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Chilean Musician Mafia [Game Over]


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Well... one scum down. Thank you SK. Assuming Manix was the mafkill though, that's a pretty trigger-happy Vig we've got there, to shoot SEG considering nobody was even saying she was scummy until very recently.

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Interesting indeed. This tells me that there's either a metric shitton of unflipped protective town roles, or there's a SK on the loose.

Now, who was Prims defending hard yesterday. . .

##Vote: BBM

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Mafia have a redirector.

Why do you say this?

@Eclipse- Prims was probably defending me to look better after I died. All his flip tells me is that Kay and Psych are less likely to be scum, although I'm going to read his ISO in a bit to try and pick up more.

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Redirect. Lovely. Why in the world does the mafia have a hook and redirect?

Also, with Prims dead, I can safely say this: IT IS NOT MYLO.

Are you claiming vig and saying you won't shoot?

Because if a mod said that it's POTENTIAL MYLO

Guess what


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I got redirected as well. I ended up targeting Kay and getting a TOWN result on her. Again, Godfather could be a possibility, but since Kay was Prims number one scumread and he flipped scum maybe not. Also tell me why I had a feeling Prims would be scum in this game just because Bizz was hosting it.

##Vote BBM

Because he was still my number one scumread last night phase and Prims defended him hard, and if you wanna use the whole "well Prims did that to make himself look better excuse" he already defended me and didn't like the Mancer lynch so I don't think that he defended a third townie.

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Are you claiming vig and saying you won't shoot?

Because if a mod said that it's POTENTIAL MYLO

Guess what


NO IT'S NOT. Not while I'm alive.

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Redirect. Lovely. Why in the world does the mafia have a hook and redirect?

Also, with Prims dead, I can safely say this: IT IS NOT MYLO.

The mod just said it's potential MYLO. If you're softclaiming something, out with it.

Or if we're massclaiming I could go first, but I doubt it would get me any fans.

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I got redirected as well. I ended up targeting Kay and getting a TOWN result on her. Again, Godfather could be a possibility, but since Kay was Prims number one scumread and he flipped scum maybe not. Also tell me why I had a feeling Prims would be scum in this game just because Bizz was hosting it.

##Vote BBM

Because he was still my number one scumread last night phase and Prims defended him hard, and if you wanna use the whole "well Prims did that to make himself look better excuse" he already defended me and didn't like the Mancer lynch so I don't think that he defended a third townie.

There isn't a max amount of townies that a mafia member is allowed to defend.

Also, there must have been some incredibly mad redirecting going about, because the mafia had both hooking and hitman capabilities, yet Helios was neither hooked nor killed? Was there anyone else who got redirected?

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Eclipse, this is just another layer on the "What the fuck is up with you?" sundae.

If you won't claim that MYLO part, can you explain how I am clear? That helps me trust you a little more since the only thing I claimed was my character and then you seemed super sure I was town.

##Vote Kay I'm also going to say Prims was bussing hard, because I can totally see it happening and also because I don't really understand the BBM one/don't want quick hammers by bandwagoning.

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It's worth noting that Prims said he wasn't opposed to lynching Kay but never really said anything about her other than that one of her posts was bad.

Also are we going to massclaim or blindly wagon BBM and/or Kay. Like, I'll start if you guys want, but people need to be willing to follow up on this shit.

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