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Is Sariya and Tiki the "closest" to Canon Pairings with MU?


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Sariya pretty much falls for Male MU instantly because of his special charm + aura + kind heart.

Saryia does state she has never liked/loved anyone before and that male MU is her first love.

She pawns over Male MU in other support convos too.

Is Sariya the closest character to the MU in terms of a canon pairing?


What about Tiki? Tiki pretty much falls over for the MU right in the beginning too right? Although not as straightforward as Sariya. Tiki can only S rank with MU btw...

Tiki was only fond of the Hero King once, but as a brotherly admiration. This time, it is more than brotherly affection, it is also her first "love" too, same as Sariya. Although she has "lived" for thousands of years, she has been asleep for the majority of the time.

Are these 2 characters as close as you are going to get for a canon pairing? Because I really enjoy the "canon parings" in games and I would try to marry MU to either of them for my first run at the game - without considering stats.

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Considering that MU can easily be female as opposed to male, I wouldn't say either of them could be considered "close" to canon at all. Maybe if MU had a support that he/she could S Rank as either gender, it would be considered canon, or closer than others, at any rate. As far as the "first crush" thing goes, a lot of the characters are rather young, and whoever you pair them up with IS their first crush. Also worth mentioning, Tiamo has a crush on Krom, and yet sh can't possibly end up with him, indicating a storyline crush isn't a good way to measure canon.

Of course, feel free to pair anybody you want, because that makes them canon, at least in your world.

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Considering that MU can easily be female as opposed to male, I wouldn't say either of them could be considered "close" to canon at all. Maybe if MU had a support that he/she could S Rank as either gender, it would be considered canon, or closer than others, at any rate. As far as the "first crush" thing goes, a lot of the characters are rather young, and whoever you pair them up with IS their first crush. Also worth mentioning, Tiamo has a crush on Krom, and yet sh can't possibly end up with him, indicating a storyline crush isn't a good way to measure canon.

Of course, feel free to pair anybody you want, because that makes them canon, at least in your world.

That was very well said! How young are they? I would probably think they are close to University students in terms of age. (Most of them anyway). Some may be older.

Maybe the average age is 20+? Well, that is the humans. Tiki is probably somewhere close to the "20s" in terms of "human age", but Nono I really do not know how to classify her.

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That was very well said! How young are they? I would probably think they are close to University students in terms of age. (Most of them anyway). Some may be older.

Maybe the average age is 20+? Well, that is the humans. Tiki is probably somewhere close to the "20s" in terms of "human age", but Nono I really do not know how to classify her.

I'm not certain about any of the ages for the characters, but it seems a decent chunk of them are either teenagers, or young adults, while a few seem to be a bit younger, such as Donny and Richt. Of course, there are a few characters that are actually older than thirty, Anna, and Sairi, I believe, along with others. As for Tiki and Nono, they're, obviously, very, very old. It always makes me wonder exactly what they're really thinking; how much of their persona is a mask covering up the darkness and the grief they hold from all of the people they lost over the centuries-

Oh, uh, I started rambling again. Pardon me. Basically, I get the feeling most of the characters are either young, or older, but still inexperienced with love. Most, because there are some characters that have had relationships in the past, like Ronku, for example.

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Considering that MU can easily be female as opposed to male, I wouldn't say either of them could be considered "close" to canon at all. Maybe if MU had a support that he/she could S Rank as either gender, it would be considered canon, or closer than others, at any rate. As far as the "first crush" thing goes, a lot of the characters are rather young, and whoever you pair them up with IS their first crush. Also worth mentioning, Tiamo has a crush on Krom, and yet sh can't possibly end up with him, indicating a storyline crush isn't a good way to measure canon.

Of course, feel free to pair anybody you want, because that makes them canon, at least in your world.

Look at the audience. Male MU is clearly canon, FeMU in other similar games is almost always non-canon or worked in so she can exist alongside the male lead.

As for head canon, you can go with whatever floats your boat.

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Look at the audience. Male MU is clearly canon, FeMU in other similar games is almost always non-canon or worked in so she can exist alongside the male lead.

As for head canon, you can go with whatever floats your boat.

I would disagree with you on the "male character is always canon" idea, except I don't play many games that involve creating characters, so I really wouldn't know. All I'll say is that there's no official canon for Awakening, as far as I know, although I could be wrong, and that whatever you think is canon pretty much is, or at least close enough for your enjoyment of the story. There's not really a need for anybody to agree on what may or may not be canon, so I'll end this post here.

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I would disagree with you on the "male character is always canon" idea, except I don't play many games that involve creating characters, so I really wouldn't know. All I'll say is that there's no official canon for Awakening, as far as I know, although I could be wrong, and that whatever you think is canon pretty much is, or at least close enough for your enjoyment of the story. There's not really a need for anybody to agree on what may or may not be canon, so I'll end this post here.

You're free to disagree but this is common for games like this that the Male MU is by default the canon one. It's mostly because the audience is nearly all male and players like to be the character they can most connect with and most can't connect with female characters in the same level as a male one.

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I don't think you can assume that.

Actually I can because in nearly all instances for games, especially from Japan, like this it has always been the case. Sure female leads have gained a lot of traction in the years but they aren't what I would call "Equal" just yet since a lot of work can still be done to even out the playing field.

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Actually I can because in nearly all instances for games, especially from Japan, like this it has always been the case. Sure female leads have gained a lot of traction in the years but they aren't what I would call "Equal" just yet since a lot of work can still be done to even out the playing field.

While I'll agree that Male Player-created characters tend to be the 'default' option when the creators are pressed to pick, I can't see there being any need for IS to choose a definitive canon.

They've gone out of their way to create a game in which there appears to be essentially no canon pairings, in which the player can form the characters relationships as they like with very few restraints. Trying to say that either gender of MU is the 'real' or 'canon' one is just a bit silly.

As to this thread itself, it's really, really silly. Sariya's crush/love/infatuation, while interesting and quite sweet, hardly sets her up as the primary love interest. And while Flavia, Tiki and Sairi can only S rank with MU, I doubt the canon is MU hooking up with all three of them either.

It sounds a little like GamingPandas is projecting something onto the characters he/she likes the most, and defining them as the primary love interests. Which is fine, as it's a natural human reaction to want what you like to be the correct answer. If I had my way, MUxNono would be utterly definitive canon, if only for peoples reactions.

tl;dr Awakening has pretty much no canon with regards to MU, what gender he/she is and who he/she hooks up with and it's fine that way.

Edited by Onestep
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While I'll agree that Male Player-created characters tend to be the 'default' option when the creators are pressed to pick, I can't see there being any need for IS to choose a definitive canon.

They've gone out of their way to create a game in which there appears to be essentially no canon pairings, in which the player can form the characters relationships as they like with very few restraints. Trying to say that either gender of MU is the 'real' or 'canon' one is just a bit silly.

As to this thread itself, it's really, really silly. Sariya's crush/love/infatuation, while interesting and quite sweet, hardly sets her up as the primary love interest. And while Flavia, Tiki and Sairi can only S rank with MU, I doubt the canon is MU hooking up with all three of them either.

It sounds a little like GamingPandas is projecting something onto the characters he/she likes the most, and defining them as the primary love interests. Which is fine, as it's a natural human reaction to want what you like to be the correct answer. If I had my way, MUxNono would be utterly definitive canon, if only for peoples reactions.

tl;dr Awakening has pretty much no canon with regards to MU, what gender he/she is and who he/she hooks up with and it's fine that way.

Well said again! Is there anyway for me to "like" your posts? laugh.gif

Thanks a lot though for the clarification and stuff in other threads!

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Look at the audience. Male MU is clearly canon, FeMU in other similar games is almost always non-canon or worked in so she can exist alongside the male lead. As for head canon, you can go with whatever floats your boat.

FeMU here actually gets point of view romantic images with the male characters exactly like the male one with the girls though. I don't think you can talk about "target audience" when it's clear that they're attempting to appeal to everyone.

Based on a video I've seen, the default option when starting the game is the male one, but both are shown at the same time, and a lot of the promotional material actually features the default long haired female MU. In fact, IIRC, the MU page in Awakening site has more pictures of the default female than the default male version. This is different from FE12, where default male Chris was clearly the "real" option and even featured in the box art. They seem to be trying much more strongly here to portray both as valid.

Edited by NeonZ
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Eh, IS doesn't really have to say anything, unlike other games that did something similar as this, since this game most likely wont get a direct sequel and it already has multiple timelines going for it.

FeMU here actually gets point of view romantic images with the male characters exactly like the male one with the girls though. I don't think you can talk about "target audience" when it's clear that they're attempting to appeal to everyone.

I think, based on a video I've seen, the default option when starting the game is the male one, but a lot of the promotional material actually features the default long haired female MU. In fact, IIRC, the MU page in Awakening site has more pictures of the default female than the default male version. This is different from FE12, where default male Chris was clearly the "real" option and even featured in the box art. They seem to be trying much more strongly here to portray both as valid.

You need to remember the audience here... FeMU getting more visual promotion isn't' also for trying to get girls hooked into the series but for the guys as well that like cute things or the such. Regardless, it is great that they're trying to get girls hooked to the series as well as guys since a more balanced audience is always better than just a one way street.

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A lot of guys use a female character because, in their own words: "If I'm going to be looking at a character for hours, it might as well be a girl." Girls usually prefer a female character to project onto, because....this is rather sexist of me, but girls are like that, plain and simple. Whereas guys...are guys; they just want a pretty girl to look at. -.-;

Most guys play as a male character, but there are still a heck of lot that play as a female character. And, of course, some girls play as a male character for whatever reason.

....And some people play both genders equally, since it's a game and they can do whatever they like.

I myself feel that Awakening doesn't have a canon gender for MU, nor a canon pairing (for either gender). FE12, on the other hand...Someone already brought it up that male MU is on the bloody box art.

By the way, don't give that BS about gamers being primarily male. There's no need to say it so BLATANTLY thus labeling yourself as a sexist moron. :\ Suck it up, men don't rule the planet.

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Actually I can because in nearly all instances for games, especially from Japan, like this it has always been the case. Sure female leads have gained a lot of traction in the years but they aren't what I would call "Equal" just yet since a lot of work can still be done to even out the playing field.

It's actually pretty tough to say in this context. Especially because if you think in FE7 Mark is male by default, there's a possibility that you couldn't say that FE13's canon MU is male since in that situation Mark is female.

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I'm not certain about any of the ages for the characters, but it seems a decent chunk of them are either teenagers, or young adults, while a few seem to be a bit younger, such as Donny and Richt.

Donny is supposedly almost the same age as Liz (according to their support).

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I would think being able to romance the lord of the game would make FeMU the more "canon" one.

Krom has the closest thing to a canon pairing in the game though, thanks to the opening movie, and it isn't the female MU.

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If we're using that stuff as canon, anything specific about MU is non-existant. In those cutscenes, they always have the hood up so it could be either one of them. That's Nintendo's way of saying it's whatever the hell you want.

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If we're using that stuff as canon, anything specific about MU is non-existant. In those cutscenes, they always have the hood up so it could be either one of them. That's Nintendo's way of saying it's whatever the hell you want.

Even if we ignore that, there's till Lucina, who's the games second Lord, (though MU is, for all intents and purposes, a Lord character as well in that he's not allowed to die).

The game is very fair in that regard. You want to get married to a descendant of Marth? There's two different flavours of Marth descendant!

It's been said over and over, and there shouldn't be a need to repeat it, but here we go: No canon MU, no canon pairings and probably no canon final choice either.

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