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I have many, many, many observations to challenge that statement. One of these is the fact that Earth's climate is CONSTANTLY changing. Ever hear of the Little Ice Age, Medieval Climate Anomaly, heck, the actual Ice Age and Cretaceous climate were vastly different from the current climate.

I'm not even going to talk about the human impacts--Earth's climate changes naturally. It's evident in climatological records and proxy data sources, but also in historical texts.


Global warming is just an excuse the poor people are making to stop the rich oil companies from getting richer. The earth is only changing for the worst because the almighty lord Jesus Christ is punishing the homosexuals, Muslims and athiests on the earth. He does not realize that he is hurting everyone else. I propose that we build a huge elevator to heaven to meet with Jesus and tell him to punish the whales because whales are retarded and dont deserve to live.






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I have many, many, many observations to challenge that statement. One of these is the fact that Earth's climate is CONSTANTLY changing. Ever hear of the Little Ice Age, Medieval Climate Anomaly, heck, the actual Ice Age and Cretaceous climate were vastly different from the current climate.

I'm not even going to talk about the human impacts--Earth's climate changes naturally. It's evident in climatological records and proxy data sources, but also in historical texts.


science is a hoax

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The comments in that article range from head-scratching to scary to funny.

I suppose what's more troubling than anything is the idea that many working class people who voted for Romney with their wallet had their money wasted. I mean, Sheldon Adelson can afford to spend millions setting up super PACs or what have you, but by being duped by consultants, Romney was being irresponsible with other people's money. Which, supposedly, was what Republicans hate more than anything else.

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btw everyone it is actually okay for a government to run a deficit

just thought you guys should know before people scream debt again

It is actually ok for a government to run deficits, and for a government to be in debt.

I mean, is it.

It's not ok.

Global warming is just an excuse the poor people are making to stop the rich oil companies from getting richer. The earth is only changing for the worst because the almighty lord Jesus Christ is punishing the homosexuals, Muslims and athiests on the earth. He does not realize that he is hurting everyone else. I propose that we build a huge elevator to heaven to meet with Jesus and tell him to punish the whales because whales are retarded and dont deserve to live.

Ya but atheists, muslims and homosexuals are responsible for carbon fuels, oil companies, etc.

Muslims: they have oil. Some of them. The ones in OPEC and such. Also, if we hadn't been seeking independence from OPEC and the muslims because the muslims were bad, we'd probably never have had the BP oil spill. (also muslim terrorists probably caused the BP oil spill)

Atheists: By arguing about the earth's age, they made it possible for many more carbon fuels to be made (if the Earth was really young there would probably be a lot less fossils and stuff and oil).

Homosexuals: well lubricated bodies. Also, they probably run the world along with the jews.

Jews: They found out how to make oil last like 8 times longer (see: Hannukah [sp???]). They're at fault for our fuel efficiency. If not for them, we'd have run out of oil long ago, and it wouldn't be a problem anymore.

As you can see, the groups you say Christ is trying to punish are responsible for oil, along with the jews, which is the group Christ is actually punishing (and is a catch-all for Muslims, Atheists and homosexuals).

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Mittens had some interesting policies but I don't trust him for one second.

Plus, I don't like how he talks about women's rights at all.

I can't jump for joy for Obama b/c I'm aware that he is flawed but I believe he is trying to help the country and doesn't have any hidden motives.

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That kind of article makes me think that we put the better of the two back in office.


I mean, if the worse of the two couldn't run his campaign trail properly, how would he expect to run the country?

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I mean, if the worse of the two couldn't run his campaign trail properly, how would he expect to run the country?

Yes. Most people became president by winning the presidency. I'm pretty sure the rest had a predecessor who got shot.

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