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Revert to the Dark (OOC/Discussion)

You Know Shinon Is God

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Sgt: When I say world war, I'm referring to Tellius. Considering, you know, it's the only place we actually know of...

Snowy: That's dependant on the people who are using the characters. If two people agree on a pairing, then it's fine.

And, whoa, guys. Slow down. It's a roleplay, for one thing. For two, all he'd have to do is stay or take Mia along, and considering her personality, it wouldn't be unlikely. Nobody said we had to stick point on with the epilogues. And yes, Florina is right. I don't care if Tauroneo ends up with Lyre. If two people RPing those characters agree to it, it's in their hands. I don't like pinning my roleplayers down with exact details.

Kalas: Alright! That's wonderful, dear apprentice. And I'm glad I made your day. ;)

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Snowy, if that's what you want, then I'm also in agreement to it. Obviously pairings aren't going to occur instantly, but as the RP goes on, they'll start opening up. So if you want Ike/Mia, I'll accept that.

Also, anyone can have a one-sided romance if the other side doesn't agree to a mutual pair.

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1. NO OCS. I don't like having to restrict people to ONLY canon characters, but everytime OCs are allowed in a roleplay, hardly any, IF any, main characters are taken.

I don't get how that's a bad thing.

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I guess it's because OCs follow Sturgeon's Law, while the canon characters have a much lower ratio of Mary Sues.

At this stage, I'm taking Sothe and Tormod.

And that's why sign ups exist, to nip that in the bud. Also like to note that just because canon chars are being used doesn't mean one won't become a mary sue. I've seen it happen. Power levels should be what they were in the game storywise, not statwise. So no super Nolans and Haars running around tearing things up, ect. Then people get alternate character interpretations and it spirals from there, lol.

I'm going to hold out on my decision to join or not until I see how this works out. On the one hand it seems like an interesting idea, on the other I don't think I could stay IC with canon characters and I question other people's abilities to.

Prove me wrong! That's always nice ^__^

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The characters listed under countries is listing their country of origin, not faction alignment, correct? It might be more beneficial to arrange them by faction (Marcia/Makalov/Astrid for example could be listed under Crimea, assuming they remained in the CRK post-Radiant Dawn).

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Furetchen: So I fail to see the point of you posting here if you don't like what's going on here. And in a canon character only roleplay, yes, OCs are a bad thing. OCs take over the whole roleplay, and I don't want that, because the plot revolves around canon characters. That and there's no overly long profile posting necessary. You have to take time to learn about all of the OCs. You might not care, but I don't like that. All roleplays I've ever made have been canon characters only, and if people didn't like it, they simply didn't post in the thread.

roymbrog: Exactly so. Characters can be turned into such depending on who is using them. Also, that's why it's a legit rule in all of my roleplays that characters be kept in character. If they aren't, I will be privately messaging the person using them and letting them know they're straying from their character. If anyone doesn't nthink they can stay in character, I'm willing to help them get into doing so. I can roleplay just about anyone so long as I know enough about them. I've been roleplaying canon characters most of my life, so I'm pretty used to being able to pinpoint when characters start to fall out of their personality in RPs. Sometimes if I'm told beforehand "I want to do this with this character, even though it's a bit OoC", I'll go over it with them and decide if it can be worked out. If I personally want to do something that may seem a bit off, I'll post it to everyone ahead of time and let everyone decide together if it can work.Personally, I hope we can prove you wrong. :)

-Cynthia-: Yeah, mostly. I wasn't sure where I should put Largo because of that, honestly. He comes from Begnion (which isn't mentioned at all unless you get a specific support conversation), but everyone knows him as "that guy who set up shop in Crimea and joined the Crimean army". So if anyone thinks I should switch him to Begnion, I will.

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At times, id rather roleplay canon characters. That can be loads of fun!

This. Quite so.

mimgrim: Sure. I'll add ya~.

I'll be posting the RP tomorrow. We just needed a good amount of characters to start so we wouldn't be lacking.

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Quick note, I might be changing my screen name sometime in the next few days, so you might have to change the roster line-up to reflect it.

Also, shouldn't the Black Knight be allied to Daein (Micaiah) while he doubles as Zelgius, or did you put it like that because of a)his allegiance to Sephiran or b)everyone knows his Secret Identityâ„¢ ?

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I will.

Both. Plus, obviously if you take one, you have to use the other. Obviously, a lot of people don't know who he is (like soldiers/generals of Daein and Begnion), whereas the main army at the end of RD all (or at least mostly) know. In this case, since the Daein group attacking the Greil Mercenaries are the group suppoting Micaiah, he would assume the identity of the Black Knight and fight against them. Sephiran would be supporting Sanaki in Begnion's conflict, so Zelgius would be supporting that side. He's supporting Micaiah for Daein, but if he supported Micaiah for Begnion, too, he'd be going against Sephiran. Meaning he's siding with "keep Micaiah and Sanaki". And obviously Micaiah can't take both positions, so I'd say he's doing something pretty sensible.

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Ok let me make sure I got this right about Zelgius/Black Knight, as the Black Knight he supports Micaiha's side and fights against the Greil Mercenaries, but the way I read it was that he he sided with Greil Mercenaries, and as Zelgius he obviously sides with Sanaki. But I still see a flaw either way with his identity as the Black Knight because sooner or later, and most likely sooner, word will get spread to the people who know his identity and it will all tumble down from there. Wouldn't it make more sense for him to jsut be Zelgius and wear his Black Knight armor? Also when the RP starts will Telius already be in world war or will it gradually happen? If its where it somewhat gradually happens then does that mean the people are dead won't be there yet and when you say which chapter or part or w/e they will be possible to start RPing as? Also about this sleepful ancient magic that gets awakened, will the Dragon Tribe, Herons, micaiah/Yune, and other people who are atunned to such things be able to sense it or not?

Just some things I want clarified. <_<

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Well, at the beginning, not everyone will know. So he's obviously going to keep the ruse up as long as possible. It would cause him problems if he helped Micaiah on one side and fought her on the other side, so he'd just keep it up as long as possible.

He'd helping the side that supports Micaiah for Daein, but a part of that side eventually tries to kill Soren. Obviously that's going to bring the rest of the Mercenaries into it.

The war is going to happen gradually, but the civil wars are just about the first thing that happens.

I'm going to have people revived instantly, like pre-story for the RP, because most of your characters are ones that were revived. And yes, the Herons would be able to sense the magic.

Thanks for asking, though. That's some of the stuff that probably everyone here should be aware of, so thanks for bringing it up. I'm actually writing the first post now, so it'll be up soon.

EDIT: That took way longer than it needed to. Yeah, I kept getting distracted.

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Thanks for answering those question!

Also do you have any suggestions for how to start with Zelgius and Ashnard? Seeing as they were dead and all and then poof back to being alive I am having a hard time thinking how they would react to this. <_< I also have Reyson planned out already I just hope someone will claim Tibarn or Neasala or another one of the Herons soon. Also where would you say Reyson, Tibarn, and Neasala are? Would they be working on moving to Serenes so would this mean Reyson is at Phenocias or that thye already moved to Serenes forest? Need to know locations and I am afraid to decide that on my own. <_<

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We can always decide things together. I personally think they'd still be moving everyone to Serenes, since the war only recently ended.

As for the other two, Zelgius could have overheard the situation in Daein? Unless he's currently back in Begnion. Ashnard... Perhaps he was last at the place where the Greil Mercenaries finished their assignment and saw them. I mean, you can honestly start anywhere - it doesn't need to be in the person's own country. But just suggestions. :)

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