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Any Final Fantasy Fans Out There? Any people wanting to get into Final Fantasy?


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A lot of people have played 1-6 only.

I've played every game except for 3, 9, 11, 13, and any spinoffs without TA in the initials. I never finished 7, 8 or 12.

The worst game in the series is any of the numbered ones after X.

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Most dislike II because of its battle system, so yes. It's commonly regarded as the worst in the series, next to IX.

II is probably my second or third favorite of the first six, personally.

I have seen nothing but praise for IX so what the hell are you talking about? Its one of the best.


Edited by Captain Jedi
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I see, but then I fail to understand what Replica's problem with it is. Are there no longer healing items to use in combat, or have healing spells been cut? Anything that'd make healing more difficult?

I think maybe he got confused by Wound damage. It's a status effect that lowers the target's max HP. It's not permanent and you can even use a Wound Potion to heal it during battle.

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Got me interested there, how exactly does that work?

The only health system that I know of that works like that is Yggdra Union's Morale system, where the only way to recover morale is to use strictly limited items.

Saga Frontier (the first one on the PSX) has a system where characters have two kinds of HP. I don't remember what they're each called, but one is difficult to recover, only/often is deducted when you're hit while KO'd or something like that, and if it drops to 0 the character dies. I didn't play much of the game so there mmight be ways to restore it.

I think maybe he got confused by Wound damage. It's a status effect that lowers the target's max HP. It's not permanent and you can even use a Wound Potion to heal it during battle.

Why would exacerbating the wound heal it???

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I thought it was "Final Fantasy" because the first one was supposed to be the company's final game... until it turned into the giant it is today.

Anyways, I've only play 7 on up.

My friends have told me I should play 6 too, but I've just been too busy with other games... like FE13 and Valkyria Chronicles 3.

Anyways... I'm waiting for Versus 13. COME ON. WHERE IS IT SQUEENIX!?

I honestly felt meh for 13 when I played it. That caused me not to buy 13-2.

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I tried even using Esuna then Cure but I never healed. I honestly never use a potion that heals ailments so thats probably my problem there. I'll try it out some other time.

In 13-2, when you take damage there is a red bar to show how much you take and it slowly gets smaller towards the green bar showing the amount of HP you currently have and from what I have said it seems you can't recover that until after the battle. I could just not be using my head for this, maybe the game doesn't allow Esuna to cure ailments, but then again it might. Gotta give this a try sometime.

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Played FF1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 13-2.

Also, tactics Advance A2 and FFT and Crystal Chronicles. Oh and 4 Heroes of Light if that counts.

Personally, I like them all because they were...how do I put it? Well they felt consistent yet inconsistent at the same time when it comes to gameplay, leaving me finding each game feeling 'fresh' when I first start them. FF8's plot's the most amusing one to me, plus I like the various 'mini games' in it that fit with the plot. Sadly the gameplay for that one annoys me.

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I've played 1-6. My favourite is FF2.

That's considered odd, no?

X-2's the best.

I love you guys! *~*

Well FF5 is definitely my favorite! :) I LOVE Final Fantasy's that you can change jobs in (especially if they change outfits :3)

The story wasn't too bad either, and it's actually pretty hard!

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Attacking your dudes to raise their HP? Don't blame people for thinking that it's bad.

What is illogical about a person adapting to receiving damage by becoming stronger after healing? Players gaming the system is in itself sort of neat.

IX is bad? Now, I haven't played it, but I don't think it's not as polorizing as, say, II or XI.


I'm not making a judgment of the quality of any of IX, I'm pointing out that the gaming community as a whole tends to view IX as being poorer in quality compared to the rest of the series.

I have seen nothing but praise for IX so what the hell are you talking about? Its one of the best.

All of them and none of them are the best. There are some people out there that view XIII as their favorite in the series. I personally think it is one of the worst JRPGs I have ever played. Opinions.


Overreacting much?

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Oddly, IX is my favorite and it has nothing to do with me drooling over Kuja. Played 1, 3, 6, 7, 9, 12, 13, 13-2, every single Tactics game, and a couple other spin-offs. I'm quite fond of the last two "main" ones in the series, despite popular opinion. Least favorite was 3 for not really engaging me; didn't finish 1 and 12.

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It's better than OOOO LETS PRAISE FFVII AND BASH EVERY OTHER FF ESPECIALLY THE ONES THAT CAME BEFORE IT WITHOUT ANY REASON, which that the state of the fandom just a few years ago.

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I've played a bit of FF1 for PSP, beat FF3 for DS, beat FF4 for DS, played FF6 when I was really young so I dont remember it at all, beat FF7, beat FF8, beat FF9, beat FF10 multiple times <3, beat FF10-2, beat FF12, beat FF13 and 13-2. Of all of those, I have to say FF10 is my favorite. I'm very fond of 13, 13-2, 9, 4 and 7 too, but not on the level of 10

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I have played 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10-2, 12, tactic and tactic advance as well as beaten 3, 4, Tactic a2, revenant wings and a crystal chronicles game (dat ds).

lets see my in depth though of them...

FF1) Definition of Oldschool JRPG, what is this story thing you talk of? Got bored and just quit.

FF2) Minmaxing game of my dreams, medicore story. Lost my save and couldn't bother to start over.

FF3) Barely survives one playtrough, too simple, fucking frogs.

FF4) Gameplay is BORING but the story is good enough to manage 1 or 2 playtroughs.

FF5) I love the job system but everything else is so boring I cannot be assed to play this game to the end.

FF6) Story is good but after WoB it just scatters around so badly I just ditch it every time I do try to play it.

FF7) It is so hyped I am essentially spoiled about everything story releated anyway and MY GOD the gameplay has not aged well. I just quit some time after I got Aerith.

FF8) Fuck drawing magic, fuck playing the cards for magic, fuck raiding the damn draw points. I suppose the story might be ok if it WOULD START before I just get way too bored. Stopped little after the dance scene.

FF9) I love the art style and the feel it gives to the setting with the wonderful music (granted music is more often than not good in these games). I played it intensively up to somewhere in disc 3, took a week or 2 of break and had no idea what I was suppose to do when I came back. I might very soon start over. Also I have plenty of fond memories about this game.

FF10) I hate everything about this game that is not the battle system, Auron's voice or the music. Stopped in the final dungeon because the battle system betrayed me. (Malboros having move that just autowins with blind+poison+berserk? Behemoths casting meteor strong enough to kill max health auron when killed? Fuck you game)

FF10-2) Its WAY too easy to get sidetracked in this game, killing my attemps to love it. Side-quests are a good thing when you are entirely sure what is sidequest and what is main. While trying to get the uniforms I have no idea what so ever. what i am doing.

FF12) I really love it but I cannot be assed to play for too long for some reason i just cannot put my finger on. I have mixed feeling about the battle system. On the other hand it does my job for me thus making me essentially watch a lets play or something, on the other hand it removes all the pointless busy work such as finding cure spells from my spell list every god damn second, stealing shit and buffing up (this is the only main series game I would ever even use protect).

Tactic) The best, I love everything, I'm stuck.

TacticA2) Every mission is the same but the gameplay holds it together until late game wtfuckery. Seer/Illusionist with 3 jugglers with smile toss + Hurdy was fun for a very short moment.

TacticA) I cannot be assed to play this because it feels like unpolished A2 (no shit) without having the same tactical superiority as original Tactics to make up for it. I really want to love this for the much better law system but it is just not happening.

Revenant wings) There was a time in my life I had way too much time in my hands. I wish I had access to ANY OTHER GAME OF THE SERIES at that time.

Edited by Sho.M.the.Tits
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Or "let's talk about how VI is the greatest game ever when it's actually just alright" which seems to have creeped up.

In any case it was FFVII vs. everything else, with VII vs. VI at the forefront.

Now there is a dedicated camp for pretty much every Final Fantasy.

And come on, the original has its merits too.

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Beat 4/6/7/8/10/13, made good progress of 5 but then my hard drive got killed, still have to beat 9,12,13-2... I'm some part of the way into each but have no time to continue. Favorite is 6.

I don't think I'd like 1-3 so I'm avoiding them. I didn't like what little I played of Dawn of Souls..

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I like the series, but I don't really know if I can call myself a fan. I never owned a sony console so I haven't played many final fantasies. I really liked final fantasy 4/5/6 and 13 and the after years where pretty enjoyable too.

The only final fantasy game if feel like having missed out on is 9. It looks cool and all the characters sounds interesting. I never got very enthousiastic about final fantasy 7 though. Probably because its been hyped so much that it will feel like a letdown even if it would be the best game ever made.

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Final Fantasy Tactics is good, and it has classic atmosphere, characters, and a surprisingly deep storyline both for its time and today. It has depth in its political intrigue that most don't try to touch for fear of over-complexity or boringness. Thankfully, it does its job well.

That said, in the entire Tactics series I've always felt like developing within Jobs feels underwhelming. Maybe that's just me.

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1350345033[/url]' post='2157797']

Final Fantasy Tactics is good, and it has classic atmosphere, characters, and a surprisingly deep storyline both for its time and today. It has depth in its political intrigue that most don't try to touch for fear of over-complexity or boringness. Thankfully, it does its job well.

That said, in the entire Tactics series I've always felt like developing within Jobs feels underwhelming. Maybe that's just me.

The only thing I don't like a about Tactics is that if you save during the final dungeon, your stuck there. Yep your stuck fighting the final boss. So unless you want to explore the rest of the world you have to create a whole new save.

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I thought it was "Final Fantasy" because the first one was supposed to be the company's final game... until it turned into the giant it is today.

IIRC, it's not that it was "supposed" to be, but that they were worried it might be, as square wasn't doing that well at the time and they thought the company might go under.

I could probably verify this but maybe I can just spread this rumor regardless of whether it's true.

I'm not making a judgment of the quality of any of IX, I'm pointing out that the gaming community as a whole tends to view IX as being poorer in quality compared to the rest of the series.

You sure? I feel like it's been received OK just like VIII, and it definitely seems to have a bigger share of ppl who love it compared to VIII. Maybe they see it as bad compared to VI, VII and X though. Personally I didn't like IX much, and I actually stopped playing it a bit before the end.

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