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Chilean Musician Mafia [Game Over]


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I shall be doing votals now.


BBM: Helios, Daigoji Excellen, eclipse

Kay: Psych

Not voting: Paperblade, Shinori, Kay, Meeshed Potatoes, BBM , Rein

Day phase ends in some 68 hours-ish

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##Vote: Meesh

Just going to go with this. I'll come up with something more solid later, but I just feel like her posts in the latter half of D1 have been too fluffy and not really said much of anything. Also, she was one of the people who didn't really have much direct interaction with Prims, which I think is off. He said some stuff about her now and then, but it was mostly when he was just listposting anyways, and he was obligated to mention everybody, if only in passing. Other than that, it feels like he ignored her.

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If you look past SEG's emotion, you'll see not much to build a case either way. The most I can read from her latest post is that she'd rather have a NL than risk lynching a power role? A mislynch provides information, in the form of reads. Paperblade's questioning of Excellen and Helios' weird logic about how I'm supposed to tell the difference between bad town play and scum wouldn't have been possible without it (as examples).

this post contradicts your earlier post that said you would rather not lynch at all than lynch Psych, care to explain?

also, not done catching up yet

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this post contradicts your earlier post that said you would rather not lynch at all than lynch Psych, care to explain?

also, not done catching up yet

If it's lynch Psych or no lynch, then I No Lynch. If there's anyone else besides Psych that can be lynched, I'll go after them instead.

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Meh I had a post typed up on my phone bitching about everything but I'm really just tired and not in my right mind and I am just kind of sad right now. So deleted it. My legit RL issues don't count or explain any of my actions, I understand now, so I really have no defense for my lack of content lately. Just didn't think I'd need to sub out. Didn't want to. <3 Levylove and my first SF game.

So yeah I guess I'll get some sleep and return in the morning.

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8-bit has subbed in for Meesh.

Most of you won't be familiar with him, but he's from the CARA. He said he was willing to sub in here.

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I am MOST LIKELY going to be sub for Meesh, so you guys better get ready for the Bitto to get in this. I don't like reading summaries, so I'm going to go through the topic.

sounds like the polar opposite of Meesh

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Well... I doubt this will actually convince people to not vote for me, but I am the Town Silencer. Whoever I target can't post in the thread, but they can make private votes with the mods. I idled last night, obviously. I could prove my role if you guys want, but meh.

I'd like Kay to go next because although Helios got a town report on her, she could easily be Godfather, or there might be a Tailor or something.

what happens to the person vote BBM?

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Blitz care to give us your new and improved reads after SEG's flip and the other stuff that's happened?

having a very hard time getting reads (with the Prims flip and SEG being tracker)

but I still don't support the lynch on BBM cause I think he is townish (but I could be very wrong, I have been very wrong this game)


anyone has any ideas on why SEG was killed by I am guessing the mafia?

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also, my theories about about Paperblade has gone down the drain with his claim (I was thinking of him being a very useful town role so that he isn't night killed cause I think he can easily fake reads as scum)

the new theory is he is scum

but, I think I read two redirected claims, I would also like to know why that was

as for that, my reads are that, if Blade is scum, then so is either Helios or Shinori, out of which, I was viewing both as town

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