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  1. 1. Do you smoke?

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How many people here smoke? If you do, what brand? How long? Be interesting to know how many smokers (tobacco, not weed) actually exist on the forums.

Me, I've been smoking for two years. Kinda hard not to in the army and in a country where 95% of the population sees no problem with it. Not that often though.

Edited by Mr. Wanker
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Marlboro Lite is the best. I only smoke sparingly though, mostly at special occasions like weddings and parties.

I used to smoke the other kind, but that shit's getting too expensive for my taste.

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Marlboro Lite is the best. I only smoke sparingly though, mostly at special occasions like weddings and parties.

I buy Winston Lite. Prices are going up on cigarettes here (20 shekels for Nobless, wut) but at 24 shekels, it's not that bad. $6 for 20.

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I don't smoke. Have, with pals, or when the occasion leaves it awkward not to. But altogether I could count with my hands and feet how many I've gone through.

Perhaps because I may have a bad heart on account of family history, I delight in seeing others that are plainly ticking time bombs about to go off. Smokers tend to play these parts fairly well. In any event, schadenfreude is beautiful~

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My sister used to smoke, though I'm not sure what, and both grandfathers smoked for a while, at least one of them did some kind of pipe tobacco I think.

moralizing speech where their experiences with it helped convince me to be a prude/sissy concerning most drugs omitted

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Me, I've been smoking for two years. Kinda hard not to in the army and in a country where 95% of the population sees no problem with it. Not that often though.

Funnily enough I also picked up smoking in Israel. Tobacco products are (or were) much cheaper there than anywhere I've lived in the States, and hoookahs and their accessories are generally half the price and made to a higher standard compared to what I've commonly seen in the US. I always smoked rollies to avoid some of the impact of the high "vice taxes" Washington state imposes on cigarettes.

After a couple years though I realized that smoking was becoming a lot more of a identity-defining habit than I wanted it to, and that I had long since stopped feeling the rush or buzz that had drawn me to tobacco the first time I tried it, and that my lungs always felt like shit. So I figured that my pocket money would be better used on other things, and I stopped buying tobacco products altogether and left my hookah with a friend when I moved. Since then I've had the occasional rendezvous with tobacco, always while under the influence of something else, but I consider myself to have essentially quit and turn down the offer to take a drag nine times out of ten.

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Nope. Too many relatives have health issues from smoking for +20 years (my grandmother can't even breath on her own anymore, she needs oxygen carried around with her), plus it would be too much of a financial drain. It's expensive, and I'm paranoid about spending money anyway.

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Funnily enough I also picked up smoking in Israel. Tobacco products are (or were) much cheaper there than anywhere I've lived in the States, and hoookahs and their accessories are generally half the price and made to a higher standard compared to what I've commonly seen in the US. I always smoked rollies to avoid some of the impact of the high "vice taxes" Washington state imposes on cigarettes.

Didn't start in Israel. Started in Canada. But that's another story.

Rollies are still cheaper than actual cigarettes though.

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I've smoked before, sure, but I don't really smoke regularly. Maybe the occasional hookah at some sort of gathering or something. I do quite enjoy it, and have the aptitude for it, and it just plain looks cool, but I'd like to avoid becoming a smoker.

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Don't smoke, except for occasional weed with some friends. I don't see the point of it and it's pretty frowned upon due to very strong governmental campaigns and also very, very expensive--something absurd like over $20 a pack here. They also come with this delicious packaging, making them very alluring indeed.

[spoiler=disgusting body parts and dead fetuses]794630-cigarette-packaging.jpg

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I kind of want to start smoking eventually, since yeah it looks cool. A couple of family members were smokers, and I live in the biggest tobacco state so...

I have a history of breathing problems and then there's that whole 'it's bad for you thing' though.

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Don't smoke, except for occasional weed with some friends. I don't see the point of it and it's pretty frowned upon due to very strong governmental campaigns and also very, very expensive--something absurd like over $20 a pack here. They also come with this delicious packaging, making them very alluring indeed.

[spoiler=disgusting body parts and dead fetuses]794630-cigarette-packaging.jpg

It's like the prolifers who show people dead fetuses because that's their only argument against abortion! Yeah!

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I used to smoke a little a couple years ago before I started getting health problems (not from smoking though), but I smoked hookah, cigars, and occasionally cigs during social gatherings. My favorite hookah flavors were double apple, purple haze, and vanilla mint. I never bought cigs, was just given some from friends whenever they were smoking, so I've tried Newports, Camels, Marbolo Reds, and American Spirits. The latter was probably my favorite, but I never really liked smoking cigs. Preferred cigars since they tasted better, and overall cigars are my favorite thing to smoke.

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I never smoked, but my dad always has. I don't care about my dad's smoking because he's really unobtrusive about it and only smokes outside and alone. I just don't like encountering smokers while I'm on the street walking around.

I've never personally smoked, nor do I plan to start, but I don't regulate what other people do. I just don't really like second hand smoke but I don't think I've ever told anyone to go away or anything like that.

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to be perfectly honest, I really got turned off the whole smoking thing because my father smoked when I was young and I really didn't like it then, and still don't.

but to each their own.

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Same could be said about playing video games. Obviously won't do as much damage, but the point is still the same. Escape from life, right?

Well yeah but my escape from life has some pretty sick ass explosions and killstreaks. Can't really say that about cigarettes.

Unless we're talking about killstreaks in terms of number of people killed by tobacco.

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