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Trainwreck Mafia - Game Over


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There's no rule letting people vote for NL. NL isn't a viable lynch target in my games unless I say it is.

a bit of clarity would have been nice, but sure

so basically it's forced lynch all day every day, cool

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Since the rules were brought up, I checked our host's opening post, and spotted this.


- I'm the mod and my word is final, deal with it and don't try to find loopholes in my rules or do things that you would expect I wouldn't want you to do (if you're not sure, then ask)

- NOC, don't talk to people about the game outside of the thread unless your role lets you (this affects dead folks as well). when i say people i mean "anyone except the mods and informed observers", you don't even know who's in the game

- similarly: don't post at night unless I say you can, and if you're dead, you shut up unless I say you can talk

- don't quote communications with the mod (role PMs, night results, etc) or anything similiar (like comparing letter placement / worth length of PMs)

- don't screenshot things

- don't edit your posts

- days will last 72 hours, nights will consistently last 24

- 24 hours without posting = modprod, 48 hours without posting = modkill / forced replace. i will be lax on prods and inactivity modkills if you inform me of absence or busyness ahead of time

- DAY 1 ONLY: the player with the most votes will be lynched. in case of a lynch tie, i will rng between eligible targets

- DAY 2 ONWARDS: the first time there's no majority at the time deadline, there will be no lynch. the second time, the game will instantly end in universal loss.

- if somebody hammers, stop talking until I post the flip

- if you're modkilled then you lose gg, unless the mod decides to give you grace over circumstances (tactical modkills and inactivity modkills will never result in grace)

- if you get somebody else modkilled, you get modkilled too

- i will not accept a sub request unless you give me a valid reason while requesting ("i lost interest" is not a valid reason)

- anything obvious that I forgot to mention applies

- don't be lame

- play2win

Set-up Info:

- day start

- both scum and a theoretical serial killer may no kill without limit

- you will be told whether your action failed or not, but not what caused it to fail

- you will be told if your action is redirected

- lylo and variations will not be announced

- !!!CLUSTERFUCK ALERT!!!: this game is a trainwreck. ideally it will be a fun, balanced trainwreck! but overall the set-up is incredibly silly and you should expect incredibly silly things

- Stuff I guarantee is not in the set-up: Any role that can cause a town-aligned player to become mafia-aligned, any role that can revive another player, Vanilla Townie / Mafia Goon, Random Cop, percentage roles, Nexus, scumteam "moles" (and variants), Death Miller, Death Godfather, Death Tailor, Voyeur

- even though this game is bastard just by existing, I can guarantee that your role PM will never lie to you about the function of your role

All Aboard:

1. Admiral Shin

2. Aere

3. BigBangMeteor

4. Bluedoom

5. Boron

6. Camtech

7. Elieson

8. Helios

9. Kay

10. Levity

11. MancerNecro

12. Manix

14. Rapier

15. scorri

16. Shinori

Off The Rails:

0. Kalas - Passenger Miller Shield Breaker Blacksmith, modkilled for quoting role PM and lost

17. Snike - Passenger Cop Interceptor, vengekilled D1

-1. Paperblade - Hidden Wolf, modkilled N1

13. Psych - ????????, ???????? N1

Sample Town Role PM:

I then decided to ISO Sir Rapier, since he has obviously been away from the crowd without notice for quite a while.

Shinori won't even explain himself. I believed he was Town because he asked people who he should target, but in the end he targetted Snike, which is pretty... stupid, if he were really a townie.

On the other hand, did he kill Snike to protect some scumbuddy from being killed? I mean, if I and BBM were the most indicated people for the shot, then that would mean he chose Snike to protect one of us. Another reason would be if Snike suspected one of his scumbuddies, but this has been said before. If I'm not wrong, he was discussing with BBM before he was shot, right?

Manix, do you choose who you want everyone to target? Or do you just force them to use their roles?

Which was later followed by this.

Admiral Shin and Rapier have been prodded.

Taking notice to the rules; it is safe to say that unless Sir Rapier appears within the next 6 hours (give or take, based on Prims being available), he will be modkilled. Considering he is one of our leading wagons, and today's scenario, it would be wise to prepare for an alternative lynch target.

I HIGHLY suggest we all take a closer look at the cases, and ISO our fellow posters, to develop a backup lynching plan.

[spoiler=ISOs for all the living players]Admiral Shin




Dos Espadas (Levity/Bizz)

CT075 (Camtech)



San (Kay)

Ryuji-kun (Boron)






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well that was informative, but that said it feels like fluff contributing because you aren't actually providing a secondary wagon and reasons for it.

still to be seen if you actually do so though, but until then

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If Rapier gets modkilled I'm prooooobably just going to solidify him as Lynch #2 instead of actually causing an extra death.

Edited by Prims
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BTW, if you guys let me survive to the night, I can also prove that I can now talk at night. It doesn't prove my alignment, but my role should be cleared from that.

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Forgive my delays, for I am currently re-reading the thread, and taking advantage of the ISO's that I just created.

In terms of alphabetical progress, I've reached Helios. There will be another case from me, so I humbly request a bit of time, as I continue to dig for clues.

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If Rapier gets modkilled I'm prooooobably just going to solidify him as Lynch #2 instead of actually causing an extra death.

Yeah, this is happening because I'm sure as fuck not subbing him out just because he lost motivation.


(7) Rapier - Penalty Priscilla, Penalty Priscilla, Penalty Priscilla, Penalty Priscilla, Penalty Priscilla, Penalty Priscilla, Penalty Priscilla (L-0)

(4) Aere - Manix, Bluedoom, Levity, Boron

(2) BigBangMeteor - Cam, Penalty Priscilla

(1) Helios - Kay

(1) Levity - Shinori

(1) Kay - BigBangMeteor

Not Voting (6): Admiral Shin, Aere, Elieson, Helios, MancerNecro, scorri

With 14 alive, it takes 8 to hammer. You have about ~23 hours left in the day.

Edited by Prims
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Lady Kay. As we all should by now have two people worthy of a lynch in our minds, may I ask who yours are (since you seem more concerned about Helios and less about Aere, by reason of inexperience...a poor reason if I may declare)

Helios and Marth, as I've said before. And it's not just inexperience. I'm saying it's reasonable for him to have not claimed immediately because of inexperience. I think his behavior overall is townish, albeit not in a useful way.

(yeah, I know Rapier is autolynch now, but I see no reason not to answer the question anyway.)

also I think what Kay is saying is that we vote for No Lynch not have no votes on, which I completely forgot about

Yes, this.

And even if we could normally, the rioting thing specifically says the player with the second most votes.

That wouldn't exclude NL being the primary lynch. The only problem with it is Prims having different rules than everyone else in SF and not mentioning it.

Plus, he's contradicted himself in a way I don't like at all. In post 879 he says Marth is one of his strongest town reads, and then in post 929 he says Marth is one of his final scumreads, although he gives pretty much no reasoning for this sudden flip, other than that Marth is "ignoring everything". He only had one post between these two contradictory posts, in which he did not ask any questions of Marth. In fact, in the 50 posts made in total between those two posts of Aere, nobody mentioned Marth, so it couldn't even have been that someone else said something to change his opinion of Marth. So I don't get at all why Marth went from one of his top two town reads to one of his top two scumreads.

That does look kind of bad, but he might have reread some stuff between those posts.

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Out of a massive reread, attempting to connect those still alive with those dead, as well as interactions and otherwise, I've come up with a notable case; quite possibly the most in depth case I've ever done in my entire life.

Case on Helios

Posts #2158764 and #2158658 (with nothing in between) complain about fluff and a distinct focus in the inability to have reads on everything.

Has: a single post arguing Kay as "horrible", yet doesn't vote for her (#2158764), because Rapier is obvworse.

Also, continues to tunnel on Kay in #2159765 (his most recent post), but that

All this could be considered in town bickering, but there's one thing that has never once been addressed.

Helios's actual opinion on Rapier. Does he have one? Look at the two posts that he even mentioned or referred to Rapier in. And those are #2156079, (where he is "down" with a Rapier/Marth lynch for whatever reason), and later, #2158193, (where he votes Rapier "So that he gets lynched second"). That's all he said on Rapier in this entire game, and yet, we are supposed to take him seriously when he has no reads of his own, other than not liking Kay, and some sort of personal agenda to get Rapier lynched since the end of D1 & much of D2.

What about Aere? I didn't actually see Aere mentioned anywhere. He's currently leading the lynch wagon. Do you even have a read on him? You said you do, and claim unable to find it (#2158658). Well, after ISO'ing you specifically, I'm unable to find anything on Aere either.

Helios has yet to build a real case, except in the reference of Kay (in which, he thinks she's secondary scum due to a weak back-and-forth between the both of them. I can't tell if this is lazy-town Helios or lazy-scum Helios, but him never having a half-decent reason to vote for Rapier is pretty crappy overall. (NOTE, I did not say scummy, I said crappy, because there is a difference).

Case on Kay

Votes for Marth in #2157545, continuing her D1 suspicions I suppose, (which was last mentioned back from back what could still be defined as RVS #2154000) at the beginning of D2.

Sort of defends Helios in #2158196, then 2 posts later, jumps on him over Marth for Helios's lax motivation for scumhunting in #2158637.

Mentions Rapier (referencing Meta), and Aere (calling him lazytown) in #2159346, and in her next post, offers to vote for Aere (before anything on Rapier being modkilled was brought up). Next post, defends Aere with Meta again.

I have a problem with this. The fact is that Kay brought up Rapier and Aere, and while sort of defending Aere, she also agrees to vote for Aere, albeit reluctantly, simply to meet the criteria of a required lynch. Rapier is only mentioned here as "being himself" and being "ok with a Rapier lynch", and isn't brought up anymore, but Aere got the defense? In fact, simply mentioning Aere without Rapier in a later post (both whom you seem to see as neutral). Why would you be all of a sudden "ok" with a lynch on either Rapier or Aere, but not once acknowledge the case on either of them up until now?

So, we have:

Kay, possessing a decent argument on Helios and willing to vote for Rapier, then willing to vote for Aere (but never offering both up at the same time, simply one or the other) simply for progressing the game


Helios, not really able to create any sort of argument in all, then jumping on Kay, (and never once refers to Aere)

Now, I'm fairly certain that one of these is scum, but I'm not so certain about both of them being a team.

Helios has posted more fluff (not relevant / repeats of obv information) than stuff in my humble opinion, which can be referenced by a simple ISO of the gentleman. Kay's post have been generally pursuing information.

With all of this said, I found also that Snike found suspicions on Helios, and while it wasn't anything heavy, it's still worth noting.

Based on this case, between the two players that I have a very controversial opinion over, I find Helios to be significantly more scummy than not only Kay, but many of our other players.

(Whew. Pressed F5 to see the refresh, and ok Rapier was simply considered the other lynch)

Wow, okay. That was fast, and I spent too long doing this.

##Vote Aere

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Prims most likely thinks that I have not lived up to the demands of my position as princess of Traynrek Kingdom. It is difficult to do so when my beloved subjects hold no loyalty, no trust, no love for me in their hearts. But I will not falter!

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Shinori, I developed a case On Helios, by using Helios' case on Kay as a primary reason. Helios's case on Kay, if you will.

And, Aere has been more scummy, but I'm looking for the next scum to vote for (being as tomorrow, we need to find scum too)

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