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Revert to the Dark (OOC/Discussion)

You Know Shinon Is God

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Plot (Spoilers for PoR and RD)

Set directly after Radiant Dawn's timeline.

Each beorc continent has fallen into a civil war. Many in Begnion have not taken well to hearing they've been living under a "false" apostle, causing a revolt to overthrow their Empress; almost to the point of becoming the next wave after the senate. Crimea has small groups believing the Renning they have been re-introduced to is a fake, and have lost faith in Elincia's rule, feeling she is far too trusting and it would cause an easy downfall to their country. Daein is making their decision to allow Micaiah to take over the throne as Pelleas abdicates it to her after annoucing his lack of royal blood, but rumor has leaked that they still have a remaining blood-prince of Daein's royal bloodline. Daein has divided: half of the country wants their true blood prince, and the other half wants their beloved Maiden to lead them. A portion of the half in support of Micaiah's rule have chosen to hunt down the supposed true prince and take his life to both end the dispute in the their favor and to avoid, by their claims, "having another Mad King". Those in favor of Micaiah also believe their prince a traitor for siding with Crimea in the Mad King's War instead of defending them, though knowing nothing of their prince's history.

During the civil wars, Daein calls upon their now sister nation of Begnion for support, their leaders, Micaiah and Sanaki, agreeing to help one another as equals. What they aimed for was to help each other control their disputes, but information between nations beings to spread through the citizenry that both nation's present leaders are frauds. Without the knowledge of their leaders, many citizens and soldiers have requested aid from their sister nation to help them dispose of these fakes. Part of Begnion agrees that yes, Micaiah should have taken over Sanaki's rule and led them instead by birthright, but instead betrayed them for her bias of another nation; thus wanting her dead. The other part of fighting Begnion decides they would rather her live and simply bring her over to their side. Instead of helping with each other's civil wars, both Daein and Begnion being fighting instead.

Not too long after Daein and Begnion start to fight, the Greil Mercenaries are forced to defend their tactitian from the obscene claims Daein presents them with that they have need of killing their prince before he becomes like his father. Initially, the small family of mercenaries believe they've made a mistake, until they contact allied Gallia for help when they no can longer fend off the entirety of their attackers. The half of Crimea in support of Elincia's rule agrees to help as well, allied with Gallia and seeing the Mercenaries as their heroes. Through personally knowing Ike and seeing his fellow laguz brothers fighting on his side, Tibarn, as king of Phoenicis, asks of his men to support their cause and lend them their aid, being followed by those of Serenes at Reyson's request for both Tibarn and Ike. Tibarn's actions spark an interest in Goldoa, in which their new king, Kurthnaga, learns that his nephew has been targeted for murder and, though trying to keep the country as neutral as possible, agrees to support the group protecting Soren. Seeing who has essentially become a step-brother targeted by his own country, Pelleas is torn between siding with his own people whom he once led as their king, or protecting his adoptive mother's true son.

Through all the chaos, a powerful magic was awakened which would revive the souls of those who did not die in perfect peace - those who wished to do something more during their life. Members of the Imperial Senate have returned to the side of those with anti-Sanaki sentiment, while former Begnion generals return to their armies. Ashnard, however, only watches from afar in appreciation of the war brewing over, until he shows himself to those of Daein in support of the royal bloodline, from which he slowly begins taking action, giving no regard for his blood son, save for under the condition Soren chooses to accept throne, when in which his next desire is to slowly corrput the young magic user to power, bringing his tactical knowledge and skills to Daein's side.

General Rules

1. NO OCS. I don't like having to restrict people to ONLY canon characters, but everytime OCs are allowed in a roleplay, hardly any, IF any, main characters are taken.

2. Do NOT pair characters together without the consent of both characters' users. Consent can be given here or through personal contact.

3. There is a character limit of FOUR characters per person. It is PREFERRED, not necessary, that you choose your characters from at least two different groups, thus giving others a chance to receive characters from a certain group. Such as, it would be highly preferred that someone did not choose three or four characters all from Daein, but more so spread out their character selection.

4. Remember to post HERE if this roleplay thread will be inaccessible to you for an extended period of time (i.e. Four or more days).

5a. If you have any character banners, you're welcome to use them in your posts if the character on your banner appears in said post.

5b. If you know someone who is willing to make banners, you are welcome to ask them to make you any, and leaving them credit in THIS thread is requested by yours truly. If you yourself create banners, let us know it was you. If you create them and do not want to create them for anyone else (namely in the event that you get bombarded with requests -- I have seen it happen), also let us know. If you don't mind people asking, just let us know you make banners.

Post Rules

1. Be sure to re-read and edit your post if necessary before posting on the thread.

2. Make sure you have your character IN CHARACTER. I know I shouldn't have to say that, but I've seen and experienced RPs where some roleplayers for some reason found having their character OOC was a great idea. Not sure why.


4a. This is a LITERATE roleplay. It's fine if you're not the kind of person who leaves mass amounts of text in one post, but please at least TRY to post a decently constructed paragraph.

4b. If there is not enough happening where your character(s) may be, you have permission to leave a shorter-than-normal post.


Greil Mercenaries

Ike - You Know Shinon Is God



Soren - Florina Stark



Rolf - Spiriter Kalas

Shinon - You Know Shinon Is God (Surprise!)


Rhys - Momentai~

Mia - Snowy_One


Elincia - Snowy_One














Ashnard - mimgrim

Pelleas - You Know Shinon Is God

Ilyana - Momentai~

Zihark - Spiriter Kalas




Micaiah / Yune

Sothe - Minor Baldo

Edward - Rapier



Laura - Snowy_One





Sanaki - Snow_One



Sephiran / Lehran - Florina Stark

Zelgius / Black Knight - mimgrim

Tormod - Minor Baldo






Stefan - Spiriter Kalas

Reyson - mimgrim











Ranulf - You Know Shinon Is God










Naesala - Radiant Light




Kurthnaga - Radiant Light




Almehda - Florina Stark

I'm aware I left a few characters out - i.e. Numida, Oliver and Hetzel, but I didn't feel they should make it onto the roster. Unless someone wants to use any of them, they will remain off the roster.I was unsure as to whether or not I should put Bryce, Petrine and/or Shiharam on the roster, as well.However, if I've forgotten anyone else, feel free to let me know. There are a lot of characters, so it's not unlikely I've forgotten someone. Any character who has two names listed together must be played by the same person.

In terms of Rajion, I wasn't sure if I should add him. If anyone can find a good way to use him, let me know, and I'll add him.

As for the plot: A very simplified version is Daein (Micaiah Side) VS. Daein (Soren Side), Daein (Micaiah Side) VS. Greil Mercenaries, Daein VS. Begnion, Begnion (Sanaki Side) VS. Begnion (Micaiah Side), Crimea (Pro Elincia) VS. Crimea (Anti Elincia), Greil Mercenaries+Crimea (Pro Elincia)+Gallia+Phoenicis+Goldoa VS. Daein (Micaiah Side)+Begnion (Micaiah Side).

The result? All up to us.

And yes, we all know Ashera was told "we'll be good kids", but these wars didn't ignite as beroc VS. laguz. They were internal conflicts that escalated, and laguz joined to help their beorc friends.

Plot co-worked with Florina Stark.

Edited by You Know Shinon Is God
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Wheeee! You know im in!

1. NO OCS. I don't like having to restrict people to ONLY canon characters, but everytime OCs are allowed in a roleplay, hardly any, IF any, main characters are taken.

That and...Mary Sues ahoy! hahahah

I think i might wanna be Almedha too. ;)

Snowy, i think she's placing the timeframe of this like right after the events of Radiant Dawn. Since characters' epilogues seemed to span quite a few years after the events of RD.

Edited by Florina Stark
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Snowy, they just hadn't left. This is basically like, maybe at most weeks later.

And as Florina said, the epilogues mention things like "so-and-so did this for all their life". Plus, with Ike, it said he left after everything settled down. I doubt by far that everything was good and well and perfect within a couple weeks. Plus, hell, maybe I'll... tweak his epilogue a bit -cough- and he'll stay. Plus, some characters have varying epilogues, so I'm leaving most of that (save for deaths, obviously, like Skirmir dying and Ranulf being Gallia's king) to the people in control of the characters. And since this is a roleplay, other pairings that weren't in the game are technically allowed.

Kalas, thank you, and I shall add you. Also, I love Kalas. He's my favorite character in BK~.

Edited by You Know Shinon Is God
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It seems that there aren't any characters to represent the anti-Elincia side, unless some of the Crimean characters decide to rebel...but that seems OoC and unlikely given their actions in Radiant Dawn.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Anyone on the roster is staying in the position they would be seen in originally. Basically, all of us are going to have to use nameless mooks in our posts. Aside from those guys, though, it's going to turn into a whole world war again, so it'll be more than just her against that part of Crimea. The civil wars are subplots, so it won't be too long before we don't need as many random soldiers anymore. I'm sure she'd support Sanaki, as well (during the actual war), and that would put the senate against her. She also has her own senate that even in-game hated her. I can only imagine they'd hate her more if they believed she tried taking an imposter in to play off the role of Renning, you know?

Edited by You Know Shinon Is God
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Well you bring back dead characters, so why not bring back Ludveck (or is luvdeck? :unsure: )? To at least have someone to instigate the Crimean civil-war and the fact he alreadt tried once makes him perfect for the job.

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Well when I saw this I was wondering how you were going to do sign ups, but I guess there are none. How are you going to make sure those who claim characters can actually RP them? Just an honest question here, I was curious about this RP.

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This is an OOC thread. The actual RP thread isn't up yet. The roster's already up on the first post, marked as a spoiler because it's so large, and I didn't want the post being huge. This is technically the sign-up/discussion thread. Should I put that into the title if it helps?

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Oh no, I meant sign ups as in when people claim the characters, not the thread itself. The other RPs I've seen where people could RP canon characters they required a sign up post where the prospective RPer had to show they could be IC with that character.

Anyway, that was the reason behind that question.

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Kalas, thank you, and I shall add you. Also, I love Kalas. He's my favorite character in BK~.

^ THIS!!!!!!!!!!! This made my day! This got me into a good mood. For that I volunteer for another position, and that is the role of Rolf~

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I can't. Why would he leave is he was in a relationship?

He does it in every other pairing that's not Soren/Ranulf, even if they had an A support in both games.

I would like to point out that the pairing doesn't have to hold the whole RP. They could have a falling out before the end when he leaves.

That could apply to any of the characters, actually.

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