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My mother and step-father got in a fight.


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While I was away at my friends house just hanging out my step-father, in a drunken rage, attacked my mother while she was taking a shower. He believed that she had gone to see someone when in fact all she did was deliver some meat that he prepared for a friend of hers. He actually went to my mother's friend's house and got into a verbal argument with her brother.

I actually got a call from my mom while at my friend's house wondering if I had a ride home and even then I knew something had gone horribly wrong.

When I arrived I could tell immediately that something had happened. My little brother was in my step-father's room visibly shaken. He was just trembling out of fear.

In fact all three of my brother back at home had witnessed the attack. My eldest brother was the one who managed to beat some sense into my step-father before he let her go. Mind you that he dragged her out of the shower, bitten her face, and strangled her.

He stormed out of the house and returned some time later.

Hell, the police just arrived and arrested him and now he's gone. I doubt he ever actually left the premises since half an hour or so after my mother had arrived his truck's alarm started going off a bit and he shows up like nothing is wrong near a side by the house, walks right in and lies down on his bed for nap.

I honestly expected all of this to happen earlier in my life. I've never felt safe with him around.

This whole thing just sucks. I'm surprised our family has lasted all of this for so long.

I just don't know what else to say. This whole thing just sucks. It really does and I don't know how to react to this exactly.

My mom is just so scared and confused and guilt ridden over this... She even fears for her life. God fucking damn it...

I never wanted any of this.

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I seriously hope she goes to a hospital and documents the injuries. If she wants to get a restraining order, it'll help immensely.

She didn't go to a hospital but she did get a restraining order at the station or something like that....

I'm pretty sure they document stuff like injuries in spousal abuse cases though...

God, I hope so at least.

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She didn't go to a hospital but she did get a restraining order at the station or something like that....

I'm pretty sure they document stuff like injuries in spousal abuse cases though...

God, I hope so at least.

See if she's willing to go to the hospital anyway. Bite wounds are nasty.

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I am sorry to hear that. You and your brothers need to be a moral support for your mother and all of you should seek family therapy, this kind of things leave deeply emotional scars tha could manifest in chronic depression over time or other emotional disorders.

If you see a sudden change of behavior in one member of your family you must seek specialized help; NEVER ignore it.

Also, don't keep all of this to yourself, in the end it will cause you more emotional problems; there is controversy about how to treat it, but in my personal experience talking with someone that you know and is really close to you helps a lot and cry if you need to, it helps, so don't believe that bullshit that men don't cry.

In conclusion seek help from qualified people, don' t let this pass as if nothing happened, it will only hurt all of you more in the future.

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My initial reaction is to nominate your step-dad for possibly the shittiest parent/spouse/general personal relation of anybody I've ever known. You guys don't deserve to go through shit thanks to his making a mess, and I hope you all can get some support, preferably proper family counseling and care at the least. You have my sympathy, and I hope/think you guys can manage to take care of yourselves.

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God fucking damn it.

My step-dad is out of jail and he said that he's not guilty during his court hearing. Okay, I'd like to know how the fuck he's going to prove his innocence but whatever. Especially when he thinks that my mom has been cheating on him for some delusional reason.

The restraining order is in effect and he's pissed off at my mom because she called the police.

My mom is scared because she and my brothers are fully aware how much of a defiant asshole he is so he'll most likely show up around the house at some point.

So I'm more or less trapped at home once the sun is down since we have to stay inside for our safety and most importantly, my mom's safety.

Now we just have to figure out how to pay the rent and bills and food so odds are I'll have to search for a job even more so to help out with living costs very soon.

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