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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 27: War


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Tas and Namid had been flying fairly low above the group as they'd traveled. When he saw the great, eerie dragon above them, he and Namid landed. When the thing spoke directly to them, it was in such a manner that caused a sense of dread come over him. We're not going to make it... He felt like cornered prey at that moment. The last giant battle I saw had a dragon, too... Is that standard? The last one wasn't focused on me or those directly around me, though... This is an entirely different feeling... The fact that a lot of others in the group didn't sound too confident didn't exactly inspire courage, either and those undead gargoyles only seemed to secure their defeat. I don't know if I can, but if it comes down to it, I might be able to escape those... I really have no way of knowing, though, and I'd have to fly past them to even have a chance...

Well, this scene was unfortunate. Beau remembered the fight in Altenau and now here was this demon again. "Captain, do you remember when I was telling those soldiers about the demon I encountered in Altenau?" he asked Tiria, deadpan, implying that this was, in fact, that demon.

"Altenau?" Raemond echoed tensely and quickly, suddenly viewing this new foe in a new light. So, it was driven off, not destroyed. That this demon was the one he failed to exterminate made sense as the demons she sent to cut off their escape routes did somewhat resemble the ones he'd fought in the city. Keeping his eyes fixed on the undead dragon demon, he said, "So, this is the demon's true form... This is one I was sent to kill. Obviously, I was unable to do so on my own."

He idly recalled how it as, in fact, because of the injuries he sustained in his attempt to rid the city of the demon dragon that he found Beau again and met the group. A small question in the back of his mind was where Heinz was, but his primary focus was on the dragon. He readied himself for combat, tome in-hand and eyes locked on Helenos. Then, a small worry came to mind. I do hope I got those arrows out of my back in time and no fragment remained of them. Considering the one who constructed them is right there, that would be most unfortunate...

Beau himself kept his staff ready and his tome well within reach in case he had to use it. Tiria was already before him. The others would likely attempt to keep their healers safe...though, they seemed rather unappreciative of them, in retrospect. If they want to live, they will keep us protected.

Esphyr took a defensive position. She knew the magic-users and archers would do best at the center of the formation. That put melee fighters like her on the outer edges of the ring. Against an opponent like this, it was a little risky, but it was the stance she had to take.

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The group's progress into the city had been unhindered after the first fight, but difficult all the same; the destruction did not make for a fast or pleasant trip.

Of course it got worse.

Initially Kelas moved to ready her bow again: it would be more useful for dispatching the interference from above. However, it quickly became apparent that Helenos' minions were targeting the demons instead, and she saw no reason to interfere with that just yet. She put away her bow and drew her sword. Arrows would do little against a dragon, and maybe the blade's origins would make it more useful here.

Arrin had Daranau at the ready, red sparks already crackling around his hand. His face displayed complete terror, but he wasn't going to go down without a single spell cast. Kelas looked to him, then to Isotov, then to Tessa. The trip through the city had convinced her that the demons would eventually overpower them... but she wasn't going to let that happen, not yet. Even if she fell here, she'd make sure they made it out alive.

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"mmph, yeah... Feeling, ah, a bit foolish and weaker than I thought. But I'll live," Tessa managed, answering both Beau and Damian's queries as she forced herself into a sitting position. She caught a glimpse of Arrin's reassuring waving nearby, with the young nomad giving her time and space. It wasn't too badly crowded, though, and even if it were that weren't the worst of it.

The worst thing was realizing that like this she was unable to help with any of the other wounded. Her important task, instead she was on the receiving end. It was cause for more than a little guilt. "I'm sorry, yes. No, I'm, ah, just fine in a minute or two. Who else needs help?"

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Third Time's The Charm

"Uhhh I think it's a little late to retreat, Charlotte. If we turn tail now, they'll slow us down enough for Helenos to take a bunch of us out at once." Iso commented to at the retreat plan. Then he began to step around to the side of the group, hoping to encourage a bit of a spread of their forces. Helenos was massive, and really could take out several people at once if they remained to clustered together. "Come on guys ... we need a larger formation here!" he pleaded with the others as a whole.

Irina quickly took off with Damian riding passenger again. Viveka did the same, expecting Tristan and Tas to follow. She wasn't feeling too good about the situation, now though. Helenos was back, the same creature that killed Pary and almost killed the rest of them. Not only that, but the demons easily surrounded them and without their rear guard, escape was all but impossible. "Urgh, I made a bad call ..." she muttered to herself. The only choice now was to win, and if nobody died here, she wouldn't carry any guilt with her afterward.

Helenos left the tower and began slowly flying down to the street, landing with enough force to shake the ground. "The crimson weapons will be mine at last~"


HP: 17 STR: 10 MAG: 10 SKL: 6 SPD: 6 LUK: -2 DEF: 7 RES: 7

HP: 51 Mt: 10/10 Hit: 6 AS: 6 Evade: 5 Def: 7 Res: 7

Skills: Regen

Objective: Defeat Helenos

Reward: 10 Exp


-Regen: Restores 15% of hp(7) at the beginning of each turn.

-Helenos' counters always target defense.

-The battlepost limit for this battle is 6.

Secondary Objective: Keep at least 4 crimson wielders above 0 hp throughout the fight.

Reward: 10 Exp


(Phase One)

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Arrin wasn't about to waste any time. He summoned a ball of lightning and threw it at Helenos, striking true; it crackled across her hide. He'd sacrificed quantity for speed, though, and not much damage was done.

He had managed to get her attention, though, and she responded by taking a swipe at him with one skeletal paw. Focused as he was on hitting, he wasn't able to dodge in time, and was knocked over by the force of the blow. With his last bit of will he sat up and fired off another bolt, somehow keeping a steady hand despite his injury.

(4,1,4) Autohit! Arrin does 4 damage.

(6,3,5) Hit! Arrin takes 11 damage!

(6,1,6) Autohit! Arrin does 4 damage.

Kelas called out to stop Arrin before he attacked, but was ignored. As he took the dragon's attack Kelas charged, bringing her blade squarely into one of the dragon's legs, hoping to hobble it and bring it down to a level where she could get in a killing strike. Her sword struck bone, though, sending the shock of the impact hard through her arm and bouncing off nearly harmlessly. As she circled around for a better angle, Helenos tried to grab her from the saddle, but Amari was nimble enough to dodge.

She had to kill this monster as quickly as possible. She wasn't thinking entirely clearly; in her mind the burden fell to her, disregarding the rest of the group. She began to look for yet another angle.

(3,1,4) Hit! Kelas does 2 damage.

(3,1,6) Miss!

Arrin 1/12 Kelas 15/15 Helenos 41/51


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Keeping up with the group was annoying for the eternally sleep deficient nomad. Why can't we all rest more before fighting?

A Dragon...great...

Seeing fellow countrymen bravely attacking a dragon filled Hainam with patriotic vigour. Or at least some degree of recklessness. Pulling back his bow strings as far as his arms can stretch, the nomad let loose a powerful shot that embedded itself into the knee of his foe.

Then he remembered he was fighting a dragon and ducked for cover.



Ranged attack, Sniper ability! Reduce Spd!

Hit! Crit!

(4+4-7)x2 = 2damage!

No counter!

Helenos loses 2 Spd!

Helenos is Poisoned!

Hainam uses Stealth!

Helenos 39/51

Hainam FULL HP and cowering~

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Seeing the lightning mage get struck down, Adena hurried over to him. Concentrating for a few seconds and then reaching out with her staff, she heals most of his wounds.

Adena heals Arrin for 8 health.

Arrin is at 9/12 HP


Staring up at the giant dragon, Tiria grimaces. Motioning to Beau to stay back, she charges in and hacks at the decaying dragon's body.


7+4-5= hit

(6+5+1-7)*2=10 damage

The giant dragon roars and lashes out at the annoying pest attacking her.



10+5-4=11 damage, activate parry = 6 damage

Tiria grimaces, but manages to force out another attack.



(3+5+1-7=2 damage

Arrin: 9/12

Tiria: 9/15

Helenos: 27/51

+3 exp for Team AA

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(not a battlepost)

Something nudged at Midori's memory. She'd felt this kind of cloying fear before. . .and the sense that she was going to die, forgotten, in a faraway land, away from her. . .from her. . .

. . .a person. Someone important to me. Who could it be?

Something kept her rooted in place. She cursed her own weakness, and the hole that used to be her memories. The best she could do was wish the others good luck, because the. . .thing in front of her looked really angry.

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Arrin had been hit hard by the rot dragon, and there were no two ways around it. Wyrmslayer could wait, Tessa couldn't let her friend die out here.

Arrin +6HP, 12/12.


Now was a decisive moment. "Hellsety! To me!" Calling forth the raging crimson winds, Helios felt his fortitude sapping, but it was needed. He focused a mighty blow against the enemy dragon.



Helios attacks → [5,6,4]

Channeled 8 HP into +4 Might, Traded 2Mag into 2Skill with Arcane Power.

Hit: 5 + 1 + 2 = 8 > 5 - 2 = 3EVA = Hit

Damage: 6 + 6 + 4 - 2 - 7 = 7 damage

Helenos counters → [5,5,3]

Hit: 5 + 6 = 11 > 5 + 1 = Hit

Damage: 10 + 5 - 5 - 2 = 8 Damage

Helios: 2/18 Prayer activates.

Helenos: 20/51


Iris was circling close by the royals, ready to steer herself into danger if need be to save their lives. Knowing Orteiga's full destructive powers, she was only too afraid of what fate awaited them all.

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Some of the others had put the hurting on Helenos. Now it was Chase's turn! He drew out his Crimson Bow and shot two arrows out with only a concern for power.

Chase stats: HP:3 STR:6 MAG:0 SKL:5 SPD:9 LUK:4 DEF:1 RES:0

Chase SIMP stats: HP: 9 MT:6 HIT:5 AS:11 EVA:12 DEF:1 RES:1

Chase stat shifts 2 SKL to 2 STR. MT is 8, HIT is 3.

Chase CRIMSON skill, burns 8 HP for 4 MT. MT is 12.

Chase 1/9

Resolve activates. STR is 11, MT is 15, HIT is 3.

Chase 1/9

Helenos 20/51

Chase attacks Helenos with Bow no counter thing.

Chase rolls [5,5,1]

Chase deals (6*1.5+4+2+5)-7=13 damage.

Helenos 7/51

Chase doubles and kills. [3,2,5]

Chase deals (6*1.5+4+2+2)-7=10 damage.

Helenos -3/51

Chase 1/9

Chase SIMP stats: HP: 9 MT:15 HIT:3 AS:15 EVA:12 DEF:1 RES:1

Chase/Morgan +15.

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Morgan took out Midnight and prepared to attack...but Helenos was already down? That was too easy... Morgan thought to herself looking around for an ambush.

Charlotte decided to heal those wounded by the battle, just in case there would be another skirmish involved. Charlotte activates Combat Medic to heal Helios! Helios 2/18-->18/18. Charlotte uses Healing Aura to heal Chase 1/9-->9/9. +6 points Charlotte, Eric

"That's it?" Tristan asked, a bit dumbfounded at the speed in which the dragon was taken down.

Meanwhile, a gargoyle came from the direction of TISME, observed the scene, and promptly returned to where it came from.

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Third Time Might Still Be the Charm, But Step It Up, Guys

"Argh! ... ... ... well ... that hurt." Helenos' head slowly cocked as she began stare down her enemies. Suddenly she began convulsing. And what at first looked like her death throes began became ominous as she began to laugh. Tendrils began to sprout out from her body along with sharp bones, and as she began to lift herself up from the ground, two massive tendrils burst from her chest threatening to swat at anything that came too close. "I will consume the crimson weapons ... struggle if you must ..."

Enemy Phase


HP: 18 STR: 12 MAG: 12 SKL: 8 SPD: 8 LUK: -2 DEF: 9 RES: 9

HP: 54 Mt: 12/12 Hit: 8 AS: 8 Evade: 7 Def: 9 Res: 9

Skills: Regen, Daunt

Helenos attacks Chase! Rolls 3,6,5



Helenos HP 54/54

Chase HP 9/9

Player Phase

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The demon's transformation jolted Midori back to reality. She saw Helios stagger, and cursed herself for being inattentive. He can't take much more of this. I'll make sure that she'll have to go through me to get to him!

Midori defends Helios

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What? Still not dead? Sigh...

Hainam notched a second arrow and fired off, the arrow coating with a very irritating toxin he picked up that cause the muscle of its victims to pause for a brief second, long enough to prevent a counter attack. The arrow itself was specially wider tipped but no less sharper than his other arrows, making it leave large gaps in the flesh where it struck, providing larger opening of exposed soft tissue for others to strike upon.



Autohit! *tink*

Cancel! No counter!

Helenos Def lowered by 2~

Helenos Spd remains 2 less~

Helenos poison duration refreshed~

OOC: We can do this guys!!!

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OoC: Talked it over with Rothe, mine happens first chronologically.

Several members of the crimson group converged on the demon as soon as it landed to fight them. As such, Raemond stayed out of their way, choosing instead to wait for a proper opening. Tiria was one who rushed in the first wave, receiving a claw to the flesh as a result of bringing the dragon's attention to herself. Beau had been happy to comply to Tiria's unspoken request to keep away from the dragon demon, though he did somewhat disapprove of her rash action against it. Raemond was a little more concerned.

"Beau, at the earliest opportunity, you need to ensure Ms. Edgedraper is alright," he advised seriously.

"Of course. You do not need to remind me of my own role," Beau replied, annoyed at the suggestion.

"When you do, try cleansing it with your light healing. This demon has the ability to 'infect' humans and animals. ... And apparently demons, too, judging by the ones we saw earlier," Raemond instructed.

Realizing that this could be far more serious than just another wound, Beau's concern for those who'd been hurt grew quite a bit. "Captain!" he called to Tiria, "Come back here!" He still wasn't too keen on getting any closer to Helenos than he already was and calling her away from the dragon seemed to be the most reasonable course of action.

Then, a well-placed arrow seemed to fell the demon...however, that was when it began to roil and change its form into something even more grotesque. Esphyr had even begun to smile when it seemed the demon was finally defeated, but then this daunting thing came into being. "I...think I'll leave this one to the others..." she quietly told herself, affirming it with a little nod.

Tas had been too afraid to be of any effect in the less gruesome form. He just planned to keep his head down for the time being at the sight of this new form.

"So, this was the heart the beat in Altenau," Raemond muttered to himself, taking in Helenos' new form. "You've finally shown yourself..."

With that, Raemond had his opening. He prepared a ball of light then shot it forcefully and swiftly at the demon. No more shields.

Sadie support! +1hit +2mt +1AS

Overcast activates! -4 skl +4mag

Hawkeye activates! -5 lck +5hit (avo is now 5)

Demon Slayer activates! Helenos res is now 4! (For this attack only)

(7+1)-7 = 1 = hit!

(13+3)-4 = 12 damage!

The blast of light shot straight into the side of the demon's face, charring the rotting flesh where it struck in a brilliant plume of light. Beau was somewhat panicked that Raemond had drawn the attention of the dragon, and so swiftly decided that it was much safer to rush over to Tiria and away from him as the dragon moved to strike back, making a note to berate the monk for it later.

(8+2)-5 = hit!

(12+6)-1 = 17 damage!

Raemond 0/12

Helenos 42/54

OoC: Leaving the counterattack flavor to Phoenix.

Beau didn't look back. Instead, he just kept running until he reached Tiria, then applied his staff to its work, focusing on the light aspect as hard as he could to try to purge any of the demonic residue which might have gotten into her wound. As a result, the healing light was a bit warmer than usual.

Beau heals Tiria! +9HP

Beau 12/12

Tiria 15/15

Beau and Tiria +3exp

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As the dragon took an even more monstrous form, Kelas came to her senses a bit and fell back. She couldn't kill the monster on her own, but she could make sure it didn't get Arrin. She rode back closer to him again as he charged up another attack. Sure enough, the dragon flailed forth with a bone spike. Without thinking, Kelas jumped from the saddle, taking the spike in the shoulder. "Aaah!"

Arrin paused his next attack in alarm. "Kelas!"

"gghh... Don't worry about me, just hit her again!"

Kelas activates Guardian, defends Arrin.

Arrin attacks Helenos.

(3,3,6) Hit! Arrin does 5 damage.

Helenos counters.

(4,3,6) Hit! Kelas takes 11 damage.

Arrin doubles.

(3,3,1) Hit! Arrin does 5 damage.

Arrin 12/12 Kelas 4/15 Helenos 32/54

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So there is more to this than it seems. Morgan thought to herself, focusing her power and throwing an orb of dark magic at Helenos.

(2,3,3)= Luna activated! Hit! Critical negated by Daunt. 13-0= 13 damage. Helenos 19/54

Helenos struck back with a mighty tendril, knocking Morgan back (5,3,6)= 15-1= 14 damage Morgan 4/18

Charlotte decided to focus her healing efforts on Morgan (Combat Medic activated! Morgan (4/18-->18/18) and Kelas ( Healing Aura activated! 4/15-->13/15) Charlotte, Eric +6

Morgan 18/18

Kelas 13/15

Helenos 19/54

Tristan flew around, looking for a good opportunity to attack. If I go in there I might end up like poor Raemond. he thought to himself, surveying the battlefield.

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Defensive Negotiations

Why weren't they deterred in the slightest? Helenos was a little dumbfounded, as the crimsons and their allies didn't back down even a little. She flailed her large tendrils around wildly in response to every attack. It was all she could do to protect herself from the constant assaults, but by the time she was ready to respond in earnest, they had piled on a slew of new injuries and she was writhing in pain once again. "Uuuuaarrrgh ... enough of this ... I am no one's prey! You are mine, and you will submit!"

Meanwhile, Viveka tried to decide how best to help her allies. There was no way she could live this down if anyone died. Charlotte seemed to be mostly on top of things but that was also a problem. Helenos wasn't defeated yet, and she wasn't the enemy they came to Ilyphina to face. They were on their way to TISME, not to a grand showdown with the dragon. It wouldn't be much, but acting as a support medic for the time being might be the best way to go about this battle, and so she flew down to Kelas to try and help patch up the rest of the nomad's wounds. "I'm sorry ..." Why did she say that? Oh right, she was the one that sent the heroes away. They would have been great meatshields here.

Viveka uses Charisma! Tristan and Tas +1 hit/evade!

Viveka uses Vulnerary on Kelas! +5 hp!

Viveka hp 15/15

Kelas hp 15/15

Irina defends Damian!

What to do ... Iso knew that attacking Helenos on foot was going to get him smacked and sent flying, best case scenario. Worst case scenario, he'd be devoured on the spot and they would lose a crimson weapon in the process. Staying back again didn't feel right, but until he fast enough to outpace the dragon's tendrils, a direct attack was tantamount to suicide. Then again, Morgan had just done it, but she too barely walked away from the rebuttal. "Think. What would you do if this was Shanice, and not Helenos ..."

Enemy Phase

Helenos reared back and began to roar at the top of her lungs, and a small flock of goyles flew down to meet her. "Heheheheehehehehheheh ... heheheheheheeheheheehehehehe ... hahahahahahahahah ..." The flock of demons were ready for battle.

Helenos Summons Gargoyles and Deathgoyles!

The goyles began to move forward, surprisingly on foot, but Helenos' two largest tendrils immediately lashed out and ensnared two of them, pulling both in clawing and shrieking. "Ah-ah ... first, I must eat ..." She slowly dragged the two helpless goyles into her chest and devoured them both.

Helenos eats Gargoyle and Deathgoyle. +30 hp!

Helenos hp 49/54

Regen activates! +8 hp!

Helenos hp 54/54

Poison hits! -6 hp!

Helenos hp 48/54

(No stat changes to Helenos; merely a point of reference)


HP: 18 STR: 12 MAG: 12 SKL: 8 SPD: 8 LUK: -2 DEF: 9 RES: 9

HP: 54 Mt: 12/12 Hit: 8 AS: 8 Evade: 7 Def: 9 Res: 9

Skills: Regen, Daunt

Corrupted Gargoyle A-F

HP: 5 STR: 5 MAG: 0 SKL: 8 SPD: 9 LUK: -2 DEF: 3 RES: 3

HP: 15 Mt: 5(Lance) Hit: 8 AS: 9 Evade: 8 Def: 3 Res: 3

Corrupted Deathgoyle A-F

HP: 5 STR: 0 MAG: 5 SKL: 8 SPD: 9 LUK: -2 DEF: 3 RES: 3

HP: 15 Mt: 5(Dark) Hit: 8 AS: 9 Evade: 8 Def: 3 Res: 3

Player Phase

When the Gargoyles came down, Iso had to take a step back. Now they were in for it. The grunts finally got called in to overwhelm them, but he was hoping they would defeat Helenos before that happened. Was his hesitation doing more harm than good? They were about to find out. And it seemed that yes indeed it was doing more harm than good, as Helenos not only called in reinforcements, but fed on their very essence to heal her wounds. "Ohhh myyy myyy goood." he groaned in frustration.

"H-holy wvyern, she's eating them ..." Irina was stunned.

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The attack hit hard and accurately, but failed to do as much damage as was necessary to make the demon falter, let alone die. It did cause the demon pain, however. Though that pain was probably what caused the blind flailing of her tendrils, one of which managed to strike him hard. The impact not only knocked the wind out of Raemond, but propelled him backwards until his momentum was stopped by the side of a slab of rubble. When the back of his head collided with the displaced piece of building, everything went black and the monk wasn't even conscious for when he fell to the ground.

Things were not going well. Group members were hurting, though the healers seemed to be on top of it. There was only one who seemed to be completely unable to fight, though Tas didn't recognize him. He took a deep breath to try to calm himself as the gargoyles came into the fray and two of them were devoured by the dragon. We're going to be eaten -- oh goodness... The wyvern rider looked away from the dragon, trying to shake the fear that'd been paralyzing him. Okay... Okay... I... I just have to focus. My job here isn't to kill any demons. I...I'm a scout. And...and I'm supposed to get the hurt out of danger.. Okay.

Well, there was only one on their side who seemed unable to continue fighting, so Tas and Namid flew down to where Raemond laid and landed. Namid didn't like being on the ground in this situation. His wings fidgeted as he continuously looked around, waiting for Tas to hurry up and finish whatever he came down for. Tas, meanwhile, was working nervously, quietly talking himself through his actions as he performed them with shaking hands. The first step was the hardest: lifting a full-grown, unconscious man onto Namid's back. Though he never dropped Raemond, it certainly was a strain accomplishing the task and took a lot longer than he'd hoped it would. Once he was on the wyvern's back, though, Tas was able to hurriedly make him a makeshift harness, clipping, tying and binding together spare leather and buckles and fastening them to Namid's harness. The result was the monk was essentially fairly securely strapped to Namid's back.

Now, by this time, Namid was weighed down by everything Tas owned (which wasn't a whole lot, but it still had weight) and two humans. It'll take a little more time, but it's worth it if it saves us. So, Tas unloaded and piled up a small cache of his belongings at the foot of the rubble slab, intending on retrieving it later. He only kept with him what he thought could be useful in the situation they were in: being in a burning city overrun with demons. Needless to say he'd never been prepared for that particular situation, but he could still make a guess of it. Then, he remounted Namid and they launched into the sky.

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Round Two ... Or Is It Round Three?

Irina defends Damian, as per Aiya's instruction.

Iso was more concerned with putting down Helenos, but the gargoyles weren't waiting around, and one of them closed in on him aiming to take him out while he stood around thinking. "Whoa!" Iso leaped back as the corrupted demon(... sound redundant) landed where he once stood and began to prepare a dark magic spell. Iso began preparing a spell of his own, and he finished first. "DIE!!!" The flames from his attack converged on a single spot and bore a hole into the deathgoyle's chest, hollowing it out in seconds. The demon fell dead on its back as the flames began to slowly consume the rest of its body. "... okay I need to calm down ..." He said to himself, shocked that he actually enjoyed that. No seriously, he enjoyed~ that.

Iso attacks Deathgoyle A! Rolls 1,1,1



-18 hp


Iso hp 7/15

Deathgoyle hp 0/15

Iso and Kelas gain 5 exp!

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Damian activates Crimson lance(-8 HP, +4 Mt)

Damian activates Resolve!

Damian(4,4,6) 13 hit - 7 evd, hit! 20 Mt - 7 def, 13 damage!

Helenos(1,5,5) 9 hit - 4 evd, hit! 17 mt - 9 def, 8 damage! Irina's daunt nullifies the critical hit!

Irina(4,3,6) 8 hit - 7 evd, hit! 12 Mt - 7 def, 5 damage!

Damian(3,4,3) Autohit! 20 Mt - 7 def, 13 damage!


Damian 4/12

Irina 16/24

Helenos 17/54

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Adena sees the fire mage who had finished off the demon in their last fight attack one of the newer monsters summoned by the dragon. Even though the monster didn't hit him, he seemed to have taken damage anyways. Riding over to him, she concentrates and then touches him with her staff, healing him completely. "Be careful. I don't know what happened there, but take care of yourself." She then rides back to Alex.

Adena heals Iso for 8 HP.

Iso: 15/15

Adena: 15/15

Team AA gains 3 exp.


Feeling the warmth of the healing staff, Tiria turns and smiles at Beau. "Thank you." Glancing up at the dragon, she grimaces. "I don't think I'll be attacking that again any time soon. I'll just take care of you so that you can continue to heal others."

Tiria defends Beau.

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The fight seemed to be progressing just as quickly as previously, but as before, Helenos had another trick waiting. The air was suddenly full of death on wings again.

Without hesitation Kelas sheathed her sword and drew her bow. It wouldn't do to have such a distraction while the dragon continued to heal herself. She sent an arrow squarely into the throat of one of the demons; only a shred of dark magic kept it aloft after that.

Arrin responded in kind, turning to attack another of the beasts. He too got a solid hit, but not solid enough to keep it from launching a counterspell. Arrin was only just able to dodge.

Kelas attacks Gargoyle B.

(1,2,2) Critical hit! Kelas does 14 damage.

Arrin attacks Deathgoyle C.

(4,4,1) Hit! Arrin does 11 damage.

Deathgoyle C counters.

(1,3,4) Miss!

Kelas 15/15, Arrin 12/12, Gargoyle B 1/15, Deathgoyle C 4/15

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A flash of wholesome energy, Tessa reaches out and healing light infuses Damian. The scarred warrior's complexion looks a little better now.

Damian: 10/12


Not only Helenos herself, but many and varied swirling menaces. Helios thought to capitalize and take down one of the flapping wounded beasts, but even with some serious Hellsety exertion, the pair of them only traded glancing blows. All in all, this particular exchange was a loss...


Helios → [5,1,4]

Hit: 1 + 3 + 3 + 5 = 13 > 8 = Hit

Damage: 6 + 1 - 3 - 3 = 1 damage!

Dethgoyle → [4,5,2]

Hit: 4 + 8 = 12 > 6 = Hit

Damage: 5 + 5 - 5 - 2 = 3 damage!

Helios: 9/18

Dethgoyle C: 3/15


Bobbing and weaving through the added sky traffic was making it more difficult to keep a safe eye on the prince. Iris had aborted the whistles and signals she had planned on using to have Drake retrieve the fallen monk after he'd already been rescued, but she was on alert for any others that may need saving. So far things were going cautiously well.

So far...

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From one ambush into another. Just this group's luck. This time, the enemy facing the group was Helenos, the zombie dragon and the sealer of the goddess. Well, he'd have preferred to have encountered it with the support of other templars, but this would have to do. First thing was first, though: get rid of the monster's healing. Eric charged towards one of the demons and cut into it, severing a limb. Unfortunately, the demon did not need such petty things as limbs, and it launched a curse back, narrowly missing the swordsman as he returned to the Princess' side.


Heroic Stance activates! HP-2, STR+SKL+DEF+2! Now 16, 8,8,8 respectively.

1,3,1 = autohit! 11-3 = 8 points of damage!

1,2,5 = 9-9 = 0 = Miss!

Eric 16/18 HP

Deathgoyle B 7/15 HP


"Yes, that would be advised," Alex said, through gritted teeth. Lady help them all now. Helenos would probably kill them all here...

Well, no use going out without a fight. The halberdier hung back until the minor demons showed up, at which point she lunged towards one of the spear-wielding enemies and struck it down with one fell swoop.


[4,5,5] = 9-8 = Critical hit! Pierce activates!

2(8+5)-3 = 26-3 = 23 points of damage! Gargoyle A is defeated!

Team Batteries gains 5 exp!

Alex 15/15

Gargoyle A 0/15

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