asks curtly, trying to look as intimidating as possible.

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Jacob stands up quickly, surprised that the woman in front of him managed to surprise him.

"What's it to you if we are? Do you have some agenda? Perhaps you're a bounty hunter, looking for an easy target? If so, you won't find anything like that here."

He places his hand on the hilt of his blade, staring directly at the woman.

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Jacqui's nearly as quick to stand up. "Peace, peace... take her easy." She stares Marsali in the eye. "You're Tascaran yourself, that's plain to see. Yes, we do have something to do with 'some remnant of the Tascaran army'. We're trying to murder them, on account of their desertion. I'm Acting Captain of this band, Jacqui the Bard by name and title. We could do with some extra muscle, if you're interested. Pay's good; six crowns now and six more if you live long enough to see this to the end."

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"Yes, I am interested," Marsali replied, as she slowly moved her hand away from the hilt of her own sword. "Although, I'd like to hear a bit more of your story before I just up and join your merry band. What's this about desertion?"

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Jacob slowly relaxes. The woman doesn't seem immediately dangerous.

"The way we've heard it, there was a conflict, involving a group of Tascaran soldiers and the Othidian army. The Tascarans lost, but instead of fighting and dying like men, quite a few of them turned tail and ran."

He glanced at Jacqui for a moment, before turning back to the girl in front of him.

"We're been hired to take them out. If you're thinking of joining up with us, it might be best to tell us your name."

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"I'm called Marsali the Left-handed, Marsali Kendray by birth. And you are? One more thing I want to know. Who were you hired by? If I don't see anything amiss about that, I'm in," she informed the group's nervous spokesman.

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Jacob holds out his hand to the woman.

"I'm Jacob. Jacob Moore, if you want my last name. As for who hired us, it was a lower ranking man, goes by the name of Mandel, I believe. Although we did meet some higher ups, he's the one with our money, and that means he's the important one."

Jacob finds the lie easy to tell, mostly because it's actually pretty close to the truth. Still, a flicker of doubt crosses his mind. He decides to talk with Jack and Jacqui later on, if he can get the chance.

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Jacqui twitches. So much for confidence. "Y... yeah. Right. Anyway, the sergeants Boeshane and Marlowe here outrank you, as do I. Follow our orders and we won't have to hurt you. ... I'd say your chances of survival are pretty good. Maybe 80|20?" She gives a slightly unsettling grin.

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Someone else had turned up. She looked Tascaran and sounded like she wanted to join up with them. It wouldn't hurt to have additional allies, their chances against Chrisford would definitely improve. He remembered to note one thing; Jacob was a blabbermouth. Tordel only hoped that the boy would never be tortured for information. He stayed quiet, letting Jacqui continue the talking.

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"Alright, let's head on off to Chisford, then. I'm beginning to get bored just sitting around, and I'd love to shove a bolt into the man who sent us off to our deaths. With this Marsali coming along, I think we stand a much better chance. Jordan, by the way," he says, standing and stretching out a hand, "Jordan Marois. A pleasure."

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Jacqui arches an eyebrow. "And yet we seemed so dead-set on Caril but a moment ago. Can hiring one sketchy-looking sellsword really be the decisive factor?"

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Jack groans and stands up, offering his hand to the new member. "Hello, I'm Jack of Boeshane. Glad to welcome you aboard. Though, there are a few things I should clarify. First off, Jacob over there must have misheard or something. We were hired by Lord Randel to do this job. So, make of that what you will. And we're making a slight detour before we go to take this man out. We're going to reconnect with a group of our fellows who have been doing a supply run. With their added numbers, we hope to boost our chances of success and survival. Now then," he says glancing around. "Lets move out and find our comrades."

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The party moves on that afternoon, a rabble brought together by circumstance alone. The road is long and mostly flat, but with many rough edges to it. It certainly looks old, and somewhat in disrepair, but it's serviceable enough.

Three days into the journey you see an old man with a nearly wrecked wagon hailing you on the side of the road. "Hail, good fellows!" he says, somewhat shakily. "I ... I need assistance! Scarcely two hours ago my wagon threw a wheel... it's ruined, I tell you! If you can fix it, I'll ... I'll pay you! I'm taking all this money to my poor daughter further north, but I can spare a few maxims if it buys me your help."

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It does look seriously broken, but you're not really sure what you can do in this situation... this would take an artisan to repair.

"Let's take a look at the money, first," says Jacqui, getting right to the heart of the matter.

"Of... of course." The old man's sweating now.

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Jack signals to some of the other members of the group to spread out and take a look in the surrounding trees. He personally gets his sword ready to draw and starts walking back towards the man. "This looks a bit past our abilities. What even happened here?"

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