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So Many DLCs for This Game?


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There are TONS of DLCs for this game NewYearsEmoticon.gif

They seem to be continuing to be coming right? I heard there is this new Hot Spring DLC? Just as we had the summer bonds DLC now Hot Springs! This is awesome... has this been confirmed yet?

Do you guys think we will get all the DLCs localized and be available for us to pay for in NA/EU?

And since NA/EU is early 2013, so is it logical to assume that all DLC for FE Awakening will end in 2012? That Japan will release a few DLCs and that's it?

I have not played ANY FE games before though so I wouldn't know if DLCs got localized or not, but what do you guys think about the DLCs coming over to NA/EU?

And if they come over, will they be available like instantly on the eShop or spread out over a few months?

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I hope we get all of them, however the talisman series is questionable, as they might not release anything to do with the games that weren't localized here. I hope they continue the DLC for as long as it takes for the next game to come out. (However, knowing IS that could be a long time)

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I hope we get all of them, however the talisman series is questionable, as they might not release anything to do with the games that weren't localized here. I hope they continue the DLC for as long as it takes for the next game to come out. (However, knowing IS that could be a long time)

What about the Summer Bonds part?

Will NOA or NOE regard the Summer Bonds DLC as too fan-servicey and decide not to localize it? Or maybe they will deem it to be inappropriate? But I dunno if anyone of you played Rune Factory before, it also had beach/swimsuits in it, that didn't stop NOA or NOE from bring it over?

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What about the Summer Bonds part?

Will NOA or NOE regard the Summer Bonds DLC as too fan-servicey and decide not to localize it? Or maybe they will deem it to be inappropriate? But I dunno if anyone of you played Rune Factory before, it also had beach/swimsuits in it, that didn't stop NOA or NOE from bring it over?

I'm a jerk weeb whose power level is high enough to enjoy this game and not worry about localization bullcrap

Well, it really ALL depends on how the localization team feels. Recently, I feel like localizations have been more tolerable to Japan's... fanservice shenanigans compared to back then when censorship was usually the answer.

They should really include everything if Nintendo really wants everyone's money. I'm willing to bet people will throw at least as much money on the DLC as Japan has. The reception to this game really is at an all time high compared to other past FE games. I mean that storm from Reggie confirming localization after E3 was just amazing... it was trending on Twitter.

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I was thinking about this last night. While it wouldn't surprise me if we didn't get some of the DLC (I'm looking at you, fanservice), I do think they will change the order of it. Specifically Ike and Lyn. Those two came out nearly three months after the release, and five characters from games that were never localized here were before them. I can still see the Spirit Talismans being the first set we get. Marth as the first DLC makes sense. But I think anything else after that could be shifted around to accommodate those two. I imagine this would also cause Spotpass teams releases to change as well.

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I was thinking about this last night. While it wouldn't surprise me if we didn't get some of the DLC (I'm looking at you, fanservice), I do think they will change the order of it. Specifically Ike and Lyn. Those two came out nearly three months after the release, and five characters from games that were never localized here were before them. I can still see the Spirit Talismans being the first set we get. Marth as the first DLC makes sense. But I think anything else after that could be shifted around to accommodate those two. I imagine this would also cause Spotpass teams releases to change as well.

Changing the order would also mean changing the content. Of the 12 Talisman maps, Lyn's is the 4th-highest in enemy strength, and Ike's is the highest. So in order to release those two any earlier, they'd need to either screw with their sensible bottom-up order for difficulty (very bad idea) or make those characters become associated with lower-level DLC one way or another. And really, it makes sense for the most important DLC to also have the most recognized characters.

Changing the SpotPass order could make sense except for the part where they really can't push those characters' SpotPass any earlier without pushing their DLC earlier because of the constraint of SpotPass being later than corresponding DLC, a sensible consideration that they'd be foolish to change.

The main reason they can't change the order is because of the specific maps Lyn and Ike have: the finales of the third and fourth of the four map sets, respectively. What could possibly be rearranged to happen after them? Not earlier maps from their own map sets, of course, and not anything from the lower map sets, as those would have to conclude before the higher ones. So the most that could be done would be to push the LvD maps behind Lyn, with nothing to do for Ike.

Of course, they could just increase the rate of DLC release now that the maps are already designed. That would probably be a wise choice.

Edited by Othin
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Changing the order would also mean changing the content. Of the 12 Talisman maps, Lyn's is the 4th-highest in enemy strength, and Ike's is the highest. So in order to release those two any earlier, they'd need to either screw with their sensible bottom-up order for difficulty (very bad idea) or make those characters become associated with lower-level DLC one way or another. And really, it makes sense for the most important DLC to also have the most recognized characters.

I had completely forgotten about this. While, in a perfect world they'd rearrange a few, it would be more work.

Changing the SpotPass order could make sense except for the part where they really can't push those characters' SpotPass any earlier without pushing their DLC earlier because of the constraint of SpotPass being later than corresponding DLC, a sensible consideration that they'd be foolish to change.

I think the FE7 Team is the only one they could get away with moving. Everything else overlaps with the DLC too much. But where to? I can't remember what DLC coincided with which spotpass team. And leaving for work soon so can't be bothered to go look.

The main reason they can't change the order is because of the specific maps Lyn and Ike have: the finales of the third and fourth of the four map sets, respectively. What could possibly be rearranged to happen after them? Not earlier maps from their own map sets, of course, and not anything from the lower map sets, as those would have to conclude before the higher ones. So the most that could be done would be to push the LvD maps behind Lyn, with nothing to do for Ike.

Of course, they could just increase the rate of DLC release now that the maps are already designed. That would probably be a wise choice.

I had also considered them bumping up the release rate, or dump releasing it. But it seems so unlikely. Nintendo not having much DLC in the first place makes it hard to judge how NoA will handle it. I think dump releasing, or releasing it in rapid succession is a terrible idea from a marketing standpoint. Hardcore fans will buy everything, sure. But more casual people, or people who've never played FE, will look at it as a desperate grab for money all at once. I honestly think that they released too much DLC in the timeframe they've done so far.

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The Spotpass and DLC works, they would have to put a lot of effort and money into something which doesn't gain them anything at all.

It didn't hurt Final Fantasy VII to acknowledge it's unlocalized siblings. It became one of the most popular games of all time and contributed greatly to Sony's rise on the console market. So I don't see why this would be the case for Fire Emblem.

Honestly, the worst that I can see happening through acknowledging the series history, is that people will be interested into the games they missed. Which would open the possibility for IS, to make easy money through further remakes.

Besides, this isn't the 80s or 90s were people couldn't realistically know about all those Final Fantasy games which somehow were released between I and II. So there is no point to it either way. I have faith, that NoA and NoE have realized this by now.

Edited by BrightBow
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So Treehouse is going to localize this game for NA/EU?

So what is this Treehouse? Is it owned by NOA or something? I only know localizers like XSeed, Akyss, Atlus and NISA but I never heard of Treehouse before? Did they localize Kid Icarus or something?

Also how does Treehouse find its VAs? I know companies like Funimation have their own crew of VAs but how does Treehouse find its VAs?

On a side note, not sure if any of you guys have played New Little King's Story on the PSVita, it was localized by Konami in a matter of months. MY GOD THE Voices in that game was absolutely terrible. -__-

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The main reason they can't change the order is because of the specific maps Lyn and Ike have: the finales of the third and fourth of the four map sets, respectively. What could possibly be rearranged to happen after them? Not earlier maps from their own map sets, of course, and not anything from the lower map sets, as those would have to conclude before the higher ones. So the most that could be done would be to push the LvD maps behind Lyn, with nothing to do for Ike.

I agree that they likely won't change the order, but they could do that without changing the maps at all by swapping the placement of DLC characters who appear in different maps as spotpass characters (though then they'd also have to tweak the stats of the DLC character) and leaving everything else in the map the same. So, they could move Lyn to ST2 and place Roy in RvB3 by tweaking the levels and skills of their DLC versions, without actually changing the maps at all, aside from replacing their portraits in each map. Something like that also would allow them to release FE7 Spotpass characters earlier than in Japan.

So what is this Treehouse? Is it owned by NOA or something?

It's NoA's standard localization team. They translated the previous FEs, Kid Icarus, etc.

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So, they could move Lyn to ST2 and place Roy in RvB3

One problem: Lyn is a lv8 swordmaster and Roy is a lv11 merc. :x No way in hell NoA is stupid enough to put an unpromoted unit as the reward for the finale of a set. And a promoted unit in the second DLC chapter is silly considering there are two unpromoted people to put somewhere. ....Roy and Micaiah got shafted...

....Scratch that, Leaf is technically from the third chapter, but the second and third were released at the same time. Renders my point somewhat moot.

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I agree that they likely won't change the order, but they could do that without changing the maps at all by swapping the placement of DLC characters who appear in different maps as spotpass characters (though then they'd also have to tweak the stats of the DLC character) and leaving everything else in the map the same. So, they could move Lyn to ST2 and place Roy in RvB3 by tweaking the levels and skills of their DLC versions, without actually changing the maps at all, aside from replacing their portraits in each map. Something like that also would allow them to release FE7 Spotpass characters earlier than in Japan.

Sort of, and I was including that in "changing the content". But there's another issue: you can't just stick the characters anywhere, as KvK is male-only and RvB is female-only, in terms of the class and new characters you get from the series. So Roy couldn't join in RvB, no matter what. They could swap Lyn and Micaiah, but then art accuracy becomes an issue: Lyn's art is specifically promoted, as a Swordmaster, while Micaiah's is specifically unpromoted, as a Dark Mage. If Lyn was changed to join as a Myrmidon and Micaiah was changed to join as a Sorcerer so that they'd be at appropriate levels for those maps, their art would no longer match their starting class. So even then, that's really not an option.

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One problem: Lyn is a lv8 swordmaster and Roy is a lv11 merc. :x No way in hell NoA is stupid enough to put an unpromoted unit as the reward for the finale of a set. And a promoted unit in the second DLC chapter is silly considering there are two unpromoted people to put somewhere. ....Roy and Micaiah got shafted...

That's what I meant by "tweaking the stats", "levels and skills". They could just make Lyn a lvl11 myrmidon while Roy would be a lvl8 Hero. Also, I'm not sure if the lower leveled characters are really "shafted". The spotpass characters for the lords are all level 20, so the lower leveled DLC character seem to be more distinct and customizable. They also open the possibility of playing with them through most of the story without breaking the game, alongside your main party, rather than being left as post-game characters.

Sort of, and I was including that in "changing the content". But there's another issue: you can't just stick the characters anywhere, as KvK is male-only and RvB is female-only, in terms of the class and new characters you get from the series. So Roy couldn't join in RvB, no matter what.

Although those patterns exist, they're aren't really tied to the map content at all. There's nothing about those maps that make it so every DLC character in RvB has to be female, it was just a patten that IS chose to follow for the DLC characters featured there. In fact, Roy has more focus in RvB3 than Lyn.

They could swap Lyn and Micaiah, but then art accuracy becomes an issue: Lyn's art is specifically promoted, as a Swordmaster, while Micaiah's is specifically unpromoted, as a Dark Mage. If Lyn was changed to join as a Myrmidon and Micaiah was changed to join as a Sorcerer so that they'd be at appropriate levels for those maps, their art would no longer match their starting class. So even then, that's really not an option.

This is another place where I don't think it's a big problem. We have cases like Alm whose art doesn't really match his class completely. They'd still look close enough, especially without in-game full body portraits.

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I want to know what they're going to do about all the "bad words" in this game

Which ones? Damn, they'll just leave that in. If they have bastards or something like that, it's another word that might would be just left in. Anything else and they'd probably just find a substitute. (Which is fine by me, as long as it flows naturally.)

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They'd be stupid not to include Future of Despair. Those DLCs have so much text it's not even funny.

Mmm. While I'd certainly be happy if they could have Future of Despair ready and translated soon after Awakening was released, I wouldn't want the translation of FoD to push back the actual release date of the game itself. As long as they get the translation of Awakening done in good time then it's hard to see how that could happen, but you never know.

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I imagine DLC wouldn't be top priority, and they could take more time with it due to it being... DLC.

or they could slap some of it on there from the get go. I'm sure they'd get some of it ready for release at least.

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A better question is why does anyone suspect that we won't get all of it. I see no reason think we won't (considering as far as "paid" DLC goes, Nitnendo's track record is non-existent). That said, I expect to get it all. How long after release is the question.

Though, if they decide to do completely new takes on the DLC scenarios (at least as far character designs goes), I could see things changing up. But even then, that's a REALLY big stretch. I doubt they'll change too much about them, and we'll likely get it all.

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