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Any Final Fantasy Fans Out There? Any people wanting to get into Final Fantasy?


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IX looked good, sounded good and had a pretty good story... But when I got around to actually playing it, I found it lacking. There's nothing about the exploration or battle system that make it interesting and it's downright boring.

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IIRC, it's not that it was "supposed" to be, but that they were worried it might be, as square wasn't doing that well at the time and they thought the company might go under.

I could probably verify this but maybe I can just spread this rumor regardless of whether it's true.

You sure? I feel like it's been received OK just like VIII, and it definitely seems to have a bigger share of ppl who love it compared to VIII. Maybe they see it as bad compared to VI, VII and X though. Personally I didn't like IX much, and I actually stopped playing it a bit before the end.

It was received well at the time, but when discussions of the series as a whole come up, it is usually badmouthed second to II, which is everyone's favorite punching bag.

I quite like IX. Behind VII and VIII it is my most enjoyed title. Though between the three of them, along with X perhaps, which I find more or less interesting shifts at times.

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Oh man Final Fantasy.

The Tactics series just makes my head hurt. Holy hell do they make my head hurt.

Never touched the MMOs.

[spoiler=Oh man opinions.]FF1 is a fun romp. Nothing really special about it but I like it.

FF2 is odd... I don't dislike it but I couldn't get into it.

FF3 is awesome. Well the DS version at least. I like how you have to be extra careful in dungeons or else you lose all of your progress. I'M LOOKING YOU FINAL DUNGEON.

FF4. No. Just no.

FF5 is one of the more awesome FFs. Huge amount of customization although I got lost often. Galuf is just the best.

FF6. It's alright... The cutscenes get on my nerves but the battle themes get me through.

FF7 and FF8 can go eat a goddamn ham. They just aren't fun to play.

FF9 is my personal fave and it is clearly the best game of the series.

FF10 *tidus laugh* But seriously. It hurts to play.

FF12. Eh.... I still have no idea WHY Vaan and Penelo tag along and I got so side tracked by the side quests I just stopped caring about the plot and game in general to the point I never picked it up ever again.

FF13 is AWESOME. Don't ask why it just is.

FF10-2 and FF13-2 don't exist.

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I promise you this. In a couple of years, people will start looking back at FF13 and say "Honestly, that game wasn't that bad. Sure, it's not like traditional FF games but as a standalone game, it was well done".

Hopefully. I enjoyed 13 and it doesn't deserve all the flak that it got.

Quick review on the FF games I've played:

1 - Can get frustratingly hard at points because you really need to find your way around that game. No real complaints aside from spells costing an assload of money.

2 - It's FF2. As hard as you try to like it, the game is determined to kick you in the balls, especially on a first runthrough. I don't like training Josef/Ricard/Minwu/ect. just to have them die 5 minutes later. Not to mention the horrid level up system.

4 - Bores me to tears. I get to Scarmiglione and then I have to put it down.

5 - Very well done. Writing is atrocious for the most part but since when has FF had golden scripts? The idea to have all of Galuf's shit transfer over to Krile means that I can train Galuf and not lose progress.

6 - Golden. Very enjoyable final boss (can't say the same about any other game) and WoR makes up for the slowness of WoB. Pity that Ultima ruins the fun.

7 - Another game that bores me. Just can't get into it.

8 - The single worst game in the series.

9 - Another masterpiece. Legitimately fun but that card game bothers me (it's just... there. Doesn't do anything).

10 - The only game when the bosses actually made me rage-quit. Seriously. Seymour Flux can go suck it.

13 - I enjoyed it. A lot more customization exists than what meets the eye (money isn't exactly plentiful in this game until Chapter 11) and the characters are all really well balanced with the exception of Sazh (who is the best character by a mile for the first half of the game and still suffices for the second half).

That's about it. Tactics can suck my cock.

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You can't look back on XIII in a few years because by then they still be making fucking VS.

I haven't played the game, but I feel that even if people stop harping on it as much, it should be a symbol of the atrocious development practices Square uses these days. They didn't even know how the game was going to play before they made the demo.

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I am becoming a fan of the series slowly but surely. I have beaten the first 6 on the gba and the ds. Now I'm playing through 7 on the PS3 via download. I'm gonna stop playing them when I beat 10, cause I hear it got worse after that.

This is my consensus of the games so far:

1 is awesome

2 is incredible, one of the best!

3 suuuucks!

4 had something, but it could have been much better

5 rocks, it's actually the first game ever to make me cry

6 is soooo amazing during its first half, but the world of ruin totally blows

7 rocks so far, very fun game!

Cannot wait to see where the series takes me next!

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Ah, Final Fantasy. Great game series. Well, it was.

1- A classic, holds up well today imo. Played on NES and beat on Psp

2- Ehhhhhh, couldn't really enjoy this one as much as others, especially in comparison to one. The stat system was a bit too weird and stupid to use effectively, imo. Played on psp.

3- Loved it. I personally absolutely love the job systems of FF. Only played (and beat) it on the DS, though, if that changes anything.

4- I really liked the plot progression and characters. Didn't like the gameplay as much as the others, though, but I appreciated the higher difficulty. Played it on Snes and beat it on DS.

5- Loved it, as I said, I love the diverse job systems. Didn't like the story as much as 4, but the gameplay is imo more important. Finished only on GBA

6- Enjoyed it, though I don't really consider it to be the best in the series as lots of other people do. Played it on Snes and gba.

7- Mixed feelings on this one. On one hand, I enjoyed my playthrough through it and I liked the story, on the other hand, I don't really feel it brings much over some of the other titles. Beat it on psn.

8- I actually really enjoyed this one. I really liked the graphics update from 7, and thought the junction/card stuff was a cool change to the gameplay. Yes, grinding magic from enemies was annoying, but I could overlook it considering what it brought. Beat it on psn.

9- I really need to go play this again, I can't remember much from it..

Tactics (WotL) - Not really a big fan of the battle system, but I liked the job system. I refuse to touch advance/2, though.

The rest of the main series I haven't played. Partly because I don't have a ps2 and partly because of how many shit reviews 13/13-2 got.

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Saw Nobuo Uematsu play live last weekend with Earthbound Papas :3 He's so cute.

I'm a pretty big fan of 9, 10 and 11--nearly beat 4, but I wasn't very crazy about it because I played the PSP port. I think FF4 was epic for its time but doesn't (at least imo) stand up well to today's RPGs because everything has adopted what FF4 was special for. I've actually been more of a Suikoden fan always, because I prefer the political stories, but FF is definitely great and deserves its popularity.

At least, it did until 13 came out @_@;; I really do not like that game. The combat was very interesting but I hated all of the characters/character designs and the storyline was pretty painful to me.

I wanna play Tactics so bad, on another note. Didn't like the advance versions of it, but I've heard that the original is amazing

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  • 4 weeks later...

Geh, there'll be spoilers in this post, for old games. Just skip by if you don't wanna read 'em, what I have to say isn't nearly interesting enough to warrant spoiling yourself if doing so would ruin your experience.

Hm... I've only finished 1 and 5 so far, and I really like those two, but the fact that you can rename only Bartz and no one else in 5 irks me.

I really really like how 1 doesn't have you controlling premade characters, and instead you get to make your own, which is always fun for me. I find the story is actually quite cool and original (well, for the time, at least) and the fact that it isn't shoved in your face only makes it moreso. The ending actually has an odd kind of bittersweetness to it, because while you destroyed Garland, broke the time loop and saved the world, that means that everything the heroes did never even happened, and they're the only ones who remember any of it. (Apparently there's one translation that implies even they don't remember, but maybe I'm remembering that wrong.)

5 did 3's job system better than 3 did for sure, and while the story wasn't all that original or anything, I still enjoyed it, because it was comparitively quite lighthearted most of the time. Also, Galuf is my favorite old person in a video game, which is kind of an oddly specific title but cool nonetheless.

3, I would really like to get further in but I just end up losing motivation after a while. It would help if they had upgraded the remake's job system to FF5's, so I didn't feel like time spent leveling up niche classes was wasted effort. Then again, perhaps being able to get certain abilities without any of their class's downsides might be a bit game-breaking.

2 is kinda meh. I want to like it but it's just not interesting enough. SaGas 1 and 2 have its level up system implemented in various capacities, but there's more that's distinct about those two than just the level up system, (The class/race system, which effects characters' level up styles, the personal inventory/equipment system, Fire Emblemesque breaking weaponry and rather bizarre settings, to be specific.)

*Note: The first three SaGa games were released in the US (and maybe other places; I'm not sure) for the original GameBoy as The Final Fantasy Legend, Final Fantasy Legend II and Final Fantasy Legend III, respectively. Needless to say, they aren't actually Final Fantasy.

4 is kinda cool. I could go on a tirade about why I hate ridiculously human aliens (or rather, trying to pass them off as special or unique in any way) but that'd be kind of beside the point. I do like a lot of the cast and certain bits of the story are kind of cool, but I still haven't finished it. I think I've made it as far as getting Edge. Maybe. I can't really remember all that well.

6, I have only played what I take to be a little ways into it. I like it so far, but to be honest I don't really like the magic system all that much, and there's actually a reason for that; allowing you to equip any Esper to any character makes the whole thing too customizable. I like customization but when the freaking Monk can learn every spell in the game if you so choose, then it gets a little ridiculous. They should've put limits on it, like certain characters can't learn certain spells, but in return have a much easier time learning others. Preferably this would be relevant to the character's class and general "theme". Also, this seems to be getting to that point in the series where not missing any notable treasures would start driving me crazy, although hidden party members are always good.

Well, that's all I've played of the main series.

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Ya I didn't get into it till the GBA remakes started coming out in Jr. High, but I loved it once I did.

1: I remember me and a friend spent almost all of our food money for a week long field trip buying GBA games, I got FF1/2 and he got Fire Emblem. Anyway we had to spend the rest of the trip buying the cheapest meals possible and splitting them/mooching off our richer friends, but FF1/2 was worth every penny. I ended up beating it twice, the second time was just so I could have a white mage in my party for the bonus dungeons. I really loved being able to make my own party and name them. Plus the bonus dungeons were really challenging even after your people get too OPd for the main game, which is nice. I give it an 9/10

Also Jeff Ludwig has made a serious hack for the GBA version; which increases the difficulty and now has 12 classes. Check it out

2: I liked this game, but never could finish it. The leveling is wacky, and its too hard to figure out where the fuck to go sometimes. I did like the magic system however. 5/10

4: I did like this game, but it always ended up killing off my favorite people. However the wide range of characters was nice touch, and it has one of the best stories in the series. 6/10

5: A very epic game, I even thought the game was gonna end at the end of the 2nd world. It was nice to be surprised by the 3rd one. Also the job system worked well, always you to mix and match skills. Of course it still killed off my favorite character in the end, but keeping all his skills was a nice touch. 8/10

6: I can't say anything new about this epic game, other than my friends who normally only play COD, Smash Bros and 2K played and enjoyed it. 10/10

7: This game just.... sucked. Too many stupid mini game type events for me to get into it. I have no idea why everyone loves it. 3/10

FFTA: Loved this game. I think my final save had like +200 hours on it, anyway it was a great fresh breath of life for the series imo. 10/10

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Well, might as well throw my hat into the ring. Played all in the main series save 11 and 13+sequel. Played the Tactics games. I tend to play through them fast like, so my opinion might be a bit different since I hate grinding of any kind.

FF1: The NES version is the best, because the bugs oddly made it great. It made team composition fun, self-inventive, and had a point too. Like, a Thief basically lets you run from every fight if it's in one of the top two slots, and he makes a pretty natural second slot. I like how tight money is in this game, since it makes you think more on your purchases. Love charges because I can't just spam explosions and win fights (Dawn of Souls made me sigh). If I had to make a criticism though, it would be that generally it feels like every playthrough is vaguely the same, and that Fighter is kinda ridiculous. Also, Blackbelt sucks, and that makes me sad.

FF2: It's funny how easy grinding makes this game in how quick you can actually grind real early, and then no grinding at all makes this game a gigantic pain in the dick. There is little intuition involved, cause like using Bows is pretty much suicidal, among other things which include a vast majority of magic being absolutely useless. A lot of stuff in general that you wouldn't know beforehand, like it's something you'd have to learn over playthroughs, and that kinda blows. A lot of battles feel more like practice since most of the time you're just trying to level up anything because otherwise your life sucks later on. Lots of encounters kinda just destroy you on arrival unless you get lucky and manage to run before you get exploded. Kashuan and the Dreadnaught are probably the most funkilling dungeons ever in that sense. This game also takes forever to complete it's so long. Can't say I'm a fan. It's longness isn't exactly a problem, just the frustration involved at some points. That being said, lategame is awesome, but that's about it.

FF3: I only played the DS version mind you, but I can't say it's made me wanna play the NES version. This game is aimless. A lot of the time, I had no clue on where to go or what to do because no one told you shit. You just kinda had to run into it on accident. The job system in this game is almost lying in how it feels like you have a choice when you don't. Most dungeons pretty much force decisions on you, notably dungeons where you have to frog or mini (fuck that, by the way), so it's like why even have a job system in the first place? FF3 is really forgettable. I didn't even bother beating it, it's just straight trash.

FF4: I had the misfortune to play the Playstation version first, which unbeknownst to me at the time was the version that would rape you sideways and dry. Talk about a game that kills you for being anything short of perfect. However, unlike the past games where most hard situations just feel like death based on unlucky encounters (Zombie hoards...), this game felt like it was legitimately hard and you had to figure out the best course of action. My issue with it really is that anything that isn't the best course of action is death. A little leeway wouldn't hurt. My bigger gripe really is a problem stated before, in that your team switches more often than I care for, and at the end I'm stuck with no other options than the final team the game eventually gives you. That gets old quick, and I like having options which the game gives you none. It's ok, but there's better.

FF5: Then suddenly, a gem. Probably my favorite in the series, because it makes the job system awesome, making me feel like the world is my burrito, and that job networking takes planning rather than "I'm in this dungeon, I better be this class". It's long, but the gameplay is fun, so it's cool. It's nice to see how abilities can help me in pretty unique boss fights (at the time anyways), and it feels rewarding to always get those treasures. I also love how cheesy it is story wise. I find it endearing.

FF6: I like to call this the Marvel vs Capcom of the series, in that it's broke as fuck, but that's the point. There is so much brilliantly silly shit you can pull off in this game, and it's glorious. My favorite being Setzer with Fixed Dice, Master Scroll/Offering, and Quick. Each character feels unique in use, and it makes party composition fun, along with varying things up per dungeon since the game loves to throw curveballs at you. Love the characters, love the world...Can't say I have any problems with this game, much like 5. 5 sticks to me more, however. I like planning over power in sections.

FF7: ...Interesting to say the least. Was my first FF actually, and it's also not my favorite. I like it, but I don't love it. It's fun how inventive you can actually be with materia and how their growth through the game makes things more varied later (a mastered Cover materia on a tanky guy allows a huge ass All Summoner materia nuker exist later since even though you'll have like 100 HP, you will ignore all physical attacks). More a stats game than any other. The process of how you have to distribute kills to get limit breaks you want earlier also makes combat different in an interesting way. However, while I feel characters in this game are more unique than people like to say, it still feels somewhat limited. I think having 3 people teams only along with never really needing status cures (only ones that retain after battle are sadness and fury, fury being a GOOD thing to have) makes it feel a little stunted. It's fun, but there is better. Best soundtrack.

FF8: They made 3 golden games so far and a very good silver, but then this turd just shows up. I don't think it's possible to have fun with this game, and it makes me wonder how this game has any fans. The smart way to go through the game is to just insta-run from non forced fights and then smoke bosses with limit breaks, or Card+Card Mod. Either way, it's clear that the team composition aspect is useless, because you have a Carder, a Drawer, and Squall the Only Person Who Ever Actually Matters. Get 100 Demi from Diablos Card, get 100 Curaga from your starting tents, and you pretty much one shot all bosses safely well into disk 3. It's actually more fun to play through the game dumb, which in turn is still not fun. There is no brainpower involved. I really cannot find one redeeming quality for this game, and it scores an easy worst in the series.

FF9: Then another gold, which is weird considering it came after 8. To me, it feels like what 4 should have been. Hard, but still giving you leeway, and has actual options in team composition while limiting just how much a single character can do. It's another sort of cliche cheese adventure, but I don't mind. No real complaints on this one. Loads of fun.

FFX: This game is....Odd. It probably is the most oddball game in the series. Being able to switch team mates mid fight with no penalty basically means the whole tea is available to you, the sphere grid is just a weird ass way to level and branch out characters (I liked leveling Lulu early so that when Yuna's forced later she can quickly learn important white magics, then Friend Sphere over to Lulu). This game is just kinda...easy though. Like, it is astoundingly simple. Stonetouch is too good, enemies aren't that threatening, bosses aren't all that interesting...If it were harder, I'd like it more I guess. I also don't like not having a world map. Sure the world feels more put together (kinda, I hate Spira anyways), but...It just doesn't feel the same. It's like having ghost limb syndrome.

FF12: I love Ivalice, and I loved this game...At first. As the game dragged on and difficulty became replaced with "stupid amounts of HP", it turned me off. Reverse+Taunt is also stupid as fuck. Magic outside of that felt useless. I was able to do fine without gambits so I didn't mind that aspect, but I hate the combat anyways because of how half assed everything is. I also heavily dislike Quickening. The license board was an interesting alternative to the sphere grid, but some things were just flat better so there was little point in trying to branch out to get different things. Left almost no character viability, which kills this game even further. It could have been so much better if they were just trying to be an RPG rather than an MMO without the MMO.

FFT: This game is hard as balls without grinding, but it also feels super rewarding. It kinda shares FF4's knack of "find the right answer or I'll kill you" feel, but it's a tactics game. The battles are static in the sense that things are where they should be 100% of the time and aren't random encounters, so you are actually able to find that right answer without tearing your hair out due to luck, and you have time to think your actions through before committing while FF4 forces immediate action. There's also the jobs system though it has the twist of needing to buy skills with JP, something I think the advance games did better by just making it weapon based since I don't like that a class is useless upon getting it. Some classes are better than others (Wizard), and Cid does kinda pubstomp the shit out of everything. Also feels kinda dumb that I can train up my own personal team, and then the game over time gives me these free asskickers that replace all my hard work. So I like this game, but it's not perfect. Definitely solid though.

FFTA1: This game is kinda silly. The law system is over the top and makes lategame mega unfun, and the classes are pretty lopsided, Stop, Sleep and Instant Death being a bit too damn strong while classes like Defender and junk like that are just clearly awful. That being said, the trip up to lategame is fun at least. Despite the flak this game gets, I found it charming. Also, it gave you a LOT to do, and I liked all the small bits the small jobs gave you. Made it feel like an actual world. Game was WAY too easy though.

FFTA2: Pretty much the expansion pack of the first, it solves a lot of the bad problems that FFTA1 had while adding more. It felt kinda short though, and the fact you start with no MP feels really weird and makes learning magic feel pointless if you're just gonna sit around doing nothing but charging up. Definitely upped the challenge though, and made it a lot more fun.

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7: This game just.... sucked. Too many stupid mini game type events for me to get into it. I have no idea why everyone loves it. 3/10

There are like four necessary minigames in FF VII that last minutes, which are spread out over dozens of hours.

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There are like four necessary minigames in FF VII that last minutes, which are spread out over dozens of hours.

And you could skip Condor Fort entirely by "losing" and beating a boss up anyway, so that one does not even count.

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1353127145[/url]' post='2186784']

There are like four necessary minigames in FF VII that last minutes, which are spread out over dozens of hours.

There is that one is where you have to get a certain amount of points to get Cloud's 4th Limit Break.

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They should've put limits on it, like certain characters can't learn certain spells, but in return have a much easier time learning others. Preferably this would be relevant to the character's class and general "theme".

IX does that actually, kind of.

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And you could skip Condor Fort entirely by "losing" and beating a boss up anyway, so that one does not even count.

I don't think you even have to do Fort Condor. I think you can just go straight to Junon. Am I wrong?

There is that one is where you have to get a certain amount of points to get Cloud's 4th Limit Break.

That is optional, and is not even that hard.

IX does that actually, kind of.

X also does it, kind of...you can get everyone to learn everything on the sphere grid, but it will take a lot of grinding and/or farming. You also get something acceptable for the main game if someone just sticks to their section, except Khimari I guess.

And miss out on omnislash?

If you beat the game, you get to see omnislash. And while it's very amazing, you don't really need it.

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1353202403[/url]' post='2187437']

Condor Fort has a Huge Materia, which is the only reason I ever go there. Also, Phoenix.

But with the time you spent at Condor Fort you could have made a gold Chocobo and found the Knights of Round Materia.

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And miss out on omnislash?

I don't recall needing it to beat the game. Doesn't save the time it takes to get it either. It's a very flashy waste.

But with the time you spent at Condor Fort you could have made a gold Chocobo and found the Knights of Round Materia.

Now THAT'S a vast exaggeration. Chocobo breeding takes an eon and a half. One Condor fight (where you still don't have to try since you can just kill the boss) isn't even close to being as bad as chocobo breeding.

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But with the time you spent at Condor Fort you could have made a gold Chocobo and found the Knights of Round Materia.

Doesn't matter...well, in my case, I thought Fort Condor was more fun than Chocobo racing, and took less time.

The snowboard game is where it's at, but I'm pretty sure all you get for it is more snowboarding.

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There is that one is where you have to get a certain amount of points to get Cloud's 4th Limit Break.

So? It's a sidequest. Most of the ultimate attacks require doing esoteric things. That's to be expected in pretty much any game.

I don't think you even have to do Fort Condor. I think you can just go straight to Junon. Am I wrong?

You are correct. You can skip Fort Condor entirely.

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