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Pokemon Black and White Version Two


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Got White 2 Sunday because I already got White and I wanna do the transfer things, and maybe give Reshiram a try. I haven't made it very far, thanks to my schedule. I'm up to the part where you're allowed to challenge Castelia gym, but I haven't done many of the oh-so many things possible in Castelia. I have a bunch of pokemon I don't use, but here's what I got so far:

Porky (Pignite) lv. 24

Catfish (Eevee, will be Vaporeon) lv. 18

I'm also gonna use the Braviary, a Sawsbuck, an Aggron, and the Zoroark.

Edit: 3 badges now. I got to Nimbasa but avoided all of the trainers because I wanted to train Vaporeon after evolution with a water stone from the battle subway. Also got a Braviary, beat Castelia Sewers, etc. I only have a few trainers in desert resort and the trainers in Nimbasa Gym left. Can't always play that often cause of my schedule.

Porky (Pignite) lv. 30

Catfish (Vaporeon) lv. 28

Horus (Braviary) lv. 27

Edited by I don't play for turns
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It's released here in the EU tomorrow (12th October), so I'm planning to get it if I happen to be traveling to the shops at all. I'm gonna have to charge my 3DS.

As for which version, probably Black 2 since I had Black 1.

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Ok, seriously, if you simply have any Pokemon on you that knows any Dragon or Ice-type moves, you will be FINE. Take it from me. I took a Lvl 13 Magnemite into Roxie's Gym (about 3-5 levels below the gym's standard) and a Lvl 16 Growlithe into Burgh's Gym (about 4-6 levels below the gym's standard), and both of them swept through each gym singlehandedly because of type advantages.

Haha magnemite was pretty awesome for me too, I just used a freshly caught one and the fixed 20 damage attack coupled with great defense swept through the gym, as expected.

Got Genesect but it's just sitting in a box dedicated to legendary'ish pokes right now.

I've been trying to use a lot of the pokes I've caught, but my strongest are Lucario (in the box) and Pignite (lvl 21 after taking out most of Burgh's gym).

Edited by L1049
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Just got this game, and I want to share my thoughts on the game.

First off, like the fact that you are not limited to just Unova 'mons. This gives you a lot more choices in constructing a good ingame team, and to be frank, a lot of the Unova 'mons were quite underwhelming(most of the shit lategame comes to mind)and a lot of types had terrible distribution in the BW maingame.

I also like the fact that you can get certain(good)Pokemon a LOT earlier than you could in BW(Volcarona can be caught as soon as you beat Clay, for example), though at the same time, quite a few things you could get early before are now late joiners(Sawk/Throh being a particularly sad case, where they can't be gotten until after Ghetsis and the Tympole line is unobtainable until after the credits, since Iccirus is blocked off.)

As for the team I've been plowing through the game up to the point I last saved(Opelucid City), here is what I've been using(in order of capture):

Fargus(Lv44 Samurott; obtained as Oshawott at Lv5 in Aspertia City)

Skywalker(Lv42 Lucario; caught as Riolu at Lv5 in Floccesy Ranch)

General M(Lv44 Magnezone; caught as Magnemite at Lv10 in Virbank Complex)

Portgas(Lv44 Arcanine; caught as Growlithe at Lv11 in Virbank Complex)

Carl(Lv44 Krookodile; caught as Sandile at Lv14 on Route 4)

Totem(Lv44 Sigilyph; caught at Lv19 in Desert Resort)

Another thing that is cool is that the move tutors are back, which opens up a lot of move options for Pokemon, notably Smugleaf's family who now gets Dragon Pulse and Aqua Tail, but most of the good moves cost a lot of shards, and let me tell you, they are hard as shit to find, since they only show up in unlimited quantities in dust clouds, which usually spawn Drilburs and gems. I was able to get Luke Ice Punch, but that was only because I was given ten red shards for free.

That just about covers what I want to say about the games.

Edited by James the Hero
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Either everyone is very fast or i'm very slow.

Anyway i'm about to challange the Driftveil gym with this team.

Shogun(lvl 29 Adamant Dewott )

Bowser (lvl 28 timid magby)

Tryclops (lvl 28 naive Magby)

Hanbei (lvl 28 hasty Roselia)

Dracula (Lvl 27 Jolly Golbat)

I caught an Yamask and used it for a while, but i'm considering replacing it for N's Zorua...both aren't as good as the rest yet though. Zorua is pretty frail and Yamask isn't doing much aside from a whisp followed by Hex.

Edited by Sasori
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I got black 2 because I like Zekrom more.

I'm currently going en route to Drayden's gym, would have beaten Elite f4 by now but midterm rush has its toll.

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Just got White 2 today (and with all my trade-ins I walked away from Game Stop without paying a cent). I chose White because I played White originally and I want to see how things change with my specific color.

Just got to Castelia city and my team so far is just Dewott and Riolu. Would like someone else but nothing I've seen yet catches my interest enough to want to raise.

I like how this is so far more of a completely new adventure in the same region rather than an altered version of basically the same games like Yellow, Crystal, Emerald, and Platinum were. While I'm growing fond of the new one, I do miss the White/Black female character and her amazingly sexy hair.

And Cheren's role disappointed me. I avoided any and all spoilers for these games so I was expecting him to be, like, an Elite Four member or the 8th gym leader.

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Just finished the main story of Black and White 2, and I have to say, I found this to easily be one of the best pokemon games ever made. It was leagues better than DPP, RSE, and much better than BW. HGSS is probably the only pokemon game I'd say is better than it. The sheer amount of pokemon available to you, the fact that you can change the difficulty, the AI wasn't as retarded, the lack of a need to level grind, and all the extra features like the world tournament are all pretty sweet. Hopefully the next game only improves upon this one.

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And Cheren's role disappointed me. I avoided any and all spoilers for these games so I was expecting him to be, like, an Elite Four member or the 8th gym leader.

You mean he isn't? But what about all that PERSONAL INNER GROWTH stuff he did in BW?

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Stomped through the game with a rather odd team (I needed a tank, so I didn't evolve Magneton, and it is STILL good), and am currently training up a second team.

First team: Samurott, Magneton (Sturdy ensures that it hits at least once), Arcanine (the Flare Blitz kind), Krookodile, Skarmory (it, uh, kind of walked onto my team), and Mienshao (delayed its evolution for Aura Sphere).

Second team: Lucario (it's still Riolu, so w/e), Altaria, Cloyster, Chandelure, Stoutland, probably Serperior (could use a bit more tanking). Need to trade for the last one, which shouldn't be too bad.

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I started a nuzlocke of this last week, although I've not played it in a few days 'cause my charger's gone missing. For this run, instead of using the starter I RNG'd what my starter would be and got Swablu, so I bred a random Swablu with my Haxorus and sent the egg over to my new file as soon as I could (and don't worry, Saria the Swablu didn't inherit her father's moves). My team so far is:

Saria (Swablu) Lv. 19

Patrick (Patrat) Lv. 19

Kleine (Sewaddle) Lv. 19

Scott (Herdier) Lv. 19

Tesla (Magnemite) Lv. 19

I had a Magby named Chuck, but he got critkilled by a stupid Patrat. I also caught a Trubbish recently, but I don't plan on using it.

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I started a nuzlocke of this last week, although I've not played it in a few days 'cause my charger's gone missing. For this run, instead of using the starter I RNG'd what my starter would be and got Swablu, so I bred a random Swablu with my Haxorus and sent the egg over to my new file as soon as I could (and don't worry, Saria the Swablu didn't inherit her father's moves). My team so far is:

Saria (Swablu) Lv. 19

Patrick (Patrat) Lv. 19

Kleine (Sewaddle) Lv. 19

Scott (Herdier) Lv. 19

Tesla (Magnemite) Lv. 19

I had a Magby named Chuck, but he got critkilled by a stupid Patrat. I also caught a Trubbish recently, but I don't plan on using it.

Found Magnemite nuzlocke is invalidated gg

Anyhow, I have to say that running an early party really cut my levels noticably in this game. I was pretty well below par vs. trainers the whole game =P I guess an entire earlygame party will do that(I had a party of 5 until I got Zorua, who I just sort of tossed in after handing it the Exp. Share vs. Clay I think it was)

EDIT: So I just ran into Terrakion and caught it on my first ball =P


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Hey, I've seen a nuzlocke where someone got a Magnemite AND a Riolu. And I noticed that too. Errgh I love how many awesome Mons they throw at you so early, but it get's really hard getting them up to speed with the anti-grinding system.

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So I decided to switch out my Arcanine for Terrakion. I caught Growlithe pretty early on, but being Jolly, it has trouble hitting things well with Flamethrower, and even upping the firepower to Fire Blast didn't really help. Weezing's Fire Blasts deal similar enough damage, and it's Thunder outstrips Thunder Fang by a long shot. I suppose I could have waited to evolve it for better physical moves, but Growlithe was already becoming a liability by the time it got Flamethrower.

In the end, Arcanine was relegated to a Physical Attacker who had to use his weaker SpAtk for STAB, and if I want a physical attacked, Terrakion is just a better choice. Your efforts will not be forgotten, comrade. You may now rest easy.

Also if it says anything about my levels, Arcanine was only 47 when I caught Terrakion, so it isn't even really a level drop(2 levels, the horror). Yeah, Terrakion loses out on EVs, but it's stats hold up well enough that it doesn't need them, and Rock Slide/Sacred Sword/Bulldoze is such good coverage(not that I'll likely ever use Bulldoze, but hell, option is there.

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So I just beat the 2nd gym and have arrived in that city with the skyscrapers after getting off the boat. My team:

Lv17 Servine - Naive - Return, Growth, Vine Whip, Leaf Tornado

Lv16 Growlithe - Mild - Ember, Leer, Odor Sleuth, Helping Hand

Lv16 Riolu - Gentle - Force Palm, Quick Attack, Rock Smash, Counter

Lv17 Flaaffy - Lax - Tackle, Charge, Thunder Wave, Thundershock

I was considering Psyduck, but I figured that pretty soon I'll be getting an Old Rod so I can Gyarados the fuck out of this team (I hope).

I saw and caught Riolu while I was chasing after that dog before you even go fight the first gym.

I was also considering Magneton but I figured I like my sheep more (disregarding my Welsh heritage), and I'll get a reliable Steel-type once Riolu evolves.

I guess I got lucky with Growlithe being of Mild nature - extra Sp.Atk ftw. I encountered it in a dual battle. He was paired up with a Koffing. If Mareep hadn't paralysed him, they would have wiped my team out pretty sharpish.

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I was considering Psyduck, but I figured that pretty soon I'll be getting an Old Rod so I can Gyarados the fuck out of this team (I hope).

Lol nope. You don't get any rods in the main game, and Magikarp can only be found in the Nature Preserve or sold on Marvelous Bridge. Weird, huh?

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Lol nope. You don't get any rods in the main game, and Magikarp can only be found in the Nature Preserve or sold on Marvelous Bridge. Weird, huh?

I guess I'll just leave that final slot of mine open until one of those opportunities arrive. Which won't be too long, hopefully.

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My Arcanine was Brave, IIRC. I didn't care if she was slow, because Flare Blitz hurt like crazy (couple it with Reversal and a Shell Bell for extra lulz).

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