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Chilean Musician Mafia [Game Over]


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Coming from the person who has a history of not wanting to create wagons for fear of accidental lynches, harping on anyone for being afraid of voting seems weird.

The only thing that bothers me about Mancer was his weird "Don't blame me if the guy I'm voting gets lynched" thing

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what do you exactly mean by hard feeling?


Vote : SEG

start existing


@BBM, my thoughts so far

BBM, your reaction was good, leaning town

Prims also leans townish

Shinori is most likely town but not saying anything else about it

Manix's later posts also look townish

since so many people seems townish, I am going to assume they (excepting Shinori) are all slightly townish

I had no reads on Scorri so, nothing to say there

Helios is scummy and as for Mancer, I will save my thoughts for him after he answers

SEG really needs to exist

Meesh likes to mess around with people and I can't decide much about her

well, that is about all the reads I have about people in question and I have hardly any other reads

Please use ## when voting

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It has come to my attention that SEG is having login issues. We're trying to get these resolved

Also don't stop posting because people are complaining about game activity because that's dum

Edited by Sentamos
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Based on her last post I'm starting to lean town on Kay. Her posts are actually starting to make sense now, and when she's scum she usually uses worse logic that's easy to argue against. This probably doesn't make sense to half of you but yeah. Based on whatever she flips though we can get a better read on Paper who's been defending his love pretty hard.

@Prims: I legitimately thought Kay wasn't gonna be off which is why I thought I could get a quicker response from her, but then she didn't post until a couple hours ago so that plan failed ;/. Hindsight probably makes it look bad but I don't have future sight in my moveslot. Also yeah you described me pretty well in your meta analysis haha.


Mancer: Been trying to give him a pass but I probably shouldn't keep doing that. He's being way too indecisive, waffling, making big posts analyzing his townreads when he should be doing that for his scumreads, needing to be told by others to vote and commit, and being afraid of the consequences of his actions. That being said I don't think he's necessarily obvscum because of his meta, but his actions so far have been scummy and that can't be overlooked for too long. I'm willing to hammer him though.

BBM: 4 of his 5 scumreads he waffled on a little. "So and so is scummy for blah blah blah...buuuut so and so is also blah blah blah so idk exactly". All his cases in general really are kinda vague and not extremely descriptive. Also, how long is the time limit before you say someone is "tunneling"? It's not like I had my vote on Kay all that long and I was looking at other people as well, so tunneling is a bit of a stretch. I like some of his earlier ~content~ posts in the game though so that's why I'm not leaning as heavily on scum as I am with this next person.

##Vote Rein

I stated my reasons for this before, but basically:

  • Claimed lynching survivor is a scum move originally, then later claim it's a town move in order to try and use it in an argument against me.
  • Lack of content posts overall, possibly trying to coast by while people forget his existence.
  • Borrowing other people's logic in your vote on me.
  • Rest of post (the one where you voted me) was common sense stuff that reeks of active lurking

Gonna give Eclipse another day to make up for scorri's active-lurky play, and Elieson some more time to get over his flu. As someone who is sick fairly often and tries to play mafia anyway, I know that feel bro.

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SEG should be able to post at least within the next 12-24 hours or so.

Going to be doing votals in a moment

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I was in the midst of typing up a big post and I just lost it all. So mad. So, have a less detailed post.

##Unvote (Kay)

Rereading through the entire thread with a much clearer head helped me understand her better. And her latest post was good as well. Although ...

also from what I've seen so far Boron is my top scumread.

Meesh, for future reference (and this applies to everyone as well), if you're going to say that I come off as scummy to you, then could you give some reasons as to why? It is a personal pet peeve of mine when people say that I'm scummy but then fail to elaborate or give any reasons as to why.

Are you purposely trying to piss me off?

##Vote: Strider

Little contribution, doesn't give much of his opinion or thoughts, contradicted himself within his last two posts.

I really, really don't like how Mancer has to be talked into placing a vote and I think he's still being too indecisive. It's like he's trying to distance himself from possible backlash if a person he pushed a lynch against flipped town. Mancer: WE ALL HAVE TO TAKE THE RISK. MAFIA IS NOT A CAME FOR THE CAUTIOUS.

Cap'n Flint parked a vote on an inactive even though there were so many other things going on at that time, he had to have had a scum read on someone at that point. Your list post wasn't helpful at all either. Why do you think Helios and Mancer are scummy. Don't just say they are and leave it at that.

Something sets me off about Helios, but I can't put it into words at this moment (sorry). I'm going to take another look at his posts to make sure that I'm not misrepping him.

Why do I bother living I hate my life.

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Why is it that every time I vote someone Boron votes for the same person with slightly similar reasoning?

Then stop being a ninja. Also, I'm disappearing because of classes in ten minutes.

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Meesh (1): Manix, Shinori

Manix (0): Prims, Elieson

SEG (1): Rein, Blitz

ECLIPSE (0): Shinori

Shinori (2): Meesh, Kay, Paperblade, Manix

Boron (0): Elieson

Prims (0): Helios

Kay (0): Helios, Boron

Mancer (3): BBM, Eclipse, Manix, Elieson

Helios (3): Rein, Paperblade, BBM

Elieson (1): Prims

BBM (1): Blitz

Paperblade (1): Mancer

Blitz (1): Eclipse

Rein (2): Helios, Boron

fifty-two hours to go

Edited by Stolypin Necktie
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Manix let me get that facepalmcombo.jpg


Completely forgot about the miller claim. Though that obviously doesn't mean he can't still be scum, I have reason to believe that his miller claim is legitimate now that I think about it. I still would like to see Rein produce a little bit more though.

##Vote BBM

Reasons I already stated earlier still apply. Guillermo your votals are off lol

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Uhh if he's lying about being survivor he's probably scum.

Survivor will never actually help town because in the situation outlined the town doesn't actually need or want your help, plus the mafia could still kill you out of spite unless you only start helping on the day we lynch the last scum.

Your only reason to help the town is so we don't lynch you, but you have no reason to put your heart into it or the mafia will kill you. You are worse than any town role, even roles with anti-town shit pinned on them like Miller because you have an excuse to just post nonsense and not help.

I would prefer if you were vigged but we don't actually know if one exists so meh.

"If I'm doing something scummy, lynch me"

>proceeds to attempt to scumhunt as fucking survivor

lmao, what possible reason could you have for trying to find scum after your D1 Survivor claim, the epitome of a "Do nothing all game then win" role?

vig pls take care of this player slot tonight

or Rein's because miller

one of the two

The difference between SK speculation and this is that we actually have a Survivor claim while usually SK speculation is usually completely baseless "HEY GUYS DO YOU THINK THERE'S AN SK" "EH IDK MAYBE" nonsense. We actually have concrete information this time.


I feel like you're Manix's scumbuddy and are trying to get people to leave him alone.

##Vote: Shinori

Why are you defending the Survivor claim so much?

It is this post that set off my read on Paperblade. You see, the tone he uses in this post seems a little bit too fierce, too decisive (as though he might already know about some of the things, like existence of SK and such). This is shown in his first sentence and the sentence where he asks a Vig to shoot Manix. Why is he so sure that if Manix is not Survivor, then he's scum? Why can't Manix be another role? Like the Town Friendly that she has claimed. It's almost as if Paperblade already knew that Manix and himself were on opposite sides right from the start.

He also draws a link between Manix and Shinori, both of which have claimed town (Friendly and Doctor respectively). This brings me back to what I have said earlier, that it is as though Paperblade already knew they were on opposite sides. The only way he can know that with a certainty is if he were scum.

Those are my thoughts. I've tried analyzing the post as well as I can to make this post. And it solidifies my vote too, so it's staying our for a while.

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Ehh, I'm adding on that after that one initial major post, Paperblade's other posts have got very little content. They were all quite small, without much helpful information to town.

It seems like the only helpful information he wants to give town is actually regarding both claimed townies/PRs being scum and asking town to lynch them.

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Oh, but given the facts that were revealed afterwards, it show that Paperblade could not have been 100% sure.

Paperblade's post implied he knew the circumstances well already. So, wouldn't it be weird that the situation was not as what he had said. I'm saying that at that context, he didn't know much, but he at least knew that you and Shinori were not on his side. This is evidenced in his post.

Also, that lack of larger content post later on screams waffle (then again, I've been told I've waffled a lot too).

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[spoiler=non game talk]nope

it's like a little prick and a small amount of pain afterward, nothing huge

game talk: still not sold on the Kay suspicions personally

Helios I'm really not sure about :/

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Lets ignore what you've already claimed in this consideration.

Paperblade said that if you were lying, you'd be scum. Why would that be the case? There was no reasoning behind this. Why can't Manix be a town fake claiming Survivor? I know of some other people who might do such fake claims on Day 1 when they are town.

I want Paperblade to answer why he was so sure at that point in time.

Also, I shall go read other posts.....

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Paperblade's post implied he knew the circumstances well already. So, wouldn't it be weird that the situation was not as what he had said. I'm saying that at that context, he didn't know much, but he at least knew that you and Shinori were not on his side. This is evidenced in his post.

Paper only went on what I claimed and I don't know what for Shinori. If I claimed 3rd at that time, it is assumed that I am not on anyone's side (which means what he said then was fine)

Also, that lack of larger content post later on screams waffle (then again, I've been told I've waffled a lot too).

sooooooooooooooooooooooooo I waffle then by that same logic? :/

bigger posts do not always help, you know. short posts can be used to get a point across more clearly

communication is key

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