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Any Final Fantasy Fans Out There? Any people wanting to get into Final Fantasy?


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when the freaking Monk can learn every spell in the game if you so choose, then it gets a little ridiculous.

That one isn't all that ridiculous. The monk is actually a magic-based class in FFVI--most of his skillset is based on his magic stat as opposed to strength.

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That one isn't all that ridiculous. The monk is actually a magic-based class in FFVI--most of his skillset is based on his magic stat as opposed to strength.

That's true! But the monk's skillset is most heavily based on the player's dex stat (relative to FF6 generally)!

(I should know, the first time we played ff6 we had problems putting in pummel during that vargas fight D: it was so sad when I realized how easy it was a few years later)

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Oh...Final Fantasy...

You see, Florina and FF have a love-hate relationship. Some games in the series are good enough for Florina to be all "yee", others make Florina want to punt babies across the Grand Canyon.

Games Florina Actually Likes:

Final Fantasy IV (II for the SNES in Murika)

This game was pretty good. I remember the story being interesting enough to keep playing and the characters pretty damn likable. I really loved Tellah, man. Dude was my homeboy. I also liked Rosa. This is the game that gave us the famous "spoony bard" line after all. I know i finished the game once but it was so damn long ago... I never did play any remakes of it.

Final Fantasy VI (III for Murika)

I remember this game being pretty damn amazing. Good characters, solid story, and fucken Kefka! Im old enough to remember the adverts for this game. Mog all talking about it on tv. har. This game kept me playing because its villain was the coolest thing i ever saw at the point. Sadly, i have never finished it. I dont own it either so alas...earwax.

Final Fantasy VII

Yeah i liked this game a lot. I didnt love the gameplay much, but the characters and story (and locations) were great. At first, i remember playing the game and being HELLA annoyed with Aeris. Fuck the police! Im old and crusty and set in my ways, so her name is Aeris! D:< Man...she bugged me. Too passive and Tifa was a more interesting character and love interest for Cloud. But then...Sephiroth has other plans. That moment was the moment the game won me over and cemented ol' Sephy as one of my favorite game villains of all time. I kept playing happily after that. But then Yuffie happened. Not a fan of hers. I was such a cheater and Gamesharked the Knights of the Round materia because FUCK CHOCOBO BREEDING!! Dagh! But yeah, good game and probably my favorite of the main series.

Final Fantasy Mystic Quest

Stop looking at me like that. I MEAN IT! I really love this game. Its simplistic and pretty fun for me. I didnt have to invest too much in the game world, just go around and having a good time kicking the snot out of things. Plus its soundtrack is bawss. This is probably my favorite game that has FF in the title.

Games Florina Hates With The Burning Passion Of A Thousand Lizard-Lions:

Final Fantasy VIII

Guys...i dont think there are even words to describe my hatred for this game. So not kidding right now. This game is just...terrible. I hated just about everything there was about it. Stupid gameplay and i hated the junction system and having to fight battle after battle to get spells and junk. To hell with that. Its characters were irritating at best and the story a big ball of wtf. I just..No. Just No. dhgfshdgfshdfsjhdfsdfskfhsdffweufhsdjfhsd fuck this game. I dont care how many people kick me out of their blankie forts, this game SUCKS!!!

Final Fantasy X

:angry: While not the level of hatred as FFVIII, i really detested this game. A lot of the characters were unlikable to me and the voice acting. Oh Seven, the voice acting! *shudders* Yeah not a fan. I also thought it was a bit too short too. Blitzball had no appeal to me whatsoever. The only thing i liked about the game was Yuna. And then FFX-2 came along...D: Luckily, i played very very little of that.

Games Florina Is Rather Ambivalent About:

Final Fantasy

Im talking the very first one for the NES. I played it and beat it wayyy back in the day. I dont really have much of an opinion on it. It wasnt bad but wasnt amazing. I liked how the characters "grew up" over the course of the game though. Really did love that. But other than that, ehhh...dont really hate it or love it.

Final Fantasy IX

This one was better than VIII, by far. But still not awesome enough for me to love it. I made plenty of jokes about how Zidane looks like Meg Ryan with a tail. Har. The story was ok but nothing too mindblowing. The graphics and gameplay were ok too. Vivi was by far the best thing about that game though. I love that little bugger!

The rest of the games in the series, i never played or had absolutely no interest in. I did play the first five minutes of FFII (the real FFII) and i was like "ehh." And that one (i think its FFV) that had the hero named Butz was pretty hilarious because...his name was Butz! [/inner 12 year old] Many people have said that the series took a nose dive after FFX. Hmmmm....

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Guys...i dont think there are even words to describe my hatred for this game. So not kidding right now. This game is just...terrible. I hated just about everything there was about it. Stupid gameplay and i hated the junction system and having to fight battle after battle to get spells and junk. To hell with that. Its characters were irritating at best and the story a big ball of wtf. I just..No. Just No. dhgfshdgfshdfsjhdfsdfskfhsdffweufhsdjfhsd fuck this game. I dont care how many people kick me out of their blankie forts, this game SUCKS!!!

Did you do the master fisherman sidequest? I'm not blaming you if you didn't, and I'm not telling you you'd like FF8 if you didn't, mind.

I thought FF8 did great at being cinematic. The use of mattes (I assume - I don't know what you actually call it) was great even when I noticed them. Generic NPCs were great - probably the best in FF. I know that sounds silly, but to me it means a lot; my favorite conversations in FE9 often include generic portraits. The locations were also excellent, though FF9 and FF7 were also excellent in that regard. I would offer a partial defense on the PCs, but hating them is absolutely justifiable.

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I enjoy the game too. The main reason most people are turn away by FFVIII is because the Drawing system is a bit tedious and time consuming.

You can get by fine while barely using draw. The issue is more it tried to be complex and failed miserably. Even if you don't refine the Diablos card and Tents into Demi and Curaga to instantly win the game by having Squall blow every boss fight from that point on in a single limit break, you just get to that point eventually. All battles are practically the same (Squall hits a thing once, someone else cards said thing, third character is irrelevant), all boss battles ARE the same (Renzokuken once, fight over), and that it's an hour of repetition stick in what feels like hours on hours of the dumbest story ever written.

Even if you don't card enemies, the result is merely "Squall limit breaks" to "everyone limit breaks", which is still dumb and repetitive. The game is so badly designed that the tedium of Drawing is like the 15th thing that's wrong with it.

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I'm surprise how broken FFVIII is. Since enemies level up with you, you could stay at a low level and use the card to make the ultimate weapons, which will lead to Squall Lion Heart spamming.

You don't even need Lionheart. You can stick with his base weapon and it will carry you to Disk 4. Hell, it's probably faster since that's less need of cards and the long ass animation on Lionheart is unecessary.

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1353358102[/url]' post='2188904']

You don't even need Lionheart. You can stick with his base weapon and it will carry you to Disk 4. Hell, it's probably faster since that's less need of cards and the long ass animation on Lionheart is unecessary.

That and the junctions.

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Did you do the master fisherman sidequest? I'm not blaming you if you didn't, and I'm not telling you you'd like FF8 if you didn't, mind.

I thought FF8 did great at being cinematic. The use of mattes (I assume - I don't know what you actually call it) was great even when I noticed them. Generic NPCs were great - probably the best in FF. I know that sounds silly, but to me it means a lot; my favorite conversations in FE9 often include generic portraits. The locations were also excellent, though FF9 and FF7 were also excellent in that regard. I would offer a partial defense on the PCs, but hating them is absolutely justifiable.

I think VIII might have had the neatest differentiation in settings. It truly sucked me in when I first played it. The soundtrack was absolutely sublime, to me, and I thought the plot was interesting excepting some meandering areas (the obvious orphans bit, and time-travel).

Fuck, now I'm going to go play through VIII again.

Even if you don't card enemies, the result is merely "Squall limit breaks" to "everyone limit breaks", which is still dumb and repetitive. The game is so badly designed that the tedium of Drawing is like the 15th thing that's wrong with it.

I think most of these things you are bringing up are pretty esoteric unless you've played through the game beforehand. At which point I personally think it's beneficial because it lets me blow through it pretty easily.

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Everyone hates FF8. sad.gif I rather enjoyed it.

I love FF8. But it is probably one of the worst games I love.

I think VIII might have had the neatest differentiation in settings. It truly sucked me in when I first played it. The soundtrack was absolutely sublime, to me, and I thought the plot was interesting excepting some meandering areas (the obvious orphans bit, and time-travel).

Fuck, now I'm going to go play through VIII again.

Go for it. As for my part, one reason the gameplay sucked me in is because I didn't really have to figure out any of this stuff people are talking about. A fair amount of the systems work well if you're too stupid to use them as well as the game allows you too; i.e., junctioning magic is just a benefit of having it, rather than a reason to draw magic - oh, and it just so happens that I like to draw cure frequently, even when I'm not short, so I accumulate a stockpile pretty quickly. It is true that on a second playthrough, I was not so young, and combat was a chore no matter what I did. Even Omega was one of the easiest chores by virtue of having good enough offense for invincibility to be useful. I did allow myself experience, though, and I noticed the Galdabian hockey players enough to grind against them.

Enemy HP could also afford to be a bit lower, but when you're oblivious that doesn't feel like fake difficulty until you run into something like tonberry king.

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Worry not Florina, its hip to hate on Final Fantasy VIII

I so hated the game before it was cool to hate it. [/hipster]

No, really. I actually thought people loved this game and i was all "wtf for?" until i saw the interwebz. So yeah, it has nothing to do with that and Spoony's infamous videos.

Did you do the master fisherman sidequest? I'm not blaming you if you didn't, and I'm not telling you you'd like FF8 if you didn't, mind.

Uhhhh...i dont know. I dont think so. I am curious to how that would change my opinion. What happens if you do?

think VIII might have had the neatest differentiation in settings.

I actually agree with that which adds to my extreme dislike and disappointment. The game's setting WAS pretty cool. Its just everything else wasnt. At least to me.

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Uhhhh...i dont know. I dont think so. I am curious to how that would change my opinion. What happens if you do?

I doubt it would. I was just curious. I'm always interested to see if FF8 players saw and liked the FH sidequest, regardless of how much they liked the rest of the game.

It is a neat sidequest though (IMO).

Basically, when you first get to Fisherman's Horizon (that place you crash into with Balamb Garden in the middle of the Ocean), there's a hard-to-see ladder that takes you to a fisherman's spot. (see the spoiler) Talking to him starts a series of small tasks that give you some additional dialogue about FH's background.


It's my favorite part of FF8, but if I explain why I will like it, it will seem like I am a hipster unless you remember that I am a loser.

Basically, this spot was already in the cutscene when you crash into FH. Squall recognizes that Balamb Garden messed FH up and feels bad about it, but the first time I saw the cutscene I thought the garden had killed the master fisherman (or rather, the guy in the cutscene - I didn't know he was a master). When I played FF8 the second time, I checked a walkthrough for sidequests at some time between the beginning of the game and this point, and I found out there was a way to get to this place. So I walked down the ladder and I ended up here. And the master fisherman was there. He was still alive. He could talk. Phew. What a relief. Those little graces. I don't even feel bad that I'm on my way to helping Ultimecia kill most of Esthar anymore.

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Wait...the way you're describing that, that kind of rings bells. I think I remember following this sidequest from using the Game Informer walkthrough issue.

So much nostalgia.

Ya pretty much.

I don't think my magazine told me about the sidequest. Oh well.

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I also loved FF8. I really liked the story, and you get a freaking space ship!! The tradegy that is Laguna and Julia, and Squall and Rinoa's relationship, ahh fond memories. I understand that some people dont like the battle system but I happen to like it. The Card sidequest/mini-game is one of my favorites.

ive played and beaten the GBA of 1 and 2. DS of 3. PSX and GBA of 4. PSX of 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. PS2 of 10 and 12. PSX of Tactics. And Tactics Advance.

1- basic. good.

2- cast swap on a Goblin, then profit, the repeat. GGs. Ok

3- Jobs are cool. Story was cool with the world map twist it throws at you. Ok.

4- Classic, Wonderful. Great game.

5- Loved the plot twist. Great Job system. Very good.

6- Very fresh. dragged out a little at the end though. Great game.

7- My first. Great battle system. Too easy. Fun side-quests. Very good.

8- see above. Very good.

9- Lots of references. Nostalgic bliss. Favorite ending. Very good.

10- BLITZBALL! Best battle system. Very good.

12- too much to do. Good.

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FF Lover Here!

i've played 6,8,10 and 12, and i'm playing the PC version of 7 very very soon, so excitedsmile.gif

i've also watched a bit of an LP of 13, and fallen so in love with Lightning, omigosh.

My faves are either 6 or 12. i can't decide. tongue.gif

EDIT: I'm halfway thru FF7 and LOVING IT! i got really attached to aeris, even though i tried not to. *sobs*

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