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FE Confessions....Say What?

Loki Laufeyson

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I never thought there was anything romantic between Ike and Soren at all. They're just good friends, imo.

I would prefer just straight pairings anyway. Unless it involves Heather, since she appears to be lesbian.

Edited by Anacybele
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Eh, love is love...

So, does anyone know why the support system in PoR wasn't in RD at any rate?

But what is love?

It's speculated that there were supposed to be full conversations for specific pairs in RD, evidenced by how support points are calculated, but those clearly didn't make it in. Probably just a result of time and money. It's too bad too, because, lack of conversations aside, RD has the best support system in any FE.

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But what is love?

Baby don't hurt me...

VIDJA GAMEZ: i'm tempted to reply baby dont hurt me

VIDJA GAMEZ: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=35786&view=findpost&p=2180778

Sirius: You'd have to add something "on-topic" to get away with it


VIDJA GAMEZ: why can't you just say lol

VIDJA GAMEZ: general fe is always serious!

Sirius: surely you've got something to spill

VIDJA GAMEZ: not really

VIDJA GAMEZ: actually


I've played every FE except 2. I've also played TearRing Saga and have a working ISO for Berwick Saga.

I enjoy a wide variety of units in my playthroughs, but tend to like axefighters, dragon knights and thieves the most. On the opposite end, I'm not a fan of pegasus knights and soldiers.

Much like in real life, I tend to be a hoarder of items, usually in mint condition.

I especially enjoy a few of the elements FE5 brought to the game. FE6 took away too many of them. FE10 also brought many innovations and, while it could use some polish, I'd be happy to see more games like it in the future.

I'm not a huge fan of reclass.

I typically play with animations on.

I enjoy the arena even when I play as fast as possible.

I care little about shipping, though I enjoy a few pairings in FE4, but only for in-game purposes.

I think magic should be reworked completely and feel more like AoE attacks. Magic units could always fight with staves, maces or daggers.

I also would like to see knives back. I believe thieves and promotions should be able to sneak attack enemies and bypass their defense.

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Not really.


I mean, that's just what I feel coming from him, which is to say, there's no reason why it would be the case. It's a product of my imagination.

Hmm maybe this is a confession...

But I still think Jahn is a boring as hell boss and character, even though he's interesting.

Oh and as for Banzai's stuff on FE7, I really liked that topic if it's the one I'm thinking of. I'm not sure if Banzai is the one of the ones who posted things I liked reading, but I think he was one of them.

Edited by L1049
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Isn't that basically what I said?

You said she appears to be lesbian. Which is weird, because she doesn't LOOK like a lesbian. It's her dialogue that shows she's a lesbian. and a flirtatious one at that

But I digress.

Heather actually is one of my favorite characters, because it's obvious she's a lesbian. It's not like Florina where it's all implied. Heather flat-out hits on girls and shows no interest in men. although HeatherShinon supports are actually pretty fun

Heather's the first openly gay character. Although Legault is bisexual. But I just really enjoy the fact that there is an openly gay character, because gay people exist, even in Fire Emblem. Suck my dick, haters.

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Heather's the first openly gay character. Although Legault is bisexual. But I just really enjoy the fact that there is an openly gay character, because gay people exist, even in Fire Emblem. Suck my dick, haters.

Is the Legault thing a judgement based on analysis on his history or attitude or lines or anything, or just a personal preference?

(it's not that I see it not, it's just that I don't see it)

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You said she appears to be lesbian. Which is weird, because she doesn't LOOK like a lesbian. It's her dialogue that shows she's a lesbian. and a flirtatious one at that

But I digress.

Heather actually is one of my favorite characters, because it's obvious she's a lesbian. It's not like Florina where it's all implied. Heather flat-out hits on girls and shows no interest in men. although HeatherShinon supports are actually pretty fun

Heather's the first openly gay character. Although Legault is bisexual. But I just really enjoy the fact that there is an openly gay character, because gay people exist, even in Fire Emblem. Suck my dick, haters.

True, I suppose. I'm just not a fan of yaoi or yuri though. I don't hate people who are gay/lesbian, in fact, I've had a few friends that were such. I just don't find the idea of a guy kissing a guy or a girl being lovey-dovey to a girl very appealing. I just don't and I can't help it. I'm sorry if this offends any gay/lesbian/bisexual people here. It's just how I roll. But I won't dislike any of you for your sexuality, I promise that.

Edited by Anacybele
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Uh I don't really have a lot of confession. I guess that I don't like Seth is one since he's pretty much worshipped everywhere. I have nothing against "Jeigans", but I just thought he was boring.

Another one is that I did't think Echidna was amazing either. She has a low str base,low growths, she's not all that durable and her bad con makes her lose speed whenever she use's axes.

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I thought FE4 Gen 1's story was worse than FE4 Gen 2's. I also thought that FE10's plot was rather serviceably good.

I'm also not particularly fond of FE9 as a game.

Edited by Mr. Sparkles
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True, I suppose. I'm just not a fan of yaoi or yuri though. I don't hate people who are gay/lesbian, in fact, I've had a few friends that were such. I just don't find the idea of a guy kissing a guy or a girl being lovey-dovey to a girl very appealing. I just don't and I can't help it. I'm sorry if this offends any gay/lesbian/bisexual people here. It's just how I roll. But I won't dislike any of you for your sexuality, I promise that.

I mean, there's some weird shit on the internet regarding yaoi/yuri. real life gay couples forever

Speaking of, prepare the flame shield I got to thinking that Ike might be gay. There's not a lot of romance between him and female characters. In fact, he outright rejects romance with female characters. Mind you, the whole Aimee thing is kind of comic, but it's still relevant. Even with Elincia. It's more one-sided, with her showing the affection. He barely returns it, diverts it, or friendzones the fuck out of her. During FE10, there's nothing between the two of them. I always thought about that, and it makes me think Ike may be gay. Which would be great because he's clearly not the gay stereotype.

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I can withstand almost any Fire Emblem pairing, but too many favor Ike/Soren and that trashed any shot it had for me. I watched their scene in the Endgame and failed to see what people were talking about. I prefer Ike/Ranulf (friendship) and Soren/Stefan (either or), anyway.

I hate Lucia and wish that she had been hanged in Part II of Radiant Dawn.

Elincia's come full circle for me, as a character. Hated her at first, later liked her and then I came to hate her all over again.

I'd feel better about "The Dawn Brigade" if it consisted of (excluding Micaiah, Sothe, Volug plus Tormod and his group along with the wolves) just Zihark, Jill, Tauroneo, Fiona and Ilyana for fighting units/characters. It'd have even things out, maybe.

I like both Micaiah and Ike as FE10's "Lords." The Tellius saga belongs to them both.

Speaking of, prepare the flame shield I got to thinking that Ike might be gay. There's not a lot of romance between him and female characters. In fact, he outright rejects romance with female characters. Mind you, the whole Aimee thing is kind of comic, but it's still relevant. Even with Elincia. It's more one-sided, with her showing the affection. He barely returns it, diverts it, or friendzones the fuck out of her. During FE10, there's nothing between the two of them. I always thought about that, and it makes me think Ike may be gay. Which would be great because he's clearly not the gay stereotype.

Ike only has one romantic option, and it was with Elincia. He was a lot closer to her then what you're thinking, considering that he was willing to die while in Elincia's service so long as Crimea was rightfully returned to her. I think preventing a war and all the people he's in charge of takes precedence over his love life. I had the impression that Marcia only called him "Handsome" as a nickname. Marcia wasn't all that interested in him just as much as he wasn't interested in her. Ike and Jill have a lot in common by way of their fathers and how they lost them both to the War/to Daein. Ike is Jill's equivalent of "The Black Knight" as regardless if he kills Shiharam or not, he still takes responsibility for his death and says that if revenge is something that she wants, then she's allowed to take it on him.

Aimee practically flirts with any man she deems attractive. (See the scene in RD with Sothe.) Not to mention she's aggressive and has no concern for personal space, despite Ike telling her to leave him alone.

Ike: Look, whenever that woman corners me, it takes forever to get away. Let me hide in here until things simmer down.
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I personally wish the Dawn Brigade had more focus, and Part I was longer. I think there would be a lot more character and plot development, just like with Ike's part on FE9.

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True, I suppose. I'm just not a fan of yaoi or yuri though. I don't hate people who are gay/lesbian, in fact, I've had a few friends that were such. I just don't find the idea of a guy kissing a guy or a girl being lovey-dovey to a girl very appealing. I just don't and I can't help it. I'm sorry if this offends any gay/lesbian/bisexual people here. It's just how I roll. But I won't dislike any of you for your sexuality, I promise that.

My aversion towards most yaoi/yuri is based on how most writers only know how to create rape-subtext characters or ones with absolutely nothing else notable about them. The whole "this character is homosexual" is the only thing worth mentioning aspect. What are some good examples of homosexual/bisexual characters in media?

Dumbledore (duh)

Utena, Anthy, Juri

Touya Kinomoto (Cardcaptor Sakura, I can't remember the other guy's name though)

I actually can't think of any others off the top of my head.

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The other guy is Yukito. Touya/Yukito is gay pairing done right, by the way. wub.gif

There aren't many gay/bisexual characters in fictional, and even fewer non-stereotypical ones. There are lots of subtext, though, but a lot of people don't count that because somehow it's not evidence, or something.

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I can withstand almost any Fire Emblem pairing, but too many favor Ike/Soren and that trashed any shot it had for me. I watched their scene in the Endgame and failed to see what people were talking about. I prefer Ike/Ranulf (friendship) and Soren/Stefan (either or), anyway.

While i dont have an issue with IkexSoren in general, i hate what people do with it in fanart and fanfiction stuff. They make Soren out to be this totally girly, weak personality next to Ike. Girly Boy and Manly Man. While Soren does show his sensitive side to Ike, he ONLY shows it with Ike. But in general situations and conversation, Soren is a quite a strong personality. Even a bit more so than Ike. Ike is very to-the-point and blunt whereas Soren is more verbose and tends to put things a bit more eloquently. But he can be far blunter than Ike. So the whole "ukefication" thing with Soren in the fandom is just...incorrect and out of character.

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I like both Micaiah and Ike as FE10's "Lords." The Tellius saga belongs to them both.

You mean only RD belongs to them both. Micaiah wasn't even in PoR, let alone had a role in it, so that one belongs to Ike. Micaiah is a main character in RD, but Ike is the only primary character of the entire Tellius series.

Ike only has one romantic option, and it was with Elincia. He was a lot closer to her then what you're thinking, considering that he was willing to die while in Elincia's service so long as Crimea was rightfully returned to her. I think preventing a war and all the people he's in charge of takes precedence over his love life.

I completely agree with this.

Also, another confession from me that I just remembered: I think Meg is cute. And this is saying something, because usually, chubbiness turns me off immediately. But somehow, I saw cuteness in Meg.

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