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FE Confessions....Say What?

Loki Laufeyson

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I saw a thread like this on another forum about something completely different, but the thread was such a hit that it spawned like six versions.

So why not do an FE related one? Confess about what you love, hate, or whatever about FE!!!

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I prefer Dew/Ayra to Lex/Ayra.

I make sure Patty is one of my strongest Gen II characters due to blatant favoritism.

Tate's the only reason why I bother to play FE6 anymore.

I don't like Clarine.

I love using Wil, Rebecca, and Neimi regularly.

I killed off Priscilla in my first FE7 file.

I believe Ross deserves more praise than he gets, despite being a trainee.

Ike/Marcia is my Tellius OTP, and I'm proud of it.

Edited by ZM456
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I like Est type units, a lot, as well as the Trainee units, and units that people find hard to train, and I almost always use them.

I almost never use Prepromoted units unless I can't beat the level without them, which barely ever occurs.

I like promoting at max level, even when there's absolutely no point in waiting.

I love units that have green hair.

Nino is one of my favorite characters in FE7, among the top ten, and probably among the top five.

In the past, I used Save States almost constantly, and sometimes, I still do.

I've never beat FE9, and have never played FE10 at all.

I know half of what happened in FE9 and FE10 anyway, thanks to TvTropes.

I am unashamed of all of the above lines! (I am, however, ashamed of this line.)

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I'll only do it if you admit something too, Florina.

Lol! I was just getting the topic off the ground!

Now time for the confessions!!! FE, forgive me for i have sinned!

I have never ever played hard mode on any of the games. Actually thats not entirely true. I did try to do an Eliwood hard mode run but i scrapped it because meh.

I play easy mode in RD. :unsure:

I actually really dont like using Seth in FE8 runs. I dont hate him and condemn him for "stealin' mah EXP" or anything, but i feel like he trivializes the game and i like raising units.

I used to hate Marcus (FE7) but now i love him. He doesnt trivialize the game as bad as Seth does, later on that is.

I once really despised prepromotes due to the mentality that non-prepromotes ended up better. Now i use Vaida with no remorse.

I hate Mia. A lot. But i will use her in RD. Shes too good not to. But she rarely gets supports. *evil face*

I also really dont like Ilyana. But i will occasionally use her in PoR.

I kinda like Calill now.

I am a shameless fan of the Florina/Hector pairing and the Rath/Lyn pairing.

I tried playing FE4 but got really bored with it. (and the patch i had sucked...)

I rarely promote before level 20.

Arena abuse and me are bedfellows.

I really like Meg as a character and i think her character design is charming.

Neimi makes me want to punch babies.

I have not finished FE6 but have played through most of it.

If theres a horsebird unit, im using it.

I actually do find uses for Triangle Attack in FE7.

I adore Serra. She is one of my favorite characters in the series.

There is never a Tellius run where i do not use Soren. (even on female-only runs!)

I was skeptical of FE13 until i saw the characters Libera and Viole/Virion.

I loathe Micaiah as a character. (im ambivalent to her as a unit)

I really really like Rhys for some reason.

Almedha somehow wormed her way into my top ten fave characters.

Narshen makes me laugh and so does Valter. [/Deeply Horrible Person]

I actually did unlock Lyon in Creature Campaign.

Alm's DLC design in FE13 is amazing to me.

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Hrm...let me think...

Well, I will admit that I'm really into several FE pairings, but I dislike yaoi, yuri, and especially incest. Yet, at the same time, I utterly hate a few pairings too (those who know me well know which pairs those are, lol). I'm just a fan of romance in general, really.

And for me, male characters always get points if they have muscles I find sexy (because I'm attracted to muscles on men. <3). For example, I find RD Ike to be quite hot partly because of his muscles. <3 I also dig Sain's bulging biceps. <3 There's a limit, though. I don't like really big muscles, like Largo's, for example, or those on other berserkers and the like. xP

And speaking of male characters, I seem to always like more of them than females. Even when it comes to my own OCs.

While I'm on the topic of male characters, I notice that I've always liked the reckless/stronger knight of the red/green knight duos more than the other. I love Kieran and Sain, and I like Kyle better than Forde. I do love Oscar as well though. I just love Kieran more, haha. Kieran is my favorite knight. <3 Sain is a close second though!

Despite that I dislike cats, I'm a big Ranulf fangirl. <3

Another thing, I don't emulate, so I have not played any Japan-only FE games.

I'll also say that in terms of FE, I find FE7 to be overrated. I just don't see how it's that great compared to TSS, PoR, or RD. They're all better games, imo.

Lastly, I will admit that I have played little of Shadow Dragon, and that's because I was turned off when I found I was being forced to sacrifice a unit. I really hated that.

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I confess against Anacybele that I like ReysonxRafiel. I swear I still love you though, Anacybele.

I have a like/hate relationship with Zelgius. It is not love/hate. It goes as far as like/hate. And a very confusing relationship.

Don't sue me unless you want to be broke, but I actually like Ashnard as a character, though only because of his superior villain status.

Though I used to love FE6/7/8, and I still do, I simply do NOT like handheld systems anymore. Thus, you may've guessed it, but I haven't played Shadow Dragon and will not be playing Awakening. Walkthroughs online, maybe.

I have not actually PLAYED Radiant Dawn. I watched/read walkthroughs and used FE Wiki. Though I did look up every little thing. I will be playing it soon, though.

I have played Path of Radiance enough times to unlock Ashnard in the Trial Maps. Meaning fifteen times. And I'm currently in the midst of another Normal playthrough and a Hard Mode playthrough. At the same time. But there's a story behind that... Doing two at once...

Even after all this time, I still can't decide who my favorite character is from FE7. Hector, Matthew, Eliwood, Erk, Ephidel, Ninian... I'll pick one of them. Eventually. But I think - THINK - Matthew's winning.

I am guilty of thinking Edward looks like Matthew.

I seriously do NOT like Micaiah. I do love Pelleas, though...

I would love to see a fight between Nergal and Ashnard.

I am extremely bias toward Tellius, though Elibe is... a bit closer than any others.

I. LOVE. Marcus. I used to just LIKE him, but when I realized so many people hated him, it changed to love. And yes, I have gotten him to level 20 and used him in the final chapters. And I am not ashamed.

I like Hector/Florina, Eliwood/Ninan and Lyn/Kent.

No, seriously - Edward looks like Matthew.

I probably have a lot more confession I can't think of.

Edward definitiely loo--... Uhm, so yeah.

Edited by You Know Shinon Is God
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Lastly, I will admit that I have played little of Shadow Dragon, and that's because I was turned off when I found I was being forced to sacrifice a unit. I really hated that.

Yeah im with you there. The "must never kill unit" thing is too ingrained in my brain to even be kosher with that. But thats not the main reason i dont like that game. I dont like it because i felt the characters to be too flat, theres too many of them (yeah they are supposed to die, some of them but...yeah), i dont care for the reclassing deal and i just didnt have fun with that game in general. Lack of certain mechanics turned me off too.

I also like the idea of Reyson/Tibarn. leaving.gif

Edited by Florina Stark
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Atleast 1 Myrmidon/Swordmaster will be in my party. No exceptions.

The only armour knights I like are Gilliam Tell and Doga.

I never give FE9!Sages knives.

I ALWAYS give Ike Aether, ALWAYS.

I'm ok with Ike/Soren, Marcia/Jill, Neph/Heather, Lyndis/Florina, Lachesis x Eltoshan, and both Eirika/Tana and Eirika/L'Arachel.

I think Merric, Levin, Sety, Lugh, and Soren would make an awesome team.

I try to use FE!11 Gordin and Linde.

I don't like using "Jeigan" units in non-draft runs.

I seriously hate it when people call FE6 'the blinding blade' and not "The Sword of Seals"(or similar).

FE13 should have had more yuri.

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Atleast 1 Myrmidon/Swordmaster will be in my party. No exceptions.

The only armour knights I like are Gilliam Tell and Doga.

I never give FE9!Sages knives.

I ALWAYS give Ike Aether, ALWAYS.

I'm ok with Ike/Soren, Marcia/Jill, Neph/Heather, Lyndis/Florina, Lachesis x Eltoshan, and both Eirika/Tana and Eirika/L'Arachel.

I think Merric, Levin, Sety, Lugh, and Soren would make an awesome team.

I try to use FE!11 Gordin and Linde.

I don't like using "Jeigan" units in non-draft runs.

I seriously hate it when people call FE6 'the blinding blade' and not "The Sword of Seals"(or similar).

FE13 should have had more yuri.

Agreeing with most of this. Especially all the yuri.

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Ein, Furetchen: Then why are you two even here?

I swear I still love you though, Anacybele.

Thanks, but I'm afraid I'm not lesbian or bi. xP

I have not actually PLAYED Radiant Dawn. I watched/read walkthroughs and used FE Wiki. Though I did look up every little thing. I will be playing it soon, though.

I'm glad you're playing it soon, cause RD is the best game ever, imo. Despite that most of my preferred pairings didn't get endings and despite that I think Ike's ending sucks no matter who he's supported with. Part 3 is the most epic part of the game, imo. And I just love the entire plot overall.

I seriously do NOT like Micaiah.

I hate her too. I find her annoying and Mary-Sueish. And way too hard to keep alive.

I am extremely bias toward Tellius, though Elibe is... a bit closer than any others.

Haha, I'm a bit biased towards it too. Tellius is such an awesome continent and my favorite by far. <3

I like Hector/Florina, Eliwood/Ninan and Lyn/Kent.

I highly prefer HectorxLyn. I don't know who I'd put Kent with since all the females he can have endings with, I prefer with other guys (SainxFiora, DartxFarina, HectorxLyn). I definitely don't like him with Lyn though, for some reason. It's probably my thing with knightxprincess pairings. Just never liked them much. lol

Pairing Eliwood is a bit of a problem for me. I like him with Lyn, but I dislike Ninian and I already love Fiora with Sain. But I gotta deal with EliwoodxNinian since I just really like HectorxLyn. xP

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I don't like using many of the early promoted characters because it takes some of the challenge out of the game for me.

I have not played FE1-3, because I could not figure out the menus and how the games work.

I have played through FE6 over 11 times, and bought a second cartridge after my first one's battery died

FE10 is one of the most disappointing games I have played because I see so, so much wasted potential in the game and story.

I kind of like using the Est characters...it becomes funny to see them waste the endgame maps.

I have an affinity towards archers because I like archery in real life, and find it kind of fascinating (even if I can never do it myself because my depth perception is abysmal).

I do have some shipping preferences...which I try to repress.

I find FE11 design one of the worst ideas from Intelligent Systems... "Let's re-make and not edit our first game that was made by 4 people with bland characters and you need to KILL YOUR OWN TEAM to get to gaiden chapters!" Also early warp staffs and repair staff that utterly breaks the game. It is no wonder this sold terribly in the US.

I bought a Super Famicom to play FE4...and eventually FE5 when I order a copy when I have money.

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Ein, Furetchen: Then why are you two even here?

They joined ages ago. And besides, i think they like FE enough to stick around. :P:

FE10 is one of the most disappointing games I have played because I see so, so much wasted potential in the game and story.

I find FE10 to be nigh perfect when it comes to gameplay. The only issue i really have with it is the support system. Though i do agree to an extent about the story. Some things just came off like huge ass pulls.

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I have a blatant favoritism towards Jill; I use her in every playthrough, make sure she hits max level, caps everything, and is number one in kills.

There needs to be a homosexual male in FE. selfpromotionofmyhackthatisgoingnowhere

My favorite class alternates, but usually I like Swordmasters, Magefighters, FE4!Mageknights, Sages, and Valkyries.

I'd have sex with a lot of the FE men. If they were real. I wouldn't go all fanficy on them.

LexAyra will ALWAYS be my favorite FE4 pairing.

LevinFury is a close second.

I'm obsessed with Fury for some reason.

If I knew how to hack, I would totally make a Fire Emblem: All Stars hack.

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I have a blatant favoritism towards Jill; I use her in every playthrough, make sure she hits max level, caps everything, and is number one in kills.

There needs to be a homosexual male in FE. selfpromotionofmyhackthatisgoingnowhere

My favorite class alternates, but usually I like Swordmasters, Magefighters, FE4!Mageknights, Sages, and Valkyries.

I'd have sex with a lot of the FE men. If they were real. I wouldn't go all fanficy on them.

LexAyra will ALWAYS be my favorite FE4 pairing.

LevinFury is a close second.

I'm obsessed with Fury for some reason.

If I knew how to hack, I would totally make a Fire Emblem: All Stars hack.

I think Soren's got you covered on homosexual males. But that's just me.

Those units - hellz yes.

Hacking is all about coding and looots of numbers. And lots of game crashing. And good luck finding Sothe in the PoR memory banks. Your luck would probably have to be maxed out if you wish to be lucky enough to find him or the skill set address for Blossom.

Edited by You Know Shinon Is God
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I shower Soren with favouritism, even though if I'm playing Path of Radiance he is nothing but a staffbot after promotion because he never makes it to the battlefield. I usually only make it to B rank in any of his magic types despite him usually being in my top 5 of kills.

I think Soren has the best character arc of any FE character, though he did have the benefit of being an important character of two games. I also think he is gay and is in love with Ike, but that is not the primary reason I like Soren, or even the reason I like Soren at all. I just think he's fascinating and contrasts the cast of all the Fire Emblem games I've played.

I played Shadow Dragon and got near the end, put the game down, and never played it again. Lena and Caeda were the only units I liked and I just didn't like the gameplay as much as the more recent installments, so I lost motivation to keep playing.

Fire Emblem, along with Zelda, Golden Sun, Inuyasha, and Escaflowne made me extremely interested in drawing characters. I wrote an RP which was basically Fire Emblem mashed with Golden Sun and still love redesigning those characters... from 10 years ago.

I lost my original Fire Emblem GBA cart when my DS Phat was stolen (or rather, my jacket was stolen with my DS in its pocket), so it's the only game I've ever bought twice in the same form.

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