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The best couples

Mister Cold

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changed the thread title, now please, drop it.

I wouldn't have done that. Most people assume endgame when we talk about couples and then we assume their children. When we talk about FE4 "Best Couples" we always talk about their children.

Anyway, I think that the best couples involves more than just stat caps, but possible classes as well. The more classes every character can switch into, the better. (Unless they don't match up at all, like Archer + Mage. I don't really need bows and magic, so it doesn't really make sense. Myrm + Mage for sword expert DK, if I wanted that...)

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I wouldn't have done that. Most people assume endgame when we talk about couples and then we assume their children. When we talk about FE4 "Best Couples" we always talk about their children.

Anyway, I think that the best couples involves more than just stat caps, but possible classes as well. The more classes every character can switch into, the better. (Unless they don't match up at all, like Archer + Mage. I don't really need bows and magic, so it doesn't really make sense. Myrm + Mage for sword expert DK, if I wanted that...)

The most important things (imo) are skills and caps.

idc if my unit can change into 12 different classes, if I only need 4 of em.

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The most important things (imo) are skills and caps.

idc if my unit can change into 12 different classes, if I only need 4 of em.

If you want a character to be in one specific class with skills from three others, that final class and the classes that grant those skills are primary concerns, even if the others aren't.

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That's the thing, I clearly explained what the issue was and that Best Couples has very little to anything to do with what the OP wanted which was best pairing for the best possible offspring. Best Couples would have involved all characters. What the OP wanted was just First Gen characters to make super babies. See the issue there?

Considering that the OP explained fairly exactly what he meant in the very first post, I think the fact that you even felt the urge to complain about this is incredibly stupid. Par for the course, I suppose.

At any rate, I've always been somewhat split on what's best for the children in terms of raw power: Pairing two similiar stat caps bonuses together (like Miriel and Richt) so as to get incredibly high stat caps in some areas, or to pair to get as wide a variety of classes as possible to get access to as many skills as possible and keep the stats fairly high across the board.

Naturally, My Unit tends to be the best for achieving both of these, but he's out of the running in accordance with rules OP put up for this discussion.

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Considering that the OP explained fairly exactly what he meant in the very first post, I think the fact that you even felt the urge to complain about this is incredibly stupid. Par for the course, I suppose.

At any rate, I've always been somewhat split on what's best for the children in terms of raw power: Pairing two similiar stat caps bonuses together (like Miriel and Richt) so as to get incredibly high stat caps in some areas, or to pair to get as wide a variety of classes as possible to get access to as many skills as possible and keep the stats fairly high across the board.

Naturally, My Unit tends to be the best for achieving both of these, but he's out of the running in accordance with OP's rules.

@Italics: That's my goal, I don't care quite as much about caps as skills & classes. But that's just me.

@bold: The problem is that everyone wants MU, since he can pass on everything. I personally decide my best couples and then pair MU with my favorite character for that run.

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@Italics: That's my goal, I don't care quite as much about caps as skills & classes. But that's just me.

@bold: The problem is that everyone wants MU, since he can pass on everything. I personally decide my best couples and then pair MU with my favorite character for that run.

Well, the best Mark is having a second gen parent.

since those stats will be higher, hence why I asked the w/o MU (because he'll win em all)

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Pairings I did for my current lunatic postgame file (which bans all enemy phase healing, whether from nosferatu or sol/aether):

Sumia/Krom: Gives Lucina lightning speed.

Nono/Callum: Manaketes are incredibly valuable as frontliners, and survivability is a big part of that.

Tiamo/Richt: Lets Selena have both tome expert and lance expert as a dark pegasus.

Sarya/Gaia: Gives Noire lightning speed.

Olivia/Vake: Given pairing restrictions elsewhere, Azure was the best choice for a str-maximizing berserker.

MU (M, +def/-luk)/Nn: Makes Mark a fifth manakete (counting spotpass Tiki), with an absolutely absurd def mod.

Serge/Grego: Gerome is mostly unsalvagable in the lunatic postgame with sol banned so I didn't put a lot of thought into this one. He can at least pick up sol if I unban it.

Velvet/Sol: Chambray is similarly unsalvagable and I don't like his character to boot. Sol's class set is abysmal but his modifiers are kind of nice, but none of the other children really wanted him.

Soiree/Donny: Gives Degel lightning speed.

Liz/Ronku: I wanted at least one child to inherit Ronku's sexy spd modifier in case the final UT map has 70+ spd swordmasters.

Mariabel/Henry: I wanted Brady to maximize magic, but compromises with other pairings meant Richt had to be used elsewhere.

Miriel/Libera: Another mag maximization. Loran is unsalvagable as a combat unit but can make a competent healer, so I focused on that.

I feel this pairing set is reasonably close to "ideal" for the lunatic postgame given the restraints I'd placed on myself.

Edited by cheetah7071
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Good non MU pairs

KromxOliva- gives Lucina access both to the Pegasus Knight class and the Myrmidon class and gives Azure access to the Royal Weapon skill.

LizxDonny- Gives wood access to the Mercenary class and good growths

MariabelxLibera- Gives Brady good Magic caps and access to the Dark Mage class

Sully/SoireexGaia- Gives Degel access to the thief class which can give her move+1 upon promotion and lightning speed.

SumiaxFrederick- Gives Cynthia access to the Dragon knight class.

TiamoxRonku- Gives Selena great speed caps and access to 3 good classes for skills

SergexVake- Gives Jerome higher Str caps

VelvetxSol- gives Chambray access to three good classes for skills

MirielxRicht- gives Loran better Mag caps

SairyaxGrego- Gives Noire access to 3 good classes for skills.

NonoxCallum- Gives Nn good defense caps and access to the thief class

(Note with Brady and Noire pairings assume that Brady will be a magic user and Noire will be a bow user)

Edited by Thunder Sage
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I have a question... (I didn't think it was worth posting a new thread, so I'm asking here. That's okay, right?)

Is Awakening going to be in the eShop? According to Wikipedia (which, yes, can be unreliable), it's a "no." Can anyone confirm that? If not, then does that mean it's wrong and Wikipedia is (once again) wrong?

I'm going to get a physical copy... But I'm just curious. :P

I know this has nothing to do with "the best couples in Fire Emblem: Awakening." So... sorry to those of you who think this, well, unnecessary... (Like I said, I just didn't want to "start a new topic.")

Edited by fireemblemfan4ever
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  • 2 weeks later...

After messing around in the children and inheritance section of FE:A of this site, I think some good couples (not sure if it will be they will be the best yet or not, that will have to wait till this game gets released in the US and I get it <_<) are these;

KromxOlivia; Gives Lucina and Azure good modifiers while Lucina gets access to the peg class set for lighting speed and Azure gets to inherit royal weapon.

LizxFredrick; Wood would get access to great shield from generak class which would help him alot as a assasin or swordmaster and will also get access to Luna.

MariabelxVake; The fighter and barbarian class sets help with making him a better battle monk, thief class set for the skills, and some good modifiers.

SullyxDonny; Degel gets access to both the peg and Troubadour class sets along with the mercenary class set for great skills and the modifiers aren't to bad either.

SumiaxHenry; has the potential to becom a great dark peg or sorc thanks to the class sets offered by Henery and some good modifier for a more magic centered unit.

TiamoxRonku; Excelent spd and skl modifiers and gets access to myrm and thief class set for some great destructive fun.

SergexGrego; Great str modifier and gets access to merc, barbarian, and thief classes for some great skills.

VelvetxSol; good str, skl, spd, and def modifiers and gets calv and myrm class sets for some good skills.

MirielxViole; Good modifiers for a mage and can get a decent set of skills to.

SariyaxGaia; Gets access to myrm, thief, and peg class sets which all come with great skills and pretty good modifiers to.

NonoxCallum; Great def modifier and gets the knight and thief class sets for some good skills..

avatarxLucina OR Inverse: Lucina would gice mark slightly better str, spd, and skl modifiers but not enough to make a diff while inverse gives marks slightly better def and res and a bit better magic while the def and res isn't to much of a big difference the magic is a bit of a difference so it comes down to which skill do I think is better for mark? Aether or Dark Blessing? Decisions Decisions. XD

EDIT: Upon reflection I did some changes to these best couples and I decided I need to put more info then what I did. XD

Edited by mimgrim
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After messing around in the children and inheritance section of FE:A of this site, I think some good couples (not sure if it will be they will be the best yet or not, that will have to wait till this game gets released in the US and I get it <_<) are these;

KromxOlivia; Gives Lucina and Azure good modifiers while Lucina gets access to the peg class set for lighting speed and Azure gets to inherit royal weapon.

LizxFredrick; Wood would get access to great shield from generak class which would help him alot as a assasin or swordmaster and will also get access to Luna.

MariabelxVake; The fighter and barbarian class sets help with making him a better battle monk, thief class set for the skills, and some good modifiers.

SullyxDonny; Degel gets access to both the peg and Troubadour class sets along with the mercenary class set for great skills and the modifiers aren't to bad either.

SumiaxHenry; has the potential to becom a great dark peg or sorc thanks to the class sets offered by Henery and some good modifier for a more magic centered unit.

TiamoxRonku; Excelent spd and skl modifiers and gets access to myrm and thief class set for some great destructive fun.

SergexGrego; Great str modifier and gets access to merc, barbarian, and thief classes for some great skills.

VelvetxSol; good str, skl, spd, and def modifiers and gets calv and myrm class sets for some good skills.

MirielxViole; Good modifiers for a mage and can get a decent set of skills to.

SariyaxGaia; Gets access to myrm, thief, and peg class sets which all come with great skills and pretty good modifiers to.

NonoxCallum; Great def modifier and gets the knight and thief class sets for some good skills..

avatarxLucina OR Inverse: Lucina would gice mark slightly better str, spd, and skl modifiers but not enough to make a diff while inverse gives marks slightly better def and res and a bit better magic while the def and res isn't to much of a big difference the magic is a bit of a difference so it comes down to which skill do I think is better for mark? Aether or Dark Blessing? Decisions Decisions. XD

EDIT: Upon reflection I did some changes to these best couples and I decided I need to put more info then what I did. XD

I was thinking of using a female MU and pair it with Azure,

3rd char with Royal Weapons :D

I'm not a big fan of inverse+MU, since mine are more physical based :/, using Magic on -mag mods are not a great plan :P

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Well the funny thing for me is that I want MU to be good in both magic and strength while Mark is more magical base so I decided +mag and -def, lck, or HP and making MU a Demon Fighter would work there. Mark as a sage would then get 50 mag and 30 or 29 (depends on worst stat I decide to pick) str with access to dark magic and with that access to dark magic she wouldn't need the sol skill thanks to Nos (to lazily to spell it all out XD) and Invverse's Darkness which work the same as sol but work 100% of the time so I can give her magnificent flame instead and with limit breaker and a forged Inverse's darkness if mag flame were to activate she would have over 100 attack (105 or 106 to be exact...) which is nothing to sneeze at... At all..... Royal weapon is good but I can replace it with stat boosts in skl with crys, potions. and ect... if I need to. :/ So yea as you can see I decided Inverse was better for Mark the Lucina since I realized Aethers activation rate is to low to be of any real use... Unlike dark blessing which can leads to worlds of domination with Mark. XD also decided that MirielxRicht is better the MirielxViole cause Viole doesn't offer Sol or Luna to Loran while Richt offers Luna at least..... I seriously need this game.... Its how much I already have planned for it and its not even 2013 yet. ;_;

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I have a quick question.

Who would be a better father for Jerome, Frederick or Sol? I am thinking of Sol because Jerome gets +11 stat modifiers as well as access to the Myrmidon class sets. However with Frederick he is able to use both Holy and Great Shield.

Who should I go with?

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I have a question... (I didn't think it was worth posting a new thread, so I'm asking here. That's okay, right?)

Is Awakening going to be in the eShop? According to Wikipedia (which, yes, can be unreliable), it's a "no." Can anyone confirm that? If not, then does that mean it's wrong and Wikipedia is (once again) wrong?

I'm going to get a physical copy... But I'm just curious. :P

I know this has nothing to do with "the best couples in Fire Emblem: Awakening." So... sorry to those of you who think this, well, unnecessary... (Like I said, I just didn't want to "start a new topic.")


That would've probably been a better topic.

Answer: we don't know, they haven't said anything on the matter for the international releases.

And wikipedia is correct in that it is not available for digital download in japan, which I imagine is what it is referring to.

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