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Am I lazy?

Gold Vanguard

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This is rather like telling someone who has the flu to just not be sick. >__>

It was meant to be a joke. :P

If you're actually looking to improve yourself, OP, I think you can start by making a small schedule of things you'd like to get done throughout the day. Scheduling doesn't help me, but it has helped many other people so I think you might benefit from it. Keep the schedule small and simple, as no one wishes to be overwhelmed with work when they're just getting started.

Similarly, you can try out a thought process that helps many out, "an hour of work for an hour of play," which is self-explanatory.

If you have trouble getting out of bed because you simply don't want to do anything, I'm not sure what would help with that. Perhaps you can practice getting out of bed early with a frustratingly annoying alarm, or try cooking breakfast by yourself or with whoever it is that cooks for you (assuming you don't already cook for yourself). I don't have the problem of getting out of bad, as I hate sleeping...

So, noticing your age on your profile, I assume you're a freshman in high school. If you care at all about college, freshman year is nice because it doesn't particularly matter how well you do for *most* schools. So you could spend this year practicing good time management and studiousness in order to make your future years easier.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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