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American Presidency season


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Tonight was the last debate. Who do Americans like? Why do Americans hate the guy they're not voting for? Do any non-Americans have an opinion?

I know if I wanted more srs opinions I should put it in Serious discussion or general. But I like the jokes too. And more traffic.

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I wish there would be obama/ryan and romney/biden debates.

I think debates are most entertaining for displays of character/personality, so I figure changing dance partners might get some more mileage out of these guys.

However, since they tread on a lot of familiar ground in the last one, there might not be much point. I guess I mean I wish such debates had replaced one or more of the prior p inc VS p nom debates - either the first or the last.

I know this may seem typically glib of me, but I'm being completely sincere. And you probably know me well enough to know that my saying that means nothing.

I was fine with our original president until he didn't do at least half of what he said he would and put us even more in debt. I don't hate him as a person, but it's between him and Romney now anyway. But I don't like Romney much, either. Welp. I'm stuck. Ashnard for president.



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I wish there would be obama/ryan and romney/biden debates.

I think debates are most entertaining for displays of character/personality, so I figure changing dance partners might get some more mileage out of these guys.

However, since they tread on a lot of familiar ground in the last one, there might not be much point. I guess I mean I wish such debates had replaced one or more of the prior p inc VS p nom debates - either the first or the last.

I know this may seem typically glib of me, but I'm being completely sincere. And you probably know me well enough to know that my saying that means nothing.

I like that idea.



Nah, you're all wrong. Hand Axe for president. Can you think of anyone who's been better to us in recent years? And by recent years, I mean like the past 11-12 years.

Anyway, I don't hate either. Personally, I'm Obama because he's the closest to a Communist that can actually get into the White House, but I do feel that he means well, too. I don't hate Romney. Hell, I don't even have anything against him. I just disagree with his political stances.

Now Dick Cheney...

Edited by bottlegnomes
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While I don't care for Politics of that kind much, I'd go with Obama on the basis that he probably understands the middle and lower class more. Sure, he hasn't made good most of his promises, but 4 years isn't nearly enough time to actually do so (more so when a good amount of the senate/house of reps disaproves of it for whatever reason).





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Nah, you're all wrong. Hand Axe for president. Can you think of anyone who's been better to us in recent years? And by recent years, I mean like the past 11-12 years.

I think javelin might have done more for us than Hand Axe. But I'd support a combined inventory with either equipped - in fact, I'd fund such an inventory from my own treasury.

As for which one I prefer, I think Obama is better, but I hope that if Romney is elected, it turns out his move right was mostly contrived for getting support from the pub base. It seems like his record suggests he will truly be hawkish on attempts to cut deficits beyond what makes sense, unfortunately. Tbh though even the most extreme poll results favoring romney haven't changed my (meaningless) expectation that Obama will win. Maybe I'm just a dinosaur whose expectations won't change to match data.

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If you guys really think you can do better, then go run for the presidency yourselves.

Presidents are human, not miracle workers. They can't "solve" all of the nation's problems in 4 years. It's nearly, if not wholly, impossible for all of the nation's problems to disappear in that short amount of time.

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Dammit! If only that stupid annoying audience was here right now. Roy WOULD be selected! Hector might feel jealous that his best friend's son stole his place, but...

HEY WAIT. Hector looks a weeny bit like Ashnard. Of course he deserves the spot.

I like Ike, too! D: But, well, he wasn't ever king, so... I'm just going by experience. And Pelleas doesn't count here. And neither do princes who were thrown away at birth.

It seems like Obama's gonna win, really... I feel like it's because he's been in office already, so people actually know him better. Knowing who you're dealing with tends to affect votes a lot. Plus, it's what people are used to, and if he doesn't win this time, he'll probably run again in the next election anyway.

Or Naesala can be president. He's a wonderful king who cares for his people. You know how Obama borrowed money from China and all that stuff? How it has to be paid back? Yeah, well, Naesala would STEAL it! So we wouldn't have to pay it back! :D Oh gosh, perfect plan is perfect.

And if we all got turned to stone, you better believe he'd do his best to save us all.

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If you guys really think you can do better, then go run for the presidency yourselves.

Presidents are human, not miracle workers. They can't "solve" all of the nation's problems in 4 years. It's nearly, if not wholly, impossible for all of the nation's problems to disappear in that short amount of time.

Boron knows her stuff.

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If you guys really think you can do better, then go run for the presidency yourselves.

-You can do better than a president without being president. I think both candidates would agree with me - if only for the sake of appearing humble. You can even believe that the office of the presidency itself is not conducive to doing better.

-You can believe that someone could do better than Romney or Obama without believing that someone is you.

-You can believe you could do better as a president if you were elected without believing you can be elected president.

Presidents are human, not miracle workers. They can't "solve" all of the nation's problems in 4 years. It's nearly, if not wholly, impossible for all of the nation's problems to disappear in that short amount of time.

I agree, but I don't think anyone here contested otherwise, and the way the post reads, it seems to have been intended as a disagreement with someone else.

Frankly, I don't think all the problems of any individual or group will disappear without the disappearance of that individual or group. I am not counseling that we bring such disappearances to pass. However, I do believe it is within our collective capacity to cause all of humanity's problems to disappear...and that is a problem.

Edited by L1049
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I'm from Hawaii. . .so, uh, between the usual attitude regarding "support people who came from here" and "we don't like cocky guys, especially if they're of a certain race", my mind's kinda made up.

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I was fine with our original president until he didn't do at least half of what he said he would and put us even more in debt.

This is where my "presidents aren't miracle workers" comment was directed at. Presidents can say that they'll do X, Y, and Z ... but they still have to get through Congress and whatnot. Plus, laws and bills take time to implement and make progress.

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I think the American president race is interesting, but I haven't watched the debate since its airing on 3:00 in the night in our place.

I guess i'm pro Obabam since he's merely far right instead of extremely far right winged like his opponent. Not meaning to be insulting, but the political climate in my country is a little different.

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Joe Biden had a rally at my school. Mitt Romney supporters vaguely blocked my way back to my car just by being there. Mitt Romney has sort of momentarily indirectly inconvenienced me.

On the other hand, having a Mormon in office would be awesome.

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I like that idea.Nah, you're all wrong. Hand Axe for president. Can you think of anyone who's been better to us in recent years? And by recent years, I mean like the past 11-12 years.Anyway, I don't hate either. Personally, I'm Obama because he's the closest to a Communist that can actually get into the White House, but I do feel that he means well, too. I don't hate Romney. Hell, I don't even have anything against him. I just disagree with his political stances.Now Dick Cheney...

I've heard from everybody that ever met him that w. Bush is just the nicest guy in person, and I don't really doubt it. I may also have heard he almost literally refers to Cheney as "The Shitlord"

If you guys really think you can do better, then go run for the presidency yourselves.Presidents are human, not miracle workers. They can't "solve" all of the nation's problems in 4 years. It's nearly, if not wholly, impossible for all of the nation's problems to disappear in that short amount of time.

I more or less agree with the sentiment; the President doesn't actually have nearly as much power as the legislative branch as a whole, divided as it may be. The only thing in recent memory I can remember hearing about Congress is how stubbornly the Republican party has refused compromise, to the point of declaring their mission statement to get Barack out of office 2012, basically to the exclusion of actually representing people. The partisan climate and resulting gridlock has truly been so bad that we can't seem to decide whether to call somebody weak for softening their demands in the interest of compromise, or to cry about nothing being done.

However, there's really no avoiding that Obama, partially his administration overall and partially the man himself, has done some scary things. He's made it legal for the president to order the killing of a citizen, and his definition of due process there doesn't exactly include public process, as we know it. His administration has also cracked down more than ever on things he IIRC professed to be lenient on, like whistle-blowing and drug use.

I take it that's probably not going to come up in the whole debate, though. It's not likely democrats are going to bring it up, for fear of making Obama or just the party in general look bad or angry, and Romney's certainly not going to argue for having less power at his disposal. I haven't heard of many modern presidential candidates who would.

More things than just those darn social issues are getting lost in the muck this time around.

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Romney's fuckin wacko tho seriously [correction: trying to interpret Romney as anything other than a massive opportunist is wacko]

"Abortion yeah whatever" => "No abortion is a sin overturn Roe v. Wade 2012" => "I never said contraception should be illegal" (????????)

"Medicare yeah dude" => "No we vouchers now"

"Rabble rabble China rabble rabble Palestine rabble rabble 47%" => "Yeah sounds about right"

And then he started talking about the need to compromise last night in the debates?? After the Tea Party crusade???? Like it's something Obama hasn't tried?????? I'm sorry but



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Does Ashera / Ashunera consider abortion a sin?

Better idea. Ephraim for president. He'd push the damn button.

Best idea. Seto Kaiba. He has his shit figured out.

Edited by Elieson
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If you guys really think you can do better, then go run for the presidency yourselves.

Presidents are human, not miracle workers. They can't "solve" all of the nation's problems in 4 years. It's nearly, if not wholly, impossible for all of the nation's problems to disappear in that short amount of time.

This is not how real life works.

First of all essentially nobody on SF could run for president even if they wanted to. How many people are over 35 and were born in the US here that are active users? I would guess 0. Just because you could do it doesn't mean that it's likely at all, either. Even if you could hypothetically run for president, most people cannot do so because the campaign costs what amounts to approximately one metric fuckton. The people running for president are qualified, but neither will necessarily do a very good job (personally not really a fan of either and would not vote if I could). Presidents are human, just like everyone else, thus they are expected to be at least competent at what they do, just like everyone else. They are not automatically exempt from this fact.

Just because someone doesn't like either presidential candidate doesn't automatically mean their thoughts are "wow I would be so much better than these guys". I for one will be the first to admit I would be a goddamn terrible president of anything ever (also I'm not from the US so I couldn't run anyway). I commend the both of them for running because you get a whole lot of shit when you're involved in running for president or anything similar, and a whole lot of controversy about every decision you ever make too. But that doesn't mean I think either of them will do a good job as president. Presidents, like everybody else, are going to be criticized for their mistakes. Expecting anything else is very unreasonable.

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Does Ashera / Ashunera consider abortion a sin?

Better idea. Ephraim for president. He'd push the damn button.

Best idea. Seto Kaiba. He has his shit figured out.

Why not Kaiba's computer from season one? SHE has her shit figured out, man. But at least if Ashnard became president nobody'd wanna mess with us... Unless Ike lives somewhere in the US and expects the same, hiding out and waiting to strike...

Edited by You Know Shinon Is God
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