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Do you want to have kids?


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Breasts produce milk so they can feed the babies. Breasts are only seen as sexual because society deems it to be so. They do not have to be. All the years predating to the formula, how do kids get fed, huh? Mammals are mammals because they have the mammary glands to produce milk for their offspring. That's why breasts exist in the first place.

Now if you want to use formula there's nothing wrong with that, but your reasoning is pretty ridiculous.

Edited by Zhuge Liang
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Breasts produce milk so they can feed the babies. Breasts are only seen as sexual because society deems it to be so. They do not have to be. All the years predating to the formula, how do kids get fed, huh? Mammals are mammals because they have the mammary glands to produce milk for their offspring. That's why breasts exist in the first place.

Now if you want to use formula there's nothing wrong with that, but your reasoning is pretty ridiculous.

Umm... Breasts are erogenous zones for some/most women? They definitely were for my first girlfriend.

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Erogenous zones or not their primary function in biology is to provide milk for infants, not to be a sex object. Whatever people do in their bedrooms is their business, but it's not like boobs are necessary for the act of intercourse.

Sick of people objectifying parts of our body 'cuz they find it hot.

Edited by Zhuge Liang
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I think it would be objectification to prioritize the biological function over any other, rather than to just leave the choice to the woman in question.

I think you missed my point, which could be my fault because I'm about inarticulate as it gets, but my point is that people often completely ignore the biological functionalities of the breasts and see them as first and foremost sex objects and thus ~oh so inapporpriate~. It's that kind of logic that people try to outlaw mothers breastfeeding in public because "oh no her boobs are showing so lewd" and the reason society deems it unfitting for women to be shirtless in public (at least in most of America and China. I haven't lived anywhere else so can't speak for them) but it's okay for men to be because, again, breasts are ~so inappropriate~. And that's problematic.

What each woman wants to use her breasts for is the decision of herself and herself alone.

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Though I know one thing: If/when I have a kid, they're getting bottlefed! Beastfeeding is fucking disgusting, that'd be like me forcing my little baby to give me a blowjob!

I agree it's kind of disgusting, but I really think you're just too biased. It's not nowhere close to the equivelent of having a male have a baby blowjob him. I mean, the thing is question is a breast, not a woman's reproductive organ.

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Yes, but only if the following conditions are true:

1. I'm confident that I won't fuck the kid up by being a bad parent.

2. I'm able to support the kid--preferably giving him or her good living conditions.

3. The person I'm with wants a kid, too.

4. Speaking of which, I want to be sure that I want to have a kid with that person.

5. And in addition, knowing (and being happy with the idea) that I'll be spending the rest of my life with that person. I don't want my kid to have just me.

6. And added to that, our genes won't make the kid's life hard to live.

7. I'm at least 30 (when I'm mature enough to handle it, hopefully, but also knowing what life was like before having a kid yet after being out of college).

If any of the conditions aren't met, then the answer's no. SO AT A MINIMUM IT'LL BE ABOUT 13 YEARS FROM NOW UNTIL I DO IF I EVER DO

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Breasts produce milk so they can feed the babies. Breasts are only seen as sexual because society deems it to be so. They do not have to be. All the years predating to the formula, how do kids get fed, huh? Mammals are mammals because they have the mammary glands to produce milk for their offspring. That's why breasts exist in the first place.

Now if you want to use formula there's nothing wrong with that, but your reasoning is pretty ridiculous.

Pretty much what I wanted to say. Though I absolutely don't believe in using formula unless there's some kind of unavoidable circumstance that dictates you to do so. With the functions we're given, it's a waste to rely on artificial, man-made things when our own functions get the job done, and get it done absolutely well. To be honest, I actually find it insulting, but that's just me holding nature in high esteem.

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but I really think you're just too biased.

Heehee it's Crash x3

And I have to agree with Lumi as well

In my "parent stuffs" class they said there was something unhealthy about using formula, or it just wasn't as beneficial or something like that... but I don't really remember since that was a long time ago

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I can't believe this discussion is even taking place, lol.

Breastfeeding vs formula feeding is a dumb argument. There are minor benefits to both, and neither will make a significant improvement over the other in baby infancy.

Breastfeeding improves the baby's immune system, but formula feeding offers nutrients that mothers would be very hard-pressed to fit into a baby's diet otherwise. Vitamins that you can't supply through breastfeeding can be introduced to a baby through formula. Not to mention that the health benefits of your breast milk is directly related to your diet. The worse and less consistent your diet is, the more the benefits of your breast milk diminish.

Breastfeeding also requires a considerable time investment on the mother's part for the year she's expected to be feeding, whereas a mother using formulas would be able to keep working and do various other things. This is obviously an extremely important factor for anyone who is still young, not quite stable in the homelife and having a child. No man has the right to expect a woman to breastfeed - in fact they get zero say on the subject as far as I'm concerned.

Formula isn't evil; some women simply are not capable of spending that amount of time not being able to do anything taxing. Not to mention it is becoming increasingly harder for people to eat a well balanced diet.

Edited by Tangerine
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I can't believe this discussion is even taking place, lol.

Breastfeeding vs formula feeding is a dumb argument.

I can believe it. Serenes Forest is well-know for dumb arguments. :Knoll:

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Breasts are only seen as sexual because society deems it to be so.

I think there was supposed to be a reason that many men are attracted to larger breasts. I can't quite remember what it is, but I'm pretty sure it had to do with the monkeys that came before us.

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I think there was supposed to be a reason that many men are attracted to larger breasts. I can't quite remember what it is, but I'm pretty sure it had to do with the monkeys that came before us.


I think I know what you're talking about, but it has absolutely nothing to do with why many men are attracted to larger breasts. It was actually proposed as an explanation of why the breasts of human females are permanently swollen, unlike other primates.

Edited by Charlie
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I'd rather breastfeed my baby myself than have it get no natural milk. Occasional formula for supplements is fine, but the only diet? I don't know, call me old-fashioned.

On that note, I guess this is where I also mention I'm wary of hormonal birth control methods and prefer to advocate the good old condom.

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