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FE Confessions....Say What?

Loki Laufeyson

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shadowofchaos: I'm not sure how you found Sothe, but you apparently did. Also, that skill set pisses me off because most of it is amazing and then... that one damn unpromotable skill.

Coincidence really, I'm guessing. If they hated her because she hates Ike, you'd see a lot of Ike fangirls hating Shinon too lol, yet that isn't the case. In fact, Shinon's awesome, imo.

I hate Micaiah simply because I find her annoying, stuck up, Mary-Sueish, really crappy as a unit, and much too hard to keep alive. I like the challenge of RD, but not that much...

This is correct. I love Ike and Shinon, and Shinon does not like Ike. I do not like Micaiah for many reasons. It's not because "she stole Ike's spot as the main character", either (and she technincally didn't - Ike essentially becomes the main character in the end anyway)

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I didn't use Volke as a combat unit in my first playthrough, now he's an important part of the team.

Viole's localized name should have been Miles, imo.

Mercenary/Hero units are awesome.

Marth and Roy are pretty cool.

Sure, I learned about this series by SSBM, but I've actually played some of the games.

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^I still like Soren but he's just not one of my favorites any more. My taste in male characters has evolved

I love FE11/12's gameplay (except for the lack of not-staff rescue). I loved the reclassing, it made some units usable and it also allowed for trolly SOYO reclass drafts. Also, generics. Those are pretty fun.

I like HORSEBIRDS more than LIZARDBIRDS too in general. Unless said LIZARDBIRD is Miledy. She's sex on lizardwings, no way can I like a horsebird more than her (in her game, at least).

I also tend to hoard money and statboosters. Whenever I end up using a statbooster on a character in a draft, they suddenly start gaining that stat when I don't need it >___>

Shinon is an absolutely sexy unit

I like dem traps

I also like the dudes that look effeminate but you can still tell outright that they're dudes - like Reyson

I like dem reverse traps too <3

Tormod should have celerity locked to him until part 4 so he can troll the fuck out of the game

Female mercs/heroes are fucking sexy. I mean other female units can be sexy too but this just gives them that automatic sexy factor

Give me a female fighter or pirate fuck logic

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Whenever I play a Tellius FE, I deliberately kill Mist.

And I still haven't gotten around to playing any of the SNES Fire Emblem's despite how much I know I should.

And I hate pegasus knights. Outside of a themed playthrough or PMU, I refuse to use them.

What shall my punishment be, dear overlords?

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Never before have I not used a mage girl.

I... I... I... I am shocked to see this coming from Vincent.

Back on topic:

-I personally don't like FE4 at all; IMO, it's overrated and much too different from other FEs for me to consider all that good or likable

-I'm not a fan of most laguz units, especially in RD

-I absolutely can't stand Soren in FE9

-I'm not fond of most fighters, especially the GBA fighters

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I also tend to hoard money and statboosters. Whenever I end up using a statbooster on a character in a draft, they suddenly start gaining that stat when I don't need it >___>

Shinon is an absolutely sexy unit

Tormod should have celerity locked to him until part 4 so he can troll the fuck out of the game

All of this, and fuck yes. You probably know what.

Also, I have a very strong affection toward Naesala. Very strong. And he's sexy.

Edited by You Know Shinon Is God
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I can't be arsed to play FE7 anymore after I've read General Banzai's insightful story analysis.

I wouldn't exactly call the sort of drivel Shock Banzai wrote "insightful". Mainly because irrational thought was put into it, and to call it "insightful" would be insulting to the word.


-I USED to like Florina from FE7. But, I guess you could say that fans ruined her for me. I still use her, but I wouldn't give her any supports on my playthroughs. With some exceptions, of course. One of which is the support log. The other is the (albiet small) power boost from her supports with Lyn, which isn't getting anywhere past B as far as I'm concerned.

-On that note, flyers tend to be favorite units of mine. The reasons being is quite simple. They're not hindered by terrain, and they generally tend to be fairly strong units. (Especially if the flyer is a Draco.)

-I also like magic users quite a bit. Especially since their highlights include easily damaging enemies if they're offensive, and staff utility if they're not primarily offensive. However, this doesn't mean I'll use every magic user I'll come across.

-My opinions on certain units fluctuated from time to time. (e.g. Me seeing people dislike Marcus made me like him.) Eventually I got better, and now know better.

-FE9 was my first FE game, period.

-The only FEs I haven't played are Japanese Exclusive FEs (FE4 and FE6 excluded), and, for obvious reasons, FE13, which I'm looking forward to.

-I find Micaiah rather underappreciated as a character.

-I honestly find FE8 rather overrated. It's fine by itself, but when compared to other games in the series. The story doesn't seem all that hot. It's basically a MacGuffin hunt. Sure other FEs had MacGuffin hunts, but MacGuffin hunts weren't the main focus of their stories, and most MacGuffin hunts in other FEs don't even go on for long. Not many characters actually stood out, and actually felt wooden. Some traits and flaws felt like they were only mentioned just for the sake of being mentioned. (Case in point: Ephraim) And while Lyon was one of the few that actually stood out, but even then, his personality is nothing too spectacular, and some of the effect of him standing out is nullified thanks to a plot hole that could be hand-waved by the fact that you're seeing the story through the eyes of whoever you choose as the central character. The plot hole that I speak of is how Lyon's Demonic Possession is handled. It's cool that there are entirely different perspectives and all, but that didn't really add anything to the story to me. And honestly, was the way that Lyon's Demonic Possession plays out only done just for the sake of different perspectives? I swear, you could have Lyon act the same way in both Ephraim's and Eirika's paths, and nothing would ever happen to the story. (I find the Demonic Possession Lyon goes through far more believable on Eirika's story than I do on Ephraim's story.) On that note, the fact that certain details were only present in certain paths when there should have been clarification regardless also bugs me. For instance, I shouldn't have to play through Eirika's story just to find out that Joshua is actually the prince of Jehanna. There were also characters that did not deserve any amount of the popularity they received. (Gheb comes to mind as I type this.) And the gameplay? Well, while grinding DOES mitigate whatever difficulty an FE may present, the fact that a single unit can massacre nearly everything in the game by himself doesn't exactly say good things about the difficulty. And moreover, FE8 could have been handled more like FE2. Especially, in regards to perspectives, and unit spread. Ultimately, I just don't know what it is that makes people prefer this FE over others. And really, it seems like I have to force myself to play it. (Like for instance, I would have to be VERY bored to want to play it.) I won't question anyone who does, but still. At any rate, it's not often that I'm open about my feelings about FE8.

-I used to be a grinder, and somewhat still am. Though as my lifestyle gradually grew, and still does grow busier, I at least try to opt for something more efficient.

-I'm a bit of a hoarder, as most PTs have me conserving stuff such as stat boosters, promotion items, and items meant to be sold. At least until endgame or when needed, depending on the item and the situation.

I guess that's it for now.

Edited by Little Al
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I think Eltshan is the single most badass character in all of Jugdral, followed Ares/Aless, of course. Everyone else can suck it. I love using Aless, he gets rings

Lachesis is a bitch who I refuse to use on principle. I don't like her as a unit, she only has 2 chapter to train and they are hard chapters. her character is only slightly more palatable.

I cannot speed run a fire emblem game. I am too sunk into the mentality of "promote people no earlier than level 18" as well as "do everything, and do it right"

Lyon is wimp and needs to learn a lesson or two about awesomeness from Nergal. I was not impressed by Lyon. Or the demon king.

related to that, since Lyn was the first female I encountered in fire emblem, most action females are compared to her. This has led to despise Eirika, who is so different. It does not help that her class in Awakening is "Bride" and her art looks ridiculous.

Edit: my biggest issue with the games is (what I perceive as) the screwing over of mages. over time. in various ways. Like how magic tome weights were so FUCKING BROKEN in the 7th and 8th game.

Edited by Machiavelli
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I can't be arsed to play FE7 anymore after I've read General Banzai's insightful story analysis.

Holy shit man, you just made my life.

You just made. My entire life. Like, there's no point to living anymore. This is the best it's ever gonna get.

Can't believe I didn't see this the first time I posted

I wouldn't exactly call the sort of drivel Shock Banzai wrote "insightful". Mainly because irrational thought was put into it, and to call it "insightful" would be insulting to the word.


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I wish that Armour Knights were better, and that Swordmasters weren't in the games at all. I wish that Dark Magic would be enemy only like in FE4. I wish that the EXP system was more like a normal RPG.

I don't play the NES/SNES Fire Emblems because I find their graphics too painful to look at.

I like the map graphics in FE4 and FE5. I think they have a certain charm to them. I can't bring myself to hate those cute little Armours!

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This has led to despise Eirika, who is so different. It does not help that her class in Awakening is "Bride" and her art looks ridiculous.

I do really hate her class in Awakening, but Eirika in her game is such a sweetie, i cant help but love her! :(:

I totally made it so Soren used Rexbolt in PoR last night and it was beautiful.

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FE9 is my favorite and FE10 is my least favorite.

Seriously, FE10 falls short in too many ways.

I like FE8 more than FE7.

I think Seth and Titania are massively over-rated. Seth is the best in his game but not by much. And Titania drops off her pedestal faster than any other Jeigan.

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Seth is the absolute best of FE8. Head and shoulders above anyone else. One time, I didn't use him and then deployed him (at Lv1) on Chapter 19 to fill in the slots, and he did almost as well as my trained units. With some levels under his belt he's even better. He's a super boring character though.

Also, like I said, I haven't really played FE9, but on theory, I fail to see how Titania loses usefulness faster than any other Jeigan. With those bases and those growths, she's at least better than the original Jeigan, Arran, and FE6 Marcus.

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I've never completed FE4.

Nor have I even played FE5.

I only list FE6 as my favourite because of the kickass tunes. Otherwise it'd be FE9.

My first favourite class was snipers because of those slick GBA animations.

I used Ewan in my first FE8 run.

I think you'll find that Gerik DOES have the CON to wield AXES.

I've never used Mia or Nephenee in either Tellius game.

On the other hand, I use Zihark and Ilyana almost every run.

I wish you got FE10 Oliver much earlier.

Barst is my Hero. What a wonderful unit.

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I haven't played any of the Japan only FEs or FE7.

FE11 bores me to death.

I think FE10 has good gameplay but character avalabilty and story at when the blood pact comes into play could have been handled ALOT better.

I have the worst luck ever when it comes to FE games, espically FE10 with FE 8 and 9 comming in 2nd place of bad luck.

For some reason I do not know I usually try to use a single mymordin and its promotes and usually the same one every time, FE8-Joshua, FE9-Zihark or Stefan, FE10 Edward and usually Mia (FE10 is the only game where I use 2).

I find alot of the female characters to be cute or sexy.

I don't like using non-royal laguz, that guage gets me annoyed, WTF is wrong with using stones. D:

The Black Knight, before he is known as Zelgius, is the best character ever. <_<

I share my real name with one of the sword wielders from FE8.

When it comes to stave wielders I really only like ones on a horse of pegasus.

I only really like using 1 magic wielder and no more then 1 (not including characters that start out with just staves).

And a bunch of other stuff I don't feel like listing due to laziness. :mellow:

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I like Micaiah. This is apparently a grave sin. I don't LOVE her or anything, but I like her character and enjoy using her.

Jill has the best hair I've ever seen in my life.

I thought FE7 could never be beaten as my favorite video game, then RD came along. RD is basically my perfect game. I understand why people don't like the story, but I can never understand why people don't like the game play aside from the team-switching.

I once considered writing a JillxMist fic but couldn't get the plot down. I'm not much of a shipper, though.

I really love using characters who start weak but turn out great, like Nino.

My FE games are the only games I have vowed never to get rid of.

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When I came here four years ago, I contributed to the people bullying Crash about Mist. It was an absolutely minor contribution but it proves that I didn't show this disgusting behavior it's well deserved disapproval.

I used to disappear from the forums for months because I got scared after making posts. Not even embarrassing posts like this one or anything. Entirely random ones like this one:


I haven't avoided the forum for a long time now but sometimes it still is quite hard for me to come back. Well, I guess if I post this and don't disappear, I'm probably over it for good.

I think FE6/FE7 are a disgrace to the franchise and should be considered the Fire Emblem equivalent of Star Trek's "Dear Doctor". And this is completely ignoring the fact that the story is just all possible kinds of dumb when it isn't recycled from Akaneia. I don't get worked up like that about a story which is merely bad. I do get worked up about it, because the story is completely disgusting.

I consider Micaiah to be the exact opposite of a Mary Sue. She is on the cover and build up to be the main character.

But she has barely any impact on the plot and it's obvious that the real hero of the story is Ike.

Which makes Micaiah little more then a glorified Camus, let alone a Mary Sue.

My posts tend to be very long and I take even longer to write them because of all the reworking and double checking I do. I actually timed how long my introduction post for my "Genocide and pretty lights" thread was and it were almost five hours. But once I'm at the end I tend to send the post off without giving it an elaborate check.

Despite my frequent and vocal complaints about the designs of females in FE13, I actually don't mind FE4s Sylvia. I hope I will get an opportunity to address this point on one of these days.

The first time playing FE7, I failed Lyn's mode and had to restart.

I used to use Mia a lot in PoR.

The extended scripts of FE10 gave me quite a new respect for the game.

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I like Micaiah. This is apparently a grave sin. I don't LOVE her or anything, but I like her character and enjoy using her.

So do I.

Now then...

-I think the Devil Axe is worthless. Sure, in FE7 and FE8, it gives more WEXP than any other weapon, but considering that I generally don't consider WEXP to be much of a worry aside from FE5, FE6, and FE9...

-I tend to be a hoarder with stat boosters.

-I like mages, but that doesn't mean just any magic user will get a place on my team.

-As for swordmasters, my opinion on them is sorta all over the place, but I think they stopped being awesome after FE6.

-I prefer pegasus knights over wyverns for the most part. And I refuse to call either HORSEBIRD or LIZARDBIRD because I'm not about to be interpreted as a mindless follower (and because I think those names are outright stupid anyhow).

Elibe saga:

-I only went to Jerme's version of Pale Flower of Darkness about once or twice ever.

-Somewhat related to one of the general points, IMO, FE7's swordmasters aren't all that great.

Tellius saga:

-I think that the magic card items in Radiant Dawn are gems in disguise (read: only useful for selling), because if mages struggle to stand out, an item that allows non-mages to deliver magic attacks is practically worthless.

-I don't really consider Lehran worth the trouble of recruiting.

-I personally think Tormod isn't really worth the trouble in PoR, even with Celerity.

Edited by Golden Cucco
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Whole franchise:

- I tend to overly favor female units I find good looking. I don't care if that unit is awful in the game, I'll just pump massive amount of resource on her to make her even remotely usable.

- Baring Lex (and Hector in the past), I never use units restricted to Axe. Not more than one playthrough though.

- I like using FE names in other games (Naming my territory Freege in Ogame-like, or creating blond warriors with scars named Oguma in TES for example)

Akaneia Saga:

- I never train Marth. I just can't stand him and therefore only use him when I want to open a chest.

Jugdrall Saga:

- When I first played those games, I disliked Lachesis because I believed in all the crap I read back then. But then scripts, side stories and other things were translated and my view on her changed... in fact she became one of my favorite chars of the franchise over time.

- On the other hand Sylvia came to be the one I hate the most after Hilda, because she's basically a female Gatrie. She came to earn the nicknames people tend to give to a certain blonde haired princess.

- Despite this, she's the only unit I hate that I don't ditch completely... thanks to the fact that I like Leen and will never use Laylea over her.

- I rarely take the Eyrios route in FE5, just because I will never recruit him and I like Miranda

Elibe Saga:

- I always, always, always use Sophia. In fact she's the most blatant example of my first confession.

- I tried to train Hector in more than 10 runs.... he always was awful so I no longer even botter with him.

- One time, I tried making an all prepromote and lord run of HNM... Karla was the only unit that ever dodged the dragon attack in more than 20 runs.


- I don't use Seth much, I leave most of the work to Eirika and Franz (and Tana when I get her).

- My favorite pairing is EirikaxTana

- I never used Ross.

Tellius Saga:

- I like Micaiah. Moreover, she's what I wanted the most until FE10 came out: a good looking, silver haired, magic wielding, female lord.

- I only used Soren one time, and it was in FE9. Ilyana turned way better and since I didn't liked Soren in the first place, I ditched him forever. It didn't help that like Ilyana, I'm always hungry.


- One of the characters has the same name than me.

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The first FE game I ever played was FE7, I used to get stuck after a certain chapter back when I first got into FE and I would quit playing it due to being unable to move on.

The first FE game I beat was FE9, then I was able to beat FE7 after beating FE9.

I NEVER use Serra after I recruit Priscilla in FE7.

In FE9, I would alternate on using either Soren or Ilyana as my main sage, and I NEVER gave them knives after promotion, I always went with staves.

I never used Shinon, Titania, or Sothe in FE9, I used them more in FE10

I always made Shinon a Marksman in FE10 and had him retain his Provoke skill just so when I gave him the Double Bow in the endgame, he would take out any foe that challenged him.

I fully support Chrom x Female Avatar.

I haven't played my other FE games in a long time, because I'm eagerly awaiting FE13.

I only managed to recruit Karel only once in FE7, the other times I would always get Harken.

I always make the main characters in my games strong so I don't have to worry about them getting killed.

I would always try to max out Ike's stats in FE9 so I could defeat the Black Knight and recruit Nasir instead of Ena, that included giving him stat boosting items for that end.

The first time I learned that Greil died in FE9, I cried. Nowadays, I'm not bothered by it, or any other death scenes in FE games.

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