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Most Overrated character?


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I think the problem with Sirius is that people try and do too many things with him...he really only works as a Swordmaster IMO.

Personally I prefer to keep him as a Sniper due to his mediocre defenses and poor luck and if his stats get good enough, reclass him to Horseman at a later date.

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Personally I prefer to keep him as a Sniper due to his mediocre defenses and poor luck and if his stats get good enough, reclass him to Horseman at a later date.

Yeah I find he needs the SM speed and insta A Swords is nifty.

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Yeah, SM Sirius is also another decent choice and to be honest, I'd say that's probably his best melee class.

He's still overrated as all hell though.

Linde is also extremely overrated

Edited by Tyrant Sage
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Elieson: Your wish is my command.

Mia. Definitely. Also Soren.

I just hate Mia's personality and I've always found Zihark and Edward to be better than her as Swordmasters/Trueblades. I also don't think she's that attractive at all.

Soren, while I can see the appeal, I just think people like him too much. He's a dick to just about everyone except Ike and he doesn't give people a chance. He seems to think everyone will hate him no matter what. He even asks Ike why he doesn't hate on him when he tells him that he's a Branded! He has a good reason to be so cold, but I think he takes it too far and I hate that. I'm also not a fan of feminine-looking guys. And he's the best mage, yeah, but far from one of the best units in either game he appears in.

Edited by Anacybele
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Personally, I think that some early game Pre-promos that have some late-game potential fits for my choice, since I have seen Marcus (FE7) Seth, and Titania (FE9) revered as god-tier units. I will admit they have potential, but there are other units in-game that surpass them. Again, they are okay, but not godly like some people think (in my opinion, although being crutches that work for the whole game are cool).

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Soren, Soren, and Soren. In both games. He gets talked up as one of the best units in both games, except that's anything but true. I honestly don't see why he gets all the hype, since he's in games where mages aren't even that good... Also, Nephenee, but not to the same extent as Soren. I also consider a god deal of swordmasters overrated (Guy in particular).

Edited by Golden Cucco
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Early Game Pegasus Knights. I will never get why so many people love them. Sure they save turns for those who play by that style but most have poor combat and terrible defense which makes them not worth using after the 4 chapters or so.

By no means are they terrible (a few like Caeda are great) since they have great utility but I don't think most deserve all of the praise they get.

Edited by Ranger Jack Walker
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Agree about FE6! Marcus. He ain't that great. I'd say the same for Zealot haha.

Wolf and Sedgar in FE11. They're not that great until you train them for five levels, and I'm speaking from H5 exp. They get low exp and their bases are terrible.

Haar in FE10. He's not as awesome as say, Seth and Sigurd.

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I also agree with the notion of Wolf and Sedgar being overrated - they have awesome growths, but they're held back pretty badly by awful bases. And there's also Gonzales - low skill and being locked to axes in an FE game where accuracy is actually important can only turn out to be a recipe for disaster.

Edited by Golden Cucco
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Anyone calling the contenders for top 3 units in a game (Sigurd, Seth, Levin!Arthur, etc) overrated is just underrating those characters.

Female Swordmasters.

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Gameplay: Lex as a father for 2nd Gen kids, Oifaye, FE6 Marcus, Franz

Personality: Too many "cute girls" to list them all. And Seth.

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Oh yeah I also forgot to mention Hector. His stats are pretty good, but in Hector mode he'll stay at 20/0 for a looooong time.

To be fair apart from his move stat he's better or similar at 20/0 than alot of characters are even after promotion.

I'd say FE10 Mia is a fair bit overated, though a lot of Swordmasters are anyway.

Edited by arvilino
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Oh, I would definitely say Mia.

I think she feels out of place and therefore I am quite confused about all the worship she gets.

For one thing, she is associated with the Greil Mercenaries. That's kind of a problem, since the first 8 chapters treated all the mercs as main characters, with lots of alternate dialogue depending on potential deaths.

This helps to make the Mercs really feel like a family. The problem is that Mia joins at the very end of that phase. As a result, she just feels off when put together with the Mercs.

Another thing is her personality.

Initially she seems to be an upbeat girl. She pursues her goal to be come stronger with an near infinite supply of energy.

Fair enough but then we get to see her support with Largo, which puts the whole thing on it's head.

The support says, that Mia only works as hard as she does because she got belittled all the time for being a woman in he profession.

I find this hardly convincing. It rather looked to me like she likes challenges and competition. But nope. She only works so hard to fight against the patriarchy. It's such a letdown.

But that whole thing with the Patriarchy is an even bigger problem.

In our world, we live in a patriarchy, no doubt. But this isn't really reflected in Telius.

There are powerful and respected women all over the place and in any country.

Titania was a Royal Knight. Tanith and Sigurn are the leaders of the Holy Guard.

Petrine is one of the Four Riders. Lucia is the one, who leads the charge of the Crimean Knights when we encounter them.

The leader of the most powerful country on the continent is female.

And the most badass figure of Telius history is definitely the Women, who duel wielded two Zweihaender while riding a giant lion. Doesn't get more awesome then that.

Nobody in this universe seems to be prejudiced against them. They are just as respected as their male counterparts.

It's really just Largo in that one scene. And I really don't buy that he of all people is like that.

He is friends with Calil. A headstrong women like her would have beaten this patronizing attitude out of him a long time ago.

And if she shared that attitude, we would have seen it during her convo with Nephenee.

Now, I am aware that the topic would have been appropriate for the games themes.

It deals a lot with how a persons value being dependent on what they are born as. Be it race, social standing. It might just as well include gender.

Even Ashnard's approach that strong people should rule, be it the noble or the poor, the Beorc or the Laguz, could easily be extended to include women.

But the problem is, that unlike slavery and racism, sexism isn't properly established.

Telius simply doesn't seem to be sexist and therefore the whole conversation feels out of place.

As a result, Mia is defined by something that is at odds with the rest of her universe.

And there is the whole "Rival with white robes" thing.

It's a bit of a letdown since it never gets anywhere.

As far as being a units goes, she is a frail lowlevel swordfighter in a game dominated by lances.

In Radiant Dawn, she is praised for her killing ability with adept. But despite her upgrade, she is still frail.

And relying on those percentage skills is a gamble.

Good strategies should be working reliable and not be dependent on lucky dice rolls.

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Nobody considers her the best in FE3 either. That title is generally given to Paola or Sirius, and unless you're referring to Book 1, I really think you're overstating Catria's supposed overrated-ness.

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